Dickerson et al. Neurology Appendix-e1 Supplemental Materials and Methods Participants Sample 1 (MGH) Recruitment and inclusion/exclusion criteria The participants in this study were drawn from a longitudinal study (total n=379) that recruited subjects from the community with and without memory difficulty to examine the preclinical predictors of AD 1. Volunteers who responded to the advertisements then underwent a multistage screening procedure. To be included in the parent longitudinal study, participants had to be primarily English speaking, 65 or older; non-demented; and free of significant underlying medical, neurological, or psychiatric illness (based on standard laboratory tests and a comprehensive evaluation described below). Individuals with major vascular risk factors or disease (i.e., atrial fibrillation, insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, cerebral infarcts, cardiac bypass graft surgery) at baseline were excluded. All subjects and informants provided informed consent in accordance with the Human Research Committee of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA. Comprehensive evaluation of cognitive status and diagnostic assessment A semi-structured evaluation was administered annually to determine each participant’s overall cognitive status 2, 3. It includes a set of questions regarding memory and cognitive abilities in daily life and functional status in complex and basic activities of daily living, asked of the subject and an informant, and a standardized neurologic, psychiatric, and mental status evaluation of the subject. At baseline in the longitudinal study, as a result of this evaluation, participants were classified as cognitively normal (CN) or questionably/very mildly impaired. The same evaluation was performed annually, and at each subsequent visit participants were classified similarly as CN, questionably/very mildly impaired, or—for those who had progressed to dementia at subsequent visits— demented. A consensus clinical diagnosis was assigned to participants who developed significant cognitive and functional impairment, incorporating clinical history, medical records, laboratory evaluation, mental status evaluation results obtained during the office evaluation, and neuroimaging studies 1, 4. Individuals with dementia were classified as AD or another diagnosis (e.g., frontotemporal dementia, vascular dementia) according to standard criteria 4-6. Neuropsychological measures At baseline, a neuropsychological battery was administered to all subjects, as previously described 1. The neuropsychological test battery was administered in a separate session from the cognitive evaluation described above, and was scored in a fashion blind to other information about the subject. For the purposes of the present study, we computed a composite episodic memory score based on three measures, including the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT)7 Total Learning and Delayed Free Recall measures, as well as the Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test8 Delayed Free Recall measure. First we calculated standardized scores for each of these tests adjusted for age, gender, and education as follows. Using baseline data from the sample as a whole, we performed a linear regression for each test score using age, gender, and educational attainment as predictors, and saved the residuals from this regression. For the subjects who were CN at baseline, we computed the mean and standard deviation of these residuals. Standardized scores were then calculated for all subjects by subtracting the mean of the CN subjects, and dividing by the standard deviation in these CN subjects 9. For the present article, the standardized scores for the three memory tests were averaged into a single Episodic Memory Z score. Thus, a standardized score of -1.0 indicates that the subject was 1 standard deviation below expected mean for a CN subject of the same age, gender, and level of educational attainment. Subject selection and outcome measures in the present analysis For the present analyses, we included all subjects with a baseline cognitive evaluation that indicated CN status and at least four annual follow-up visits, for a total of at least 5 years of follow-up (n=73). Based on the hypotheses of the present analysis, we further restricted the sample to those individuals who remained CN at most recent follow-up (CN-Stable) or those who were diagnosed with probable AD dementia (CN-AD Converter), excluding individuals who were diagnosed with MCI or non-AD dementia. This resulted in a sample size of 38, including 28 CN-Stable and 10 NC-AD Converters. Of these, 3 CN and 2 AD participants had MRI scans that were not useable for the present analyses. Sample 2 (Rush) Recruitment and inclusion/exclusion criteria All participants were recruited for a longitudinal imaging project 10 from a) the community by the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center (RADC; Chicago, IL); b) the Religious Order Study (ROS), a longitudinal, clinico-pathologic investigation of aging and AD in older nuns, priests and brothers 11-13; or c) the Rush Memory and Aging Project (MAP), a separate longitudinal clinicopathologic investigation of aging and AD 14 . Subjects were excluded if there was evidence of other neurologic, psychiatric or systemic conditions. It is important to note that all individuals included in the present study who were classified as CN at baseline evaluation were not recruited from clinical populations in which some individuals came in for a work-up but tested within normal limits. Informed consent was obtained from all participants according to the rules of the Human Investigation Committee of Rush University Medical Center. Comprehensive evaluation of cognitive status and diagnostic assessment All evaluations were carried out by the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center (RADC, Chicago, IL) as previously described 10, 15. Briefly, the evaluation, which was given to all participants in the study, incorporated the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease (CERAD, 16) procedures and included a medical history, neurological examination, neuropsychological testing, informant interview and blood tests. All participants in the present study were classified as CN at baseline. This diagnostic classification required the absence of neurologic, psychiatric or systemic conditions that could cause cognitive impairment (e.g., stroke, alcoholism, major depression, a history of temporal lobe epilepsy), a normal neurological examination, normal cognition as determined by performance on neuropsychological tests, and an MMSE 17 score ≥27. Longitudinal followup evaluations of each individual were conducted annually, as part of the parent studies. For individuals determined to have dementia, a consensus diagnosis was determined. Individuals with dementia were classified as AD or another diagnosis (e.g., frontotemporal dementia, vascular dementia) according to standard criteria 4-6. CDR ratings were not performed until relatively recently in the Rush study, and so are not available for the present analysis. Neuropsychological measures The episodic memory tests administered to all participants and used to define a memory deficit consisted of immediate and delayed recall of the East Boston Story 18 and of Story A from the Logical Memory of the Wechsler memory scale–Revised 19. An additional test involved the learning and retention of a 10-word list from the CERAD battery 16. The three scores for this test included Word List Memory (the total number of words immediately recalled after each of three consecutive presentations of the list), Word List Recall (the number of words recalled after a delay), and Word List Recognition (the number of words correctly recognized in a four-alternative, forced-choice format, administered after Word List Recall). Summary scores were calculated for combined performance on these memory tests by standardizing each of the seven episodic memory scores 20. For this purpose, we used the mean and standard deviations of each test from the baseline visits of the first wave of 86 participants entered into an ongoing longitudinal project 10 and averaged the standardized values to obtain an Episodic Memory Z score. Subject selection and outcome measures in the present analysis For the present analyses, we included all subjects with a baseline cognitive evaluation that indicated CN status and at least four annual follow-up visits (with the exception of one participant who was followed for 3 years). Based on the hypotheses of the present analysis, we further restricted the sample to those individuals who remained CN at most recent follow-up (CN-Stable) or those who were diagnosed with probable AD dementia (CN-AD Converter). This resulted in a sample size of 33, including 25 CN-Stable and 7 CN-AD Converters. All of these individuals had MRI scans that were useable for the present analyses. MRI Data Acquisition and Analysis MRI Data Acquisition Parameters For the MGH sample, the parameters were: repetition time/echo time (TR/TE) = 35 msec/5 msec; field of view = 22 cm; flip angle = 45°; number of excitations = 1; slice thickness = 1.5 mm, 124 slices; matrix size = 256 x 256). For the Rush sample, the parameters were: TR/TE = 33.3 msec/7 msec; field of view = 22 cm; flip angle = 35°; number of excitations = 1; slice thickness = 1.6 mm, 124 slices; matrix size = 256 x 192). MRI morphometric data analysis – Automated surface reconstruction and alignment of participants The MRI morphometric data analysis methods have been previously described in detail 21-26 . The FreeSurfer software used to perform the analyses and visualization employed in this study, along with complete documentation, is freely available via the internet at http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu). The raw MRI volume for each participant was used to segment cerebral white matter 25 and multiple subcortical grey matter and ventricular regions 27, and to estimate the location of the gray/white boundary. Topological defects in the gray/white boundary were corrected 28, and this gray/white boundary was used as the starting point for a deformable surface algorithm designed to find the pial surface with submillimeter precision 26. Cortical thickness measurements were obtained by calculating the distance between those surfaces at each of approximately 160,000 points (per hemisphere) across the cortical mantle (Fischl and Dale 2000). Mean thickness of each subject’s entire cerebral cortex was then calculated. The methods for generation of cortical surfaces and resultant thickness measurements have been shown to be reliable in a test-retest study of a group of older participants scanned twice on the same scanner, as well as across scanner manufacturers and 1.5T and 3.0T field strengths 29, 30, and in a study of different sequence parameters 31. The accuracy of the thickness measures derived from this technique has been previously validated by direct comparisons with manual measures on postmortem brain 23 and on MRI data 21. The surface representing the gray-white border was ‘‘inflated,” differences among individuals in the depth of gyri and sulci were normalized as previously described 24, 25, 32, and each subject’s reconstructed brain was then morphed and registered to an average spherical surface representation that optimally aligns sulcal and gyral features across participants. Thickness measures were then mapped to the inflated surface of each participant’s reconstructed brain (Fischl, Sereno and Dale 1999). This procedure allows visualization of data across the entire cortical surface (i.e., both the gyri and sulci) without interference from cortical folding. The data were smoothed on the surface using an iterative nearest-neighbor averaging procedure. One hundred iterations were applied, which is equivalent to applying a 2-dimensional Gaussian smoothing kernel along the cortical surface with a full-width/half-maximum of 18.4 mm. Data were then resampled into a common spherical coordinate system (Fischl, Sereno, and others 1999). The procedure provides accurate matching of morphologically homologous cortical locations among participants on the basis of each individual’s anatomy, while minimizing geometric distortion, resulting in a mean measure of cortical thickness for each group at each point on the reconstructed surface. MRI morphometric data analysis – Generation of cortical ROIs and quantification of magnitude of thinning The primary analytic approach employed in this study made use of “AD-signature” regions of interest (ROIs) generated from a previous study and applied in an a priori fashion to the subjects in the present analysis. In the previous study in which these ROIs were identified, cortical thickness in patients with mild AD dementia was compared to that of CN and regions of significant thinning were identified 33. The analysis generated nine ROIs that were demonstrated to be consistently affected across four separate samples of patients with mild AD 33, and which were subsequently demonstrated to be useful in predicting dementia in patients with MCI 34. As illustrated in the Figure e2, the MTL cortex ROI was localized in the rostral MTL spanning the crown of the parahippocampal gyrus and extending into the fundus of the collateral sulcus, in a region typically considered to include both entorhinal and perirhinal cortex. In addition to these 9 AD-signature ROIs, an ROI from the primary visual cortex (PVC) was used as in the previous studies as a control region, hypothesized not to be affected in AD relative to NC. The map in Supplemental Figure e2 shows the ROIs. Using the spherical registration of each subject to the template, the ROIs were mapped from the template back to each individual participant in the present analysis. For each subject, mean cortical thickness within each ROI was calculated by deriving an average of all of the thickness estimates at vertices that fell within the labeled ROI. For each subject, the resultant ROI measures of cortical thickness were averaged across the two hemispheres, and these values were used for further statistical analysis. In addition, for each subject, a single summary measure was derived from the average thickness across all 9 AD-related ROIs, the “AD-signature” ROI summary measure. Results In the MGH sample, CDR Sum-of-Boxes scores for the NC-AD Converter group at the time of diagnosis of dementia were 6.9 (S.D. = 2.4) with the overall CDR ratings being 1.2 (S.D. = 0.5). CDR scores were not available for the Rush sample. References 1. Albert MS, Moss MB, Tanzi R, Jones K. Preclinical prediction of AD using neuropsychological tests. J Int Neuropsychol Soc 2001;7:631-639. 2. Hughes CP, Berg L, Danziger WL, Coben LA, Martin RL. A new clinical scale for the staging of dementia. Br J Psychiatry 1982;140:566-572. 3. Morris JC. The Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR): current version and scoring rules. Neurology 1993;43:2412-2414. 4. 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