comparative emphasis scale

Elizabeth C. Ravlin and Bruce M. Meglino
INSTRUCTIONS: Sometimes people must choose between two things they feel they should
do. In these choice situations they must place more emphasis on one activity over another.
Below are pairs of statements which describe activities which people feel they should do.
Read each statement carefully, and then place a check next to the statement which you feel
you should emphasize more in your behavior at work.
Always being in control of your emotions while under stress
Looking forward to the future with a positive outlook
Both of the above statements represent activities many people feel are important and should
be done. Imagine you're in a situation in which you can only do one of them. Your task is to
select the one statement of the pair that you feel should be emphasized in your behavior. In
the above example, this particular person felt the second activity should receive more
emphasis than the first. Of course another person might feel just the opposite.
Please read the following 24 pairs of statements and indicate which one in each pair you
feel should receive more emphasis. Some choices will probably be difficult for you, but
please do the best you can. Do not leave any questions blank.
Taking care of all loose ends on a job or project
Being impartial in dealing with others
Taking actions which represent your true feelings
Trying to avoid hurting other people
Encouraging someone who is having a difficult day
Considering different points of view before taking action
Speaking your mind even when your views may not be popular
Working to meet job requirements even when your personal schedule must be
Making decisions which are fair to all concerned
Expressing your true opinions when asked
Continuing to work on a problem until it is resolved
Trying to help a fellow worker through a difficult time
Trying to help reduce a friend's burden
Admitting an error and accepting the consequences
Being impartial in judging disagreements
Helping others on difficult jobs
Taking on additional tasks to get ahead
Admitting to making a mistake rather than covering it up
Offering help to others when they are having a tough time
Doing whatever work is required to advance in your career
Always being truthful in dealing with others
Giving everyone an equal opportunity at work
Judging people fairly based on their abilities rather than only on their personalities
Seeking out all opportunities to learn new skills
Trying to be helpful to a friend at work
Being sure that work assignments are fair to everyone
Refusing to take credit for ideas of others
Maintaining the highest standard for your performance
Being determined to be the best at your work
Trying not to hurt a friend's feelings
Trying to bring about a fair solution to a dispute
Admitting responsibility for errors made
Finishing each job you start even when others do not
Making sure that rewards are given in the fairest possible way
Refusing to tell a lie to make yourself look good
Helping those who are worried about things at work
Trying as hard as you can to learn as much as possible about your job
Taking a stand for what you believe in
Sharing information and ideas which others need to do their job
Always setting high performance goals for yourself
Refusing to do something you think is wrong
Providing fair treatment for all employees
Allowing each employee to have an equal chance to get rewards
Taking on more responsibility to get ahead in an organization
Correcting others' errors without embarrassing them
Holding true to your convictions
Providing fair treatment for each employee
Lending a helping hand to someone having difficulty