Exactly Solvable Reaction Diffusion Models on the Bethe Lattice through the empty interval method (EIM) with Analytical and Numerical approaches Laleh.Farhang Matin Batool.Ghalandary Dept.of Physics Azad University,North branch,Tehran Dept.of Physics Azad University,North branch,Tehran Tehran,Iran Tehran.Iran b.ghalandary@gmail.com Laleh.matin@gmail.com Abstract—the most general reaction- diffusion model on the Bethe lattice with nearest-neighbor interactions is introduced. The evolution equation of the system can be solved exactly through the empty interval method and comparing Analytical approach with Numerical .the stationary and the dynamics solution of such models are discussed. Keywords: Reaction-Diffusion, Bethe lattice, empty-interval method I. INTRODUCTION Reaction-Diffusion systems have been studied using various methods, including analytical techniques, approximate methods and simulation. Approximate methods are generally different in different dimensions, as for example the mean field techniques, working well for high dimensions, generally do not give correct results for lowdimensional systems. A large fraction of analytical studies belong to low-dimensional (especially one-dimensional) systems, as solving low-dimensional systems should in principle be easier. [1-11]. The Bethe lattice of coordination number ξ≥2 can be viewed as an interior part of the infinite Cayley tree: each site is connected by bounds to ξ nearest neighbor sites, and there are no closed loops formed by bounds. In fact the details of the lattice connectivity are not important for our considerations. However, we disregard any end-effects. Consider a connected collection of n site on the Bethe lattice. One interesting feature of a loop less lattice, shared with the d=1 lattice for which ξ=2, is that in such a cluster the n sites are connected by exactly n-1 internal bonds. This statement is well known and easily established by induction: each new site can only be connected to one existing cluster site, by one bond, because loops are not possible. Another useful conclusion is that the number of bonds shared by the cluster sites and the nearest neighbor sites immediately outside the cluster under consideration is . In [12],the most general single-species reaction-diffusion model with nearest-neighbor interactions on the Bethe lattice has been investigated which could dissolved exactly through the empty interval method .the stationary solution of such models ,as well as their dynamics, have been discussed .Here solvability means that evolution equation for E n ( the probability that n consecutive sites be empty) is closed . it turned out there, that certain relations between the reaction rates are needed , so that the system is solvable via EIM. The evolution equation of en is a recursive equation in terms of n , and is linear . I n this article the most general single-species reaction-diffusion model with nearest-neighbor interactions on the Bethe lattice is investigated, which can be solved exactly through the empty interval method. The scheme of the paper is as follows. In section 2 the most general reaction-diffusion which nearest neighbor interaction on the Bethe lattice is studied, which can be solved exactly through EIM. In sections 3 and 4 Analytical and Numerical schemes of such models are discussed. In sections 5 the comparison of produce diagrams of Analytical and Numerical approaches is studies. Finally, section 6 is devoted to concluding remarks. 2-Models solvable through the empty interral method on the Bethe lattice The cayley tree is a tree (a lattice without loops) where each site is connected to ξ sites (Fig.1). There is no loop in a cayley tree.For ξ ≥ 3 the closeness of the evolution equation for E n requires that the rate of creating an empty site be zero. The reason is that if is not the case, then an empty n-cluster can be created from two disjoint empty cluster joined by a single occupied site [13]. This shows that if the evolution of the empty clusters is to be closed, then the only possible reactions are the following, with the rates indicated. , r1 . , r2 . , r3 . (2) (There is no distinction between left and right, of course) using these, one arrives at the following time evolution for En : Fig.1.the cayley tree with ξ=3 Two sites are called neighbors if they are connected through a link..the Bethe lattice of coordination number 2 can be viewed as an interior part of the infinite cayley tree. Consider a system of particles on the Bethe lattice. Each site is either empty or occupied by one particle. The interaction (of particles and vacancies) is nearest neighbor. The probalitiy that a connecthed collection of n sites be empty is denoted by E n . It is assumed that this quantity does not depend on the choice of collection. An example is a tree where the probability that a site is occupied is and is independent of the states of other site.Then (1) E n (1 - ) n . The following graphical representations help express various relation in a more compact form..an empty (occupied) site is denote by ○ (●).a connected collection of n empty sites is denoted by Ο n . for example, for ξ=3 attend follow to the figure 2: dEn Rn r1 p( On ) Rn (r2 r3 ) p(o On ) dt (n 1)( 2r2 r3 ) p(On ), one has p( On ) p(o On ) p(On ) from which p( On ) En En 1 (4) (5) Using this, one arrives at dEn Rn [r1 ( En En1 ) (r2 r3 ) En1 ] dt (n 1)( 2r2 r3 ) En Throughout the paper, it is assumed that r1 , (6) r2 and r3 are all nonzero. 3- The exact analytical Solution: The stationary solution of the system (Es, for which the time derivative vanishes), satisfies Rn [r1 ( Ens Ens1 ) (r2 r3 ) Ens1 ] (n 1)( 2r2 r3 ) Ens 0 As (7) En 's are nonnegative and no nincreasing in n, it is easy to see that the only solution to (7) is : Ens o Fig.2.an empty cluster on a cayley tree with ξ=3 (8) This means that in the stationary configuration, all of the sites are occupied, which is not a surprise since in all reactions particles are created. Regarding dynamics, one question is to obtain the spectrum of the evolution Hamiltonian. This is equivalent to finding solutions with exponential time dependence : ε (9) En (t ) En exp( t ) We obtain with results that study from article [14]explain this subject, completely: (10) k r1 (k 1) , k 1 Where (11) ( 2)r1 2r2 r3 This spectrum is discrate , and there is a gap between .the Largest eigenvalue and zero, which means that the system evolves towards its stationary configuration with a relaxation time. This relaxation time is 1 r1 (12) The general solution to (6) is then E n (t ) c k E n k k 1 , k Where C s exp( k t ), are to be determined from the initial condition.a special solution to (6) is of the form n1 (14) (15) (16) 2 1 1 b(o)[1 exp( t )] defined in terms of E t dt n ,E is t n 1 Ent dt Ent [1 t (r1 Rn (n 1)( 2r2 r3 )] Ent 1 .t.Rn [r1 (r2 r3 )] (24) Stability condition for solving equation [23] is: 2- t 1 r1 Rn (n 1)( 2r2 r3 ) (25) t dt In this solution En convergence to zero (17) Using these , one obtains En (t ) En (o) exp[ r1t (n 1) ] 2 n1 1 1 b(o)[1 exp( t ) (18) A special case where the ansataz (14) works is the case of initially uncorrelated – sites , so that each site is occupied with probability regardless of other sites. One has then n One can rearrange the equation (23), and then En Will govern the stability condition of numerical Simulation and the convergence of numerical scheme is satisfied. ( 2)( r2 r3 r1 ) ( 2)r1 2r2 r3 En(0)=(1- ) , So that E1 (0)=1- , b(0)=1- , By using forward FD scheme, the above equation (22) will be appeared in the algebraic format as following : t dt En Ent Rn [r1 ( Ent E t n1 ) (r2 r3 ) E t n1 ] (23) t (n 1)( 2r2 r3 ) E t n 3- E nt 1 E nt (22) 1 r1 r2 r3 E1 (t ) E1 (o) exp( r1t ) Where : dEn (t ) Rn [r1 ( En En1 ) (r2 r3 ) En1 ] dt (n 1)( 2r2 r3 ) En t dt (13) En (t ) E1 (t )b(t ) Putting this in (6) obtains b(o) exp( t ) b(t ) 1 b(o)[1 exp( )] 4- Numerical solution with explicit finite differences method In this section study Numerical solution of evolution equation of system; with explicit finite differences method (19) (20) (21) 5- comparing the results of Analytical and Numerical approaches After introduction of Analytical and Numerical methods of evolution equation we compare all diagrams that we obtain from these methods. First in numerical solution number of sites on the Bethe lattice must be limited. We assume that numbers of sites are called n max .it means, the Bethe has ceiled .then we compare results of numerical and analytical approaches. Because of in anastaz, we calculate E1 , E2 , E 3 in this article first we compare analytical solutions of n=1,2,3 with numerical solution. Step1:n max =3then E 1 , E 2 and E 3 in all solution are plotted in fig 3. Figure3:=3then E 1 , E 2 and E 3 are plotted in n max =3. Step2:n max =10then E 1 , E 2 and E 3 in all solution are plotted in fig 4. Figure4:=3then E 1 , E 2 and E 3 are plotted in n max =10. Step3:n max =30then E 1 ,E 2 and E 3 in all solution are plotted in fig 5 Figure5:= E 1 , E 2 and E 3 are plotted in n max =30. We find that if n max be larger , solutions of numerical approach; will be more compatible with analytical solution. 6- concluding remark The most general single – species exclusion model on the Bethe lattice was considered, for which the evolution of the empty-intervals is close and compared Analytical approach with Numerical . the stationary and dynamics solution of such models were discussd and was shown that these to ideas (dynamics solution and stationary solution were compatible . evolution equation of empty . interval method was closed . it was shown that in the in the stationary configuration of such models all sites are occupied. References [1].G.M.Schutz; "Exactly solvable models for manybody systems for from equilibrium" in "phase transitions and critical phenomenona, vol. 19", C.Domb & J. lebwitz (eds.), (Academic press , London, 2000) [2].F.C.Alcaraz, M.Droz,M.Henkel ,& v.Rittenberg; Ann.phys. (N.Y.) 230 (1994) 250. [3].K.krebs,M.P.P fannmuller, B.wehefritz, & H. 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