Pensumliste GEOL 109 – GEO 341

Pensumliste GEOL 109 – GEO 341
1. Arnold, N.S., van Andel, T.H. og Valen, V. (2002): Extent and dynamics of the Scandinavian ice sheet during
oxygen isotope stage 3 (65,000-25,000 yr BP). Quaternary Research 57, 38-48.
2. Bergersen, O.F. og Garnes, K. (1983): Glacial deposits in the culmination zone of the Scandinavian ice sheet.
I: Ehlers, J. (red.): Glacial deposits in North-west Europe, 29-40. Balkema Rotterdam.
3. Bergersen, O.F., Thoresen, M. og Hougsnæs, R. (1991): Evidence for a newly discovered Weichselian
interstadial in Gudbrandsdalen, central South Norway. Striae 34, 103-108.
4. Berthling, I. og Sollid, J.L. (1999): The drainage history of glacial lake Nedre Glåmsjø, southern Central
Norway. Norsk geografisk Tidsskrift 53, 190-201.
5. Brook, E.J., Nesje, A., Lehman, S.J., Raisbeck, G.M. og Yiou, F. (1996): Cosmogenic nuclide exposure ages
along a vertical transect in western Norway: Implications for the height of the Fennoscandian ice sheet. Geology
24, 207-210.
6. Dahl, S.O., Nesje, A. og Øvstedal, J. (1997): Cirque glaciers as morphological evidence for a thin Younger
Dryas ice sheet in east - central southern Norway. Boreas 26, 161-180.
7. Garnes, K. og Bergersen, O.F. (1980): Wastage features of the inland ice sheet in central South Norway.
Boreas 9, 251-269.
8. Kleman, J. og Hättestrand, C. (1999): Frozen-bed Fennoscandian and Laurentide ice sheets during the Last
Glacial Maximum. Nature 402, 63-66.
9. Larsen, E., Eide, F., Longva, O. og Mangerud, J. (1984): Allerød-Younger Dryas climatic inferences from
cirque glaciers and vegetational development in the Nordfjord area, western Norway. Arctic and Alpine
Research 16, 137-160.
10. Nesje, A., Dahl, S.O., Anda, E. og Rye, N. (1988): Blockfields in southern Norway: significance for the
Late Weichselian ice sheet. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 68, 149-169.
11. Nesje, A., Dahl, S.O., Matthews, J.A. og Berrisford, M.S. (2001): A 4500-year history of river floods
from eastern Norway: high-resolution evidence from lacustrine sediments in Atnsjøen. Journal of
Paleolimnology 25, 329-342.
12. Nesje, A., Johannessen, T. and Birks, H.J.B. (1995): Briksdalsbreen, western Norway: climatic effects on the
terminal response of a temperate glacier between AD 1901 and 1994. The Holocene 5, 343-347.
13. Nesje, A., Matthews, J.A., Dahl, S.O., Berrisford, M.S. & Andersson, C. (2001): Holocene glacier
fluctuations of Flatebreen and winter precipitation changes in the Jostedalsbreen region, western Norway,
based on glaciolacustrine records. The Holocene 11, 267-280.
14. Rye, N., Nesje, A., Lien, R., Blikra, L.H., Eikenæs, O., Hole, P.A. og Torsnes, I. (1997): Glacial geology and
deglaciation chronology of the area between inner Nordfjord and Jostedalsbreen - Strynefjellet, western Norway.
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 77, 51-63.
15. Sollid, J.L. og Sørbel, L. (1994): Distribution of glacial landforms in southern Norway in relation to the
thermal regime of the last continental ice sheet. Geografiska Annaler 76A, 25-35.
16. Winkler, S. og Nesje, A. (1999): Moraine formation at an advancing temperate glacier: Brigsdalsbreen,
western Norway. Geografiska Annaler 81A, 17-30.
17. Østmoe, A. (1985): Storofsen 1789. Oversiktsregisteret. s. 1-22.
18. Birks, H.H., Battarbee, R.W. og Birks, H.J.B. (2000): The development of the aquatic ecosystem at Kråkenes
Lake, western Norway, during the late-glacial and early-Holocene - a synthesis. Journal of Paleolimnology 23,
19. Blikra, L.H. og Nemec, W. (1998): Postglacial colluvium in western Norway: depostitional processes, facies
and palaeoclimatic record. Sedimentology 45, 1-51.
20. Dahl. S.O. og Nesje, A. (1992): Paleoclimatic implications based on equilibrium-line altitude depressions of
reconstructed Younger Dryas and Holocene cirque glaciers in inner Nordfjord, western Norway.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 94, 87-97.
21. Larsen, E. og Mangerud, J. (1981): Erosion rate of a younger Dryas cirque glacier at Kråkenes, western
Norway. Annals of Glaciology 2, 153-158.
22. Linge, H., Brook, E.J., Nesje, A., Raisbeck. G.M., Yiou, F. and Clark, H. (2006): In situ 10Be exposure ages
from southeastern Norway: Implications for the geometry of the Weichselian Scandinavian ice sheet. Quaternary
Science Reviews 25, 1097-1109.
23. Longva, O. og Thoresen, M. (1991): Iceberg scours, iceberg gravity craters and current erosion marks from
gigantic Preboreal flood in southeastern Norway. Boreas 20, 47-62.
24. Nesje, A., Dahl, S.O., Andersson, C. og Matthews, J.A. 2000: The lacustrine sedimentary sequence in
Sygneskardvatnet, western Norway: a continuous, high-resolution record of the Jostedalsbreen ice cap during
the Holocene. QuaternaryScience Reviews 19, 1047-1065.
25. Paus, Aa., Velle, G., Larsen, J., Nesje, A. and Lie, Ø. (2006): Lateglacial nunataks in central Scandinavia:
Biostratigraphical evidence for ice thickness from Lake Flåfattjønn, Tynset, Norway. Quaternary Science
Reviews 25, 1228-1246.
26. Rye, N., Nesje, A., Lien, R. og Anda, E. (1987): The Late Weichselian ice sheet in the Nordfjord - Sunnmøre
area and deglaciation chronology for Nordfjord, western Norway. Norsk geografisk Tidsskrift 41, 23-43.
27. Sønstegaard, E., Aa, A.R. og Klakegg, O. (1999): Younger Dryas glaciation in the Ålfoten area, western
Norway; evidence from lake sediments and marginal moraines. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 79, 33-45.
28. Thoresen, M. (1991): Kvartærgeologisk kart over Norge, tema: Jordarter. Norges geologiske
undersøkelse/Statens kartverk, 64 s. (Kjøpes på STUDIA).
29. Torsnes, I., Rye, N. og Nesje, A. (1993): Modern and Little Ice Age equilibrium-line altitudes on outlet
valley glaciers from Jostedalsbreen, western Norway: an evaluation of different approaches to their calculation.
Arctic and Alpine Research 25, 106-116.
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