K. PARALİK METAL İŞLERİ LTD. Company Profile 1. History The history of the company goes back to 1951 when first started operation as a blacksmith in a small shop and then turned into a metal can production facility. The company then moved to its existing location, expanded its production lines and services in other sectors. K. Paralik Metal İşleri Ltd. is founded in 1979 as Production Company of solar energy systems for water heating, water storage tanks and large containers. Since its foundation, K. Paralik Metal İşleri Ltd has been the market leader protecting its core competencies and respecting and considering the market forces and customer requirements. 2. Key Traits Main competitive advantage of our company is its know-how gained thorough over 50 years of service experience in producing solar energy systems according to specific needs of our customers and provisions of existing infrastructures. Our Company does not only produce and sell energy systems, water storage tanks or container, but also provides consultancy on products themselves, set-up of the systems, assessment of existing foundation and infrastructure, system development and design, operation, maintenance and safety. 3. Company mission K. Paralik Metal İşleri Ltd. mission is to provide best quality services and products at best prices for its customers based on the customer needs by applying and implementing best available and environmentally friendly technologies, techniques and operations. 4. Statement of commitment to Global Compact Network K. Paralik Metal İşleri Ltd. has been working to strengthen its core competencies and develop a socially responsible approach so that it maintains its leadership in the market. The commitment to provide quality services and products allow the company to adopt an innovative approach to new technologies and systems and a protective approach at the same time to the environment and social values. It is an obvious fact that living in such a small community and in such a small geographic area with limited natural resources and operating 1 in a relatively small market requires adoption of environmentally and socially sound principles so that the activities and production becomes sustainable. Our company principles have been developed over years and have the same ultimate aim with and show strong similarities with Global Compact Principles related to human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. K. Paralik Metal İşleri Ltd. is committed to support the core principles of Global Compact Network and ready to take necessary actions for the implementation of the necessities of core principles and hereby in this report reiterate its commitment. Principle 6. Business should support the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation K. Paralik Metal İşleri Ltd. is committed to undertake necessary actions to and contest by all means to prevent any kind of discrimination at the work force including but not limited to the gender, age, ethnic origin, race and politics. Systems developed Initial Assessment and Annual Performance Evaluation: Employment procedures include the evaluation of competency and experience of applicants verbally and in a written format. Each employee is being assessed in terms of their work performance and their accomplishments at the end of a year of engagement with the company and every promotion and educational needs are determined according to the evaluation report produced. Actions taken In order to prevent injustice and discrimination at the work force, an evaluation committee is formulated. The committee follow the procedures and evaluates each applicant and /or employee based on the evaluation form. Outcomes In year 2004, the profile of personnel occupied with selling and marketing, customer relations and accountancy was 30% women. In 2007, this number has raised to 70% where discrimination between men and women has been overcome and employment procedure was conducted regardless of gender issue but according to experience and competency. GRI indicator LA2, LA14, EC7 Principle 7. Business should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges. K. Paralik Metal İşleri Ltd. is committed to undertake environmentally friendly actions related to its sector and its production lines and operate in harmony with precautionary approach and proximity principle. Systems developed 2 Internal Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): Each foreseen investment project and / or a modification to the production lines or operations include an internally conducted EIA where the life cycle of the output / product, the effects of operation on the biological, economic and social/ cultural environment, the potential risks and the alternatives of the proposed system are assessed. Actions taken A committee is formulated which has regular meetings whenever a new system and/ or new activity is under discussion. This committee acts as a consultation body and facilitate communication / consultation with other stakeholders such as the Chamber of Industry, the Department of Industry etc before any decision taken. Outcomes All of the vehicles were subjected to gas emission tests and the ones failing to have the threshold value (2 vehicles out of 7) were sent to local machinist for recovery. In the year 2005, investment decision which was to change the technology used for producing the water tanks and large containers was made after producing a feasibility study and an internal EIA at the same time. GRI indicator EN 18. Principle 8. Business should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility. K. Paralik Metal İşleri Ltd. is committed to adopt internationally best practices to promote environmental protection and sustainable consumption of natural resources while continuing to take actions to achieve economic development regardless of / above the community rules and legislation. Systems developed Company Environmental Policy: A company environmental policy has been developed which includes basically the promotion of sector based initiatives and collaboration with civil society organizations to protect the environment and to encourage the protection of the environment, conciliating the environment with economy, ethics and the community. Actions taken Every year, our company gets involved in projects (1) to develop community environmental consciousness; (2) to undertake initiatives for educational purposes; (3) to create discussion platforms and to collaborate with other stakeholders (4) to get involved in public private partnerships in order to mitigate negative effects of any actions on the environment. Outcomes Our company got in touch with a local company and bought services to recycle Polyethylene (PE) waste materials and scraps, created at the end of production process which is used as raw materials for the production of pots by another company. 2 tonnes of PE waste material is being recycled per month instead of 3 sending it to the local dump site even though there are no legally binding infrastructures and / or regulations. Our company co - financed / sponsored two environmental projects in 2007: o ‘Drop by Drop it Disappears (DDYO)’ Water Conservation/Awareness Campaign: Our Company sponsored a water awareness campaign which included distribution of different informative outreach materials with different distribution mechanisms which includes tips on how to conserve water. According to the surveys being conducted, the campaign reached the 60% of the community. Figure 1. A child from the primary school where the launch of the campaign conducted wearing a “DDYO” campaign cap. Figure 2. K. Paralik water tanks with campaign logo o Cleaning our sites which have environmental, natural and cultural value: Our Company sponsored the procurement of 30 units large PE waste containers for organic waste disposal and 2 units metal recycling bins for metals and plastic bottles in collaboration with another local company operating in telecommunication sector. PE containers and metal bins with informative and educational signs were located at a picnic site and at three beaches where sea turtles nests. Figure 3. K. Paralik large container for waste disposal. GRI indicator EN 30. 4 Principle 9. Business should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. K. Paralik Metal İşleri Ltd. is committed to encourage research and development to determine best available techniques/technologies not entailing excessive cost, to improve its processes and operations and to adopt environmentally friendly technologies in order to minimize their negative effects on the environment. Systems developed Informal Environmental Audit: Audit system allows determination of environmental performances of production department and equipment and machines in terms of energy, waste production, water consumption as well as other departments of the company such as accounting, sales and marketing, research and development. Actions taken The informal environmental audit is being conducted once in every year to identify and understand the aspects of our plant that may have environmental implications and to anticipate unexpected results. A checklist has been prepared which allows us to think systematically about our own managerial goals and methods, our plans, operations of the plant, our employees, our products and by-products, raw materials and other input and local regulators. Outcomes Our employees started to re-use the paper once it is used instead of throwing it into the bins. Our company is reusing 5,04 gr of waste paper per month and helps to prevent deforestation globally even though it is on a very limited scale. Our company replaced two machines with more energy efficient alternatives in the production line for solar energy system production, namely metal bending machine and automatic metal cutter machine in 2007. Operation of these machines allowed us to save 0,1% of overall electricity consumption compared to the performances of previous machines being used. GRI indicator EN 2, EN 5, EN 6. Yours faithfully, Sibel Paralik 5