Apply for scholarships now

Submission Deadline Date: February 16, 2015
To be eligible for a scholarship for the 2015-2016 Academic year, candidates must:
1. have been a registered student at Trocaire College during the Fall 2014
2. have a cumulative GPA at Trocaire College of at least 2.0;
3. demonstrate financial need as defined by the Financial Aid Office;
4. complete the Scholarship Application; and
5. answer the short answer questions.
1. Applications are due by 6:00 PM on Monday, February 16, 2015.
2. Applications and supporting materials can be dropped off at the Financial Aid Office,
room 113 of the Choate campus or at the Transit Road campus room 104.
3. Applications and supporting material can be emailed to
Awards: Students will be notified via mail by March 15th of their application status.
Trocaire College Faculty Association Scholarship:
The Trocaire College Faculty Association Scholarship requires additional documentation. This
scholarship is for students in any major who will be attending full time in the next academic
year. Please attach an example of scholarly achievement, e.g. a poem, short story, an
explanation of a medical procedure or a patient education session, a critique of a psychological
theory, anatomical system, radiological or laboratory procedure, philosophical question, or
religious issue or any other demonstration of scholarly achievement. This achievement may be
directly connected or related to your program of study or to your academic studies in general.
Remember to include your name on your submission.
Non-Discrimination Policy: Trocaire College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color,
national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. For further information,
please visit http:/ or call/email our
Civil Rights Compliance Officer at 716-827-2559,
Honors Convocation: Scholarship recipients are required to attend the annual Trocaire
College Honors Convocation. This year, Honors Convocation is scheduled for Friday April 10,
2015 at St. Martin of Tours Church.
Listed below are Scholarships that Trocaire College awards.
Alumni Scholarship
Berna Savarino Scholarship Fund
Carney Hospitality Scholarship
Ciarico Family Scholarship Fund
Coppola Family Memorial Scholarship
Joseph N Desmon Memorial Fund
Irene and Alfred Dobrak Scholarship
Dennis & Mary Downey Family Memorial Scholarship
Sister Mary Ernestine Downey Memorial Scholarship
Garman Scholarship
William J. Grant Scholarship
Linda J Heintzman Memorial Award
Lisa & Tara Scholarship Tribute
Susan M Heintzman Memorial Award
Dr. Teresa Lawrence Scholarship
Grace C. Mecca-Diina Family Scholarship
Lorraine O’Donnell Scholarship Fund
John P. O’Rourke Scholarship
Vincent & Harriet Palisano Foundation
Mary C. and Urban J. Pauly Trustee Scholarship
Pellicano Specialty Foods Scholarship Fund
Patricia E. Powers Memorial Award
Russell J. Salvatore Scholarship for Hospitality Management
Russo Family Scholarship
Spara Scholarship
Mary E. Sturniolo Scholarship
Trbovich Foundation Scholarship
Trocaire College Community Award
Patricia Diggins Wilhelm Scholarship
Submit completed application to:
Financial Aid Office * Room 113 * 360 Choate Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14220
First 3 numbers of your SS#: ______________________ Trocaire ID: __________________
Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Permanent Address: _______________________________________________________
County: ______________________ Length of time as a resident of this county: _________
Phone: __________________________________ Email: ___________________________
High School Graduated From: ________________________________________________
High School Address: _______________________________________________________
Country of Birth: _______________________________ Date of Birth: _______________
□ Dependent □ Independent
Legal Marital Status: □Single □Married/Remarried □Separated □Divorced/Widowed
For Financial Aid purposes I am considered:
Ages of any dependent children _______________________________________________
Major for Fall 2015:____________________ Cumulative GPA As of Fall 2014: ___________
Expected credit hours: Summer 2015 ________ Fall 2015 ________ Spring 2016 ________
Expected Graduation Date: __________________
I am
□not employed □employed < 35 hours/week □ employed > 35 hours/week
If awarded a scholarship, please indicate the semester(s) you wish to use it
□Summer 2015 □Fall 2015 □Spring 2016
□ Check if you are applying for The Trocaire College Faculty Association Scholarship
List any student club or leadership positions you have been involved with at Trocaire.
Please turn over and complete
Submit completed application to:
Financial Aid Office * Room 113 * 360 Choate Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14220
Tell us about any volunteer experience (outside of the college) over the last three (3) years.
Explain the importance of your major in today’s society.
How will your education enable you to provide service to the universal community?
Describe your most meaningful achievement and how it relates to your field of study.
Applicant’s Certification:
□I give the selection committee permission to review my academic transcript and financial aid
□If selected, I understand that I am required to submit a letter of acknowledgment to the
scholarship donor (thank you note) before the scholarship will be disbursed. Your photo will also be
taken by Institutional Advancement.
□If selected, I further understand that the scholarship will be credited directly to my student
account to be used toward my direct costs.
□ The information provided in the application and supporting documents are true and correct to
the best of my knowledge.
Signature ____________________________________________ Date _________________
These scholarships are donated by many friends of the college, alumni, and employees. Donors
take a lot of pride in knowing that their contributions are making a difference in the educational
lives of our students. If you have any questions, please contact Terry Adamczyk at 716-827-2426 or Mary Roche at 716-827-2404
Submit completed application to:
Financial Aid Office * Room 113 * 360 Choate Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14220