ART/GRC 107: Design Fundamentals I CLASS INFORMATION: INSTRUCTOR: DYAN GREEN OFFICE: McMullen Hall, Room134 OFFICE HOURS: Monday 11:00am – 2:00pm and 4:00pm - 6:00pm Wednesday 6:00pm – 7:00pm LIVENET TIME: MONDAY 6:00pm – 7:00pm PHONE: (775) 753- 2228 (work)/ (775) 388-0508 (cell) EMAIL: CATALOG AND COURSE DESCRIPTION: This 3 credit course "explores the fundamentals of design using various media focused on 2D Design." (Course Catalog) This is an introductory exploratory class focusing on 2D Design principles, techniques and concepts. You will learn these aspects of 2D Design through several intensive projects. As a class we will explore the works of the leading contemporaries in the fields of composition, color theory, painting, graphic design, conceptual art, etc. Expect to work three to six hours a week on your projects. GOALS OF THIS COURSE: 1. To thoroughly understand and be able to apply the principle of design to class projects. 2. To learn the basic 2D Design techniques and work with a high level of craftsmanship. 3. To become familiar with a variety of art and design materials. 4. To learn how to constructively analyze and discuss works of art. 5. To become familiar with the basic vernacular of the discipline. 6. To conceive, construct, and critique works of art and design with sophistication. REQUIRED MATERIALS: Sheets of plain clean cardboard (up to 6 sheets) Ruler 2 Black Sharpie pens with fine and medium tips Scissors camera (if you do not have a camera you will need to buy disposable ones) Various kinds of adhesive (scotch tape, duct tape, white glue, rubber cement Exacto knife and new blades 18" x 24" Newsprint Pad Drawing pencils and white eraser One large pad of tracing paper OTHER MATERIALS WILL VARY BASED ON THE STUDENTS CHOICES FOR THEIR INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: ONLINE: The majority of this class is conducted through Blackboard Webcampus and Wimba Livenet. Questions concerning the course content should be directed to your instructor. Questions concerning online learning technology should be directed to the help desk. PROJECTS: This is a project-based class and projects are weighted heavily. You will need to complete each project to succeed in the class. FEEDBACK: It is extremely important to stay in touch with your instructor throughout the semester because we need to talk about your projects while they are in progress. This way I can give you feedback before you complete the assignment. In the past students have come to my office with their projects to discuss, emailed photos of their work and then talked about them on the phone or faxed their drawings to me before beginning a project. I would like each student to contact me to discuss works in progress. You should contact me once during each project to get necessary feedback. Please email me through Webcampus to set up appointments if you would like to talk outside of my office hours. You should also talk with your classmates. You can use the “Discuss Amongst Yourselves” section to share ideas, ask questions and discuss class concepts. INFORMATION: For every project there is a corresponding Livenet presentation. These range from 15-45 minutes. If you have not used Livenet before you should contact the help desk right away to learn how. The Livenet presentations are designed to introduce you to a variety of artists and designers. We will look at everything from the Sistine Chapel to gas station logos and pop culture icons. CRITIQUE: Critiques are the equivalent of exams in art classes. For this class you will have one final critique assessing your own progress, strengths and weaknesses throughout the class. The critique will be conducted in the 15th week of class and will count as your final exam. ATTENDANCE POLICY: You are required to attend Livenet sessions. If you are unable to meet at the scheduled time then you will need to listen to the archived recording of the presentation and answer the related questions. If you attended the Livenet session you will receive full credit and do not have to answer the related questions. If you do not attend or answer the questions you will receive a zero. POINTS AND SCHEDULE Project 1: ALPHABOOK= 100 points (WEEKS 1, 2 3) Project 2: POSITIVE/NEGATIVE = 100 points (WEEKS 4, 5 & 6) Project 3: FLIPBOOK = 50 points (WEEK 7) Project 4: NARRATIVE COLLAGE = 100 points (WEEK 8, 9 & 10) Project 5: EVERYDAY COLOR= 50 points (WEEK 11, No Livenet) Project 6: GAME = 150 points (WEEKS 12, 13 & 14) Critique =100 points (WEEK 15) Livenet = 200 points (40 points for each livenet session) Participation = 150 points for proactively seeking feedback from you instructor and classmates. TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE =1000 POINTS