A Fuzzy Logic Controller for Ant Algorithms Cherry Amir Amr Badr Ibrahim Farag ruaab@rusys.eg.net Faculty of Computers and Information, Department of Computer Science, Cairo University Abstract Parameter setting highly affects the performance of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithms which inspired us to develop a module to be added to the standard Ant Colony System (ACS) algorithm by which the parametersetting is done automatically. The module we added to the algorithm is a Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) which is used to tune the parameters according to robust performance measures of the algorithm. The parameter-tuning is performed as the algorithm runs, and this allows the dynamic setting of the parameters based on the current performance of the algorithm. The adaptive ACS algorithm was tested on many TSP problems with different sizes and the results were compared to those of the standard algorithm, where this comparison showed that the adaptive ACS algorithm outperformed the standard algorithm and reached near-optimal solutions that the standard algorithm could not find. It also showed a faster convergence to the solutions than the standard algorithm. Keywords: Ant Colony Optimization, Parameter Tuning, Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Controllers. 1 Introduction Ant colonies [Dor04], and more generally social insect societies, are distributed systems that in spite of the simplicity of their component individuals present a highly structured social organization. As a result of this organization, ant colonies can accomplish astonishingly complex tasks that could never be performed by a single ant. Ants coordinate their activities via stigmergy, a form of indirect communication mediated by modifications of the environment. For example, a foraging ant deposits a chemical substance on the ground which increases the probability that other ants will follow the same path. The first ACO algorithm was the Ant System (AS) and it was the first ACO algorithm to be applied to the TSP problem. The ACS algorithm was introduced to improve the performance of the AS algorithm and was successfully applied to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). There have been many studies [Bot98, Cas00, Dor97(a)] that analyzed the ACO algorithms performance with parameters’ tuning, and the effect of the different parameters’ values on the performance of the ACO algorithms. The parameters of the ACS algorithm have been previously set manually [Dor97(a), Dor97(b)] using values that are known to give reasonable performance of the algorithm; another thing is that the parameters had fixed values throughout the entire run. The values of the parameters vary from one application to another and from one problem size to another so there are no fixed magical values that will make the algorithm perform to its best in all situations. What we are proposing here is to set these values automatically and their values would change throughout the run according to certain performance measures, which will lead to the best performance of the algorithm and faster convergence to the optimal solutions. The adaptive ACS algorithm that we implemented was applied to various TSP problems. We have implemented the ACS-TSP but with a Fuzzy Controller module that was added to the algorithm which evolves parameters automatically as the algorithm run. The rule-base of the fuzzy controller represents the fuzzy rules that govern the performance of the ACS algorithm in response to the changes in the parameters’ values. The fuzzy rules were deduced using a genetic algorithm that produces its output with the help of a data set. The adaptive ACS algorithm has proven to get better results than the traditional ACS for larger TSP instances. We tried the modified ACS to a number of TSP instances with different sizes and the algorithm yielded better solutions in some cases specially the cases with large number of cities and faster convergence to good solutions in most of the cases. In the following section we describe the standard ACS algorithm in more details. 2 Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) The first application of an ant colony optimization algorithm was done using the traveling salesman problem (TSP) as a test problem. The main reasons why the TSP was chosen are that it is a shortest path problem to which the ant colony metaphor is easily adapted and that it is a very easy application to understand and explanations of the algorithm behavior are not obscured by too many technicalities. A general definition of the traveling salesman problem is the following. Consider a set N of nodes, representing cities, and a set E of arcs fully connecting the nodes N .Let dij be the length of the arc (i, j) Є E ,that is the distance between cities i and j ,with i, j Є N .The TSP is the problem of finding a minimal length Hamiltonian circuit on the graph G =(N,E), where an Hamiltonian circuit of graph G is a closed tour visiting once and only once all the n = |N | nodes of G ,and its length is given by the sum of the lengths of all the arcs of which it is composed [Dor99]. 3 Applying ACO algorithms to the TSP In ACO algorithms ants are simple agents which, in the TSP case, construct tours by moving from city to city on the problem graph. The ants' solution construction is guided by artificial pheromone trails and an a priori available heuristic information. Each ant has a tabu list which contains the cities that have not yet been visited by this ant. 3.1 Ant Colony System (ACS) [Dor97(a), Gam96] has many characteristics that distinguish it from the rest of the ACO algorithms. First, it uses an aggressive action choice rule. Second, the pheromone is added only to arcs belonging to the global-best solution. Third, each time an ant uses an arc (i, j) to move from city i to city j, it removes some pheromone from the arc. In the following we present these modifications in more detail. Tour construction: In ACS ants choose the next city using the pseudorandom-proportional action choice rule: First let q be a random variable uniformly distributed over [0, 1], and q0 Є [0, 1] be a tunable parameter. According to Equation 2, when located at city i, ant k moves, with probability q0, to city l for which il t . il is maximal, that is, with probability q0 the best possible move as indicated by the learned pheromone trails and the heuristic information is made (exploitation of learned knowledge). With probability (1 - q0), an ant performs a biased exploration of the arcs according to Equation 1. t . ij where ij t . lN ik il arg max lNik il il , j J, if qq0 ; otherwise; , Global pheromone trail update: In ACS, after each iteration, the shortest tour (global-best tour) of this iteration is determined, and arcs belonging to this tour receive extra pheromone, so only the global-best ant is allowed to add pheromone after each iteration which is shown in Equation 3. Where and dij is the distance between cities i and j, ij t is the pheromone trail on arc (i, j), β is a parameter which determines the relative influence of the pheromone trail and the heuristic information, and N k i is the feasible (3) ijgb (t ) 1 / Lgb , and Lgb is the length of the Local pheromone trail update: Additionally to the global updating rule, in ACS the ants use a local update rule that they apply immediately after having crossed an arc during the tour construction: ij (1 ). ij . 0 where ij 1 d ij is an a priori available heuristic value i , j global - best tour global-best tour. It is important to note that the trail update only applies to the arcs of the global-best tour, not to all the arcs like in AS. The parameter again represents the pheromone evaporation. In ACS only the global best solution receives feedback. Initially, also using the iteration best solution was considered for the pheromone update. Although for smaller TSP instances the difference in solution quality between using the global-best solution or the iteration-best solution is minimal, for larger instances the use of the global-best tour gives by far better results. if j N ik (1) il (2) J here is a randomly generated number between 0 and 1, where a city j gets chosen according to J with probability pij explained in Equation 1. gb ij t 1 1 ij t ij t , The ACS Algorithm pijk t neighborhood of ant k, that is, the set of cities which ant k has not yet visited. (4) , 0 < < 1, and 0 are two parameters to the ACS algorithm. In this way the exploration of not yet visited arcs is increased. The value of 0 is set to be the same as the initial value for the pheromone trails. Experimentally, a good value for was found to be 0.1, while a good value for 0 was found to be 1 n.Lnn , where n is the number of cities in the TSP instance and Lnn is the length of the nearest-neighbor tour. The effect of the local updating rule is that each time an ant uses an arc (i, j) its pheromone trail ij is reduced, so that the arc becomes less desirable for the following ants. In other words, this allows an increase in the exploration of arcs that have not been visited yet and, in practice, has the effect that the algorithm does not show a stagnation behavior. A stagnation behavior occurs when pheromone accumulates on a certain path, which is usually a local optimal solution, and more ants keep choosing this path over an over until eventually all ants choose this path and the algorithm prematurely converges to this local optimal solution. Hand-Tuned Parameter Setting for ACO Algorithms: Experimental study of the various ACO algorithms for the TSP has identified parameter settings that result in good performance [Dor04]. It should be clear that in individual instances, different settings may result in much better performance. However, the stated values of the parameters were found to yield reasonable performance over a significant set of TSP instances. The performance of the ant algorithms with the hand-tuned parameters was not always good enough and this is the reason why many studies [Pil02] were made to try to automate the process of the parameter-setting for some ACO algorithms to improve the performance. 3.2 pheromone on that path, so we need to increase the value of the β parameter such that the weight of the heuristic information (length of the path) is higher than the weight of the pheromone trail on that path. There are two steps involved in the automatic parametersetting, the first is: 1. Fuzzy Rule Induction: In order for the fuzzy controller to output the best parameter values for the running algorithm, it needed a rule-base that best describes the performance of the ACS algorithm in response to the changes in the values of the parameters β and q0. A genetic algorithm was used for the fuzzy-rule induction process. To use the genetic algorithm we needed to go through a number of steps first, they are: Determine the Inputs and Outputs of the Fuzzy Rules: where the inputs are the error and variance which are the performance measures, while the outputs are the parameters β and q0. Define the Membership Functions: we used triangular membership functions for each of the inputs and outputs. Prepare the Data Set File: which contains the data samples of a running ACS algorithm. We created the data set file by varying each of the parameters such that the file shows the performance of the algorithm with different parameters’ values. The larger the data set file is, the better the chance to produce rules that best describes the effect of the algorithm’s parameters on the performance. Adaptive ACS Algorithm We propose the modified ACS algorithm that has an added fuzzy controller module to tune the ACS parameters β and q0 automatically according to some performance measures. The reason for which we chose these two parameters is the strong relationship we observed between these two parameters values and the algorithm’s performance which we noticed after running the algorithm thousands of times while monitoring its performance in response to the changes in parameters’ values. For example, considering the q0 parameter, if the variance throughout the population is high this means that there are a variety of different paths currently being explored by the ants, and accordingly we don’t require any more exploration, but instead we need to exploit the learned information (the pheromone trails and the heuristic information), so we’ll set the q0 parameter to a higher value such that we increase the probability by which the ant will make the best possible move as indicated by the learned pheromone and the heuristic information. Considering the β parameter, if the variance throughout the population is low, this means that the ants could be stuck in a local optimal path (stagnation behavior explained in section 3.1) because of the accumulated Design of the Genetic Algorithm: Individual Representation: In conventional GAs each individual corresponds to a candidate solution to a given problem. In our case the problem is to discover a set of prediction rules so we have the option of representing an individual as a set of rules or as a single rule. We chose to represent each individual of the GA population as a set of prediction rules, i.e., an entire candidate solution. This is called the Pittsburgh approach. The Pittsburgh approach has the advantage that the individual represents the whole set of rules so the fitness function measures the fitness of the set of rules as one entity. Encoding Rule Antecedents: Each parameter has three fuzzy sets. The fuzzy sets are: LeftTriangle which determines the range for the low value of the parameter. Triangle which determines the range of the medium value of the parameter. RightTriangle which determines the range for the high value of the parameter. So the possible fuzzy values for any of the parameters we have are: Low, Medium, High, Not Low, Not Medium, and Not High. The values “Low”, “Medium”, and “High” are stored as the values “1”, “2”, and “3“ respectively. The “Not” can be represented as a negative value so “Not Low” value would map to “-1”. For example, if we want to represent the rule antecedent: IF error is high and variance is not medium The output string would be: 3 -2 Encoding a Rule Consequent: Encoding the rule consequent is no different than encoding the rule antecedent For example if we want to represent the following rule: If variance is low then beta is low and q0 is medium The output string would be: Attr1 Attr2 Attr3 Attr4 0 1 1 2 Figure 1: fixed-length encoded string Encoding an Individual: When encoding an individual one has to ask how many rules should each individual have. It’s better if each individual has a different number of rules to explore all the possibilities. Although a maximum number of rules per set will be given as an input to the system, each individual can have any number of rules that is less than or equal the maximum number of rules. What decides the number of rules the rule set will have is a random number generated at run time that ranges from the value 1 to the maximum number of allowed rules. So each individual will have an integer in its array that represents the number of rules in this rule set and an array of integers representing the whole rule set. Length of the array will be as follows: Len = (NOI + NOO) * (NOR) + 1 Where NOI is number of inputs, NOO is number of outputs, and NOR is number of rules. Fitness Evaluation of an Individual: The fitness of an individual in the population of the genetic algorithm is measured by matching the given data instances against the individual’s set of rules. For each individual of the population, we go through each entry in the data set file, if there’s no rule in the rule set of the current matches this entry, then it’s considered as a misclassification. So the calculated fitness of each individual will be: Fitness = (number of data instances misclassifications) / number of data instances – The genetic algorithm then outputs a set of fuzzy rules that best suits the data set. An example of a rule that could be part of the output of the genetic algorithm is: IF error is low and variance is medium THEN beta is low. where error is the difference between the TSP’s optimal solution(best known solutions [TSPLIB]) and the found solution, variance is the variance among the solutions found by the population of ants, and beta is the relative influence of the pheromone trail and the heuristic information. 2. Operation of the Fuzzy Controller over the ACS Algorithm: A Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is composed of a knowledge base, that includes the information given by the expert in the form of linguistic control rules, a fuzzification interface, which has the effect of transforming crisp data into fuzzy sets, an Inference System, that uses them together with the knowledge base to make inference by means of a reasoning method, and a defuzzification interface, that translates the fuzzy control action thus obtained to a real control action using a defuzzification method [Her96(a)]. The structure of an FLC is shown in Figure 2. Knowledge Base Fuzzification Interface State Variables Inference System Controlled System Defuzzification Interface Control Variables Figure 2: Structure of a Fuzzy Logic Controller [Her96(a)]. The knowledge base is composed of two components, a data base, containing the definitions of the fuzzy control rules linguistic labels, i.e., the membership functions of the fuzzy sets specifying the meaning of the linguistic terms, and a rule base, constituted by the collection of fuzzy control rules representing the expert’s knowledge. o The data base is constituted of a membership functions file that we prepared. Each of the inputs and outputs of the fuzzy rules has associated membership functions. We used triangular membership functions for their simplicity. o The rule base comes from the genetic system using rule induction. We should bear in mind that our fuzzy controller tunes the parameters of the ACS algorithm depending on the fuzzy rule base, but the fuzzy rules we got from the genetic algorithm just monitor the performance of the ACS algorithm and its variance with the change in the ACS parameters. What we need is to adapt these fuzzy rules to match our requirement to adjust the performance of the ACS algorithm and form an adaptive ACS algorithm. For example, if we have the generated fuzzy rule: if error is high then beta is low, this rule puts the ACS performance in words by saying that it was found that when the error was high, the beta was found to have a low value. If we need to adjust the ACS performance by minimizing the error in the population, then we should avoid setting the beta to a low value, may be a medium or higher value will be more suitable, and so on. Fuzzification is the process of converting a "crisp" input value (in our case the crisp values are the values of the error and variance) into a corresponding degree of membership in a membership function (region). The job of the inference engine is to check the fired rules and combine their outputs to one single output representing the set of values for each variable. In the final step known as defuzzification, the combined or aggregate output of all the rules which "fired" is determined, and the result is used to calculate a "crisp" (non-fuzzy) output result representing values of the parameters β and q0. o For each ant i in the population IF q < q0 THEN //with //probability q0 Choose the city J from the tabu list to step to, for which the pheromone and heuristic information is maximal ELSE //with probability (1-q0) Perform a biased exploration from the tabu list and choose city J to step to. Update pheromone levels using the ACS local rule; o Until no more cities to visit; o Compute the length of the Tour found by each ant; o Update pheromone level using the ACS global rule for the best tour; o Calculate Variance; o Calculate the Error of the best-so-far tour; o [β, q0 ] = Controller [Variance, Error]; Until no more iterations END Algorithm: Controller Input: Variance Error //the error of the best-so-far tour compared to the best-known tour to the TSP problem Output: β q0 BEGIN Read the rule base file For each rule i in the rule base o Fuzzify the Variance and Error parameters. o Check if the rule is active for the Variance and Error values. o IF the rule is active THEN Output the fuzzy values of the β and q0 parameters Add the produced fuzzy values of each output Defuzzify the result and output the crisp values for β and q0 parameters END Structure of the Adaptive ACS Algorithm: Figure 3: Algorithm of the Adaptive ACS Algorithm Algorithm: Adaptive ACS Input: TSP Problem //the TSP instance file name NumberOfAnts //the number of ants to be //used in the algorithm Beta (β) //weight of heuristic //information to pheromone ρ //global decay ξ //local decay q0 //exploration versus exploitation N //number of iterations Output: bestTour // The shortest path found by the //algorithm BEGIN Initialize the Controller For each Iteration o Place each ant in a randomly chosen city; 4 4.1 The Results of the Adaptive ACS Algorithm Sample Runs We have tested our adaptive ACS algorithm as opposed to the standard ACS algorithm on different TSP instances. Unless specified, the parameters of both algorithms were set to the best known values which are: m (number of ants) = n (number of cities) β (pheromone/distance) = 2 ρ (global decay) = 0.2 ξ (local decay) = 0.2 q0 (exploration vs. exploitation) = 0.5 n (number of cycles) = 500 Sample run 3 (pr264.tsp): The following chart shows the result of running both algorithms on the pr264.tsp with number of ants = 100. The number of ants was decreased here to 100 instead of 264 for a limited resources problem as the larger the TSP instances are, the greater the time it takes to solve them, so we decreased the number of ants to reduce the time for solving the problem. The adaptive ACS has found a tour of length 53429, while the standard ACS algorithm has found a tour of length 56131. Sample run 1 (eil51.tsp): The following chart shows the result of running both algorithms on the eil51.tsp. The x-axis represents the tour length, while the y-axis represents the cycle number. The adaptive ACS has found a tour of length 431, while the standard ACS algorithm has found a tour of length 452. Cycle/Tour with 51 ants adaptive ACS Cycle/Tour with 100 ants standardACS adaptive ACS standard ACS Thousands 600 575 550 Tour Tour 525 500 66 64 62 60 475 58 450 56 425 54 52 400 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 0 Cycle 4.2 Tour Thousands adapted ACS standard ACS 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 150 200 250 300 Cycle Chart 2: Sample run on pr144.tsp. 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 350 400 450 500 Simplified Results of the Adaptive ACS versus the standard ACS: Both the adaptive and the standard ACS algorithms were run for a limited number of iterations which is 500. We found out that when the number of iterations is greater than 500, both the algorithms’ performance is not improved and the algorithms’ performance curves stabilize before iteration 500. The Fuzzy Logic Controller module has a negligible computation overhead so for the same number of iterations for both algorithms we can say that both the adaptive and the standard algorithm have the same run time. Cycle/Tour with 144 ants 100 150 Chart 3: Sample run on pr264.tsp. Sample run 2 (pr144.tsp): The following chart shows the result of running both algorithms on the pr144.tsp with number of ants = 144. The adaptive ACS has found a tour of length 59710, while the standard ACS algorithm has found a tour of length 61314. 50 100 Cycle Chart 1: Sample run on eil51.tsp. 0 50 550 The following table shows the results of the runs on each of the TSP instances. The numbers followed by each TSP instance represent: 1. The best tour found by the standard ACS algorithm with number of ants (m) equals to 10. 2. The best tour found by the adaptive ACS algorithm with number of ants (m) equals 10. 3. The best tour found by the standard ACS algorithm with number of ants (m) equals to the number of cities (n). 4. The best tour found by the adaptive ACS algorithm with number of ants (m) equals to the number of cities (n). 5. The best known solution to this TSP instance. The number between the square brackets is the iteration where the algorithm found the best tour. ACS with m=10 474.1 [289] 824.1 [326] 675.6 [205] Adaptive ACS with m=10 454.7 [199] 751.8 [143] 607.6 [95] ACS with m=n 452.1 [283] 695.4 [54] 562.6 [452] 1270.2 [314] Adaptive ACS with m=n 431.9 [133] Best Known Solution 691 [66] 675 556 [479] 538 Rat99 N/A N/A 1234.2 [315] 1211 Eil101 N/A N/A 672.1 [63] 655.6 [218] 629 Lin105 N/A N/A 14665.4 [236] 14543.1 [27] 14379 Pr107 N/A N/A 46347 [312] 45757.9 [329] 44303 Pr124 N/A N/A 60559.6 [287] 60203.3 [322] 59030 Rat195 N/A N/A 2449.1 [392] 2401.9 [65] 2323 Pr226 N/A N/A Pr264 N/A N/A 83521.5 [106] 56131.6 [237] (m=100) 83141.5 [258] 53429.6 [78] (m=100) TSP Problem Eil51 St70 Eil76 426 80369 49135 Table 1: results of the adaptive ACS and the standard ACS algorithms run on a number of TSP instances As we notice from the table that both algorithms haven’t reached the optimal solutions but only reached nearoptimal solutions, this is due to the limitation of resources since TSP is a computation-intensive problem that requires high specifications of the machine it runs on. In most of the cases, these near-optimal solutions are considered to be good enough. As we can see in the first three TSP instances, the results of the adaptive ACS compared to the standard ACS has a smaller difference when m is set to n than the difference when m is set to 10. While for larger TSP instances, the difference in performance is significant whatever the value of the m parameter is. 5 Conclusions In this paper, we developed a Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) module to be added to the Ant Colony System (ACS) algorithm for the sake of tuning its parameters automatically when applied to the TSP. The ACS parameters used to be hand-tuned, which requires human experience to set them in addition to the fact that the parameter settings used to be static through out the entire run of the algorithm regardless of the performance of the algorithm. Our FLC takes robust performance measures of the ACS algorithm (like the fitness and the variance), and evolves the parameters at run time, which guarantees supplying the algorithm with the suitable values of the parameters based on the current performance. The adaptive ACS algorithm tunes two parameters of the ACS algorithm, which are the beta (β) parameter and the q0 parameter. The β parameter is the weight of the heuristic information to the pheromone trail, while the q0 is the parameter that controls the exploration versus the exploitation in the ants’ decision. The values of these two parameters are very important since they are considered as the controlling parameters of the ACS algorithm. The Fuzzy Logic Controller’s main component is the rule base because the rule base contains the fuzzy rules that govern the ACS algorithm. It controls the algorithm with sentences rather than equations. The rule base usually comes from a domain’s expert who formulates his knowledge into fuzzy rules, but in our case we used a ready made genetic algorithm that generates fuzzy rules automatically given a large data set and the membership functions of each input and output. The adaptive ACS algorithm was tested on many different TSP instances to compare its performance with the standard ACS algorithm. The result was that the adaptive ACS showed faster convergence to the optimal solutions than the standard ACS, which can be an advantage for time constrained problems. For larger TSP instances, the adaptive ACS algorithm yielded nearoptimal solutions that were not found by the standard ACS algorithm, which will be needed by problems that need accurate solutions. Another interesting aspect about our adaptive ACS algorithm is how it behaves under the condition of bad parameter-setting. For example, the optimal value for the number of ants is known to be equal to the number of cities of the TSP instance, but when set to a number less than that, our algorithm outperformed the standard ACS algorithm by far. So it can be used in time-constrained environments since decreasing number of ants decreases the time required to solve the problem significantly. References [Bon00] E. Bonabeau, M. Dorigo, G. Theraulaz (2000) “inspiration for optimization from social insect behavior”, no. 406, pages 39-42. [Bot98] Hozefa M. Botee and Eric Bonabeau (1998) “Evolving Ant Colony optimization”, Adv. Complex Systems, 1, page 149-159. [Bra03] J. Branke and M. Guntsch (2003) “New Ideas for Applying Ant Colony Optimization to the Probabilistic TSP”, Proceedings of Evo Workshops, vol. 2611, pages 165-175. 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