Concept of Operations Against an Irregular Adversary Violence, crises and war remain aspects of a geostrategic environment confronted with geopolitical forces and globalization. These tensions are expressed both by normally constituted political entities but also by players who clearly have no regard for the rule of law and civilized standards. In the field of confrontation, many ongoing or potential conflicts appear a combination or succession of crises between communities or states or within states. These non state purveyors of violence however are not totally without territorial or cultural attachments. They always exist within the specific political, social, cultural or customary realities of a territory or a region. They operate in areas belonging to fragile, weak or failed states. Their cause and their actions interact with the interests of regional powers. As is the case with states, they are a factor within the geopolitical equation; their cause may echo a regional or international security issue. When directly confronted with a stronger military opponent, they can transform and hide part or all of their assets within physical and human environments with which they are very familiar. Then they are free to use for their cause various forms of violence and show no reluctance in ignoring universal ethical rules governing their objectives and methods. They are able to export, this confrontation, both physically and virtually. Relying on a variety of local, regional or international violent players, they may enjoy financial and military power and an external support network which is far removed from the traditional image of a lightly-armed freedom fighter. Some are able to lead local defensive or offensive actions which can properly be described as high-intensity conventional military combat. Globalization, socialization of violence and the globalization of information have given these adversaries an added dimension even though their preferred strategy is hardly new1. Described as irregulars, they are a form of opposition encountered by the international community in its efforts to pursue the stabilization of fragile states or the restoration of failed states. They also constitute a direct threat to our national interests outside our own borders. They may also be associated with or succeed state threats. Confronted with an irregular adversary, traditional military manoeuvres are of little or no use. They are not directed at a single front or an easily identifiable enemy; destruction is no longer a goal in itself. Aimed at both the adversary and his local, regional and international environments, military action is aimed at weakening the capabilities, will, legitimacy and credibility of the adversary. It operates in the physical and psychological fields. It is integrated within an overall strategy organized at interagency and very often international level. Taking and keeping initiative over this kind of adversary also requires that strategic and operational references be formalized for our armed forces. DEFINITION, SCOPE AND AMBITION 1.1 Definition of an irregular adversary For us, the labelling of irregular adversary (IRAD2) is first and foremost political – in reference to his status which allows him to exploit the asymmetry it enjoys in relation to legality and rationality – rather than operational (for an approach based on types of action such as terrorism or guerrilla warfare). Many military theorists have studied irregular adversaries (Trinquier, Gallula, Callwell…). They highlighted certain principles, some of which remain current (separating the good – the population, from the bad – the irregular adversary; etc.). However, new factors must also be taken into account (sophistication of weapons, information control, globalization of confrontation, etc.) and the references they have described must be studied within a very different strategic context. 2 Generic French abbreviation. 1 Legal asymmetry is related to the impossibility of establishing a clear definition with regards to the standards and status of international law. Rationality asymmetry is related to the lack of respect for international ethics, codes or standards, in using violence for political aims against others. The definition of irregular adversary is mostly related to armed non state actors. These organizations seek to challenge or control local power. They may or not be sponsored by a violent backer who may or not have acquired the status of a state, or by the armed wings of governmental factions. - In the first case, irregular adversary is part of the indirect strategy followed by a state or another organization, for political or economical reasons. - In the second case, irregular adversary is more commonly a faction in a civil war with a specific set of political demands. Private military bodies which occasionally back these organizations are not usually considered irregular adversaries. The understanding of irregular adversary must also take account of two entities, whose aims may be of a very different nature, but who are often indistinguishable from its support organization: Transnational terrorist movements which have a vision of the world and its social organization at odds with that of western nations. These movements have an ambivalent relation with globalization which they oppose, but from which they benefit, for instance when spreading their ideas and widening their field of action; Criminal organizations which seek profits, such as organized crime, which base their operations in weak of failed states, or local armed bands. In an open theatre, confrontation with these organizations may take place during the initial entry phase or during the stabilization phase if an armed resistance appears. This concept deals principally with operations directed against irregular adversaries in the legal framework of the law of armed conflict. 1.2 Ambition of military operations against irregular adversaries The twin asymmetries – legal and rationality – which characterize the irregular adversary bring him a degree of strategic impunity and a tactical advantage. On the one hand, they restrict the possibilities of using political and operational mechanisms for the resolution of crisis and conflicts between states, or reduce their efficiency. On the other hand, they allow him to consider principles of uncertainty and sudden strikes in much wider space, time and information domains (bypassing, unnatural alliances, involvement in many and varied domains, terrorism, etc). To a large extent unrealistic, the destruction of an irregular adversary is not a goal in itself. The use of force, alone, does not lead to a decisive victory. The overall end state sought when combating an irregular adversary is first of all intended to diminish his power, his will and limit his influence, through the use of various instruments of power, military – whether standard or not – and non military. In these conditions, the action of armed forces must be centred on irregular adversary’s strategy, by seeking first of all its dislocation (damaging his credibility, separating him from his physical and psychological supports, blocking access to a major constituent of his power, etc). Direct action on his physical potential is not a goal in itself, but must be framed within this overall plan. Parts of an overall coercion, cooperation and integration manoeuvre, military operations directed against an irregular adversary are intended to break his strategy rather than his potential in order to set up the favourable conditions required for a local political solution. DESCRIPTION OF AN IRREGULAR ADVERSARY The development and implementation of military operations against an irregular adversary must take into account a number of intrinsic and permanent characteristics. 2.1 Intrinsic Characteristics 2.1.1 Dissimulation and obfuscation The irregular adversary weaves himself into various physical environments3 and human activities4 which facilitates his dissimulation and make it harder to identify its setup. His actions, and his organization, are part of a tangle of informal, disguised or clandestine networks. His combat forces are only partially and occasionally visible. It is difficult to determine his intentions and identify his centre of gravity. 2.1.2 A constant need for support in relation with its environment To last, the irregular adversary must benefit from local5, regional or transnational6 support. The financial and material resources it uses originate from predatory, trafficking or corrupt activities it undertakes in its main area of implementation, from local donations, investments in local economic activities, or from exterior support, whether from states or not. Populations and human activities are normally his main survival and growth strategic tool.7 2.1.3 Existential cause and unconstrained methods Irregular adversary may include components which would appear to originate from an unnatural because of the differences in motivation (political, ideological…), objectives (take over, control of a resource, wiping out an ethnic group …) or means 3 Urban and rural areas, jungles, mountainous areas, etc. All kinds of companies or businesses. 5 The state or remnants of the state, the power in place (political, religious, economic, administrative, cultural, tribal…), media and information vectors. 6 State or non-state regional or extra-regional players may, whether openly or not, provide support to the irregular adversary for political, strategic, economic or ideological interests. 7 Depending on circumstances, he may seek to enslave the local population to exploit it, prefer a benevolent indifference or bring it to the verge of chaos, by creating the greatest level of disorder and breaking down all social connections including family links (child soldiers). Part of the population may be direct victims of the actions carried out by irregular adversaries. Another part may on the other hand show a real loyalty and support to the irregular adversary, because of nationalistic or religious reasons, or because of the material support provided by him. When a majority of the local population is convinced of the righteousness of the actions carried out by the irregular adversary, the situation becomes extremely delicate for the deployed force. 4 and devices (militias, networks, armed bands…). This local level may be reinforced by foreign violent players, who joined through conviction or interest. Guided by the preservation or conquest of an interest he considers vital, the use of terror, violence or coercion by the irregular adversary is not constrained when choosing objectives and methods. Even, he can sacrifice his own partisans and their immediate environment for the cause. He believes his methods legitimate due to the material superiority enjoyed by his adversary. He is adept at presenting his own suffering and commitment in the media to influence the international community. 2.1.4 Actions with both tactical and strategic objectives The irregular adversary uses classical means, although they may be used in unusual ways, and non classical means whose tactical effects are mostly physical but have a strategic effect in the immaterial domain. He may, at least in theory, use non conventional means – such as NRBC attacks – whose psychological effects are considerable. The growing commercial availability of communication and information systems8, of high-performance land, air and maritime transport systems9, the uncontrolled distribution of certain weapon systems10 allow him to achieve significant tactical actions, or bold actions against specific objectives. Their symbolic value may have direct strategic effects, due in part to the multiplying effect of the media11, opinion and influential players. 2.2 Principal characteristics of confrontation 2.2.1 An approach based on avoidance and wearing down The irregular adversary will shy away from a direct and general confrontation and systematically avoid the decisive battle, as 8 Non-state adversaries now have access to high bandwidth communication tools, encrypted mobile phones, and high resolution pictures of any place in the world as well as navigation tools. 9 All terrain vehicles, GOFAST deep-sea vessels, micro jets or long-range twin-engined planes. 10 Ground-air MANPADS, etc. alongside old fashioned or apparently obsolete weapons. 11 The media operates according to its own dynamics and offers amplification and multiplication capabilities. defined in the traditional military sense. He employs general strategy of avoidance12 and wears down his opponent, exploiting his weaknesses and vulnerabilities and using primarily psychological factors. His longer timetable allows him to wear down and then delegitimize his opponent’s intervention. He will attempt to inflict over time a level of casualties13 which is high enough to influence the political will of the states which oppose him. The irregular adversary seeks to widen, both physically and virtually, the area of direct confrontation, by exporting the confrontation outside his borders if necessary. At the local level, he favours areas he knows well and which he has been able to prepare and in which military action must operate under the highest level of constraints14 and risks. He seeks to favour the cycle of provocation – repression – revenge, by encouraging the undiscriminating military riposte. 2.2.2 The recourse to sudden strikes designed to engender uncertainty without constraints related to ethics or morality To hurt, to scare, to foster doubt and to advertise his actions are the governing principles which guide the actions undertaken by the irregular adversary. He implements them by choosing very high value-added targets. He systematically favours the element of surprise. Through his real knowledge of military modes of action and his ability to adapt to military actions and reactions, he is able to do neither the unexpected nor the expected, but something different altogether so that military authorities are unable to discern the logic underlying his actions. Furthermore, he makes the best use of the media, in particular the impact of images, to mobilize his own camp, weaken his opponent’s political and military will and influence national and international public opinions. 12 Avoidance at the strategic, tactical, technical and space levels and of our intellectual constructs. Human, material, financial, etc. 14 Physical, psychological, legal. 13 2.2.3 Use of methods of action: ubiquity and dilution, opportunism and pragmatism By posing a danger from all angles against the military array sent to oppose him, in unexpected areas and domains, ubiquity15 is intended to paralyse the opposing manoeuvre, and induce a psychological impact. Dilution is intended to deny targets for military action, by constantly reorganizing, reappearing under different guises and in different places when discovered or threatened16. Autonomy and action and pragmatism allow the irregular adversary to provoke and exploit opportunities in a selected environment while remaining faithful to aforementioned general strategy, optimising the use of assets for the greatest effect. BASIS OF OPERATIONS CONDUCTED AGAINST AN IRREGULAR ADVERSARY. Each irregular adversary is a specific case requiring specific types of military action, both in nature and intensity, according to local and overall circumstances. These types of action must however rest on the following basic principles. 3.1 Identify the players, distinguish the adversary In most cases, irregular adversary does not correspond to a simple model based on a hierarchical structure. He is not a homogeneous entity, but an aggregate system or combination of elements. For the most part, the irregular adversary as a system is self-regulating, with various violent players acting within their own respective frame of reference and logic, but each benefiting from the other’s activities. Furthermore, irregular adversary system rests upon, evolves and interacts directly with various constituents of local, regional or even international communities of interest. This networking provides active or passive support. 15 His ubiquity is due to his ability to reconfigure himself and act without a clearly organized and hierarchical structure of control. Deployed over the widest possible surface, he is able to hold down military assets using a loose cover for harassment. This harassment uses actions designed to wear down led by numerous light elements spread out over the whole area (needle attacks) and sporadic use of force designed to temporarily disorganize the military apparatus (lightning raid). 16 Faced with this level of complexity, it is vital to present the most exhaustive catalogue possible of antagonists, first of all by mapping local systemic background, then extending it to the regional and extra-regional level. The next step involves identification and designation of irregular adversary or its main systemic components. This designation process allows an understanding of all the potential points and domains for strategic actions against irregular adversary system, which will often go well beyond the main areas of violence for which it is responsible. This designation is a prerequisite for assessing the strategic options which may be used against him, whose implementation will normally require coordinated, or even synchronized use of military and non military – such as diplomatic or economic tools – assets. They also allow a greater level of assurance for describing the conflict, identifying the legal framework for military operations17, and differentiate between combatants and non combatants. 3.2 Understand the adversary and anticipate his adaptations The irregular adversary links the ways and means he uses with the objectives he has set. This specific rationale must be clarified. An in-depth knowledge of both protagonists and their environment is required but alone, it is insufficient. Strategic action requires the understanding of behaviour and motivation. The socio-cultural, socio-economic and socio-political aspects are particularly important for understanding the characteristics of the linkage between irregular adversary and anthropological realities of any given territory or region. The preparation of strategic options requires a wider understanding of theatres for which intelligence and knowledge prepared in a multidisciplinary framework will play an important part. 17 The law of armed conflict governs operations aimed at an irregular adversaries. Coercive measures, up to the use of lethal force, may be taken against those directly involved in the conflict. The process of identifying and understanding adversary and his environment relies on several complementary analyses (systemic18, socio-political19, capability20, criminal), conducted in cooperation with the relevant agencies and departments. If necessary, a specific intelligence manoeuvre will be required to assist in validating the parameters and objectives which would result in a significant operational impact. Operations carried out against an irregular adversary require the permanent updating of the situation of this particular type of adversary who, when confronted with a standard superior force, will seek to widen the theatre and space for confrontation and reorganize itself in an asymmetric format. At the tactical level, the efficiency of primary and secondary effects resulting from military action against adversary and his environment must be subjected to exacting assessment in order to guide the required adjustments and reorganisations. A permanent anticipation and immediate action capability must be opposed to the irregular adversary’s dynamic. 3.3 Become part of a multidimensional response and adopt a realistic and coherent manoeuvre Strategic action against an irregular adversary goes beyond the strictly military realm. Military operations are part of a global approach and are tied to clearly-specified political objectives. They are linked to the diplomatic, economic and security processes involved in implementation of the chosen strategy. In accordance with the political objectives, the armed forces should ensure they are involved in defining and development of strategic options. They must share thoughts about the constraints and limitations of a diplomatic, legal21 and military nature. The aim is to ensure coordination of the respective expectations of military, diplomatic and security actions as well as the limitations Describe the adversary’s system of systems and determine its centre(s) of gravity if applicable and vulnerabilities (where and how to strike quickly), looking for revealing indications which will make it easier to understand the irregular adversary. 19 Decipher the irregular adversary; his origins; his behaviour; the ‘message received and understood” by the population part. 20 Study the ability of the irregular adversary to reconstitute himself (he favours a logic dictated by the ultimate aim over a capabilities logic). 21 It is worth noting that confrontation concerns a player without a clear legal identity. 18 concerning various related subjects, such as the management of prisoners and detainees. Apart from ensuring that coherence and realism are used when specifying the determining factors of military action within the overall project, thought must also be given to the timescale of the engagement from the point of view of political acceptability at all levels of the intervention. The timescale will determine the modes of military action as it will impact the modes of action for non military instruments. It is preferable not to divulge this information, since knowledge of the timescale will only benefit the adversary. In the military field, interventions intended to counter insurrection or secession across a territory will often require further engagement over time. In this regard, the local population is a major factor and the footprint on the ground will be sizeable. For the interventions born of a more localized or targeted defence of national interests, the local population do not necessarily constitute a primary factor. In that case, a limited timescale and footprint on the ground should be favoured, in order to avoid exposing the operation to wearing down by the adversary. 3.4 Contain and modulate, in order to compromise if required Because the irregular adversary often enjoys a strategic advantage, military and non military actions will usually involve two closely related objectives. On the one hand, the object is to preserve or reacquire physical and cognitive operational areas, while on the other acting within these areas to place him into situations where political, military, legal and diplomatic tools are more solidly implanted and have greater impact. Thus, any strategic action aimed at an irregular adversary will normally be based on two main complementary operational modes, contain and modulate, which can be applied against the entire irregular adversary’s system. Their implementation rests on two requirements. It is vital that they be understood with regard to an adversary as a dynamic system, and who operates in the physical and psychological realms. To contain and modulate him thus covers a wide range of actions which depending on his current configuration will be aimed at diverting, disrupting, slowing down, unmasking, isolating as well as protecting, seizing or destroying. These operational modes must be applied simultaneously to the environment in which the irregular adversary acts, and in particular with regards to populations and human activities in which he is based. The object being in particular to limit the rallying of support they might provide while favourably influencing their evolution towards the generally shared vision of a political resolution of the crisis. This dialectic between irregular adversary and local populations is particularly complex. Experience has shown that solutions were virtually impossible without indigenous intelligence and capabilities, which must be reorganized or reconstituted when necessary. In any case, indigenous capabilities will be tolerated by local populations much longer than foreign forces, while they also symbolise, even when their legitimacy is somewhat relative, a real local desire for a solution to the issue. GENERAL PRINCIPLES FOR MILITARY ACTION The armed forces will act, in the physical and psychological realms, against the irregular adversary’s strategy and his support system. Their actions are based on a general strategy which frames, guides and facilitates the use of force. They are aimed at restricting the room for manoeuvre enjoyed by the irregular adversary and restrict him to areas where political, military, legal and diplomatic tools are more solidly implanted and have greater impact. Depending on the situation, military action will combine a confinement approach (to contain him) with a moulding approach (to shape him) leading potentially to transaction (negotiation). It may also seek to create links with local populations (by constructing an area of influence). A specific intelligence manoeuvre aimed at acquiring knowledge and understanding of the irregular adversary and his human environment, followed by understanding their impact and their reading of external actions, is absolutely necessary when deciding these counter-manoeuvres22. This manoeuvre may include targeted23 operations, undertaken over time with military and non military players. In all cases, strategic action against an irregular adversary requires acting simultaneously on twin axes. The external axis is concentrated on the local, regional or international environments. The object is to deprive the irregular adversary of his resources, both material and non material. The internal axis is directly aimed at the adversary. The objective is to weaken simultaneously his willpower and ability to act, by combining various operational modes, classical or counterinsurrection or counter-terrorism. 5.1 Leading an external counter-manoeuvre Combating an irregular adversary whose survival depends in part on physical and moral support will require that he has to be isolated from his resources, separated from his supports and ensuring that within the external environment there is ample freedom of action for military actions. This is the objective of the external counter-manoeuvre which is aimed at the international community, peripheral players and the local population. Armed forces are only one of the components for executing this external counter-manoeuvre. In this framework, it is necessary to take account of the opponent’s vulnerabilities, by visualising things within the 22 The capabilities of units and intelligence sections rest for the most part on military know-how, the recourse to external expertise in or out of theatre will usually be necessary to lead the external and internal counter-manoeuvres described here, in particular when it comes to expertise in subjects like: sociology, psychology, ethnology, culture and religion, economics and linguistics, etc. 23 Gathering background, situation, warning or targeting intelligence. conceptual or cultural framework of the adversary rather than one’s own. It is essential to determine its approach to violence. 5.1.1 Winning the battle of perception and meaning In most cases, the irregular adversary has a well defined cause which allows him to compensate for his weaknesses. Military Influence Operations24 therefore play a major part in conflicts where irregular adversaries play the principal part. These operations are intended to influence the perceptions, representations and attitudes of the designated information targets, in order that they are led to work in favour of the mission or at least to prevent them from taking steps opposed to the action of our armed forces. The goal is to shape the battlefield in the psychological, emotional or intellectual realms in order to create and exploit opportunities likely to favour the desired end state. 5.1.2 Containing the irregular adversary within a wider regional organization Military action must also take account of the flows of material and people entering or leaving the main area where irregular adversaries operate and contribute to supplying their ability to act (trafficking, foreign combatants, etc). In addition to, and in keeping with, the actions centred on a given area, the armed forces must be able to carry out interdiction operations in various environments, in partnership with those sovereign nations which these flows go through or in international areas. This peripheral system, which reinforces regional stability, makes it easier for regional players to understand the issue posed by the irregular adversary, reinforces the legitimacy of the military presence in the region and gives it a more flexible access and footprint in the immediate area of action25. 5.1.3 Building an area of influence intended for local populations The battle for information within the local population is one of the primary characteristics of operations directed against an 24 25 PIA 03.253. Depending on the situation : force projection, power projection, etc. irregular adversary. Although not an final objective, the battle for the hearts and minds is intended to alter the local support enjoyed by the irregular adversary, which is vital for his survival and development, while reinforcing the links between legitimate security forces (local or external) and the locals. To this end, their expectations must be taken into account - they mostly concern issues of security – but the object is also to influence at the same time the irregular adversary and make him react in ways which serve our objectives, damage his image and reinforce favourably the mindset of neutral and non aligned parties. Raising doubts about his legitimacy and his ability to win are among the main tools to break down the links between irregular adversary and the local population. Building the area of influence for the local population requires a knowledge of local cultural environments at all levels, publishing and explaining our intentions clearly vis-à-vis local authorities and populations, in addition to using a proactive approach intended to gain the upper hand in terms of legitimacy and rationality. The idea being of presenting a counter-cause, based on a renewed state of security. The break between irregular adversary and the local population, build on the support of the latter, will be the clearest sign of the loss of strategic initiative suffered by the opposing party. 5.2 Leading an internal counter-manoeuvre The internal counter-manoeuvre is aimed at irregular adversaries. Duplicity and surprise come together around coercive actions and the confrontation of perceptions. In the framework of crisis management, the internal countermanoeuvre is intended to neutralise the irregular adversary’s strategy and organization. Determining the balance between links with local population – an effect multiplier and those directed against the organization, between leading public (security) and underground (unravelling networks) actions is imperative26. In the framework of the defence of national 26 It is vital to identify the actions required to maintain or restore minimal functions to a failed state, and to check they are proportionate with the actions intended to neutralise the irregular adversary (maintaining a police force, supplying civilians, etc). . interests, this manoeuvre is intended to create a counter strategy which can serve as a basis for negotiations. In all cases, these manoeuvres must be synchronised with the external counter-manoeuvre. They will be paralleled by military influence operations directed at the irregular adversary and the local populations as well as operational communication actions. 5.2.1 Neutralizing the irregular adversary’s armed organization The implementation of this principle is intended to halt the violence perpetrated by the irregular adversary and to remove him from local networks by involving the local population. It will be long term and the conquest concerned is more psychological than territorial. It requires significant human assets, with the military force engaged playing a principal role. Depending on the stakes and the situation, several approaches may be chosen or combined. They rest on the modelling of players. One approach is to encourage the adversary to organize himself as a regular army, to force dissymmetry upon him (obvious vulnerabilities) in order to facilitate his neutralization. Another may be to try to break him down after confining him, using the appropriate organization of the components of the contact forces27. To do this, the object must be to avoid being outflanked by the adversary’s surface manoeuvre by ensuring the protection28 of persons and belongings limited to areas of high population density and considered important for the country, while closing off the borders. Simultaneously, the object is to bring insecurity to irregular adversary in order to reduce the freedom of action he requires to survive. Ultimately, the goal is to force him to regroup, and then gradually seek his suffocation, break down the links between his various components, weaken him by increasing his internal dysfunctions, or even destroy his political and administrative organization. 27 28 The object being for part of the Force or allied militia to adopt an organization mirroring that of the adversary (totally or partially) while having visible units (presence). Grid/community policing; census; the object is to live with and within the local population. Relying on indigenous armed forces and then delegating combat29 (training, materiel, and advice) should constitute the general policy. From a security point of view, local forces should be armed and entrusted with operational areas after the local elite has been identified and won over. The armed forces engaged will focus their combat actions on the most sensitive areas, if possible by night. During the day, support will be provided to the local population, the armed forces on the ground should maintain a discrete presence in order to minimise xenophobia, while the indigenous forces should maintain a visible presence. This method will help in avoiding the tag of invader by giving the local population the task of ensuring their own future. By removing his most favoured targets, the irregular adversary is placed in the framework of an internal conflict with military inferiority and the increased vulnerability of his popular support. 5.2.2 Surprising or countering with a “fait accompli” Threatening what the adversary cannot afford to lose, this principle is intended to surprise the irregular adversary by means of a strategic raid30. Using surprise and speed, the aim is to present him with an undeniable fait accompli, which can serve as starting point for negotiations. It is more often applicable to the defence of national interests. It is important that the irregular adversary not be in a position to set the pace, one should refuse unfavourable interactions but seize the initiative and dictate the most favourable rules. To this end, one should always seek the maximum operational flexibility; by alternating, if need be, between combat31 and negotiations, while displaying patience and restraint. Traditional strikes and engagements should be aimed at limited objectives which the international community will accept, accompanied by counter-subversion actions and deterrence manoeuvres32. 29 To take no action, impose an action, to preclude any action. Placing the Force outside the area of armed activity by the irregular adversary and remote action combined if needed with a sporadic action on the ground offers few targets to the irregular adversary. 31 Targeted action to apply pressure or destroy. 32 In the defence of national interests, when the sponsor of the irregular adversary has been identified, the use of a deterrence dialogue should be envisaged. 30 Our armies are now confronted with adversaries designated as irregulars because of their status and the methods they favour. These adversaries are now the main type of opposition encountered on exterior theatres of operation. This concept presents the main references for a military contribution for the definition of these strategies and the operational basis for their implementation.