Black Bass Diversity Symposium: Multidisciplinary Science for Conservation Black Bass management in the 21st Century: Staying Relevant. Fred Harris History of Black Bass Management in the United States. James Long, et al. Associated Habitat of Nesting Shoal Bass Micropterus cataractae in the Chipola River, Florida. Roger Bitz, et al. The effects of Disease-Related Mortality on the Recruitment of Young-of-Year Smallmouth Bass in the Susquehanna River Basin, Pennsylvania. Geoffrey Smith, et al. Drivers of Brood Abandonment in Largemouth Bass. Cory Suski, et al. Evaluation of a Five-Year Shoal Bass Micropterus cataractae Conservation-Stocking Program in the Upper Chattahoochee River, Georgia. Michael Porta and James Long Natural Gene Expression Changes During the Reproductive Season in Largemouth Bass. Nancy Denslow What are Field and Mesocosm Studies with Black Bass Telling Us About Endocrine Disruption? Donald Tillitt, et al. Factors Associated With Intersex Bass in the Southeastern U.S. Robert Bringolf, et al. Common Diseases of the Black Basses and their Impact in Conservation and Management. Jeffery Terhune and Benjamin Beck Biology and Ecology of Genetically Distinct Neosho and Ouachita Smallmouth Bass. Shannon Brewer and James Long. Largemouth Bass in Coastal Estuaries: A Comprehensive Study from the MobileTensaw River Delta, Alabama. Dennis DeVries, et al. Population and Individual Responses of Alabama Bass Micropterus Henshalli and Redeye Bass Micropterus coosae to Altered Flow Regimes in a Regulated Portion of the Tallapoosa River, Alabama. Laurie Earley and Steve Sammons Movement and Habitat Selection of Redeye Bass Micropterus coosae from the Regulated Tallapoosa River and Hillabee Creek (Alabama, USA). John Knight, et al. A Tale of Two Rivers: Population Characteristics of Shoal Bass in the Chattahoochee and Flint Rivers. Steve Sammons. Fisheries Induced Evolution in Largemouth Bass – Reductions in Parental Care and Vulnerability to Angling. David Philipp, et al Population Assessment and Exploitation of Shoal Bass Micropterus Cataractae in the Lower Flint River. Travis Ingram and John Kilpatrick Stock Assessment of Shoal Bass Micropterus Cataractae in the Chipola River, Florida. Katie Woodside, et al. Largemouth Bass Management in a Multi-species Sport Fishery: Implications for Intraspecific Growth and Walleye Populations in Northern Wisconsin. Jonathan Hansen and Greg Sass, et al. Biology and Fisheries of Smallmouth Bass in Lake Erie. Kevin Kayle Balancing Recuitment and Fishing Mortality to Protect Largemouth Bass Populations in the Potomac River. J.W. Love and M. Groves Understanding and Using Bass Tournaments as a Component of Fisheries Management. N. Clough Post-tournament Movement and Fate of Shoal Bass Translocated from the Lower Flint River into Lake Worth, Georgia. A.T. Taylor and D.L. Peterson Recreational Effort and Economic Impact of Guadalupe Bass Angling in Central Texas Streams. Z.A. Thomas, et al. Is Catch and Release Angling a Potential Disturbance of Recruitment Processes? The Importance of Parental Care in Determining Largemouth Bass Recruit Abundance. J.A. Stein and D.P. Philipp Year-class Production of Black Bass Before and After Opening of a Spring Catch and Release Season in New York: Case Studies from Three Lakes. J.R. Jackson and D.W. Einhouse Native Black Bass Initiative: Implementing Watershed-scale Conservation of Native Fish Populations in Southern U.S. Rivers and Streams. S. Robinson, et al. Endemic Black Basses as Drivers of Watershed Conservation and Restoration: Combining Emerging Technologies and Traditional Fisheries Techniques to Evaluate the Use of Guadalupe Bass as a Keystone Species in Texas Streams. T.B. Grabowski, et al. Chipola River Watershed Threats Assessment. C. Metcalf Approaches to Stream Habitat Restoration Techniques in the Southeast United States. C. Metcalf Providing the Catalyst: Accelerating Your Project through Money, Training, Partnerships and Information. J. Hastings Smallmouth Bass and Ozark Hellbender In-stream Habitat and Stream Bank Remediation in the Eleven Point River with Game Fish Responses to Hydrology Improvements. S.R. O’Neal, et al. Guadalupe Bass Restoration Initiative. G. Garrett, et al. Expanding Public Support for Conservation of Native Black Bass Populations through Increased Recreational Access and Sustainable Use of Texas Rivers. T. Birdsong Re-establishment of Guadalupe Bass in Two Central Texas Rivers. S. Magnelia, et al. Effects of Large-scale Habitat Enhancement Strategies on Florida Largemouth Bass Populations. J.R. Dotson, et al. The Genetics of Black Bass Conservation – Historical Perspectives of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. D.P. Philipp Shoal Basses, a Clade of Cryptic Identity. B. Freeman, et al. Molecular and Morphological Evidence for a Novel Black Bass Species Native to Rivers of the East Gulf Coastal Plain. M.D. Tringali, et al. Addressing the Evolutionary History of Santee River Drainage Bartram’s Bass. J.M. Quattro, et al. Range-wide Genetic Study of Endemic Populations of Suwanee Bass Micropterus Notius. B.L. Barthel, et al. Hybridization as a Natural, Confounding Phenomenon in Black Bass Conservation. J. Koppelman Genetic Analysis and Conservation Status of Native Populations of Largemouth Bass in Northeastern Mexico. F.J. Garcia-de-Léon, et al. Hybridization Between Largemouth Bass and Florida Bass in the Devil’s River, Texas: Influence of Reservoir Stocking on Upstream Populations. P.T. Bean, et al. Conservation Impacts of Hybridization Between Native “Bartram’s Bass” Micropterus sp. Cf. M. Coosae and Two Introduced Species, Alabama Bass and Smallmouth Bass in the Savannah Basin. J. Leitner, et al. Distribution and Amount of Hybridization Between Shoal Bass and the Invasive Spotted Bass in the Lower Flint River, GA. A. Alvarez, et al. Hybridization Threatens Shoal Bass Populations in the Upper Chattahoochee River Basin. B. Dakin, et al. Inferred Reproductive Behavior of Captive Guadalupe Bass. D.J. Lutz-Carrillo, et al. Reducing Hybridization and Introgression in Wild Populations of Guadalupe Bass Through Supplemental Stocking. P. Fleming, et al. Symposium Summary. J. Slaughter A Path Forward: Connecting Partners and Moving the Needle on Conservation of Edemic Black Bass Populations. R. Wodder Imperiled Species Effects of Temperature, Salinity, and Suspended Solids on the Development and Buoyancy of Arkansas River Shiner Eggs. J.S. Mueller, et al. Nocturnal Microhabitat Use of the Diamond Darter (Crystallaria Cincotta). S.A. Welsh, et al. Occupancy Modeling as a Tool for Evaluating the Status and Distribution of Darters in the Elk River, Tennessee. K. Potoka, et al. Use of Dynamic Occupancy Models to Assess the Response of Darters to Varying Hydrological and Thermal Conditions in the Elk River. C.P. Shea, et al. Use of Occupancy Models to Determine Seasonal Distribution and Habitat Use of Stocked Robust RedHorse in the Ocmulgee River, Georgia. W.A. Pruitt, et al. Multi-Scale Habitats and Stressors Influencing Wadeable Stream Fishes in the Lake Pontchartrain Basin, With Emphasis on the Rare Broadstripe Topminnow. J.B. Alford Was not recorded Movements and Habitat Use of Southeastern Blue Suckers in the Lower Pearl River. D.C. Oliver, et al. The Brook Trout Management Conundrum: A Genetically Differentiated and Punctuated Distribution. M. Kulp, et al. Nuclear Evidence of Population Structure in Alabama Shad and Its Conservation and Management Implications. B. Bowen, et al. The Difficult Problem of Detecting Population Trends of Rare Fishes That Occur in Big Rivers. M. Hagler, et al. Freshwater Information Network: Facilitating Data Sharing for Southeastern Aquatic Conservation. A.L. George, et al. Sportfish Biology & Management Channel and Blue Catfish Recruitment Patterns in Colorado River Reservoirs, Texas. N.G. Smith, et al. Evaluating Age and Growth of Blue Catfish in Kerr Reservoir, Virginia. N. Adkins, et al. Angler Exploitation of Black and White Crappie at Lake Overcup, Arkansas. M.D. Schroeder, et al. Microhabitat and Crappie Gradients in Reservoir Coves. L. Kaczka and S. Miranda Riverine Smallmouth Bass Management: Historic and Current Efforts for Western North Carolina Rivers and Streams. D.W. Goodfred Smallmouth Bass Fishing in Missouri: Results from The 2011 Survey. J.R. Ackerson et al. Was not recorded Fish Kills on Oklahoma’s Red River: An Unsolved Mystery. M. Mauck. Variation in Total Annual Reproductive Effort of Largemouth Bass in Florida Lakes. S.L. Shaw, et al. North Carolina’s Hurricane Response Plan: Managing Largemouth Bass in a Dynamic Environment. J. McCargo, et al. Growth of Wild Brown Trout in the Chattahoochee River below Buford Dam, Georgia. P. O’Rouke Case Study on Methods to Maximize Largemouth Bass Growth in a Georgia Pond. G. Grimes Economic Yield of Recreational Fishing on Lake Guntersville, Alabama. C. McKee, et al. An Assessment of the Striped Bass Fishery in the Arkansas River System in Oklahoma. K. Kuklinski Assessment of Age, Diet, and Growth of Yellow Perch in Cheat Lake, West Virginia. N. Taylor, et al. Investigating Seasonal Movements and Spawning Locations of Walleye in Cheat Lake, WV Using Acoustic Telemetry. D.M. Smith, et al. Impact of Fish Movement Between Areas Vulnerable and Invulnerable to Angling on Fisheries Sustainability. B.G. Matthias Comparing Standard North American Freshwater Fish Data Using a Web-Accessible Database. N. Mercado-Silva, et al. Hydrology & Ecology of Freshwater Species Effects of a Declining Hydrograph on Instream Habitats and Fish Communities in a Semi-Arid Karstic Stream. S.G. Curtis, et al. Estimating Seasonal Demographic Rates in Relation to Streamflow Dynamics of a Benthic Stream Fish (Etheostoma Inscriptum) in a Bedrock Shoal Over 5-Years. R. Katz and M. Freeman Long-Term Changes in Fish Functional Diversity and Flow Regime in the Rio Grande and Its Tributaries in the Trans-Pecos Region in Texas. S. Miyazono and C.M. Taylor Effects of a Drought of Record on the Fish Assemblage of a Prairie Stream in Texas. D.W. Knabe and G. R. Wilde The Biotic Integrity of Fish Assemblages in a Highly Altered Tailwater System. T. Ivasauskas and P. Bettoli Investigating the Relationship Between Smallmouth Bass Recruitment and Flow Characteristics in Ozark Streams. B. Brown, et al.Was not recorded Effects of Hydrology on Black Bass Growth and Size in the Arkansas River, Arkansas. C.R. Peacock and M.A. Eggleton. Was not recorded Spawning Habitat Choices by River Chubs Indicate Response to “Flashy” Tailwater Hydrology. B.K. Peoples, et al. Was not recorded Effects of Experimentally Fluctuating Flows and Water Temperatures on Early Growth and Survival of Juvenile Chanel Catfish and Alabama Bass. T.D. Goar and E.R. Irwin Was not recorded Shifting Variance Structure as a Potential Indicator of Fish-Population Responses to Large-Scale Perturbation. B. Irwin and T. Wagner Was not recorded The Freight Train Is Coming: Tales Of The Integrated Licensing Process In Virginia. J.R. Copeland, et al. Was not recorded Status of Silver Carp and Bighead Carp in Southeastern Oklahoma. C. Tackett and Patton Was not recorded T. Introduced Flathead Catfish Migrations and Potential Predation Impact in a North Carolina River. J.K. Raabe and J.E. Hightower Was not recorded Influence of Phylogenetic Community Structure on Introduced Fishes In The Southeast United States. M. Neilson and P. Fuller Was not recorded AIRSBase: A BLASTable Database for Detection of Aquatic Invasive and Rare Species in Environmental (e) DNA Studies. T.L. King, et al. Was not recorded Life History & Ecology of Freshwater Fishes Trophic Ecology of Channel Catfish from Six Oklahoma Reservoirs. D.R. Stewart and J.M. Long Movement and Habitat Use of Alligator Gar in Escambia River Florida. M. Wegener, et al. Discerning Smallmouth Bass Movement Between the James River and Blue Ridge Tributaries Using Otolith Isotope Chemistry. S. Doss, et al. Movement of Riverine Smallmouth Bass in a Thermally Heterogeneous System. J.T. Westhoff and C.P. Paukert Comparison of Sympatric Redbreast Sunfish and Bluegill Sunfish Populations in Nickajack Creek, Georgia. N.N. Griffin and P.C. Sakaris Morphological and Behavioral Induced Changes in the Redbreast Sunfish in Response to A Native Predator. H.M. Bishop and P.C. Sakaris Intra-Annual Variation in River-Reservoir Interface Fish Assemblages: Implications for Fish Conservation and Management in Regulated Rivers. D.L. Buckmeier, et al. Evaluations of the Growth and Habitat Use of Guadalupe Bass at a Landscape Scale in South Llano River, Texas. J.R. Groeschel, et al. Evaluating Habitat Associations of a Fish Assemblage at Multiple Scales in a Minimally Disturbed Stream on the Edwards Plateau. B.D. Cheek and T.B. Grabowski Was not recorded Fish Assemblages in Connected and Isolated Floodplain Lakes of Bear Creek Watershed, Mississippi. C. Andrews, et al. Behavioral Thermoregulation of Fishes in Relation to Heated Effluent from a Power Plant on The Cumberland River, Tennessee. J. Spaulding, et al. Reservoir Habitat A Classification System for Large U.S. Reservoirs and Its Application to the Southeast. J. Boxrucker, et al. Prioritizing Reservoir Habitat Restoration Efforts Using the Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership’s Assessment Data. J. Boxrucker, et al. Friends of Reservoirs Foundation: A Plan for Building and Growing Capacity to Improve Fish Habitat in Our Nations Reservoirs. D. Terre and J. Boxrucker Table Rock Lake National Fish Habitat Initiative. S. Bush and M. Allen A Risk-Based Method for Estimating Reservoir Rule Curves Using Historic Water Level Data. E. Mower and L.E. Miranda Marine Ecology and Life History Community Structure of Demersal Temperate Reef Fish as a Function of Reef Age and Fishing Pressure: a Case Study Using Low-Relief Artificial Reefs in South Carolina. C. Altizer, et al. Diet of Red Snapper on Natural Hard-Bottom Banks in the NW Gulf of Mexico. B.D. Schwartzkopf and J.H. Cowen, Jr. Feeding Ecology of Adult Red Drum Form Coastal Waters of South Carolina: Dietary Changes in Response to Spatial Differences in Prey Assemblages. T. Peacock, et al. Low-Temperature Tolerance of Juvenile Spotted Seatrout in South Carolina. K. Anweiler and M. Denson Relationships Between Climate Indices, Water Temperature and Estuarine Fish Populations in South Carolina. S.A. Arnott and J.D. Whitaker Modeling Growth of Juvenile Blue Crabs in the Wild by Using Coded Wire Tags. L. Melendez, et al. Movement and Behavior of the New Zealand Eagle Ray, Myliobatis Tenuicaudatus. J. Davis Marine H2O Quality Evaluation of Multi-Decadal Changes in the Nekton Community of a Texas Riverine Estuary: Potential Influence of Freshwater Inflow. A. Miller and G. Guillen Red Drum Occurrence in an Urban Waterway (Bayou St. John, New Orleans) and its Relation to Potential Prey Abundances And Changes in Water Quality Variables. P. Smith Urban Land-Use Effects on Salt Marsh Resident Cyprinodontiformes in the Gulf of Mexico. M. Wedge and C. Anderson Estimating Effects of Hypoxia Dynamics on Growth of Juvenile Spot in Nursery Areas. L.A. Campbell, et al. Marine Genetics Effects of Cold Winters on the Genetic Diversity of Spotted Seatrout in Charleston Harbor, SC. T.O. O’Donnell, et al. The Effect of Overexploitation on the Genetic Diversity of Atlantic Red Snapper. C. Tarpey and T. Darden Global Population Genetics of Cobia And Potential Implications for Offshore Marine Aquaculture Operations. M. Jamison, et al. Marine Management and Fish Health Empirical Assessment of Angler Effort Dynamics in Marine Recreational Fisheries. E. Camp, et al. Was not recorded Length Composition, Age Composition, and Catch per Unit Effort of Black Sea Bass South Atlantic Region Based on Fishery-Independent Surveys. J. Ballenger and M. Reichert Telomere Length and Its Relationship With Age in South Carolina Red Drum. M. Walker, et al. Development of Methods for Non-Lethal Assessment of Red Drum Inside NASA’s Kennedy Space Center No-Take Fisheries Reserve. C. Garreau, et al. Invertebrate Biology and Ecology Current Efforts to Understand Crayfish Distributions and Status Within the Tennessee River System. J.W. Simmons Determining the Distribution of Endemic Crayfish Species at Multiple Spatial Scales. J. Dyer and S.K. Brewer Survey And Status of Mussels and mussel Habitat in the Poteau River In Southeastern Oklahoma. W. Ray, et al. Validation of Techniques for Host Fish Studies Using Lampsilis Straminea. K. Harriger, et al.Was not recorded Genomic Approaches to Understanding Behavioral Responses of Freshwater Mussel to Drought. E. Peatman, et al. Was not recorded Aquaculture, Stocking, Restoration Bar Grading of Alligator Gar Fingerlings in Raceways. S.E. Lochmann, et al. Artificially Inducing a False Annulus by Starvation on Age 0 Alligator Gar. R. Snow and C. Patterson Effects of Stocking Hatchery-Reared Largemouth Bass on Wild Juvenile Largemouth Bass in Small Impoundments. K.T. Rachels and S.E. Lochmann Relative Survival and Contribution of Stocked Fry and Fingerling Smallmouth Bass in the Broad River, South Carolina. J. Bettinger Adult Spawning Habitat and Survival, Movement, And Nursery Habitat of Stocked Juvenile Muskellunge in Middle Tennessee Streams. L. Warren and P.W. Bettoli A Stocking Evaluation of Grow-Out Channel Catfish in Oklahoma’s Small Impoundments. C. Patterson Management and Monitoring Efforts of American Shad in the Santee-Cooper River Basin. P. Corwin Population Structure and Genetic Characterization of American Shad Spawning Runs in the Carolinas: Using Genetic Tools for Responsible Stocking. E. Cushman, et al. Evaluation of Striped Bass Stockings in Coastal North Carolina with Micosatellite Markers. K. Dockendorf Techniques and Sampling Use of Underwater Video Cameras to Assess Fish Communities in Dense Submersed Aquatic Vegetation. K.L. Wilson, et al. Kayak-Based Videomapping River Systems for Determining Optimal Habitat for Endangered Fish and Mussels. P. Ayers GPS-Based Snorkel Survey Mapping and Under Structure Video Exploration for Aquatic Population Monitoring. P. Ayers, et al. Electrofishing with Spheres, Rings and Rods: Electrical Fields of Three Common Electrodes. J. Reynolds Effect of Pulsed Gastric Lavage on Apparent Survival of a Juvenile Fish in a Natural System. A.B. Barbour, et al. Physiology, Fish Health, Contaminants An Evaluation of Genetic Toxicity in the Great Lakes Basin, a Case Study. R.P. Braham, et al. Effects of Environmental Contaminants On Gene Expression Endpoints in Fishes of the Great Lakes. C. Hahn, et al. Use of External Stress Indicators to Evaluate Black Bass (Micropterus Spp.) Condition at Catch and Release Tournaments. G. Maynard, et al. Characterization of Gizzard Shad Sound Production in Response to Environmental Stressors. M.P. Gruntorad and G.R. Wilde Sources and Effects of Estrogens in the Upper Conasauga River. W. Jacobs, et al. Intersex in Blacknose Dace Downstream of Wastewater Treatment Plants in SouthCentral Pennsylvania. L. Kesslak, et al. Critical Thermal Maxima and Heat Hardening in Two Populations of Alligator Gar. Fernando, et al. A.V. Effects of an Unprecedented Coal-Ash Spill on Fish Health in an East Tennessee River System. M. Bevelhimer Sturgeons and Paddlefish The Current Status of Oklahoma’s Paddlefish Research Center on Grand Lake Paddlefish Stock and Implications for Harvest Management. B. Gordon and D. Scarnecchia Juvenile Paddlefish (And Other Mythical Creatures) in Grand Lake, Oklahoma. J.D. Schooley Monitoring Paddlefish Movements In The Grand River System, Oklahoma, Using Temperature and Depth Sensing Ultrasonic Tags. B. Johnston and J. Schooley Assessment of Catch-And-Release Mortality of Snagged Paddlefish in Oklahoma. E. Brennan and B. Gordon Development of The Tennessee River Lake Sturgeon Management Plan and Working Group. K. Alford, et al. Population Characteristics of Shovelnose Sturgeon in the Arkansas River. C. Jansen and J. Stoeckel Identifying the Current Distribution of Shovelnose Sturgeon in Eastern Oklahoma: The First Assessment at The Southwestern Extent of the Species Range. J. Johnston, et al. Genetic Tool For Age Estimation of Atlantic Sturgeon Using Telomeres. D. Farrae, et al. Estimating Gulf of Mexico Sturgeon Mortality and Movement Rates. M. Rudd, et al. Pallid Sturgeon Habitat Use And Selection In The Lower Mississippi River. J. Herrala, et al.