Western Civilization II - Walla Walla Community College

Western Civilization I
Introduction to Western History
Fall 2009: M-F 9:30-10:20, Room 117B
Instructor: Jeff Middleton
Email: jeffrey.middleton@wwcc.edu
Office Hour: 9:00 – 9:30 A.M. (Daily) or by appt.
I. Course Description
This class surveys the history of the Western world from its origins to about 1300.
This is the first section of a three part series of courses covering the history of Western
II. Required Reading
Kidner, et al. Making Europe: People, Politics, and Culture
III. Course Requirements
Examinations (5): 60%
Mini-Reading Quizzes (20): 20%
Map Quizzes (10): 10%
Attendance/ Participation: 10%
III. Grading Policy
A = 92.6 - 100 % A- = 90 - 92.5%
B+ = 87.6 - 89% B = 82.6 - 87.5% B- = 80 - 82.5%
C+ = 77.6 - 79% C = 72.6 - 77.5% C- = 70 - 72.5%
D+ = 67.6 - 69% D = 60 - 67.5%
F = 0 - 59 %
IV. Attendance Policy
Attendance is expected and important in order to gain the most knowledge from
this course. Excessive absences and arriving late and leaving early will count against
your final grade. On the flip side, excellent attendance will help your grade in a positive
direction for any borderline case.
You are responsible for obtaining any lecture notes, outlines, or handouts from
your fellow classmates if you miss class.
V. Examinations and Quizzes
Exams will be closed book and in-class. Exams will take the form of short
answer (true/false, fill-in-the blank, multiple choice) and identifications. There will be no
examinations given prior to the scheduled dates. Make-up exams will only be allowed in
the events of an emergency and will be more difficult.
Reading quizzes will be given every day textbook readings are assigned in the
schedule. No make-ups will be allowed for quizzes. However, your lowest two quiz
score will be dropped.
VI. Note
All rules and policies as discussed in the Walla Walla Community College
Student Success Handbook apply to this course.
If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an
accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and the Disabilities
Coordinator in the Student Development Center (527-4258) as early as possible in the
Tentative Schedule *Subject to Change
Textbook reading assignments in parentheses
Unit One
Week One: Chapter 1; Origins of Western Civilization
September 21: Syllabus; Introduction to the course
September 22: Lecture: City-States
September 23: Discussion: Judgments of Hammurabi (handout)
Kidner (pp. 4-17) Reading Quiz # 1
September 24: Lecture: Civilizaton of Crete
Map Quiz #1
September 25: Lecture: finish Civilization of Crete
Kidner (pp. 17-30) Reading Quiz # 2
Week Two: Chapter 2; Iron Age Civilization, 1200-500 BCE
September 28: Lecture: Assyrian Society
Kidner (pp. 34-46) Reading Quiz # 3
September 29: Lecture: Finish Assyrian Society, begin Persian Empire
Map Quiz #2
September 30: Discussion: Zarathustra, Gathas (handout)
Kidner (pp. 46-56) Reading Quiz # 4
October 1: Lecture: finish Persian Empire
October 2: EXAM I
Week Three: Chapter 3; Rise of Greek Civilization, 1100-387 BCE
October 5: Lecture: Polis
October 6: Discussion: Hippocrates, On the Sacred Disease
October 7: Discussion: Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War
Kidner ( pp. 60-73) Reading Quiz # 5
October 8: Lecture: Athens and Sparta
Map Quiz #3
October 9: Lecture: finish Athens and Sparta
Kidner ( pp. 73-85) Reading Quiz # 6
Week Four: Chapter 4; The Hellenistic World, 387-30 BCE
October 12: Lecture: Civilization of Greece
Kidner (pp. 90-102) Reading Quiz # 7
October 13: Lecture: finish Civilization of Greece
Map Quiz #4
October 14: Discussion: Euripides, Medea
Kidner (pp. 103-112) Reading Quiz # 8
October 15: Lecture: Greek Drama
October 16: EXAM II
Week Five: Chapter 5; Roman Republic, 753-27 BCE
October 19: Lecture: The Roman Republic
October 20: Discussion: Virgil, The Aeneid
October 21: Lecture: finish Roman Republic
Kidner (pp. 116-132) Reading Quiz # 9
October 22: TBA
Map Quiz #5
October 23: TBA
Kidner (pp. 132-141) Reading Quiz #10
Week Six: Chapter 6; Roman Empire, 27 BCE – 284 CE
October 26: TBA
Kidner (pp. 146-161) Reading Quiz # 11
October 27: Lecture: Roman Empire
Map Quiz #6
October 28: Discussion: Saint Paul, Epistle to the Romans
Kidner (pp. 161-171) Reading Quiz # 12
October 29: Lecture: finish Roman Empire
October 30: EXAM III
Week Seven: Chapter 7; Late Antiquity, 284-527
November 2: Lecture: The Early Middle Ages – The Birth of Europe
November 3: Discussion: Eusebius of Caesarea, Ecclesiastical History
Kidner (pp. 176-188) Reading Quiz # 13
November 4: Discussion: Saint Ephraem of Edessa
November 5: Lecture: finish the early middle ages
Map Quiz #7
November 6: Lecture: Byzantium
Kidner (pp. 188-201) Reading Quiz # 14
Week Eight: Chapter 8; Eastern Mediterranean, 500-1000
November 9: Lecture: finish Byzantium
Kidner (pp. 206-214) Reading Quiz # 15
November 10: Discussion: Procopius, On the Buildings and The Secret History
Map Quiz #8
November 11: NO CLASS (Veterans Day)
November 12: Lecture: Islam
Kidner (pp. 214-230) Reading Quiz #16
(Take-Home, due at beginning of class)
November 13: EXAM IV
Week Nine: Chapter 9; Western Europe, 500-1000
November 16: Lecture: Christmas, 800
November 17: Discussion: Charles the Great, A Letter to Pope Leo III and The
Capitulary On the Missi
Kidner (pp. 236-249) Reading Quiz #17
November 18: Lecture: finish Christmas, 800 and remaining discussion
November 19: Lecture: The 9th and 10th Centuries
Map Quiz #9
November 20: Lecture: finish the 9th and 10th Centuries
Kidner ( pp. 249-259) Reading Quiz #18
November 23-27: NO CLASS (Fall Recess)
Week Ten: Chapter 10; High Middle Ages, 1000-1300
November 30: Lecture: Crusades
December 1: Lecture: 12th c. Renaissance
Kidner (pp. 264-277) Reading Quiz #19
December 2: Lecture: finish 12th c. Renaissance
Discussion: Gunther of Pairis, A Constantinopolitan History
December 3: Lecture: 1215
Map Quiz #10
December 4: Lecture: Church in the Middle Ages
Kidner (pp. 277-289) Reading Quiz #20
Week Eleven: FINALS WEEK
December 7: Film: “The Sorceress”
December 8: finish and discuss “The Sorceress”
December 9: EXAM V