Time & Place:
Tuesday 3:40-4:30, One Credit, S/F
Office Hours:
Professor Carol A. Chapelle
339 Ross Hall, phone: 294-7274, e-mail : carolc@iastate.edu
Monday & Wednesday 2:00-3:00 & by appointment http://www.public.iastate.edu/~carolc/
Landmarks in Linguistic Thought II
Talbot J. Taylor
, by John E. Joseph, Nigel Love and
This course is intended for undergraduate majors in linguistics and students wishing to learn more about the field of linguistics and the career paths for graduates with a degree in linguistics.
It will introduce students to linguistics as a cross-disciplinary field that has been developed by scholars studying language from a variety of different perspectives and for different purposes.
Each week students will read about and discuss a major figure in linguistics and his or her area of contribution, with perspectives ranging across culture, psychology, society, biology, and philosophy, for example. Guest lecturers will describe career paths that take linguists into work such as language teaching, software development, language assessment, speech pathology, philosophy, government work, and translation.
● Recognize origins and strands of linguistic perspectives in a variety of applications.
● Identify and explain intellectual and practical uses for the study of linguistics.
● Summarize the main points of two of the perspectives on linguistics covered in class (Two papers of no more than two pages each). Students can choose the area that they want to work on from the topics in the syllabus. One due March 6; the other due April 17.
● Develop a Web page summarizing career options in linguistics based on presentations by speakers. Due April 26.
● Students are required to attend all classes. Any missed classes must be made up with an extra paper summarizing the two topics of the day missed submitted within two weeks of absent date.
No late assignments will be accepted.
Jan. 9
Introduction to the
Jan. 16 interdisciplinary study of linguistics
Chapter 12: Bruner and
Chomsky on language
Jan. 23
Jan. 30
Feb. 6
Feb. 13 development
Chapter 14: Computational linguistics (On electronic reserve at Parks library**)
Chapter 5: Firth on language and context
Chapter 9: Chomsky on language as biology
Chapter 11: Goffman on the communicating self
Feb. 20
Feb. 27
March 6
Chapter 7: Austin on language as action
Chapter 3: Orwell on language as politics
Chapter 10: Labov on linguistic variation
March 13
March 20 Chapter 4: Sapir on language and culture
Guest Lecturer, Field of Study—Topic
Prof. John Levis, TESL/Applied
Linguistics—Introduction to linguistics and linguistics careers
Prof. Carol Chapelle, TESL/Applied
Linguistics —Second language acquisition and computer-assisted language learning
Prof. Mohammad Haji-Abdolhosseini,
TESL/Applied Linguistics —Computational linguistics and forensic linguistics
Prof. Viviana Cortes, TESL/Applied
Linguistics —Corpus linguistics
Professor Alison Morris, Psychology—
Prof. Dan Douglas, TESL/Applied
Linguistics —Language testing
Prof. Jean Goodwin, Speech
Prof. David Asjes, Naval Science—Military and other government linguistics
Prof. Roberta Vann, TESL/Applied
Linguistics —Sociolinguistics
Spring Break
Prof. Dawn Bratch-Prince, World Languages and Cultures—Foreign language teaching
TBA—Translation March 27 Chapter 1: Whorf on language and thought
April 3 Chapter 8: Skinner on verbal behavior
April 10
April 17
April 26
Thurs. 5:00
Chapter 6: Wittgenstein on grammatical investigations
Work on Web pages
Show Web pages
Prof. Horabail Venkatagiri, Psychology—
Speech-language pathology and audiology
Prof. William Robinson, Philosophy—
Philosophy of language
All speakers invited
* Chapters refer to the Landmarks in Linguistic Thought book.
** From An Introduction to Language and Linguistics (R. W. Fasold & J. Connor-
Linton, Eds.), pp. 465-491, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.