New Mexico English Language Arts Standards for Grade 12 correlated to National Geographic School Publishing/Hampton-Brown’s Edge Program: Level C TE STRAND / CONTENT STANDARD NM.I. Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. BENCHMARK I-A. NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. Listen to, read, react to, and analyze information. PERFORMANCE I-A.1a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-A. - Listen to, read, react to, and analyze information. Express reflections and reactions to print and non-print texts as well as to personal experience by composing and presenting reflective texts that give an audience an understanding of complex thoughts and feelings, a sense of significance, and a sense of encouragement to reflect on own ideas. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T012 T015 T017 T022 T024 T025 T027 T030 T031 T040 T041 T043 T044 T046 T047 T048 T049 T050 T054 T055 T056 T057 T058 T059 T060 T062 T063 T075 T078 T079 T080 T082 T083 T084 T085 T086 T098 T101 T102 T103 T104 T107 T115 T123 T127 T134 T135 T136 T138 T139 T141 T144 T148 T152 T163 T164 T165 T168 T170 T172 T173 T177 T178 T188 T189 T190 T194 T195 T198 T199 T200 T202 T207 T208 T225 T238 T241 T251 T252 T253 T256 T274 T283 T284 T288 T301 T303 T304 T322 T341 T370 T380 T383 T384 T387 T388 T390 T391 T392 T403 T407 T410 T411 T414 T415 T434 T444 T446 T461 T462 T470 T477 T479 T482 T483 T485 T489 T505 T506 T510 T512 T513 T531 T542 T544 T545 T551 T552 T553 T554 T555 T556 T557 T558 T559 T568 T569 T570 T571 T572 T573 T577 T578 T579 T588 T589 T590 T591 T592 T593 T594 T595 T596 T600 T601 T603 T604 T606 T607 T608 T609 T627 T664 T668 T669 T674 T689 T695 T698 T720 PERFORMANCE I-A.1b. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY T001 T033 T051 T068 T087 T129 T153 T179 T203 T258 T357 T393 T455 T499 T547 T564 T580 T597 T639 T003 T036 T052 T072 T095 T130 T159 T181 T205 T266 T368 T395 T456 T501 T548 T566 T581 T598 T657 T008 T039 T053 T073 T096 T131 T162 T187 T206 T269 T369 T396 T460 T502 T549 T567 T587 T599 T663 NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-A. - Listen to, read, react to, and analyze information. Express reflections and reactions to print and non-print texts as well as to personal experience by responding to texts make connections, reflecting on cultural and historical perspectives, examining own response, and recognizing features of the author's use of language and how the writer relates to the subject so that the audience will empathize. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T001 T003 T008 T012 T040 T054 T075 T098 T136 T165 T190 T206 T240 T262 T308 T352 T381 T403 T446 T469 T499 T540 T556 T571 T590 T603 T639 PERFORMANCE I-A.2a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY T015 T041 T055 T078 T099 T138 T168 T193 T207 T241 T266 T309 T355 T383 T405 T447 T470 T501 T542 T557 T572 T591 T604 T657 T017 T043 T056 T079 T102 T139 T170 T194 T208 T242 T269 T310 T357 T384 T407 T449 T471 T502 T544 T558 T573 T592 T605 T663 T022 T044 T057 T080 T115 T141 T172 T195 T212 T243 T274 T311 T360 T387 T410 T453 T473 T504 T545 T559 T577 T593 T606 T664 T024 T046 T058 T082 T116 T144 T173 T197 T225 T246 T283 T313 T361 T388 T411 T455 T477 T505 T547 T561 T578 T594 T607 T668 T025 T047 T059 T083 T123 T148 T177 T198 T230 T251 T284 T316 T365 T390 T414 T456 T479 T506 T548 T562 T579 T595 T608 T669 T027 T048 T060 T084 T127 T152 T178 T199 T231 T252 T287 T322 T368 T391 T415 T460 T482 T510 T549 T564 T580 T596 T609 T674 T030 T049 T062 T085 T129 T153 T179 T200 T232 T253 T288 T328 T369 T392 T420 T461 T483 T512 T551 T566 T581 T597 T614 T689 T031 T050 T063 T086 T130 T159 T181 T201 T233 T254 T294 T334 T370 T393 T426 T462 T485 T513 T552 T567 T586 T598 T625 T695 T033 T051 T068 T087 T131 T162 T187 T202 T235 T255 T301 T341 T374 T395 T434 T465 T488 T518 T553 T568 T587 T599 T627 T698 T036 T052 T072 T095 T134 T163 T188 T203 T236 T256 T303 T342 T379 T396 T442 T466 T489 T531 T554 T569 T588 T600 T632 T720 T039 T053 T073 T096 T135 T164 T189 T205 T238 T258 T304 T350 T380 T400 T444 T468 T493 T533 T555 T570 T589 T601 T636 T722 NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-A. - Listen to, read, react to, and analyze information. Analyze and critique texts from various perspectives and approaches by developing critiques based on establishing and applying clear, credible criteria for evaluation substantiating assessments with reasons and evidence. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T062 T128 T318 T371 T415 T416 T485 T536 T537 T538 T539 T541 T545 T563 T567 T570 T571 T572 T574 T607 BENCHMARK I-B. PERFORMANCE I-B.1a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. Synthesize and evaluate information to solve problems across the curriculum. NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-B. - Synthesize and evaluate information to solve problems across the curriculum. Identify and defend research questions and topics that will be important in the future. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T061 T084 T367 T455 T579 T599 T607 PERFORMANCE I-B.2a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY T023 T029 T055 NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-B. - Synthesize and evaluate information to solve problems across the curriculum. Use a variety of resources to gather information to critically analyze texts to gain meaning, develop thematic connections, and synthesize ideas. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T003 T023 T024 T029 T056 T061 T084 T139 T172 T248 T256 T341 T366 T367 T369 T371 T391 T406 T421 T422 T453 T455 T483 T520 T535 T579 T588 T599 T708 PERFORMANCE I-B.3a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-B. - Synthesize and evaluate information to solve problems across the curriculum. Demonstrate increasing sophistication in the selection and use of resources to define issues and use argument effectively. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T582 T588 T610 BENCHMARK I-C. PERFORMANCE I-C.1a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. Demonstrate critical thinking skills to evaluate information and solve problems. NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-C. - Demonstrate critical thinking skills to evaluate information and solve problems. Research, define, and present issues of public concern by using a variety of resources such as media centers, on-line resources, interviews, and personal reflection. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T055 T061 T065 T084 T099 T106 T154 T167 T173 T201 T248 T258 T302 T310 T321 T367 T406 T417 T503 T520 T542 T579 T582 T583 T588 T602 T603 T610 T648 T654 T670 T692 T698 T720 PERFORMANCE I-C.1b. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY T406 T417 T483 T023 T175 T433 T606 T029 T177 T483 T607 T034 T178 T486 T608 NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-C. - Demonstrate critical thinking skills to evaluate information and solve problems. Research, define, and present issues of public concern by specifying the nature of an issue, including claims made and the reasoning that supports those claims. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T099 T167 T177 T201 T346 T367 T417 T418 T433 T483 T503 T579 T582 T583 T610 T648 T654 T698 T720 PERFORMANCE I-C.1c. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-C. - Demonstrate critical thinking skills to evaluate information and solve problems. Research, define, and present issues of public concern by organizing and delivering a presentation that specifies reasons for the claim and makes a clear stance on the issue. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T012 T013 T015 T017 T018 T021 T022 T023 T025 T030 T031 T037 T039 T040 T041 T042 T044 T045 T051 T052 T053 T054 T055 T058 T059 T061 T063 T073 T074 T077 T078 T079 T081 T082 T085 T086 T092 T095 T099 T105 T123 T125 T134 T143 T148 T155 T166 T167 T173 T177 T178 T185 T191 T193 T202 T204 T208 T215 T226 T234 T241 T242 T262 T331 T342 T346 T354 T355 T357 T361 T367 T369 T386 T387 T403 T404 T410 T414 T415 T417 T418 T452 T454 T470 T471 T475 T483 T486 T495 T503 T539 T540 T545 T557 T558 T569 T572 T579 T580 T597 T599 T600 T608 T610 T617 T638 T640 T645 T654 T656 T658 T661 T662 T664 T666 T668 T674 T681 T692 T693 T698 T699 T700 T704 T705 T707 T715 T719 T720 T721 PERFORMANCE I-C.2a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY I-D. PERFORMANCE I-D.1a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY T011 T029 T050 T072 T091 T152 T201 T319 T381 T436 T521 T583 T650 T680 T713 T010 T122 T236 T468 T549 T716 T018 T126 T285 T470 T558 T020 T130 T288 T508 T567 NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-C. - Demonstrate critical thinking skills to evaluate information and solve problems. Analyze the effects on a text of the attitudes and values of a period in which the text was written. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T598 BENCHMARK T010 T027 T049 T069 T089 T150 T200 T287 T376 T433 T513 T582 T648 T676 T712 NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-C. - Demonstrate critical thinking skills to evaluate information and solve problems. Identify and analyze the philosophical assumptions and basic beliefs underlying an author's work. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T021 T022 T023 T025 T045 T050 T090 T091 T120 T141 T160 T161 T163 T164 T168 T175 T180 T186 T320 T321 T322 T386 T389 T395 T396 T403 T404 T509 T512 T536 T537 T538 T539 T543 T544 T545 T571 T572 T580 T588 T640 T652 T667 T672 T682 PERFORMANCE I-C.3a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY T009 T026 T047 T068 T088 T149 T195 T286 T370 T423 T506 T581 T646 T675 T708 T017 T080 T198 NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. Apply knowledge of reading process to evaluate print, non-print, and technology-based information. NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-D. - Apply knowledge of reading process to evaluate print, nonprint, and technology-based information. Read a wide variety of informational and literary texts and selections to understand and express reflections and reactions to print and non-print text, as well as, personal experience. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T001 T003 T004 T008 T039 T053 T073 T095 T135 T164 T189 T208 T283 T380 T407 T461 T502 T549 T567 T587 T599 T663 PERFORMANCE I-D.1b. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY T012 T040 T054 T075 T096 T136 T165 T190 T225 T284 T383 T410 T462 T505 T551 T568 T588 T600 T664 T015 T041 T055 T078 T097 T138 T168 T194 T238 T288 T384 T411 T470 T506 T552 T569 T589 T601 T668 T017 T043 T056 T079 T098 T139 T170 T195 T241 T301 T387 T414 T477 T510 T553 T570 T590 T603 T669 T022 T044 T057 T080 T100 T141 T172 T198 T251 T303 T388 T415 T479 T512 T554 T571 T591 T604 T674 T024 T046 T058 T082 T115 T144 T173 T199 T252 T304 T390 T434 T482 T513 T555 T572 T592 T606 T689 T025 T047 T059 T083 T123 T148 T177 T200 T253 T322 T391 T438 T483 T531 T556 T573 T593 T607 T695 T027 T048 T060 T084 T127 T152 T178 T202 T256 T341 T392 T444 T484 T542 T557 T577 T594 T608 T698 T030 T049 T062 T085 T129 T153 T179 T203 T258 T357 T393 T446 T485 T544 T558 T578 T595 T609 T720 T031 T050 T063 T086 T130 T159 T181 T205 T266 T368 T395 T455 T489 T545 T559 T579 T596 T627 T033 T051 T068 T087 T131 T162 T187 T206 T269 T369 T396 T456 T499 T547 T564 T580 T597 T639 T036 T052 T072 T088 T134 T163 T188 T207 T274 T370 T403 T460 T501 T548 T566 T581 T598 T657 NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-D. - Apply knowledge of reading process to evaluate print, nonprint, and technology-based information. Read a wide variety of informational and literary texts and selections to inform an audience. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T001 T004 T033 T088 T097 T099 T100 T115 T167 T177 T201 T225 T266 T341 T367 T398 T413 T433 T434 T438 T484 T503 T531 T579 T583 T627 T648 T654 T698 T720 PERFORMANCE I-D.1c. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-D. - Apply knowledge of reading process to evaluate print, nonprint, and technology-based information. Read a wide variety of informational and literary texts and selections to develop an argument to support an issue or position. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T001 T004 T033 T088 T097 T100 T115 T225 T341 T417 T434 T438 T483 T484 T531 T582 T610 T627 PERFORMANCE I-D.1d. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-D. - Apply knowledge of reading process to evaluate print, nonprint, and technology-based information. Read a wide variety of informational and literary texts and selections to conduct research and make in-depth analyses of information. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T001 T004 T033 T062 T088 T097 T100 T115 T128 T225 T318 T341 T371 T415 T416 T434 T438 T484 T485 T531 T536 T537 T538 T539 T541 T545 T563 T567 T570 T571 T572 T574 T607 T627 PERFORMANCE I-D.1e. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-D. - Apply knowledge of reading process to evaluate print, nonprint, and technology-based information. Read a wide variety of informational and literary texts and selections to synthesize ideas and generate new understanding to increase a knowledge base. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T001 T004 T033 T088 T097 T100 T115 T225 T341 T371 T391 T434 T438 T453 T484 T531 T627 PERFORMANCE I-D.2a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-D. - Apply knowledge of reading process to evaluate print, nonprint, and technology-based information. Demonstrate an understanding of a variety of different cultural perspectives through selected literary works. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T361 T636 PERFORMANCE I-D.3a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY T096 T162 T310 NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-D. - Apply knowledge of reading process to evaluate print, nonprint, and technology-based information. Analyze recurring themes and patterns in literary selections and oral traditions of other cultures. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T096 T153 T162 T207 T236 T243 T254 T259 T264 T269 T282 T290 T308 T310 T361 T394 T481 T513 T631 T632 T636 PERFORMANCE I-D.4a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NM.I. - Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed. I-D. - Apply knowledge of reading process to evaluate print, nonprint, and technology-based information. Identify and select appropriate text for a specific task using an array of advanced technologies (e.g., web resources, interactive media, software, email, networks). EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T023 T029 T034 T061 T084 T106 T154 T248 T258 T302 T310 T321 T391 T486 T511 T520 T542 T602 T670 T692 STRAND / CONTENT STANDARD NIMBI. Writing and Speaking for Expression: Students will communicate effectively through speaking and writing. BENCHMARK II-A. NIMBI. - Writing and Speaking for Expression: Students will communicate effectively through speaking and writing. Communicate information in a coherent and persuasive manner using verbal and non-verbal language. PERFORMANCE II-A.1a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NIMBI. - Writing and Speaking for Expression: Students will communicate effectively through speaking and writing. II-A. - Communicate information in a coherent and persuasive manner using verbal and non-verbal language. Develop oral formal presentations using clear enunciation, gestures, tone, vocabulary, and organization appropriate for a particular audience. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T096 T099 T118 T167 T177 T201 T206 T225 T244 T314 T342 T346 T349 T350 T352 T367 T371 T398 T433 T468 T486 T503 T540 T579 T583 T602 T635 T704 T720 PERFORMANCE II-A.2a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY T003 T257 T405 T648 T064 T266 T413 T654 T081 T295 T418 T698 NIMBI. - Writing and Speaking for Expression: Students will communicate effectively through speaking and writing. II-A. - Communicate information in a coherent and persuasive manner using verbal and non-verbal language. Make explicit use of various techniques for effective presentations (e.g., voice, inflection, tempo, gestures). EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T003 T064 T081 T096 T118 T206 T225 T244 T257 T295 T314 T349 T350 T352 T367 T371 T398 T405 T468 T486 T540 T602 T635 T704 PERFORMANCE II-A.3a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NIMBI. - Writing and Speaking for Expression: Students will communicate effectively through speaking and writing. II-A. - Communicate information in a coherent and persuasive manner using verbal and non-verbal language. Organize and deliver an argument so that an intended audience will respond by wording the claim clearly. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T417 T483 T486 T540 T582 T610 T704 PERFORMANCE II-A.3b. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NIMBI. - Writing and Speaking for Expression: Students will communicate effectively through speaking and writing. II-A. - Communicate information in a coherent and persuasive manner using verbal and non-verbal language. Organize and deliver an argument so that an intended audience will respond by specifying convincing reasons to support the claim. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T417 T483 T486 T540 T582 T610 T704 PERFORMANCE II-A.3c. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY T096 T206 T398 NIMBI. - Writing and Speaking for Expression: Students will communicate effectively through speaking and writing. II-A. - Communicate information in a coherent and persuasive manner using verbal and non-verbal language. Organize and deliver an argument so that an intended audience will respond by adopting a stance and appropriate tone toward the issue. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T417 T483 T486 T540 T582 T610 T704 PERFORMANCE II-A.4a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY T096 T206 T398 T096 T206 T398 NIMBI. - Writing and Speaking for Expression: Students will communicate effectively through speaking and writing. II-A. - Communicate information in a coherent and persuasive manner using verbal and non-verbal language. Design and apply criteria for evaluating oral presentations and arguments before delivering them. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T398 T486 T540 T684 T704 T032 T064 T397 BENCHMARK II-B. PERFORMANCE II-B.1a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NIMBI. - Writing and Speaking for Expression: Students will communicate effectively through speaking and writing. Apply grammatical and language conventions to communicate. NIMBI. - Writing and Speaking for Expression: Students will communicate effectively through speaking and writing. II-B. - Apply grammatical and language conventions to communicate. Demonstrate the ability to comprehensively, coherently, and concisely expound upon ideas. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T065 T099 T104 T105 T106 T107 T138 T152 T167 T214 T215 T216 T217 T229 T258 T266 T331 T332 T367 T371 T397 T398 T413 T422 T423 T424 T425 T520 T521 T522 T523 T553 T579 T583 T611 T616 T654 T677 T698 T701 T720 BENCHMARK II-C. PERFORMANCE II-C.1a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY T033 T179 T345 T503 T618 T063 T201 T352 T515 T648 NIMBI. - Writing and Speaking for Expression: Students will communicate effectively through speaking and writing. Demonstrate competence in the skills and strategies of the writing process to inform and persuade. NIMBI. - Writing and Speaking for Expression: Students will communicate effectively through speaking and writing. II-C. - Demonstrate competence in the skills and strategies of the writing process to inform and persuade. Use and apply grammatical, metaphorical, or rhetorical devices to inform and persuade others. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T103 T112 T113 T114 T178 T206 T222 T223 T291 T330 T332 T333 T335 T336 T338 T339 T340 T419 T483 T513 T517 T518 T519 T528 T529 T535 T536 T609 T612 T613 T614 T615 T616 T617 T618 T619 T627 PERFORMANCE II-C.2a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY T031 T177 T333 T433 T617 T031 T327 T420 T538 T620 T063 T328 T430 T539 T624 T102 T329 T431 T557 T625 NIMBI. - Writing and Speaking for Expression: Students will communicate effectively through speaking and writing. II-C. - Demonstrate competence in the skills and strategies of the writing process to inform and persuade. Use the elements of satire in persuasive writing. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T031 T063 T102 T103 T178 T206 T291 T327 T328 T329 T330 T332 T333 T335 T336 T483 T513 T519 T535 T536 T538 T539 T557 T609 T612 T613 T614 T615 T616 T617 T618 T619 T620 T627 PERFORMANCE II-C.3a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NIMBI. - Writing and Speaking for Expression: Students will communicate effectively through speaking and writing. II-C. - Demonstrate competence in the skills and strategies of the writing process to inform and persuade. Analyze own work for consistency of facts, ideas, tone, voice. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T109 T110 T111 T155 T181 T209 T215 T218 T219 T331 T334 T335 T336 T337 T339 T340 T345 T370 T423 T427 T428 T429 T432 T433 T463 T485 T486 T526 T527 T540 T559 T611 T617 T620 T621 T622 T105 T220 T371 T521 T623 T107 T221 T397 T524 T625 T108 T291 T398 T525 T626 T701 T704 PERFORMANCE II-C.3b. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NIMBI. - Writing and Speaking for Expression: Students will communicate effectively through speaking and writing. II-C. - Demonstrate competence in the skills and strategies of the writing process to inform and persuade. Analyze own work for development of argument or plot clarity and conciseness. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T110 T111 T155 T209 T215 T219 T220 T221 T291 T337 T345 T370 T371 T397 T398 T423 T427 T428 T463 T485 T486 T521 T525 T526 T527 T540 T559 T622 T623 T701 T704 T105 T331 T429 T611 T107 T335 T432 T617 T109 T336 T433 T621 STRAND / CONTENT STANDARD NAMIBIA. Literature and Media: Students will use literature and media to develop an understanding of people, societies, and the self. BENCHMARK III-A. PERFORMANCE III-A.1a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NAMIBIA. - Literature and Media: Students will use literature and media to develop an understanding of people, societies, and the self. Use language, literature, and media to understand the role of the individual as a member of many cultures. NAMIBIA. - Literature and Media: Students will use literature and media to develop an understanding of people, societies, and the self. III-A. - Use language, literature, and media to understand the role of the individual as a member of many cultures. Analyze and interpret the significance of literary movements as indicators of societal movements and perspectives. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T598 T017 T080 T198 PERFORMANCE III-A.2a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NAMIBIA. - Literature and Media: Students will use literature and media to develop an understanding of people, societies, and the self. III-A. - Use language, literature, and media to understand the role of the individual as a member of many cultures. Demonstrate how concepts and perspectives depicted in literature and media relate to the life experiences of the student. BENCHMARK NAMIBIA. - Literature and Media: Students will use literature and media to develop an understanding of people, societies, and the self. Understand literary elements, concepts, and genres. III-B. PERFORMANCE III-B.1a. STANDARD / PROFICIENCY NAMIBIA. - Literature and Media: Students will use literature and media to develop an understanding of people, societies, and the self. III-B. Understand literary elements, concepts, and genres. Identify significant themes and concepts in literary works as they relate to the reader. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T153 T207 T236 T243 T254 T259 T264 T269 T282 T290 T308 T361 T394 T481 T513 T631 T632 PERFORMANCE III-B.2a. STANDARD / NAMIBIA. - Literature and Media: Students will use literature and media to develop an understanding of people, societies, and the self. III-B. - PROFICIENCY Understand literary elements, concepts, and genres. Analyze thematic connections among literary works by using specific references to show how a theme is universal. EDGE Level C TE Page References for Grade 12: T009 T013 T017 T025 T041 T043 T044 T046 T047 T054 T055 T057 T059 T060 T069 T072 T073 T074 T078 T080 T081 T082 T083 T085 T086 T087 T088 T097 T116 T117 T120 T122 T123 T125 T126 T139 T179 T189 T192 T198 T203 T206 T207 T227 T228 T233 T236 T243 T252 T254 T257 T259 T264 T269 T288 T289 T290 T295 T296 T298 T299 T306 T308 T321 T322 T323 T346 T348 T349 T361 T363 T367 T394 T395 T401 T412 T415 T434 T435 T439 T441 T458 T461 T462 T474 T476 T479 T481 T485 T489 T507 T509 T512 T513 T516 T532 T533 T536 T537 T551 T557 T558 T566 T572 T573 T574 T575 T577 T598 T603 T609 T612 T622 T627 T628 T629 T630 T667 T669 T671 T676 T695 T705 T708 T710 T713 T718 T723 T001 T050 T075 T091 T141 T230 T282 T317 T386 T444 T498 T539 T579 T631 T714 T006 T051 T076 T093 T150 T231 T284 T319 T389 T450 T504 T541 T580 T632 T716 T007 T052 T077 T096 T153 T232 T286 T320 T393 T457 T506 T544 T581 T636 T717