Neighbouring ‘industrial atmosphere’ and manufacturing location in Spanish municipalities* Ángel Alañón, Rafael Myro, Belén Rey Abstract A bayesian spatial autorregresive probit model is estimated to test if spatial pattern of firms location reflects the existence of interurban agglomeration forces. Results confirm that it does. Manufacturing diversity, manufacturing specialisation, human capital, municipality product as well as interurban agglomeration forces explain the creation of new manufacturing units in the Spanish municipalities (NUTS V) over the period 1980-1998. Key words: industrial location, interurban agglomeration forces, bayesian spatial probit models JEL classification: L6; R3; R4 *This research was supported by Ministerio de Fomento project “Efectos de la red viaria de alta capacidad sobre la movilidad empresarial y el desarrollo regional”. Dpto. Economía Aplicada I, Fac. CC. Económicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, E-28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón; Fax: +34913942499; Telephone: +34913942470; e-mail: Dpto. Economía Aplicada II, Fac. CC. Económicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, E-28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón; Fax: +34913942457; Telephone: +34913942476 e-mail: Dpto. Economía Aplicada II, Fac. CC. Económicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, E-28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón; Fax: +34913942457; Telephone: +34913942635; e-mail 1 Introduction In order to choose a good location for their firms decision-makers could be not only interested in traditional variables such as human capital, manufacturing diversity or specialisation of a certain area of a given city or town. They may also be interested in the neighbouring area beyond the borders of that city. That is, decision-makers may be taking into consideration the existence of interurban agglomeration forces or economies which would reduce the costs of their firms. In this paper we apply the agglomeration economies concept to a interurban framework –the 8071 municipalities of Spain (NUT V), within a two digits manufacturing context. The most remarkable points of this approach are the inclusion of new explanatory variables, such as the product of Spanish municipalities and the interurban agglomeration forces, and, above all, the use of a bayesian spatial autoregressive probit model to analyse the location decision process. This model allows us to tackle spatial autocorrelation problems and the inclusion of interurban agglomeration forces as an explanatory variable. This paper is organised as follows. In section 2 the role of interurban agglomeration forces in location decision is analysed and exploratory spatial test are performed to find out if the creation of new manufacturing units is clustered or randomly distributed in space. In section 3 we present a bayesian spatial autoregressive probit model which explains the location of new manufacturing units for Spanish municipalities over the period 1980-1998 and accounts for interurban agglomeration economies. The model is estimated in section 4. Finally, the main conclusions are exposed in section 5. 2 Location decisions, interurban agglomeration forces and spatial techniques Traditional sources of Marshall’s agglomeration economies are usually assumed to perform in a very reduced area, i.e. an industrial district. However, information spillovers may flow between neighbouring cities or towns; some non-trade local inputs may also be shared between the firms of the cities of a regional area; and, thanks to commuting, a local skilled-labour pool may be no restricted to a city. Examples of interurban agglomeration forces and related concepts can be found in Scott (1988); Saxenian (1994), Ellison and Glaeser (1997), or in Suárez-Villa and Alrod (1998). Thus, the location of a firm may be good not only for the local industrial environment or atmosphere. Firms may also take advantage of the interurban agglomeration forces. So, decision-makers will take into consideration social and economic conditions of neighbouring cities and towns to choose the right location for their firms. As shown in Alañón (2001), agglomeration economies which become interurban have an inter-territorial continuos and distance-decay clustering effect. That is, interurban agglomeration forces are generated due to the clustering of firms in a not very large regional area and its effects are inversely proportional to the distance between these firms. Therefore, interurban proximity plays a key role in the development of interurban agglomeration forces. The influence of interurban agglomeration forces in the creation of new manufacturing units can be measured using spatial statistics. If interurban agglomeration forces matter the creation of new manufacturing units should exhibit positive spatial autocorrelation, that is, they should be clustered in space. BB Joint Count test for spatial autocorrelation or spatial dependence reflects if binary variables are clustered or randomly distributed in space. BB Joint Count test are defined as follows1: BB (1 / 2) i w ij LOC i LOC j (1) j where wij is i-jth element of a spatial weights matrix W, with LOCi is set to 1 for municipality i if new units of a given manufacturing activity have been created over the period 1980-1998, and LOCi is set to 0 otherwise. Spatial weights matrix W reflects reflects the potential interaction between the observation pair i and j. A positive and significant z-value for this statistic indicates positive autocorrelacion, i.e., similar values, either high values or low values, are more spatially clustered than could be caused purely by chance (Anselin, 1992). Table I shows BB Joint Count test for the creation of new manufacturing units in 8071 Spanish municipalities (NUTS V)2 over the period 1980-1998. Test have been calculated for 11 manufacturing activities and 10 spatial weight matrices. These spatial weight matrices represent kilometric distance thresholds in which interurban 1 See Anselin (1992) for technical details. agglomeration forces are supposed to be active. Each spatial matrix has a suffix which indicates the largest distance between municipalities to allow for interaction: M50 means until 50 kilometres, M100 means 100 kilometres etc. Test are carried out using SpaceStat v.1.90. Only results for M50, M100, M150 and M200 are reported because the statistics for the rest of matrices are not significant. As expected as distance increases spatial autocorrelation decreases, so spatial clustering or interurban agglomeration forces are weaker. For 50 kilometres, all sectors show clustering evidence, but food and tobacco – which cover basic human necessities, so they may not depend heavily on such interurban agglomeration forces 3 - and first transformation of metals – which involves high transport costs and are usually linked to the mineral source. For M100 wood and furniture and other non metallic minerals add to the manufacturing activities which does not show interurban agglomeration forces. And for M150, only manufacturing of computers, office equipment and some related activities shows a weak evidence of spatial autocorrelation. Summing up, interurban agglomeration forces seem to vanish beyond 150 kilometres. These results could biased due to the fact that LOC reflects the creation of new manufacturing units over a large period of time (1980-1998). However, as shown in appendix 2, if we apply BB Joint Count test to a sample of years, i.e. 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995 and 1995, results are very similar. 2 These municipalities cover the whole Spanish territory, excluding Ceuta and Melilla (two little cities in the north of Africa). The number of municipalities is adjusted to account for the changes 1989-1991 inter census periods. 3 For example, most of towns, no matter the size, have a small bakery. TABLE 1 JOIN COUNT BB TEST FOR SPATIAL AUTOCORRELATION (1980-98) (normal approximation -- non-free sampling) VARIABLE WEIGHT M50 Food and tobacco Clothes and leather Wood and furniture Printing and paper Chemistry Other non metallic minerals First transf. of metals Machinery* Computers, office equipment etc Electric and electronic equipment Transport equipment BB VARIABLE WEIGHT M100 Food and tobacco Clothes and leather Wood and furniture Printing and paper Chemistry Other non metallic minerals First transf. of metals Machinery* Computers, office equipment etc Electric and electronic equipment Transport equipment BB VARIABLE WEIGHT M150 Food and tobacco Clothes and leather Wood and furniture Printing and paper Chemistry Other non metallic minerals First transf. of metals Machinery* Computers, office equipment etc Electric and electronic equipment Transport equipment BB VARIABLE WEIGHT M200 Food and tobacco Clothes and leather Wood and furniture Printing and paper Chemistry Other non metallic minerals First transf. of metals Machinery* Computers, office equipment etc Electric and electronic equipment Transport equipment BB * transport equipment not included Z-VALUE PROB 135956 -3.72 65548 18.29 114582 5.68 25081 28.69 41797 22.85 48814 10.16 117519 -0.58 31532 22.65 4449 37.26 16513 23.99 14411 24.38 0.999901 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.721207 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Z-VALUE PROB 416156 -13.88 181911 3.43 329382 -8.78 58391 7.14 105742 4.07 131633 -4.23 357690 -10.58 80215 5.56 8569 13.87 38922 5.90 3201 4.36 1.000000 0.000297 1.000000 0.000000 0.000023 0.999988 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000006 Z-VALUE PROB 771904 -19.99 308874 -6.71 583478 -17.55 87273 -5.39 167150 -7.78 224876 -12.30 655470 -17.23 129716 -4.62 11612 2.29 59347 -4.48 48333 -5.55 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.999998 0.010986 0.999996 1.000000 Z-VALUE PROB 1183494 -22.92 450025 -11.59 860950 -22.53 116005 -11.54 228139 -14.16 325746 -16.56 998790 -20.39 179846 -10.19 13869 -3.95 80957 -9.29 63822 -10.78 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.999962 1.000000 1.000000 3 A bayesian spatial autoregressive probit model for the location of manufacturing units The existence of spatial autocorrelation invalidate the use of most of usual Statistics and Econometrics techniques, such us ordinary least squares4. So, to obtain reliable estimates spatial autocorrelation needs to be treated properly, for example including that spatial autocorrelation in model specification. One of the most common alternatives is including a spatially lagged dependent variable, Wy, as one of the explanatory variables, that is, a spatial lag model or spatial autoregressive model (SAR): y Wy X (2) where y is a nx1 vector of observations on the dependent variable, Wy is a nx1 vector of spatial lags for the dependent variable, is the spatial autoregressive coefficient, X is a nxk matrix of observations on the (exogenous) explanatory variables with associated a kx1 vector of regression coefficients , and is a nx1 vector of normally distributed random error terms, with means 0 and constant (homoskedastic) variances 2 (Anselin, 1988). As our aim is to estimate a model which explains location decisions, that is, our dependent variable is the creation of new manufacturing units in a given municipality, the spatially lagged dependent variable, Wy, of SAR models has an important economic and spatial meaning. As expression (2) and its reduced form, expression (3), clearly express, it accounts for interurban agglomeration forces, since it makes depend what happens in a given municipality on what happen in the neighbouring municipalities: y ( I W ) 1 X ( I W ) 1 (3) Location decision models are usually estimated using limited dependent variable models, i.e., logit, probit or poisson specifications5. However, as far as we know, there is no mention about spatial autocorrelation in 4 industrial location models See Anselin (1988) for more information about spatial autocorrelation and Spatial Econometrics techniques. 5 See Arauzo (2002) or Holl (2003). literature6. A possible alternative is the specification of a bayesian spatial autoregressive probit7. In this case the usual specification of SAR models differs, since spatial autorregressive probit models are heteroskedastic: N (0, 2V ), V diag (v1 ,v 2 ,...., vn ) . It includes spatial heterogeneity in the model, which makes standard probit estimation inconsistent8. Therefore, changing the notation of expression (2) new manufacturing units location decision could be explained using a single equation model (4): LOC ij f ( HC i , LQij , DI i , MPi , IAFi ) (4) LOCij is a binary variable which is set to 1 if a unit of manufacturing activity j has been located in municipality i over the period 1980-1998 and to 0 otherwise. HCi is a human capital index which measures the percentage of population over ten years old with at least a secondary school degree in municipality i in 1991. The expected sign is positive since it reflects labour market’s qualification. LQij is the classic location quotient of manufacturing activity j for municipality i which measures specialisation in a manufacturing activity j in 1990. It represents the advantages of geographical specialisation: the traditional Marshallian externalities or MAR’s type (Marshall, Arrow and Romer) (Glaeser et al., 1992). LQij, is defined as follows: LQi , j ( Eij / E I ) /( E J / ET ) (5) where Eij accounts for total employment in manufacturing activity j in municipality i, Ei for total employment in municipality i, EJ for national employment in manufacturing activity j, and ET total national employment in all manufacturing activities. Its expected sign is positive. 6 Spatial Econometrics techniques are not commonly used by economists yet (Anselin and Florax, 1994). 7 “Note that when does not follow a normal distribution, transformed multivariate random variable ( I W )1 is not necessarily well defined. For example, this in the case for a logit specification and for models of counts (Poisson models), where the resulting multivariate specification is intractable” (Anselin, 2002, p.8). 8 “In the case of a standard normal i , i.,e., for a spatial probit model, the random vector u will be multivariate normal with a covariance matrix . An important consequence of this complex covariance structure is that the margninal ui will be heteroskedastic, This makes standard probit estimation inconsistent” (Anselin, 2002, p. 8). DIi is a manufacturing diversification index for municipality i in 1990. The expected sign of this variable is positive since manufacturing diversity may reflect the existence of interindustrial external economies, such as Jacobs type (Glaeser et al., op. cit.), and, also, the creation of new plants is biased towards diverse cities (Duranton and Puga, op. cit.). This index is based on the correction for differences in sectoral employment shares at the national level of the inverse of a HirschmanHerfindahl index proposed in Duranton and Puga (2000): DI i 1 / / s ij s j / (6) j where, sij is the share of manufacturing activity j in manufacturing employment in municipality i, and sj is the share of manufacturing activity j in total national manufacturing employment. MPi is the gross product of municipality i in 1991. This variable reflects the volume of economic activity of the municipality, so its expected sign is positive. It has been calculated regressing Spanish provinces (NUTs III) gross value added on some agglomeration and production variables, (x1, x2, x3), using Spatial Econometrics techniques to overcome spatial autocorrelation problems. MPi was obtained multiplying the estimated coefficients (1, 2, and 3), by the municipal values of (x1i, x2i, x3i)9. Finally, IAFi are the interurban agglomeration forces which affect to municipality i, measured as the spatially lagged dependent variable. The source for manufacturing units creation is REI, Registro de Establecimientos Industriales (Spanish Industrial Establishments Register)10. Employment and capital human data sources are Censo de Locales 1990 and Censo de Personas 1991 (Spanish Census 1990-1991)11. 4 Results In this section we estimate the bayesian spatial autoregressive probit model presented above. To stress the importance of accounting for spatial autocorrelation, we compare 9 See Alañón (2001, 2003) for more details. The authors are greatly indebted to the previous work of Josep María Arauzo, who collected this dataset. 11 Although there are new census data for population (Censos de Población y Viviendas 2001), we can not obtain new data for employment at a municipality level since Censo de Locales 1990 is the last one available. 10 its estimates to the ones obtained by a non spatial probit model which does not include interurban agglomeration forces as an explanatory variable. Spatial estimations are carried out using MATLAB R.12, via Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods (MCMC) as proposed in Lesage (1997). The spatial weights matrix, W, is a binary contiguity matrix which elements, wim, reflects if the municipalities i and m have a common border12. Eviews 4 has been used to estimate non spatial models. In table 2 we can see how coefficient estimates for spatial models do not apparently differ too much from non spatial ones. However it is usually expected that non spatial models produce larger coefficient estimates since they ignore spatial dependence and spatial effects are attributed to the rest of explanatory variables in these non spatial models (Smith and LeSage, 2002). It seems that most of spatial effects in the non spatial model are included in the municipality product coefficient estimates, which are larger than in the spatial case. Coefficient estimates for municipality product are insignificant in the spatial model for food and tobacco, wood and furniture and first transformation of metals manufacturing activities and weakly significant in clothes and leather and other non metallic minerals manufacturing activities, whereas in the non spatial models that coefficient is always significant. As suggested in section 2, it could mean that food activities are basic human necessities and they do not depend on municipality product and first transformation of metals manufacturing could be deeply rooted in the mineral sources due to transport cost. The rest of coefficients in the spatial model are highly significant, including , which represent interurban agglomeration forces. Therefore, what happen in the neighbouring municipalities, the interurban agglomeration forces, matter in location decision processes. In the non-spatial model only human capital coefficient is not significant for food and tobacco manufacturing activities, it might suggest that these activities do not require skilled labour. However, as stated in section 3, non-spatial estimations are inconsistent. 12 As we are using a different program we can not use the same spatial weights matrices that in section 2. Anyway, “There is very little formal guidance in the choice of the ‘correct’ spatial weights in any given application…. In practice, model validation techniques, such as comparison of goodness-of-dit, or cross-validation, may provide ways to eliminate bad choices.” (Anselin, 2002, p. 19). Table 2. SPATIAL AND NON SPATIAL ESTIMATES OF THE MODEL (1/2)13 Food and tobacco SPATIAL MODEL Coef. P-Level -1.989960 0.000000 CONST 1.378667 0.000000 HC 0.019160 0.000000 LQ 2.323121 0.000000 DIV 0.000416 0.302000 MP 0.313976 0.000000 IAF Clothes and SPATIAL MODEL leather Coef. P-Level -2.594266 0.000000 CONST 1.552214 0.000000 HC 0.373039 0.000000 LQ 1.857059 0.000000 DIV 0.001778 0.015000 MP 0.274776 0.000000 IAF Wood and SPATIAL MODEL furniture Coef. P-Level -2.670987 0.000000 CONST 2.628702 0.000000 HC 0.109634 0.000000 LQ 2.340870 0.000000 DIV 0.000307 0.401000 MP 0.304295 0.000000 IAF Printing and SPATIAL MODEL paper Coef. P-Level -3.236523 0.000000 CONST 3.065153 0.000000 HC 0.237514 0.000000 LQ 1.610273 0.000000 DIV 0.006610 0.000000 MP 0.189534 0.000000 IAF Chemistry SPATIAL MODEL Coef. P-Level -3.003741 0.000000 CONST 2.711943 0.000000 HC 0.237320 0.000000 LQ 1.893904 0.000000 DIV 0.002300 0.009000 MP 0.244725 0.000000 IAF Other non SPATIAL MODEL metallic minerals Coef. P-Level -2.709488 0.000000 CONST 1.964786 0.000000 HC 0.152384 0.000000 LQ 1.922727 0.000000 DIV 0.002213 0.015000 MP 0.252655 0.000000 IAF 13 NON SPATIAL MODEL Coef. Z-Statistic P-Level -1.645902 -26.04835 0.0000 0.237805 1.214430 0.2246 0.045595 6.310680 0.0000 1.630136 25.55807 0.0000 0.283780 19.46022 0.0000 NON SPATIAL MODEL Coef. Z-Statistic P-Level -2.520284 -31.85907 0.0000 0.805106 3.727101 0.0002 0.341255 29.44734 0.0000 1.696612 22.96632 0.0000 0.060587 13.92180 0.0000 NON SPATIAL MODEL Coef. Z-Statistic P-Level -2.387535 -35.56686 0.0000 1.552676 7.940431 0.0000 0.089711 12.79254 0.0000 1.934568 31.98060 0.0000 0.017400 36.44666 0.0000 NON SPATIAL MODEL Coef. Z-Statistic P-Level -3.547762 -33.00544 0.0000 2.823758 10.97818 0.0000 0.026213 4.307667 0.0000 1.500295 17.49725 0.0000 0.114461 22.52102 0.0000 NON SPATIAL MODEL Coef. Z-Statistic P-Level -3.022071 -33.47779 0.0000 1.945728 8.514447 0.0000 0.232200 13.70776 0.0000 1.729642 21.93607 0.0000 0.081341 17.58169 0.0000 NON SPATIAL MODEL Coef. Z-Statistic P-Level -2.532196 -33.38047 0.0000 1.064641 5.031806 0.0000 0.129513 19.75910 0.0000 1.711081 25.18040 0.0000 0.056265 15.87300 0.0000 Complete estimations results for the spatial model are shown in appendix I. Table 2. SPATIAL AND NON SPATIAL ESTIMATES OF THE MODEL (2/2) First transf. of metals CONST HC LQ DIV MP IAF Machinery (excl. transport equipment) CONST HC LQ DIV MP IAF Computers, office equipment etc CONST HC LQ DIV MP IAF Electric and electronic equipment CONST HC LQ DIV MP IAF Transport equipment CONST HC LQ DIV MP IAF SPATIAL MODEL Coef. P-Level -2.391933 0.000000 1.984242 0.000000 0.063970 0.000000 2.418330 0.000000 0.000358 0.294000 0.253700 0.000000 SPATIAL MODEL Coef. P-Level -2.944836 0.000000 2.818123 0.000000 0.058006 0.000000 1.577736 0.000000 0.007088 0.000000 0.209812 0.000000 SPATIAL MODEL Coef. P-Level -3.009778 0.000000 2.238432 0.000000 0.044042 0.001000 0.648717 0.000000 0.011996 0.000000 0.067316 0.005000 SPATIAL MODEL Coef. P-Level -3.099496 0.000000 2.845495 0.000000 0.349033 0.000000 1.237076 0.000000 0.010146 0.000000 0.170379 0.000000 SPATIAL MODEL Coef. P-Level -3.098176 0.000000 2.864999 0.000000 0.349346 0.000000 1.233071 0.000000 0.009803 0.000000 0.167611 0.000000 NON SPATIAL MODEL Coef. Z-Statistic P-Level -2.080747 -29.17844 0.0000 1.117730 5.143238 0.0000 0.065194 8.933261 0.0000 1.952301 22.70733 0.0000 0.013600 3.925442 0.0001 NON SPATIAL MODEL Coef. Z-Statistic -2.954426 2.230605 0.067639 1.447518 0.060668 -34.78775 9.925412 8.736909 20.37964 16.34985 P-Level 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 NON SPATIAL MODEL Coef. Z-Statistic P-Level -4.099518 -29.43870 0.0000 3.696380 11.29634 0.0000 0.037899 4.204865 0.0000 1.186799 13.51803 0.0000 0.020673 12.87121 0.0000 Coef. NON SPATIAL MODEL Z-Statistic P-Level -3.082232 1.754618 0.030280 1.429223 0.052217 -32.28912 6.939006 6.382476 18.50710 17.02519 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 NON SPATIAL MODEL Coef. Z-Statistic P-Level -3.518302 -32.41856 0.0000 2.826310 10.52510 0.0000 0.269380 11.56270 0.0000 1.341146 16.27812 0.0000 0.056965 17.71614 0.0000 5 Conclusions This research has focused on the role of interurban agglomeration forces in the creation of new manufacturing units in the Spanish municipalities. Exploratory analysis has shown that the creation of new manufacturing units at two digits level exhibits an spatially autocorrelated pattern. This spatial behaviour has two important implications. On the one hand, it stress the key role of interurban agglomeration forces in the creation of new manufacturing units, which seems to vanish beyond 150 kilometres. And, in the other hand, as the existence of spatial autocorrelation invalidates the use of traditional estimation models, to assess the role of interurban agglomeration forces in location decision processes, spatial autocorrelation must be treated properly. In order to do so, a bayesian spatial autoregressive model is estimated for 11 manufacturing activities, where the explanatory variables are human capital, manufacturing diversification and specialisation, municipality product and interurban agglomeration forces, measured as the spatially lagged dependent variable. Estimation results show that interurban agglomeration forces coefficients estimates, as well as most of the other variables coefficients estimates, are significant. Spatial heterogeneity is included in the model due to the heteroskedastic error term. Comparison between spatial and non spatial estimates underlines again the importance of taking into account spatial autocorrelation since non spatial coefficients estimates signficance differs for some explanatory variables. References Alañón, A. (2001): La renta regional en España. Análisis y estimación de sus determinantes, doctoral thesis, unpublished, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid. Alañón, A. 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Appendix I Complete Spatial Estimations Results Food and tobacco Bayesian spatial autoregressive Probit model Dependent Variable = loc psuedo R-sqr = 0.7144 sige = 1.2297 Nobs, Nvars = 8071, 5 # 0, 1 y-values = 4205, 3866 ndraws,nomit = 1100, 100 time in secs = 1307.6600 min and max rho = -1.0000, 1.0000 *************************************************************** Variable Coefficient Std Deviation p-level const hc lq di mp rho -1.989960 1.378667 0.019160 2.323121 0.000416 0.313976 0.081838 0.239491 0.007305 0.074524 0.000838 0.019679 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.302000 0.000000 Clothes and leather Bayesian spatial autoregressive Probit model Dependent Variable = loc psuedo R-sqr = 0.7818 sige = 1.2420 Nobs, Nvars = 8071, 5 # 0, 1 y-values = 5770, 2301 ndraws,nomit = 1100, 100 time in secs = 1262.8500 min and max rho = -1.0000, 1.0000 *************************************************************** Variable Coefficient Std Deviation p-level const -2.594266 0.093524 0.000000 hc 1.552214 0.266734 0.000000 lq 0.373039 0.016684 0.000000 di 1.857059 0.083154 0.000000 mp 0.001778 0.001535 0.015000 rho 0.274776 0.018902 0.000000 Wood and furniture Bayesian spatial autoregressive Probit model Dependent Variable = loc psuedo R-sqr = 0.7867 sige = 1.2420 Nobs, Nvars = 8071, 5 # 0, 1 y-values = 4711, 3360 ndraws,nomit = 1100, 100 time in secs = 1265.9800 min and max rho = -1.0000, 1.0000 *************************************************************** Variable Coefficient Std Deviation p-level const -2.670987 0.093758 0.000000 hc 2.628702 0.249317 0.000000 lq 0.109634 0.008686 0.000000 di 2.340870 0.078260 0.000000 mp 0.000307 0.000830 0.401000 rho 0.304295 0.017776 0.000000 Printing and paper Bayesian spatial autoregressive Probit model Dependent Variable = loc psuedo R-sqr = 0.6610 sige = 1.2429 Nobs, Nvars = 8071, 5 # 0, 1 y-values = 6833, 1238 ndraws,nomit = 1100, 100 time in secs = 1402.7400 min and max rho = -1.0000, 1.0000 *************************************************************** Variable Coefficient Std Deviation p-level const -3.236523 0.102350 0.000000 hc lq di mp rho 3.065153 0.237514 1.610273 0.006610 0.189534 0.268698 0.024299 0.078990 0.001883 0.020382 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Chemistry Bayesian spatial autoregressive Probit model Dependent Variable = loc psuedo R-sqr = 0.7661 sige = 1.2391 Nobs, Nvars = 8071, 5 # 0, 1 y-values = 6336, 1735 ndraws,nomit = 1100, 100 time in secs = 1274.3300 min and max rho = -1.0000, 1.0000 *************************************************************** Variable Coefficient Std Deviation p-level const -3.003741 0.110826 0.000000 hc 2.711943 0.263692 0.000000 lq 0.237320 0.026539 0.000000 di 1.893904 0.084804 0.000000 mp 0.002300 0.001658 0.009000 rho 0.244725 0.021712 0.000000 Other non metallic minerals >> Bayesian spatial autoregressive Probit model Dependent Variable = loc psuedo R-sqr = 0.7301 sige = 1.2295 Nobs, Nvars = 8071, 5 # 0, 1 y-values = 5984, 2087 ndraws,nomit = 1100, 100 time in secs = 1340.1300 min and max rho = -1.0000, 1.0000 *************************************************************** Variable Coefficient Std Deviation p-level const -2.709488 0.098581 0.000000 hc 1.964786 0.236774 0.000000 lq 0.152384 0.010032 0.000000 di 1.922727 0.081521 0.000000 mp 0.002213 0.001567 0.015000 rho 0.252655 0.019948 0.000000 First transf. of metals Bayesian spatial autoregressive Probit model Dependent Variable = loc psuedo R-sqr = 0.7471 sige = 1.2230 Nobs, Nvars = 8071, 5 # 0, 1 y-values = 4538, 3533 ndraws,nomit = 1100, 100 time in secs = 1238.3500 min and max rho = -1.0000, 1.0000 *************************************************************** Variable Coefficient Std Deviation p-level const -2.391933 0.077107 0.000000 hc 1.984242 0.223500 0.000000 lq di mp rho 0.063970 2.418330 0.000358 0.253700 0.010493 0.071780 0.000609 0.018868 0.000000 0.000000 0.294000 0.000000 Machinery (excluding transport equipment) Bayesian spatial autoregressive Probit model Dependent Variable = loc psuedo R-sqr = 0.4754 sige = 1.2195 Nobs, Nvars = 8071, 5 # 0, 1 y-values = 6587, 1484 ndraws,nomit = 1100, 100 time in secs = 1564.7200 min and max rho = -1.0000, 1.0000 *************************************************************** Variable Coefficient Std Deviation p-level const -2.944836 0.094791 0.000000 hc 2.818123 0.256793 0.000000 lq 0.058006 0.009935 0.000000 di 1.577736 0.072484 0.000000 mp 0.007088 0.001624 0.000000 rho 0.209812 0.022133 0.000000 Computers, office equipment etc. Bayesian spatial autoregressive Probit model Dependent Variable = loc psuedo R-sqr = -0.3923 sige = 1.2757 Nobs, Nvars = 8071, 5 # 0, 1 y-values = 7669, 402 ndraws,nomit = 1100, 100 time in secs = 2563.8200 min and max rho = -1.0000, 1.0000 *************************************************************** Variable Coefficient Std Deviation p-level const -3.009778 0.124872 0.000000 hc 2.238432 0.326019 0.000000 lq 0.044042 0.011767 0.001000 di 0.648717 0.077676 0.000000 mp 0.011996 0.001507 0.000000 rho 0.067316 0.024917 0.005000 Electric and electronic equipment Bayesian spatial autoregressive Probit model Dependent Variable = loc psuedo R-sqr = 0.3255 sige = 1.2345 Nobs, Nvars = 8071, 5 # 0, 1 y-values = 7055, 1016 ndraws,nomit = 1100, 100 time in secs = 1456.6800 min and max rho = -1.0000, 1.0000 *************************************************************** Variable Coefficient Std Deviation p-level const -2.827573 0.112460 0.000000 hc 2.095427 0.279293 0.000000 lq 0.120333 0.019785 0.000000 di mp rho 1.348573 0.009516 0.202373 0.076766 0.001991 0.022206 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 Transport equipment Bayesian spatial autoregressive Probit model Dependent Variable = loc psuedo R-sqr = 0.3471 sige = 1.2447 Nobs, Nvars = 8071, 5 # 0, 1 y-values = 7135, 936 ndraws,nomit = 1100, 100 time in secs = 1687.1500 min and max rho = -1.0000, 1.0000 *************************************************************** Variable Coefficient Std Deviation p-level const -3.099496 0.119824 0.000000 hc 2.845495 0.278970 0.000000 lq 0.349033 0.038929 0.000000 di 1.237076 0.075909 0.000000 mp 0.010146 0.001852 0.000000 rho 0.170379 0.022324 0.000000 APENDIX 2. JOIN COUNT BB TEST FOR SPATIAL AUTOCORRELATION (1980, 1985, 1990, 1995 and 1998) (normal approximation -- non-free sampling) SPATIAL WEIGHTS MATRIX = M50 1980 VAR BB Z-VALUE PROB I 3713 6.33 0.00000 II 1502 7.33 0.00000 III 4900 9.60 0.00000 IV 256 5.84 0.00000 V 1088 9.97 0.00000 VI 1211 6.69 0.00000 VII 5412 1.80 0.035226 VIII 519 11.55 0.00000 IX 1 -0.93 0.825731 X 314 5.86 0.00000 XI 48 1.48 0.06843 1985 BB 7057 4749 9013 1206 2813 1306 7244 1638 110 290 185 SPATIAL WEIGHTS MATRIX = M100 1980 VAR BB Z-VALUE PROB I 9801 -0.76 0.777448 II 4204 3.16 0.000778 III 12239 0.03 0.488020 IV 550 0.43 0.333490 V 2447 1.68 0.045584 VI 3064 0.76 0.221087 VII 15139 -4.14 0.999983 VIII 1126 4.22 0.000012 IX 5 -1.12 0.870145 X 861 3.42 0.000306 XI 104 -1.30 0.903425 I II III * Food and tobacco Clothes and leather Wood and furniture excluding transport equipment IV V VI Z-VALUE PROB 8.35 0.00000 20.76 0.00000 13.45 0.00000 27.82 0.00000 20.50 0.00000 9.52 0.00000 27.70 0.00000 24.51 0.00000 13.95 0.00000 16.38 0.00000 17.33 0.00000 1995 BB Z-VALUE PROB 5804 8.64 0.00000 2676 21.68 0.00000 7394 19.89 0.00000 1798 28.64 0.00000 2558 34.43 0.00000 1366 7.87 0.00000 9651 27.70 0.00000 2096 26.96 0.00000 95 11.86 0.00000 548 32.08 0.00000 373 13.90 0.00000 1998 BB Z-VALUE PROB 9617 76.34 0.00000 2271 60.83 0.00000 3311 53.78 0.00000 944 49.61 0.00000 1598 63.70 0.00000 901 32.34 0.00000 4903 80.03 0.00000 1516 64.58 0.00000 63 15.11 0.00000 406 42.29 0.00000 282 27.67 0.00000 1985 BB Z-VALUE PROB 19767 -1.65 0.95152 10708 12.48 0.00000 21600 3.97 0.00003 2148 9.44 0.00000 5570 9.34 0.00000 2921 2.49 0.00627 17781 1.56 0.05901 3058 12.92 0.00000 163 4.42 0.00000 628 4.47 0.00000 385 3.50 0.00022 1990 BB Z-VALUE PROB 15651 -1.31 0.90523 11730 8.60 0.00000 23611 0.69 0.24376 4059 9.56 0.00000 5259 6.67 0.00000 5134 0.60 0.27309 24136 0.80 0.21056 4274 7.95 0.00000 124 3.68 0.00011 858 3.98 0.00003 1591 5.13 0.00000 1995 BB Z-VALUE PROB 14318 -1.60 0.94546 5947 8.65 0.00000 16817 4.44 0.00000 3193 9.24 0.00000 4895 14.07 0.00000 3319 0.81 0.20661 20393 6.78 0.00000 3757 7.67 0.00000 138 3.71 0.00010 783 11.60 0.00000 608 2.67 0.00375 1998 BB Z-VALUE PROB 22540 50.31 0.00000 4817 39.53 0.00000 7020 31.74 0.00000 1559 24.96 0.00000 2915 36.23 0.00000 1820 18.59 0.00000 9258 42.62 0.00000 2737 36.73 0.00000 100 8.47 0.00000 597 20.71 0.00000 512 16.66 0.00000 Printing and paper Chemistry Other non metallic minerals VII VIII IX Z-VALUE PROB 4.93 0.00000 28.27 0.00000 17.96 0.00000 26.55 0.00000 27.12 0.00000 11.58 0.00000 13.27 0.00000 31.30 0.00000 13.02 0.00000 10.35 0.00000 8.84 0.00000 1990 BB 6188 4857 9649 2150 2478 2175 9651 2190 99 510 841 First transf. of metals X Machinery* XI Computers, office equipment etc. Electric and electronic equipment Transport equipment