1 Bibliography on Gender and Politeness (2009) If you have any publications you would like to add to this bibliography contact s.l.mills@shu.ac.uk A Ariel, M. and Giora, R. (1992) `Gender versus group relation analysis of impositive speech acts’, pp. 11-22, in Hall, K. Bucholtz, M. and Moonwomon, B. eds. Locating Power, Berkeley, University of California. B Brown, Penelope (1980) ‘How and why are women more polite: some evidence from a Mayan community’, pp. 111-136, in McConnell-Ginet, S., Borker, R. and Furman, N. eds. Women and Language in Literature and Society, New York, Praeger Brown, P. and Levinson, S. (1987) Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Brown, P and Levinson, S. (1978) ‘Universals in language usage: politeness phenomena’, pp. 56-311, in ed. Goody, E. Questions and Politeness: Strategies in Social Interaction, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Bucholtz, M. (1999a) `Bad examples: transgression and progress in language and gender studies,' in Bucholtz, M. Liang, A. and Sutton, L. eds. (1999) Reinventing Identities: the Gendered Self in Discourse, New York and Oxford, Oxford University Press Bucholtz, M. (1999b) `Why be normal? Language and identity practices in a community of nerd girls.' pp.203-225, in Language in Society, 28/2 C Cameron, D. (2000) Good to Talk ? Living and Working in a Communication Culture, London, Sage Cameron, D. (1998a) `Is there any ketchup, Vera?': gender, power and pragmatics', pp. 435-455, in Discourse and Society, 9/4 Cameron, D. ed. (1998b) The Feminist Critique of Language: A Reader, 2nd edition, London, Routledge Cameron, D. (1997) `Performing gender identity: young men's talk and the construction of heterosexual masculinity', pp.86-107, in eds. Johnson, S. and Meinhoff, U. Language and Masculinity, Oxford, Blackwell. Cameron, Deborah (1985) Feminism and Linguistic Theory, Macmillan, London Chan, Majorie K. M. (1998) ‘Gender differences in Chinese: A preliminary report, pp. 35 52, in ed. Lin, H. Proceedings of the Ninth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Los Angeles, The University of South California Chan. G. (1992) `Gender, roles and power in dyadic conversation’, pp. 57-67, in Hall, K, Bucholtz, M, and Moonwomon, B. eds. Locating Power, Berkeley, University of California. Christie, C. (2002) `Politeness and the linguistic construction of gender in Parliament: an analysis of transgressions and apology behaviour' in ed. Linguistic Politeness Research Group, Working Papers on the Web, www.shu.ac.uk/wpw Christie, C. (2000) Gender and Language: Towards a Feminist Pragmatics, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press Coates, J. (1999) `Changing femininities: the talk of teenage girls, in Bucholtz, M. Liang, A. and Sutton, L. eds. (1999) Reinventing Identities: the Gendered Self in Discourse, New York and Oxford, Oxford University Press Coates, J. (1997) `One-at-a-time: the organisation of men's talk', pp.107-130, in eds. Johnson, J. and Meinhof, U. Language and Masculinity, Oxford, Blackwell Coates, J. (1996) Woman Talk, Oxford, Blackwell. 2 Coates, J. (1988) `Gossip revisited,' in Coates, J. & Cameron, D. eds. Women in Their Speech Communities, London, Longman. Culpeper, Jonathan ( 2005) ‘Impoliteness and entertainment in the television quiz show: The Weakest Link, pp. 35-72, Journal of Politeness Research, 1/1 D E Eckert, Penelope and McConnell-Ginet, Sally (2003) Language and Gender, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Eckert, P. and McConnell-Ginet, S. (1998) `Communities of practice: where language, gender and power all live,’ pp.484-494, in Coates, J. ed. Language and Gender: A Reader, Oxford, Blackwell. Edley, N. and Wetherell, M. (1997) `Jockeying for position: the construction of masculine identities', pp.203-217, Discourse and Society, 8/2 Edwards, D. (1998) `The relevant thing about her: social identity categories in use,' pp.15-33, in Antaki, C. and Widdicombe, S. eds. Identities in Talk, London, Sage Erlich, S. (1999) ` Communities of practice, gender and the representation of sexual assault,' pp.239-257, in Language in Society, 28/2 Erlich S and King R (1996) `Consensual sex or sexual harassment: negotiating meaning', pp.153-173, in eds Bergvall, V, et al. Rethinking Gender and Language Research: Theory and Practice, London, Longman F Freed, A. (1999) `Communities of practice and pregnant women: is there a connection?', pp. 257-271, in Language in Society, 28/2, Freed, A. (1996) `Language and gender research in an experimental setting,’ pp.54-76, in Bergvall, V. Bing, J. and Freed, A. eds. Rethinking Language and Gender Research: Theory and Practice, Harlow, Longman. G H Harness Goodwin, M 2006 The Hidden Life of Girls Blackwell, Oxford Harness Goodwin, M. (2001) `Organising participation in cross-sex jump rope: situating gender differences within longitudinal studies of activities', pp.75-106, in Research on Language and Social Interaction, 34/1. Harness Goodwin, M.(1998) `Games of stance: conflict and footing in hopscotch,' pp. 22-45, eds. Hoyle, S and Adger C. Kids Talk: Strategic Language use in Later Childhood, Oxford and New York, Oxford University Press Henley, N. (1995) `Ethnicity and gender issues in language', in Landrine, H. ed. Bringing Cultural Diversity to Feminist Psychology: Theory, Research and Practice, Washington, American Psychological Association Henley, N. and Kramarae, C. (1991) `Gender power and miscommunication,' in Coupland, N. Giles, H. and Wiemann, J. eds. "Miscommunication" and Problematic Talk, London, Sage Hewitt, R. (1997) `"Box-out" and "Taxing", pp.27-47, in eds. Johnson, S. and Meinhof, U. Language and Masculinity, Oxford, Blackwell. Holmes, J. (1995) Women, Men and Politeness, London, Longman. Holmes, J. and Meyerhoff, M. (1999) `The community of practice: theories and methodologies in language and gender research', pp.173-185, in Language in Society, 28/2 I 3 Ide, Sachiko (2006) ‘How and why honorifics can signify dignity and elegance: the indexicality and reflexivity of linguistic rituals’, pp. 45-65, in eds. Lakoff, R and Ide, S. Broadening the Horizon of Linguistic Politeness, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia J James, D. (1996) `Women, men and prestige speech forms: a critical review,' pp. 98-125, in Bergvall, V. Bing, J. & Freed, A. eds. (1996) Rethinking Language and Gender Research: Theory and Practice, London, Longman. Johnstone, B, Ferrara, K, and Mattson Bean J. (1992) `Gender, politeness and discourse management in same-sex and cross-sex opinion poll interviews,’ pp.405-430, in Journal of Pragmatics, 18 K Kharraki, A. (2001) `Moroccan sex-based linguistic difference in bargaining,' pp.615-632, Discourse and Society, 12/5 De Klerk, V. (1997) `The role of expletives in the construction of masculinity', pp.144159, in eds. Johnson, S. and Meinhof, U. Language and Masculinity, Oxford, Blackwell L M McElhinny, B. (1998) `"I don't smile much anymore": affect, gender and the discourse of Pittsburgh Police Officers', pp.309-327, in Coates, J. ed. Language and Gender: A Reader, Oxford, Blackwell. Mills, Sara (2004) ‘Class, gender and politeness’ pp.171-191, Multilingua, Vol. 23-1/2 Mills, Sara (2003) Gender and Politeness, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Mills S (2002) `Rethinking politeness, impoliteness and gender identity', in Sunderland J and Litoselliti, L. Discourse Analysis and Gender Identity, Benjamins Morgan, M. (1999) `No woman no cry: claiming African American women's place,' in Bucholtz, M. Liang, A. and Sutton, L. eds. (1999) Reinventing Identities: the Gendered Self in Discourse, New York and Oxford, Oxford University Press N O O’Barr, W. and Atkins, B. (1980) `”Women’s language” or “powerless language”?’, pp.93-110, in eds. McConnell-Ginet, S. Borker, R. Furman, N. eds. Women and Language in Literature and Society, New York, Praeger Ochs, E. (1992) `Indexing gender', pp.335-359, in Duranti, A. and Goodwin, C. eds. (1992) Rethinking Context: Language as an Interactive Phenomenon, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press Okamoto, S. (1995) `"Tasteless" Japanese: less "feminine" speech among young Japanese women', in Hall. K and Bucholtz, eds. Gender Articulated, London and New York, Routledge P Pilkington, J. (1998) `"Don't try and make out that I'm nice!" The different strategies women and men use when gossiping', pp.254-269, in ed. Coates, J. Language and Gender: A Reader, Oxford, Blackwell Q R Rundquist, S. (1992) `Indirectness: a gender study of flouting Grice’s maxims,’ pp.431449, in Journal of Pragmatics, 18. S Shaw, S. (2002) Language and gender in Political Debates in the House of Commons, PhD thesis, Institute of Education, London University 4 Smith-Hefner, N. (1988) `Women and politeness: the Javanese example,' pp.535-54, in Language in Society,17 Speer S . 2005 Gender Talk: feminism, discourse and conversation analysis. London: Routledge. T Thornborrow, J. (2002) Power Talk: Language and Interaction in Institutional Discourse, Harlow, Longman U V W Walsh, C. (2001) Gender and Discourse: Language and Power in Politics, the Church and Organisations, Harlow, Longman/ Pearson Webster, W. (1990) Not a Man to Match Her, London, Women's Press X Y Z Zimin, S. (1981) `Sex and politeness: factors in first and second language use’, pp.35-58, in International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 27 11 May 2009