Populations, Communities, and Species Interaction


Populations, Communities, and Species Interaction


Describe how environmental factors determine which species live in a given ecosystem and where or how they live

Understand how random genetic variation and natural selection lead to evolution, adaptation, niche specialization, and partitioning of resources


Compare and contrast interspecific predation, competition, symbiosis, commensalism, mutualism and coevolution

Explain population growth rates, carrying capacity, and factors that limit population growth


Discuss productivity and diversity of biological communities

Explain how ecological succession results in ecosystem development and allows one species to replace another

Give some examples of exotic species introduced into biological communities and their effects on native species

A word on taxonomy

Hierarchical naming system of organisms








Critical factors and tolerance limits

A critical factor is the single environmental factor in shortest demand and determines species distribution (von Liebig)

Every living organism has tolerance limits to the environmental conditions it can endure (Shelford)

minimum, maximum and optimum

Tolerance limits

Critical factors and tolerance limits

For many species, the interaction of several factors, rather than a single limiting factor, determines biogeographical distribution

For some organisms, there may be a specific critical factor that mostly determines abundance and distribution

Critical factors and tolerance limits

Species requirements and tolerances can also be used as useful indicators

Environmental indicators


Adapt is used in two ways:

Range of physiological modifications available to individual organisms - acclimation

Individual level

Inheritance of specific genetic traits allowing a species to live in a particular environment

Population level

Explained by process of evolution


Species change gradually through natural selection, a process whereby those members of a population that are best suited for a particular set of environmental conditions will survive and produce offspring

– “survival of the fittest”

Natural selection

Process in which better competitors survive and reproduce more successfully

Acts on pre-existing genetic diversity

Limited resources place selective pressures on a population

Artificial selection


Given enough geographical isolation or selective pressure (from natural selection), members of a population become so different from their ancestors that they may be considered an entirely new species


Divergent evolution - Mutations and different selective pressures cause populations to evolve along dissimilar path

Galapagos finches


Convergent Evolution - Unrelated organisms evolve separately to cope with environmental conditions in the same fashion

Look alike - Act alike

Ecological niche

Habitat - Place or set of environmental conditions where a particular organism lives

Ecological Niche - Description of the role a species plays in a biological community, or the total set of environmental factors that determines species distribution

Generalists - Broad niche

Specialists - Narrow niche

Resource partitioning

Law of Competitive Exclusion - No two species will occupy the same niche and compete for exactly the same resources for an extended period of time

One will either migrate, become extinct, or partition the resource and utilize a sub-set of the same resource

Given resource can only be partitioned a finite number of times

Resource partitioning

Apparent competitors may actually have slightly different niches

Species may use resources in a different way or time

Minimizes competition and allows coexistence

Species interactions

A predator is an organism that feeds directly upon another living organism, whether or not it kills the prey in doing so

Prey most successfully on slowest, weakest, least fit members of target population

Reduce competition, population overgrowth, and stimulate natural selection



– “Arms race”

Natural selection promotes traits that help prey escape predation

It also promotes traits that make predators more successful at capturing prey

Prey defenses



Warning coloration




Warning coloration


Mullerian Mimicry - Two unpalatable species evolve to look alike


Batesian mimicry - Harmless species evolve characteristics that mimic unpalatable or poisonous species

Keystone species

Keystone Species - A species or group of species whose impact on its community or ecosystem is much larger and more influential than would be expected from mere abundance

Keystone species


Symbiosis - Intimate living together of members of two or more species

Commensalism - One member benefits while other is neither benefited nor harmed

Mutualism - Both members benefit

Parasitism - One member benefits at the expense of other



Both species benefit

Some mutualisms are obligatory

Yucca and yucca moth

An obligatory mutualism

Each species of yucca is pollinated by only one species of moth

Moth larvae can grow only in that one species of yucca

Acacia and ants

Ants get nectar and a place to live

Ants provide protection and reduction in competition


Parasites drain nutrients from their hosts and live on or in their bodies

Natural selection favors parasites that do not kill their host too quickly

Types of species interactions

Population ecology studies characteristics of populations and how these characteristics affect the growth of populations


Populations can be described by vital statistics or demographics


Age Structure



Population age structure

Divide population into age categories

Population size

Number of individuals that contribute to a population’s gene pool

Changes in population size

Immigration & Births add individuals

Emigration & Deaths subtract individuals

Limits to population growth

Population growth is simply the change in numbers per change in time

A popula tion’s growth depends on the resources of its environment

If resources are unlimited, then growth will be exponential

If resources are limiting, then growth will be logistic r

Net reproduction per individual per unit time

Can be used to calculate rate of growth of a population

Exponential growth model dN/dt = rN

• dN/dt = population growth per unit time

• r = intrinsic rate of increase

N = number of individuals in population

Limits to population growth

A population’s growth depends on the resources of its environment

A limiting factor is any essential resource that is in short supply

All limiting factors acting on a population dictate sustainable population size

Carrying capacity (K)

Maximum number of individuals that can be sustained in a particular habitat

Logistic growth occurs when population size is limited by carrying capacity

Logistic growth

Growth rates regulated by internal and external factors until coming into equilibrium with environmental resources

Population growth rate slows as population approaches carrying capacity

S-shaped curve

Logistic growth model dN/dt = rN

Community properties

Primary productivity - Rate of biomass production

Used as an indication of the rate of solar energy conversion to chemical energy

Net Primary Productivity - Energy left after respiration

Abundance and diversity

Abundance -Total number of organisms in a community

Diversity - Number of different species, ecological niches, or genetic variation

Abundance of a particular species often inversely related to community diversity

As general rule, diversity decreases and abundance within species increases when moving from the equator to the poles

Edges and boundaries


– boundaries between adjacent communities

Edge effects - Important aspect of community structure is the boundary between one habitat and others

Some organisms are very sensitive to edges

Ecological succession

Change in the composition of species over time

Primary Succession

Ecological succession

Primary Succession - A community begins to develop on a site previously unoccupied by living organisms

Pioneer Species

Pioneer species

Species that colonize barren habitats

Lichens, small plants with brief life cycles

Improve conditions for other species who then replace them

Primary succession

Ecological succession

Secondary Succession - An existing community is disrupted and a new one subsequently develops at the site

Old Field Succession

Invasive (exotic/introduced) species

Species that has left its home range and become established elsewhere

Has harmful effects on a community

70 percent of endangered species have been negatively affected by invasive competitors

Nile perch in east Africa

Nile perch were introduced into Lake Victoria as a food source

This predator ate native cichlids; drove many species to extinction

Now Nile perch species is close to crashing

Rabbits in Australia

Rabbits were introduced for food and hunting

Without predators, their numbers soared

Attempts at control using fences or viruses have thus far been unsuccessful

Kudzu in Georgia

Imported for erosion control

No natural herbivores, pathogens, or competitors

Grows over landscapes and cannot be controlled

Mongoose in Hawaii

Released to control rats

Rats are nocturnal and Mongooses are diurnal

Both are now problems
