
Lijst interessante tijdschriften vakdomein HRM
1. Management executive
Tijdschrift dat verschillende aspecten van het bedrijfsleven (en
specifiek het managen ervan) behandelt. Behandelt thema’s als:
corporate governance, ondernemerschap, arbeidsorganisatie,
2. Economisch Statistische Berichten (ESB)
Nederlands tijdschrift met korte artikels over economie, strategie
en/of beleid. Er komt ook heel wat cijfermateriaal in voor.
Behandelt thema’s als: werkloosheid, pensioenen, sociaal kapitaal,
corporate governance,…
3. Gedrag & Organisatie
Gedrag en Organisatie is een tijdschrift voor sociale, economische,
arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie. Behandelt thema’s als:
employability, verloop, arbeidsbeleving, …
4. Gids voor Personeelsmanagement
De Gids voor Personeelsmanagement is een praktijkgericht
tijdschrift voor personeelsmanagers. Het bevat vooral korte artikels
rond thema’s die voor personeelsmanagers relevant zijn,
bijvoorbeeld motivatie, opleiding, binding. Ook veranderingen in de
(Nederlandse) wetgeving komen aan bod.
5. M&O: Tijdschrift voor management en organisatie
Dit tijdschrift bevat vooral korte artikels rond managementaspecten
in een organisatie. Behandelt thema’s als: inzetbaarheid van
werknemers, corporate venture capital, tevredenheid, veranderingen
in organisaties, diversiteit, werkplekinnovatie, coaching, etc.
6. Personeel en Organisatie
Dit tijdschrift bevat eerder korte artikels rond HRM-vraagstukken,
zoals het loonbeleid, verzuim, assessment centers,…
7. Sociaal-Economische Nieuwsbrief CRB
Nieuwsbrief van de Centrale Raad van het Bedrijfsleven (CRB). De
CRB bestaat uit werknemers- en werkgeversvertegenwoordigers en
heeft als taak advies te formuleren rond het economische beleid.
Behandelt thema’s als: ondernemersschap, informatiemaatschappij,
arbeidsmarkttendensen, wetgeving, sectoranalyses,…
8. Tijdschrift voor Arbeid en Participatie
(voortzetting van Tijdschrift voor Arbeid en
In dit tijdschrift komen artikels aan bod die gaan over betaalde of
onbetaalde arbeid, sociale zekerheid of over raakvlakken tussen
arbeid en zorg- en welzijnssector. Voorbeeldthema’s zijn:
werkloosheid, ouderenzorg, privatisering, vakbondswerking,…
9. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken
Het Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken behandelt
arbeidsgerelateerde onderwerpen: arbeidsmarkt (bv. werkloosheid),
arbeidsorganisatie (bv. thuiswerk, overwerk), arbeidsverhoudingen,
arbeidsomstandigheden (bv. welbevinden in het werk) en de sociale
Review of Business and Economics (vroeger:
Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management)
Een economisch tijdschrift dat alle onderwerpen behandelt rond
economie en management (veel ruimer dan HRM en organisatieaspecten). Behandelt onderwerpen als: consumentenvertrouwen,
kapitaalstructuren, investeringen, kredietproblemen,…
The Academy of Management Journal
Publishes empirical research that tests, extends, or builds
management theory and contributes to management practice. All
empirical methods -- including, but not limited to, qualitative,
quantitative, field, laboratory, and combination methods -- are
welcome. To be published in AMJ, a manuscript must make strong
empirical and theoretical contributions and highlight the
significance of those contributions to the management field. Thus,
preference is given to submissions that test, extend, or build strong
theoretical frameworks while empirically examining issues with
high importance for management theory and practice. AMJ is not
tied to any particular discipline, level of analysis, or national
The Academy of Management Review
Publishing academically rigorous, conceptual papers that advance
the science and practice of management. AMR is a theory
development journal for management and organization scholars
around the world. AMR publishes novel, insightful and carefully
crafted conceptual articles that challenge conventional wisdom
concerning all aspects of organizations and their role in society. The
journal is open to a variety of perspectives, including those that seek
to improve the effectiveness of, as well as those critical of,
management and organizations. Each manuscript published in AMR
must provide new theoretical insights that can advance our
understanding of management and organizations. Most articles
include a review of relevant literature as well.
The Academy of Management Perspectives
(vroeger: The Academy of Management Executive)
The mission of the Academy of Management Perspectives (AMP) is
to provide accessible articles about important issues concerning
management and business. AMP articles are aimed at the nonspecialist academic reader, not practicing managers, and rely on
evidence as opposed to theory or opinion for their arguments. All
articles are fundamentally based on research evidence, which can be
quantitative or qualitative, but not on opinion. Articles focus on the
phenomenon of business and management rather than theory; they
do not necessarily have to advance the existing academic literature.
Articles might include reviews of what we already know about
particular topics, with an orientation specifically toward practical
implications. Descriptive articles and those without a theoretical
foundation, typically excluded from academic journals, might also
be relevant if they advance our understanding of business and
management practice.
Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ)
Interdisciplinary journal publishing theoretical and empirical work
that advances the study of organizational behavior and theory. ASQ
publishes articles that contribute to organization theory from a
number of disciplines, including organizational behavior and theory,
sociology, psychology and social psychology, strategic
management, economics, public administration, and industrial
relations. ASQ publishes both qualitative and quantitative work, as
well as purely theoretical papers. Theoretical perspectives and topics
in ASQ range from micro to macro, from lab experiments in
psychology to work on nation-states.
British Journal of Guidance and Counselling
Exists to communicate theoretical and practical writing of high
quality in the guidance and counselling field. It is addressed to an
international, interdisciplinary audience and welcomes submissions
dealing with diverse theoretical orientations from practitioners and
researchers from around the world. It is concerned to promote the
following areas:
the theory and practice of guidance and counselling
the provision of guidance and counselling services
training and professional issues
Theoretical and empirical studies relating to the practice of guidance
and counselling are reported, drawing on a variety of disciplines,
encompassing both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, and
ranging in scope from large-scale surveys to individual case-studies.
The journal also explores the links between various areas of
guidance and counselling and their relationship to such cognate
fields as education, psychotherapy and social work.
British Journal of Industrial Relations
The recent pace of change within the subject of industrial relations
has been significant. New forms of management, new methods of
pay determination and government policies have led to a move away
from the traditional focus of collective bargaining and trade unions
and have broadened the scope of the subject. BJIR presents the latest
research on developments in employment relations from across the
globe. Contributions are drawn from across the social sciences, deal
with a broad range of employment topics and express a range of
California Management Review
CMR emphasizes three areas of critical importance to both
practicing managers and academic researchers: Strategy and
Organization, Global Competition and Competitiveness, and
Business and Public Policy. CMR focuses on contemporary
developments in the global economy, strategies for innovation,
strategic planning, management of technology, corporate culture,
managing human resources, and business ethics.
Career Development Quarterly
The purpose of CDQ is to foster career development through the
design and use of career interventions and publish articles on career
counseling, individual and organizational career development, work
and leisure, career education, career coaching, and career
10. Concepts and Transformation
International Journal of Action Research and
Organizational Renewal
This problem-driven journal focuses on the role of social research in
workplace reform and organizational renewal. It presents new
perspectives on the relationship between theory and practice in
social science. Concepts and Transformation not only includes
views of the researcher, but also acts as a forum for the practitioner.
By placing action research and organizational renewal in an
interdependent context, this journal positions itself actively and
centrally within the current debate about societal change.
11. Economic and Industrial democracy
Economic and Industrial Democracy explores the new labour
market, new work processes, as well as organizational aspects
regarding working life and its policy implications. Central themes
are the interaction between political, technological and economic
factors and various aspects of labour markets, industrial relations
and working life. An emphasis is also placed on international
coverage of empirical findings including discussion of the changing
social and economic conditions in labour markets, as well as human
capital and participation issues, and the enhancement of working
life, ranging from micro to macro levels in various countries.
12. Economy and Society
As one of the fields leading scholarly refereed journals, Economy
and Society plays a key role in promoting new debates and currents
of social thought. For over 25 years, the journal has explored the
social sciences in the broadest interdisciplinary sense, in innovative
articles from some of the world's leading sociologists and
anthropologists, political scientists, legal theorists, philosophers,
economists and other renowned scholars. In regular issues, and
through issues devoted to special themes, Economy and Society
covers questions ranging from economic governance to
developments in the life sciences and beyond, and publishes major
new work on current issues confronting progressive politics
throughout Europe and North America, Australasia and the Pacific
13. Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice
The journal's mission is to publish original papers which contribute
to the advancement of the field of entrepreneurship. ET&P
publishes conceptual and empirical articles of interest to scholars,
consultants, and public policy makers. Most issues also feature a
teaching case. Article topics include, but are not limited to:
National and International Studies of Enterprise Creation
Small Business Management
Family-Owned Businesses
Minority Issues in Small Business and Entrepreneurship
New Venture Creation
Research Methods
Venture Financing
Corporate and Non-Profit Entrepreneurship
14. European Economic Review
The aim of the EER is to contribute to the development of the
science of economics and its applications, as well as to improve
communication between academic researchers, teachers and policy
makers across the European continent and beyond.
15. The European Journal of Industrial Relations
The European Journal of Industrial Relations is the principal
English-language forum for the analysis of key developments in
European industrial relations and their theoretical and practical
implications. The journal is essential reading for both academics and
practitioners concerned with current and emergent trends in
industrial and employment relations in Europe and elsewhere
16. European Journal of Women’s Studies
The European Journal of Women's Studies is a major international
forum for original scholarship at the cutting edge of research in
Women's Studies. The journal's main focus is the complex
theoretical and empirical relationship between women and the
particular, and diverse, context of Europe. As well as publishing
articles, the journal includes overviews on the state of Women's
Studies in different European countries, short topical and polemical
pieces, reviews and conference reports.
17. European Journal of Work and Organizational
The journal publishes empirical, theoretical and review articles of
high scientific quality that are relevant to the real-world situations
faced by professionals. The journal fosters European research, but is
not exclusively European, having an international authorship,
readership and editorial board. Submissions from all around the
world are invited.
Gender & Society focuses on the social and structural study of
gender as a basic principle of the social order and as a primary
social category. Emphasizing theory and research from micro- and
macrostructual perspectives, Gender & Society features original
research, reviews, international perspectives, and book reviews from
diverse social science disciplines, including anthropology,
economics, history, political science, sociology and social
18. Gender and Society
19. Gender, Work and Organization
Awareness of gender as a central feature of all aspects of everyday
life and society has become more and more widespread.
Appropriately social sciences research is reflecting this increasing
concern with gender, especially in the field of work and
organization where this journal is focused. Gender, Work and
Organization is the first journal to bring together a wide range of
interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research in this field into a
new international forum for debate and analysis. Contributions are
invited from all disciplinary perspectives including anthropology,
history, labour economics, law, philosophy, politics, psychology,
and sociology.
20. Group and Organization Management
At Group and Organization Management, we endeavor to publish
high quality articles in all areas of management. Our mission is to
publish, "…original data-based research articles, research reviews,
research and evaluation studies, and critiques of research. Articles
should be strongly grounded in theory, but have practical
implications for organizational practitioners. Special attention will
be given to studies with cross-cultural implications. Appropriate
subjects include leadership, strategic management, organization
theory, group processes, communication in organizations,
consultation, and organizational development, but all articles
dealing with individual, group or organizational variables are
welcomed." GOM covers all management areas. We also wish to
publish high quality research using qualitative methodologies. GOM
publishes mostly empirical work, but we are open to literature
reviews, critiques of literature and other conceptual pieces.
21. Harvard Business Review
Harvard Business Review is all about best practices and better
practices and being front and center with the latest and greatest ideas
about how to run anything from a railroad to a recovering dotcom.
Although the magazine's eagerness to adopt buzzwords makes it a
target for jargon watchers, it is at heart conservative and cautious.
22. Human Relations
The Tavistock Institute founded Human Relations in the belief that
social scientists should work towards integrating their disciplines in
the attempt to understand the complexities of human problems, and
that both researchers and practitioners should translate
understanding into action by making links between theory and
practice. Such linkages increase the likelihood of relevance and of
innovative research in emerging fields of work, taking the social
scientist outside the traditional areas and approaches. We emphasize
our openness to such thinking.
Authors may discuss theoretical developments, present new
methods, or review articles, as well as report empirical research.
Both qualitative and quantitative data are welcome.
23. Human Resource Management
Covering the broad spectrum of contemporary human resource
management, this journal provides practicing managers and
academics with the latest concepts, tools and information for
effective problem solving and decision making in this field. Broad
in scope, it explores issues of societal, organizational and individual
relevance. Articles discuss new theories, new techniques, case
studies, models, and research trends of particular significance to
practicing managers.
24. Human Resource Management Journal
HRMJ is one of the leading journals in human resource
management. Its aim is to promote the understanding of the subject,
provide an international forum for discussion and debate, and to
stress the critical importance of people management to a wide range
of economic, political and social concerns. HRMJ’s focus lies in
providing a critical link between high quality academic research and
the practical implications for business practice.
25. Human Resource Management Review
This quarterly journal publishes scholarly or theoretical articles on
human resource management and related fields. Papers should
preferably be at the micro (individual and group) level, although
papers at the macro level will be accepted. Examples of subject
areas are personnel selection, applications of computer technology
performance appraisal, attraction and retention.
26. Industrial and Labor Relations Review
The Industrial and Labor Relations Review is a quarterly journal
that, since 1947, has published articles and book reviews on all
aspects of the employment relationship.
27. Industrial Relations
Corporate restructuring and downsizing, the changing employment
relationship in union and nonunion settings, high performance work
systems, the demographics of the workplace, and the impact of
globalization on national labor markets - these are just some of the
major issues covered in Industrial Relations. The journal offers an
invaluable international perspective on economic, sociological,
psychological, political, historical, and legal developments in labor
and employment. It is the only journal in its field with this
multidisciplinary focus on the implications of change for business,
government and workers. Industrial Relations offers a valuable
international perspective on current topics in industrial relations.
Each issue includes research articles, notes, and symposia on all
aspects of employment relations and the labor market.
28. International Journal of Human Resource
Concerned with the expanding role of strategic human resource
management in a fast-changing global environment, the Journal
focuses on future trends in HRM, drawing on empirical research in
the areas of strategic management, international business,
organisational, personnel management and industrial relations. The
International Journal of Human Resource Management encourages
strategically focused articles on a wide range of issues including
employee participation, human resource flow, reward systems and
high commitment work systems. The Journal aims to address major
issues arising from:
internationalisation of market integration.
increased competition.
technological change.
new concepts of line management.
changing corporate climates.
29. International Journal of Industrial Organization
The IJIO is an international venture that aims at full coverage of
theoretical and empirical questions in industrial organization. This
includes classic questions of strategic behavior and market structure.
The journal also seeks to publish articles dealing with technological
change, internal organization of firms, regulation, antitrust and
productivity analysis. We recognize the need to allow for diversity
of perspectives and research styles in industrial organization and we
encourage submissions in theoretical work, empirical work, and
case studies. The journal will also occasionally publish symposia on
topical issues.
30. International Journal of Manpower
International Journal of Manpower makes an important contribution
to the improvement of working life through serious discussion of
key human resource issues. Important topics in the field such as
recruitment, retention, development and the welfare of human
resources are all dealt with by experienced international contributors
in papers which are geared to the practical implementation of theory
in real life situations. The journal's broad range of material ensures
you will be kept informed on major developments in current
thinking, plus gain valuable insights which will help you improve
performance levels, commitment and standards of service.
31. International Journal of Training and
Increasing international competition has led governments and
corporations to focus on ways of improving national and corporate
economic performance. The effective use of human resources is
seen as a prerequisite, and the training and development of
employees as paramount. The growth of training and development
as an academic subject reflects its growth in practice. The
International Journal of Training and Development is an
international forum for the reporting of high-quality research,
analysis and debate for the benefit of the academic and corporate
communities, as well as those engaged in public policy formulation
and implementation. The effective use of human resources is seen as
a prerequisite for improving national and corporate economic
performance. This has led to training and development increasing
its importance as an academic subject. The journal is an
international forum for the reporting of high-quality research,
analysis and debate for the benefit of the academic and corporate
communities, as well as those engaged in public policy formulation
and implementation
32. International Labour Review
The International Labour Review combines a global view with the
results of analysis by economists, lawyers, sociologists, policymakers and other experts on the many factors determining the level,
quality and distribution of employment. The difficult and
controversial issues are taken up - women and gender issues, codes
of conduct, labour standards and human rights, freedom of
association, the right to strike, employment injuries, the
transformaton of work, development and many more.
33. Journal of Applied Psychology
The Journal of Applied Psychology emphasizes the publication of
original investigations that contribute new knowledge and
understanding to fields of applied psychology. The journal primarily
considers empirical and theoretical investigations of interest to
psychologists doing research that fosters the understanding of the
psychological and behavioral phenomena of individuals, groups, or
organizations in settings such as education/training, business,
government, health or service institutions, and that may be in the
public or private sector, for-profit or nonprofit. We are interested in
publishing articles that are empirical, conceptual, or theoretical, or a
combination of all three, that enhance our understanding of behavior
that has practical implications within particular contexts. This
implies that we are quite receptive to articles that are conducted in
the field or in the laboratory, where the data (quantitative or
qualitative) are analyzed with elegant or simple statistics, as long as
the article enhances our understanding of behavior and practice
when the research is brought into the field for application. Topics
appropriate for the Journal of Applied Psychology include personnel
selection, performance measurement, training, work motivation, job
attitudes, leadership, drug and alcohol abuse, career development,
the conflict between job and family demands, work behavior, work
stress, organizational design and interventions, technology, the
utility of organizational interventions, and cross-cultural differences
in work and behavior attitudes. The specific topics addressed,
however, change as a function of societal and organizational change;
studies of human behavior in novel situations are also encouraged.
34. Journal of Business Venturing
The Journal of Business Venturing provides a forum for the
dissemination of superior empirical, and rigorously developed
theoretical findings that advance our knowledge in four key areas:
entrepreneurship, new business development, industry evolution,
and technology management.
35. Journal of Career assessment
Over the last decade, Journal of Career Assessment has provided
methodologically sound, empirically based studies focusing on the
process and techniques by which counselors and others gain
understanding of the individual faced with the necessity of making
informed career decisions.
Ranked among the top 10 journals in applied psychology, the
journal covers the various techniques, tests, inventories, rating
scales, interview schedules, surveys, and direct observational
methods used in scientifically based practice and research to provide
an improved understanding of career decision-making. In addition to
testing, the journal focuses on all means developed and used to
assess and evaluate individuals and environments in the field of
career counseling and development.
Innovative topics include:
Career assessment strategies
Developments in instrumentation
Validation of theoretical constructs
Relationships between existing instruments
Career assessment procedures
Relationships between assessment and career
Review articles of career assessment strategies and
36. Journal of Education and Work
The Journal of Education and Work is an international forum for
academic research and policy analysis which focuses on the
interplay of the education and economic systems. The Journal of
Education and Work examines development of knowledge, skills,
attitudes and values in work and employment from pre-school to
university in the education system. The journal explores various
forms of industrial training and accreditation in the economic
system, including change in the economic and industrial
infrastructure which affect the types of employees required. Work in
the informal economy is also included. The journal has a particular
interest in comparative skill formation and especially the transition
from education to employment, how this process is structured and
managed and its effects on young people, schools, colleges,
universities and employers.
37. Journal of Employment Counseling
The Journal of Employment Counseling publishes articles
illuminating theory or practice in employment counseling, reporting
professional experimentation or research, or exploring current client
vocational problems or the professional concerns of counselors.
38. Journal of Human Resources
The Journal of Human Resources examines labor, health, education,
welfare, and retirement issues. Focused on policy implications, JHR
is intended for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners. The journal
includes rigorous and policy-relevant articles along with a
communication section that provides up-to-the-minute, short,
professional dialogue.
39. Journal of International Business Studies
Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) is a refereed
journal that publishes the results of social science research and other
types of articles that advance the understanding of business. JIBS'
audience consists of scholars in universities and research institutes,
as well as officials in private sector and public sector organizations.
40. Journal of Labor Research
The Journal of Labor Research, now in its twentieth year, is a
quarterly publication of the John M. Olin Institute for Employment
Policy and Practice devoted to workplace issues and employment
relationships. In addition to articles on a specific topic written by
academics or practitioners, special symposia are also published so
that an emerging policy issue or trend in the workplace can be
explored in depth from various perspectives.
41. Journal of Management
The Journal of Management publishes empirical and theoretical
articles dealing with any area represented within the domain of the
Academy of Management. Manuscripts that are suitable for
publication in the Journal of Management cover such areas as
business strategy and policy, human resource management,
organizational behavior, organizational theory, and research
42. Journal of Management Inquiry
The Journal of Management Inquiry publishes the latest research
and practice written by today's top management scholars and
professionals from a wide variety of areas within the management
and organization field. Disciplines regularly covered include:
Organization and Management Theory · Research Methods ·
Organization Development and Change · Social Issues in
Management · Gender and Diversity in Organizations · Conflict
Management · Organization Behaviour · Business Policy and
Strategy · Human Resources · Ethics · International Management.
43. Journal of Management Studies
The Journal of Management Studies (JMS) is a globally respected
journal with a long established history of innovation and excellence
in management research. International in scope and readership, the
JMS is a multidisciplinary journal, publishing articles on
organization theory and behaviour, strategic and human resource
management - from empirical studies and theoretical developments
to practical applications. The journal provides: in-depth coverage of
organizational problems and organization theory; reports on the
latest developments in strategic management and planning; crosscultural comparisons of organizational effectiveness; and concise
reviews of the latest publications in management studies as well as
lively debate in topical and important issues on management.
44. Journal of Occupational and Organizational
Publishes empirical and conceptual papers which aim to increase
understanding of people and organizations at work. Papers include:
industrial, organizational, engineering, vocational and personnel
psychology, as well as behavioural aspects of industrial relations,
ergonomics, human factors and industrial sociology.
45. Journal of Organizational Behavior
Journal of Organizational Behavior aims to report and review the
growing research in the industrial/organizational psychology and
organizational behavior fields throughout the world. The journal is
focused on research and theory in all the topics associated with
occupational/organizational behavior. These include motivation,
work performance, equal opportunities at work, job design, career
processes, occupational stress, quality of work life, job satisfaction,
personnel selection, training, organizational change, research
methodology in occupational/organizational behavior, employment,
job analysis, behavioral aspects of industrial relations, managerial
behavior, organizational structure and climate, leadership and
46. Journal of Organizational Change Management
Journal of Organizational Change Management offers
detailed analysis and discussion on the philosophies and
practices which underpin successful organizational change. It
seeks to help build more promising futures for the societies
and organizations. International and interdisciplinary in its
approach, the journal offers a wealth of valuable material to
the organization committed to the choice for change. The
journal presents contributions from distinguished practitioners,
thinkers and academics in the field, so that implementing
change in your organization will be workable, desirable, and
above all, effective. Coverage:
Adapting strategic planning to the need for change
Leadership research
Responsibility for change implementation and followThe psychology of change and its effect on the
TQM - will it work in your organization?
47. Journal of Small Business Management
The primary purpose of the Journal of Small Business Management
(JSBM) is to publish scholarly research articles in the fields of small
business management and entrepreneurship. As the official journal
of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB), the JSBM is
recognized as a primary instrument for projecting and supporting the
goals and objectives of this organization, which include scholarly
research and the free exchange of ideas.
48. Journal of Vocational behaviour
The Journal of Vocational Behavior publishes empirical and
theoretical articles that expand knowledge of vocational behavior
and career development across the life span. Research presented in
the journal encompasses the general categories of career choice,
implementation, and vocational adjustment and adaptation. The
articles contribute to a theoretical understanding of career choice
and vocational adjustment and are also valuable for applications in
counseling and career development programs in colleges and
universities, business and industry, government, and the military. A
particularly useful feature is the annual review of research in
vocational behavior published in the October issue. Research areas
• Career development and choice
• Evaluations of measuring instruments and assessment methods
• Job satisfaction
• Multiple role management and functioning
• Occupational stereotyping
• Vocational and career adjustment
• Work commitment and involvement
• Work stress and strain
• Work-related transitions
49. Journal of World Business
The Journal of World Business publishes manuscripts that are broad
in scope, but demonstrate keen insights into problems facing the
professional practitioner as well as the academician. With
specifically designated editorial review boards to recognize the
importance of contributions from the Pacific Rim, Latin America,
and Europe, the structure of the editorial team has a keen
understanding of problems facing the global manager in three areas:
human resource development, marketing, and strategic management.
50. Monthly Labor Review
Monthly Labor Review is the Bureau of Labor Statistics journal of
fact, analysis and research in the broadly defined field of labor
economics. The contributors, editors, and readers are largely
economists or practioners in related social, quantitative, and
management sciences.
51. New technology, Work and Employment
New Technology, Work and Employment presents analysis of the
changing contours of technological and organisational systems and
processes, to encourage an enhanced understanding of the many
dimensions of technological change in the workplace. The journal is
eclectic and multidisciplinary, inviting contributions from all the
applied social sciences. Its objective is to promote understanding
through conceptual debate firmly rooted in the analysis of current
New Technology Work and Employment presents analysis of the
changing contours of technological and organisational systems and
processes, to encourage an enhanced understanding of the many
dimensions of technological change in the workplace. The journal
welcomes comparative and international perspectives and aims to be
eclectic and multi-disciplinary, inviting contributions from all the
disciplines within social science and management. Its aim is to
promote understanding by conceptual debate in the context of the
research and analysis of current practice.
Themes that have been examined in recent issues have included:
skill, autonomy and control at work; technology and gender;
technology and quality initiatives; the technological component of
new management initiatives; the future of work; teleworking;
collective and individual form of employee resistance; employee
health and safety; and technology and knowledge work.
52. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes features
articles that describe original empirical research and theoretical
developments in all areas of human decision processes and
organizational psychology. The journal emphasizes research that
contributes to the development of principles or theories relevant to
psychological processes.
53. Organizational Dynamics
Organizational Dynamics' domain is primarily organizational
behavior and development and secondarily, HRM and strategic
management. The objective is to link leading-edge thought and
research with management practice.Organizational Dynamics
publishes articles that embody both theoretical and practical content,
showing how research findings can help deal more effectively with
the dynamics of organizational life.
54. Organization - Interdisciplinary Journal of
Organization Theory and Society
This journal provides a major new forum for dialogue and
innovation in studies of organization. Promoting an ethos which is
explicitly theory driven, interdiciplinary, international in scopeand
vision, and open, reflective, imaginative and critical, the journal will
encompass the full range of key theoretical, methodological and
substantive debates and developments in organizational analysis
55. Organization Science
Organization Science is ranked among the top journals in
management by the Social Science Citation Index in terms of impact
and is widely recognized in the fields of strategy, management, and
organization theory. Organization Science provides one umbrella
for the publication of research from all over the world in fields such
as organization theory, strategic management, sociology,
economics, political science, history, information science, systems
theory, communication theory, artificial intelligence, and
psychology. This unique journal scans the globe for new research
that draws upon multiple disciplines or levels of analysis: achieves
genuine integration of theory, data, and managment applications;
and improves organizational functioning.
56. Organization Studies
Organization Studies, published in collaboration with the European
Group of Organization Studies (EGOS), aims to promote the
understanding of organizations, organizing, and the organized in and
between societies, through the publication of double-blind peerreviewed, top quality theoretical and empirical research. OS is a
multidisciplinary journal, rooted in the social sciences, inspired by
diversity, comparative in its outlook, and open to paradigmatic
57. Personnel Psychology
Personnel Psychology publishes applied psychological research on
personnel problems facing public and private sector organizations.
Articles deal with all human resource topics, including job analysis
and competency development, selection and recruitment, training
and development, performance and career management, diversity,
rewards and recognition, work attitudes and motivation, and
58. Personnel Review
Personnel Review considers and develops all the aspects of Human
Resource Management (HRM). Against this background of change
and development, the need for a resource such as Personnel Review
is greater than ever before. This highly respected journal presents
the latest research and developments and takes a broad view of the
aspects, whilst still allowing for extra considerations and an
academic rigour that is a hallmark of the journal.
59. Research in Organizational Behavior
Research in Organizational Behavior presents a set of well-crafted
and thoughtful essays on a series of research topics. They range
from efforts to redirect the study of leadership, to analyses of
interpersonal relationships, to considerations of cross-cultural issues
in organizing work, to discussions of institutional and environmental
forces on organizational outcomes. Each of these essays includes a
thorough review of the relevant literature, and more importantly,
pushes that literature forward with new conceptual analysis and
60. Review of Industrial Organization
The Review continues to publish research papers on all aspects of
industrial organization, broadly defined. A main focus is on
competition and monopoly, in their many forms and processes and
their effects on efficiency, innovation, and social conditions. Topics
may range from the internal organization of enterprises to wide
international comparisons. The Review is also increasing its interest
in papers on public policies such as antitrust, regulation,
deregulation, public enterprise, and privatization. Papers may deal
with any economic sectors and any developed economies. The
Review continues its primary interest in ideas which can be verified
by econometric evidence, case studies, or other real conditions. But
the Review also seeks papers which advance significant theories of
industrial organization and policy.
61. Public Personnel Management
The Public Personnel Management Journal is specifically designed
for human resources professionals who work in the public sector.
Each issue features in-depth articles on trends, case studies, and the
latest research for the public sector human resources community.
In addition, the Journal also serves as a resource for public HR
practioners and those involved in academics.
62. MIT Sloan Management Review
MIT Sloan Management Review is a business journal that bridges
the gap between management research and practice, evaluating and
reporting on new research to help readers identify and understand
significant trends in management.
SMR is published by the MIT Sloan School of Management, which
consistently ranks as one of the world's top business schools. The
Sloan School is internationally recognized as a leading center for
management innovation and a training ground for many of the
world’s top CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, and entrepreneurs.
63. Small Business Economics
Small and medium-sized firms have become increasingly important
in the economic activities of both developed and developing nations.
Small Business Economics provides the central forum for the
economic analysis of the role of small business. In particular,
articles are welcomed that focus on the links between firm size and
performance, the distinct roles of differently sized firms, how and
why firm behavior and strategy vary with size, the determinants of
the formation, growth, and dissolution of firms and the relationship
between firm size and innovation. Small Business Economics is
cross-disciplinary and cross-national in its approach. High quality
research is published employing theoretical or quantitative analyses,
along with contributions focusing on institutions and public policies,
within both a national and international context.
64. Strategic Management Journal
Strategic Management Journal publishes original refereed material
concerned with all aspects of strategic management. It is devoted to
the improvement and further development of the theory and practice
of strategic management and it is designed to appeal to both
practising managers and academics. Strategic Management Journal
also publishes communications in the form of research notes or
comments from readers on published papers or current issues.
Editorial comments and invited papers on practices and
developments in strategic management appear from time to time as
warranted by new developments. Overall, SMJ provides a
communication forum for advancing strategic management theory
and practice. Such major topics as strategic resource allocation;
organization structure; leadership; entrepreneurship and
organizational purpose; methods and techniques for evaluating and
understanding competitive, technological, social, and political
environments; planning processes; and strategic decision processes
are included in the journal.
65. Work and Occupations
 Labor force trends
Get a broad perspective on the dynamics of the workplace and
examine international approaches to work-related issues in this
respected journal. Work and Occupations offers distinguished
scholarship with an interdisciplinary perspective.
Work and Occupations brings you original contributions in a wide
range of work areas, addressing such current topics as:
Absenteeism and turnover
Labor-management relations
Workplace diversity
Working in later life
State regulation of the workplace
Gender and race relations
Internal labor markets
Organizational careers
Organizational culture
Relational demography
Socialization processes
Technological change and the labor process
Violence in the workplace
Work and family
Work attitudes and behaviors
Worker cultures
Work group dynamics
66. Work and Stress
Work and Stress is an international, multidisciplinary quarterly,
presenting refereed academic papers relating to stress, health and
safety, and performance (empirical reports, reviews, case studies
and theoretical papers), as well as articles of concern to the
policymakers, managers and trades unionists who have to deal with
such issues. It presents individual, social, organisational and societal
issues in relation to the nature of stress and its management, defined
in the broadest sense.
67. Work, Employment and Society
Work, Employment and Society analyses all forms of work and their
relation to wider social processes and structures, and to quality of
life. It embraces the study of the labour process; industrial relations;
changes in labour markets; and the gender and domestic divisions of
labour. It supports contemporary, historical and comparative studies
and both qualitative and quantitative methodologies.
68. Workforce
A business magazine for leaders in human resources covering all
aspects of personnel/human resources management.