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Lesson Plan Format
Key Learning Area:
21st May 2013
Lesson Topic:
Multiplication to 10X table
Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):
 Confirmation of students abilities leading into 4 week block practicum
Syllabus Outcome(s):
One or two only. Please note the syllabus
reference number AND write out in full.
Indicators of Learning for this lesson:
Behaviours that contribute toward achievement of outcome(s).
Quote syllabus numbers. Must be clear, specific, observable.
Curriculum Content Strands may be used as headings.
Strategies which will be used to assess
learners’ attainment of learning outcomes.
Should be linked to each learning indicator.
By the end of this lesson, the students will:
- NS3.3:
Selects and applies
appropriate strategies for multiplication
and division
- be able to complete empty 10 X 10 multiplication grid (NS3.3)
- Observe and photograph the Ss as they fill
their grids
- be able to confidently use the counting on method, through the
availability of a prepared 100’s chart (NS3.3)
- Collect completed multiplication grids for
marking and assessing starting levels
Any safety issues to be considered:
List resources you used in preparing the lesson AND those used in the lesson implementation.
 Blank 10X multiplication grid
 Warm up multiplication activity sheet involving randomly generated algorithms
 Multiplication grid 12X for extension
 Multiplication grid 5X for less able students
 A6 sized 100’s chart
 Varying amounts of coloured counters
 Mathematics K-6, Syllabus 2002
Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning
(What is Taught):
Note key skills, concepts and values
addressed in each section. Link to your
Indicators of Learning.
Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:
(How it is taught)
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and
what students (Ss) will do.
Resources and Organisation:
Maths warm up worksheet
Maths warm up activity
(Multiplication Warm Up 1)
5 mins
Worksheet handed out to students - Timed activity of 5
At the end of 5 minutes, Ss swap worksheets and T reveals
the answers while Ss mark the worksheet in front of them.
Most students will be given the blank 10X
multiplication grid.
There are a small
number of students who will be given an
empty grid that only contains up to the 5X
multiplication table.
Two Ss asked to hand out blank 10X multiplication grids to Ss.
3 mins
Two Ss asked to handout A6 sized
 Blank 10X multiplication grid
 Blank 5X multiplication grid
Also handed out are handfuls of counters
In pairs, Ss can work together to complete their individual grids
5 mins
Ss are set a time frame of an initial 5 minutes, so that T is able
to gauge how naturally the answers are coming to the Ss.
At the end of 5 minutes, Ss who have completed their
nominated grid will be asked to move to the floor in a group
and to bring with them something flat to write on (diary or
workbook) and pen/pencil.
15 mins
Ss working on the 5X grid, who complete them within the 5
minutes, will be given the extension task of completing the rest
of the 10X grid to the best of their ability.
Ss on the floor will be given an extension task which includes
the 11X and 12X multiplication tables.
Extension 10X grid (partially filled in
up to the 5X)
Extension 12X grid (partially filled in
up to 10X)
10 mins
Ss that have not finished 1st grid (either 5X or 10X) will be
given more time to finish what they can. When they finish,
they will be offered the appropriate extension task.
Ss who are able to finish the 12X extension will be given an
additional ‘for fun’ addition activity.
Reflecting on what has been learnt
Ss are asked to look at completed grids (5X, 10X and 12X).
5 mins
What patterns can you see within the grid
that helped you to complete it?
(add further pages as required)
Ss given the opportunity to share their responses with the rest
of the group.