Burnside Park Tennis Club, Inc.
Burnside Park, Christchurch
PO Box 31-017, Ilam
Email: admin@burnsideparktennis.com
www. burnsideparktennis.com
JUNIOR Membership Application Form - 2015/2016 Season
New Member
Returning Member
First Name
Date of Birth
Configure Rankings Code (if applicable)
Parents Name and Mobile
Please submit my name to the Management Committee as a Junior member of Burnside Park Tennis
Club Inc. If elected, I agree to the Burnside Park Tennis Club, Inc. forwarding information to Club
members, other clubs and to Canterbury/New Zealand Tennis for the purposes of the management and
operation of tennis (Privacy Act requirement).
I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Burnside Park Tennis Club, Inc.
I would like to participate in Saturday morning Learn to Play Coaching – See Section 1
I intend trialing for InterClub – See Section 2 over page
SECTION 1 – JUNIOR Learn to Play
Learn to Play juniors are entitled to participate in Saturday morning coaching throughout the course of the
2015/2016 season. These are held on Saturday mornings and will be run by Gareth Robb and his coaching team.
Sessions run for 45 minutes from 9am or 9.45am.
The subscription of $165.00 includes GST, 20 coaching sessions over the course of the season, membership through
until 31 July 2016, and all NZT/CT levies. All Junior members are entitled to preferential use of the courts on Saturday
mornings until 12.30pm, and from 3.30pm to 5.00pm on weekdays during the playing season. Junior parents
(members or not) have non-preferential playing rights all day on Sundays (strictly subject to court availability).
Potential new Junior members may take advantage of a one week free Saturday morning coaching trial.
Junior members wishing to play InterClub in the 2015/2016 season may be required to attend trial sessions if they are
new members not known to the Coach, or to players wishing to play InterClub for the first time. These will take
place in early September.
Being selected as a member of an InterClub team has an expectation that you will be available every
Friday/Saturday/Sunday (whichever day you play), with the exception of an unforeseen happening. If you cannot
play for any reason it is your responsibility, not your captain’s, to find a replacement.
The subscription includes GST, membership through until 31 July 2016, all NZT/CT levies, entry to the InterClub
competition, and tennis balls throughout the InterClub season. All Junior members are entitled to preferential use of
the courts on Saturday mornings until 12.30pm, and from 3.30pm to 5.00pm on weekdays during the playing season.
Junior parents (members or not) have non-preferential playing rights all day on Sundays (strictly subject to court
There is team coaching throughout Term 4 2015 and Term 1 2016. All interclub players are required to participate in
this coaching programme. The Coaching fee is included in the subscription.
Please complete this section:
Friday InterClub
(subject to demand)
Saturday InterClub
Friday Challenger
Team/Grade trialing for i.e. 10’s 11s 12s :
Comments re team placement:
I understand the above conditions, and will make myself available to play every week that I am required, with
the exception of an unforeseen happening.
I would be interested in being the captain of my team. (This will require attendance at a captain’s meeting at
the start of the season, ensuring all team members have copies of the draw, and coordinating reserves each
week. There will also be a requirement to assist with the recording of results.)
We are looking for parents/caregivers to join our Junior Committee. This is to assist at events from time to time, such
as fundraisers and tournaments, i.e. running the BBQ etc. If you would like to participate in the Junior Committee
please indicate here. Alternatively, if you would be prepared to be on a “helpers” list to be contacted if and when
we need some extra assistance please also indicate here. Thank you.
I would be interested in joining the Junior Committee
I would be happy to be contacted to assist the Club with small tasks as required
Junior 11 and under
– Subscription ($210) if paid by end of September
Junior 12 – 18
– Subscription ($230) if paid by end of September
Learn to Play
– Subscription ($165) if paid by end of September
Cheque (payable to Burnside Park Tennis Club)
Eftpos/Credit Card (available at the club)
Internet Banking (to ASB 12-3147-0048918-00 - subscription)
PayPal (via Club’s website)