Stage 1 - Co-Teaching (Information for Teacher

Teacher Education Department
2015 - 2016
The Department of Teacher Education prepares caring and responsive educators with the knowledge, skills,
and dispositions to effectively facilitate the learning of all students from diverse ethnic, linguistic, and ability
groups, so that they can fully participate in a dynamic society and world.
California State University Monterey Bay
100 Campus Center - Seaside, CA 93955-8001
INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………………………….5
Vision Statement………….…………………………………………………………………………………6
Infusion of CSUMB Core Vision Elements……………….……………………………………………….6
SUPPORT PERSONNEL…………………………………………………………………………………7
CURRICULUM DESCRIPTION…………………………………………………………………...........10
Coursework at a Glance……………….………………………….…….................................................10
Course Descriptions………………………………………………………………………………….…….11
Objectives for Co-Teaching………………………………………………………………………………..15
Objectives for Intern Teaching………………………………………………………………………….....15
Professional Dispositions…………………………………………………………………………………..15
Supervisor Observations …………………………………………………………………………………..16
Time Expectations for Stage 1 – Co-Teaching…………………………………………………17
Initial Contact with your Cooperating Teacher……………………...…………………………..18
Lesson Plans…………………………………………………………………………………..…...18
Evaluation Fall term…………………………………………………………………..……………18
Suggested activities for stage 1- first 4 weeks……………………………………………….....18
Suggested activities for reminder for stage 1……………………………………………..…….18
CANDIDATES ONLY)………………………………………………………………….…..…….19
Time Expectations for Stage 2 – Co-Teaching………………………………………………....19
Solo Experience……………………………………………………………………………………19
Objectives for Solo Co-Teaching…………………… ………………………………………....20
Other Suggested Activities for Stage 2………………………………….………………………20
Evaluation of Stages II and III…………………………………………………………………….20
ROLES AND RESPONSIBLILITIES……………………………………………………………………21
 Classroom Mentor/Support Provider (Information for Interns
 CSUMB Field Supervisor (Interns and Teacher Candidates)………………………………....21
Supervisor Classroom Visits……………………………………………………..……….21
Assessment of Teacher Candidates by Supervisors…………………………..………22
 CSUMB Program Advisor Roles and Responsibilities……………………………………...….22
 Cooperating Teacher Role and Responsibilities (Information for Teacher Candidates
Cooperating Teacher Preparation and Support………………………………………...24
Cooperating Teacher Evaluation and Feedback to the Teacher Candidate………...25
Cooperating Teacher – Absences and Substitute Teaching………………………….26
 TEACHER CANDIDATE RESPONSIBILITIES (Information for Teacher Candidates
Holidays and Breaks…………………………………………………………..………….27
Expectations of you for observation with your University Field Supervisor………...27
Outside work Commitments…………………………………………………….……….28
Activities (Information for Teacher Candidates Only)…..…………………….………28
Professional Appearance (Advise for both Teacher Candidates and Interns)..…...28
Extra-curricular/Yard Duty……………………………………………………………….28
Policy and Procedures Regarding Inadequate performance or progress in the field……...30
Statement of Concern and Plan of Action………………………………………………………31
Timing for a Statement of Concern……………………………………………………………...31
Ongoing Program Progress Assessment by Advisors……………………………………...…33
SECTION 3 – POLICIES AND PROCEDURES………………………………………………………35
Selection of the Co-Teaching Placement………………………………………………………………..35
Selection of the Cooperating Teacher…………………………………………………………………...35
Request for Reassignment of Teacher Candidates (TC)……………………………………………...36
Substituting Teaching during the Co-Teaching Assignment…………………………………….…….36
Switching between Internship and Traditional Pathways……………………………………………...36
Leaving and Returning to the Single Subject Program………………………………………………...37
 Leave of Absence………………………………………………………………………...37
 Stopping Out………………………………………………………………………………37
Co-Teaching and Field Experiences During Emergencies – From the Office of the General
Counsel for California State Universities……………………………….……………………….38
Privacy Act…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 39
Course Substitutions/waivers Granted for Prior Academic Work……………………………………..39
Class Attendance…………………………………………………………………………………………..39
Minimum GPA and Grades………………………………………………………………………………..39
 Grades of ‘D’ or ‘F’………………………………………………………………………..39
 An Incomplete Grade…………………………………………………………………….39
 “No Credit” (NC) or a Grade of C- or less in Fieldwork Experience………………...40
Withdrawal from Individual Courses in the Program…………………………………………………...40
Children and the University Classroom………………………………………………………………….40
Progress from Stage 1 to Stage 2………………………………………………………………………..40
EDUCATION AT CSU MONTEREY BAY…………………………………………………..…41
Procedures to be Followed to Remove a Student From a CSUMB Credential Program…………..42
Appeals Process and Procedures…………..……………………………………………………………42
Student Complaint Procedure ………………………..………………………………………………......43
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities…………………………………………………………44
CSUMB E-mail System……………………………………………………………………………………44
Student Identification Card………………………………………………………………………………..44
Parking Information………………………………………………………………………………………..44
SECTION 4 – TESTING AND CREDENTIALING……………………………………………………..45
Preliminary Credential Program Requirements………………………………………………………….45
APPENDIX A………………………………………………………………………………………………46
CSUMB Lesson Plan Template……………………………………………………………………………46
APPENDIX B………………………………………………………………………………………………47
Information for Cooperating Teachers…………………………………………………………………....47
APPENDIX C………………………………………………………………………………………………48
Information for the Single Subject Stage 1- Stage 2 Progress Interview………………………….….48
APPENDIX D……………………………………………………………………………………………....50
Request-to-Appeal Form…………………………………………………………………………………...50
APPENDIX E……………………………………………………………………………………………....52
UTEC – University-Wide Teacher Education Council………………………………………………….52
APPENDIX F………………………………………………………………………………………………54
CSUMB Statement of Concern and Action Plan………………………………………………………..54
APPENDIX G………………………………………………………………………………………………55
Important Phone Numbers @ CSUMB.………………………………………………………….……….55
WELCOME to the Single Subject Teacher Credential program. The faculty and support personnel look forward
to contributing to your professional development, and are excited by the ways in which your particular
experiences and perspectives will enrich our learning community!
The Teacher Education Department at California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB) is committed to the
development of programs that reflect a high degree of integration between theory and practice through
collaborative program development between public schools, the community, and this university. For the
student, this commitment is reflected in our year-long teacher residency program and the co-teaching
relationship. It is also reflected in our commitment to supporting intern teachers who are selected into the
intern pathway.
The Single Subject Credential authorizes the holder to teach school age students from non-English
backgrounds with limited in English proficiency. It includes the CLAD (Cross-cultural Language Academic
Development) /CTEL (California Teacher of English Learners/ELA) English Language Authorization that
authorizes the holder to teach English Language Development and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in
English (SDAIE) in the specific subject area. It is the mission of the program to prepare teachers who are
committed to, and able to bring about, success for ALL students.
A successful Co-Teaching or internship experience depends on a clear understanding of expectations and
requirements. Therefore, this handbook contains information you will need to know regarding the roles and
responsibilities of Teacher Candidates, Supervisors, Cooperating Teachers or support providers for interns.
If you need information concerning program requirements or guidance regarding personal concerns not
contained in this handbook, consult the Coordinator of the Single Subject Program. For course-related
information, consult your course instructor.
Program completion requirements included in regularly disseminated regulations of the California Commission
for Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) or in CSUMB’s CCTC-approved program description are non-negotiable and
must be completed by all students prior to receiving CSUMB’s recommendation for a teaching credential.
These documents are available for student review on request.
At CSUMB, we envision excellence as encompassing content knowledge, skills, and dispositions that enable
students to become life-long learners. This is essential because of the direct link between a teacher’s ability to
teach and student outcomes. As such, our graduates benefit from programs that develop the leadership and
stewardship skills necessary to implement responsive pedagogy, assessment practices, and
curriculum in schools that are healthy, nurturing, and empowering social environments. Our teacher
education candidates are prepared to achieve excellence in their practice because our program incorporates
and builds upon both state and national standards relating to academic content, professional teaching, and
teacher education program standards.
Equity is central to our vision because the strength of a democratic society is predicated upon an informed,
engaged, and active citizenry that is inclusive and representative of our diverse population. Due to the fact
that the families of school children served by our educators will include those who have been historically
underserved and under privileged, our Teacher Candidates will be prepared to critically consider policies and
practices that may enable or inhibit equitable access to society’s resources.
Our graduates will:
 know that the most effective outcomes are achieved when the identity of each student who is served
is conceptualized within a culturally responsive, developmentally appropriate, and lifelong learning
 be personally engaged in continuous learning
 see their students as individuals in the context of family, community, and society.
Their collaboration and planning skills will be supported by a willingness to transcend cultural and ethnic
boundaries in schools and communities.
Effective and caring educators have the dispositions to see inequities, the imagination to find solutions, and
the integrity to act in ways that benefit all learners. The ability to engage with parents, community members,
and colleagues is critical to developing excellent public schools, particularly in districts that serve working class
and historically underserved communities. Educators from CSUMB will demonstrate ethical action through
teaching and school stewardship, capitalizing on the strengths of the communities they serve.
Social justice, equity, ethical professionalism, and care for one another are demonstrated throughout the
philosophy and practice of the teacher credential program. Every effort is made to be partners with the
students in their journey to become the teachers of tomorrow, assisting them to become responsible decisionmakers. Discussions of ethics, equity, and social behavior are part of the teaching and learning process in all
the courses. Students are expected to reflect these values in their Co-Teaching placements.
Throughout all coursework, and particularly in Pedagogy for Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students,
concepts, information, and issues of multicultural education are incorporated into students’ learning base.
These include analyzing different cultural perspectives and literature representing the diverse population of
California. All candidates are enrolled in specialized coursework that addresses second language development
and primary language use. Proficiency in language and culture is a requirement and an on-going
developmental process in the Teacher Credential Program. A concerted effort is made to encourage
multiculturalism in practice as well as in our value system.
Students in our Teacher Education Program are able to apply theory to practice from the very beginning. All
students have on-site, classroom placements in coordination with their coursework, which enable them to
observe and complete classroom assignments under the tutelage of a Cooperating Teacher or Principal, as
well as CSUMB faculty and Supervisors. Students have the opportunity to put into practice the theories and
strategies for teaching while they are learning to teach. Each credential candidate fulfills a requirement of two
semesters of field experience and is assigned a university faculty member and/or Supervisor to supervise the
assignments. For the Co-Teaching pathway, the Stage I and Stage 2 Co-Teaching placements will be at
different grade levels.
CSUMB Teacher Education subscribes to the importance of technology infusion into the teaching and learning
process, especially for prospective teachers. A prerequisite for the credential program is to demonstrate
computer literacy. Completion of technology coursework in undergraduate classes is also required for
admittance to the program. The following are expectancies and outcomes with regard to technology in the
teacher credential program.
All assignments (e.g., final reports, term papers, or other professional documentation for assessment)
must be typed unless stated otherwise by a particular instructor. Students are expected to use word
processing, graphing, and other written and presentation tools as appropriate for assignments.
Students complete research projects outlined in each of the courses, which are completed in part
through exploration of the Internet on specific topics. Curriculum resources are also located through
the Internet.
Class presentations or field lessons demonstrating effective teaching practices in technology are
encouraged. These may involve use of the Internet or curriculum software.
Communication is facilitated between students and faculty through electronic mail. All CSUMB
students are given free access to the CSUMB-gmail Intranet system.
problems that could not be resolved through your Field Supervisor (for Co-Teaching or Intern related issues),
or by the Program Coordinator. Please call Jena at (831) 582-3639 if you need to make an appointment to
meet the Chairperson.
DR. MARK O’SHEA, COORDINATOR OF THE SINGLE SUBJECT PROGRAM , is available to answer your questions
about issues related to the Single Subject Program including applications, requirements, courses, advising, and
others. He is available in Bldg 3 or contact him at (831) 582-3039 or by email at
communications with school sites regarding initial placements of Teacher Candidates into co-taught
classrooms. Decisions regarding selection of Cooperating Teachers and any changes in Co-Teaching placement
are arranged in consultation and with the approval of the Field coordinator. The placement and supervision
coordinator can also be available for consultation and observations in the classrooms, as needed, or to assist
in matters that arise in the field placement. If a problem regarding your placement cannot be resolved with
your Supervisor and Cooperating Teacher, you should contact the field placement and supervision coordinator
for assistance at (831) 582-4125 or by email at
CHRISTY JORDAN, CREDENTIALS ANALYST, will provide you with detailed information regarding requirements
for your teaching credential. She or he may be found in room 117, Bldg. 3, or by calling (831) 582-3638. Once
you have completed all credential requirements, you will meet with the Credentials Analyst to obtain the
YOUR UNIVERSITY FIELD SUPERVISOR, assigned at the beginning of each semester, is your primary resource as
coach and facilitator of your classroom placement experiences (Co-Teaching or Internship). You are expected
to coordinate with your Supervisor for the following activities: formal and informal observations, conferences
with your Intern Support Provider or Cooperating Teacher and/or Principal, and pre- and post-observation
feedback and evaluation. It is your responsibility to remain in close contact with your Supervisor, provide
typed or neatly written lesson plans for your formal observations, communicate your particular needs or
problems, and to otherwise ensure that you are receiving continuous feedback from your Co-Teaching
experience. She or he will visit your classroom regularly. Your Supervisor also serves as a liaison between you
and the Cooperating Teacher or other school personnel, should you need to resolve any concerns about your
Co-Teaching or Internship.
purpose of providing support for the completion of program requirements. He will be your first point of
contact with questions about the program or personal issues; if you are not sure who to go to for a particular
question, start with your advisor. If he cannot answer your question, he will direct you to the appropriate
and support that will be most instrumental in guiding you through your daily co-teaching or intern
experiences. It is recommended that you be available and willing to respond to a variety of tasks and activities
suggested or assigned by your Cooperating Teacher or Intern Support Provider during your placement
experience. It is important that you maintain open channels of communication with your during your close
work together. You should establish a regular meeting time, at least once per week, in which you are able to
go over schedules, ask questions, and plan. Do not expect your Cooperating Teacher to be textbook perfect.
Do expect to share your ideas, listen to feedback, take directions, and take risks. Keep in mind that this
person will be your greatest resource for day to day curriculum, student management, and much more. If you
are a Co-Teacher, you are responsible for making the initial contact with your Cooperating Teacher, once the
placement has been arranged. When you first meet with him/her, you will need to work with his/her teaching
schedule to arrange your Co-Teaching hours.
Your Intern Classroom Mentor /Support Provider Is someone, usually in your building, who is assigned by the
district or school site and the university. This will be another teacher in your school – unless another teacher
cannot be found, and in that case we will find a teacher in a nearby school. This teacher will hold a CLAD or
BCLAD credential and will have at least three years of teaching experience. We require the Classroom
Mentor/Support Provider to meet with you at least four hours each week and act as your on-site support
person. In this role, the Classroom Mentor/Support Provider will help you with everything from how to find
supplies to how to meet the Principal’s expectations for lesson plans. Your Classroom Mentor/Support
Provider will attend meetings and workshops on how to fulfill her/his role. These people receive
compensation from CSUMB for their support.
COURSE INSTRUCTORS, either full-time or part-time faculty, are available to assist you in any course-related
matter. Information regarding office hours and availability is distributed at the first class meeting. They can
best be reached at their office or through their CSUMB email account.
10 Weeks
ED 607
3 units Adolescent Development and Learning
ED 570
3 units Teachers Preliminary Placement
ED 628
3 units Secondary Pedagogy Linguistic Diversity
16 weeks
ED 605
2 units Secondary Curriculum and Instruction Part I
ED 538
2 units Introduction to Classroom Technology Level I
ED 627
3 units Secondary Language and Literacy Development
ED 624
8 units Stage I Supervised Secondary Teaching
ED 624A
3 units Stage I Supervised Secondary Teaching Seminar
16 Weeks
SPED 560
3 units Inclusionary Practices
ED 643
3 units Classroom Assessment
ED 606
1 unit Secondary Curriculum and Instruction Part II
ED 625
8 units Stage II Secondary Supervised Teaching
ED 625A
3 unit Stage II Supervised Secondary Teaching Seminar
Most Single Subject classes are offered no earlier than 4:15 P.M. on weekdays. Classes are generally scheduled
for Mondays and Wednesdays.
NOTE: Although the Single Subject Program will try to schedule classes in this sequence, there can be no
guarantee. If the sequence is not possible, an Intern or part time student must complete the program as
courses become available. The schedule will not be changed to accommodate the needs of candidates who
fall out of the two-semester sequence; however, the Program Coordinator will work with the candidate to
design an individualized program for completion.
Course Descriptions
ED 570: Teachers Preliminary Placement
Required introductory course for the single subject program. Practical application of teaching theory,
methodology, and pedagogy for middle and public high school. Includes observation, participation, planning,
and practice teaching in a local middle school or high school. Cross-listed with ED 575
ED 628: Second Pedagogy Linguistic Diverse
Examines issues and solutions involved in the education of students from diverse language backgrounds.
Explores the theoretical foundations of language acquisition as well as strategies and approaches for working
effectively with English learners. Cross-listed with ED 612. (Offered summer session and as interest warrants.)
Prerequisites, Corequisites, and Registration Restrictions:
ED 607: Adolescent Develop and Learning
Examines physical, cognitive, social, and moral development of adolescents in grades 6-12, with an emphasis
on the relationship to learning in diverse cultural contexts. Students consider the nature of the learning
process, the connection between learning strategies and learning outcomes, and the psychological principles
underlying congruent pedagogy as related to teaching. Cross-listed with ED 611. (Offered summer session and
as interest warrants.)
Prerequisites, Corequisites, and Registration Restrictions:
All CSUMB credential candidates are required to purchase a TaskStream account during the first week of
classes. TaskStream is an online support system for colleges of teacher education, created for the collection
and evaluation of performance data for Teacher Candidates. For Single Subject candidates, the purchase of
your TASKSTREAM account is regarded as “course materials” for ED 538 as well as all of the other classes; if it
is purchased through the bookstore, the cost is considered equivalent to a textbook purchase for financial aid
purposes. You will receive a basic introduction to how TASKSTREAM is used in ED 538; this means that you
will need to have already purchased your account, or bring a credit card with you to class so that you can
purchase it online at that time.
Fall Coursework and Supervised Teaching
The first semester (or Stage I) of the program consists of sixteen weeks of regularly scheduled courses along
with a minimum schedule of one half day (4 hours every day including university holidays) supervised teaching
(usually non-independent instruction for Co-Teachers and half-time to full-time teaching for interns). Students
take ED 538, ED 605, and ED 624, ED 624A and ED 627. Those in extended programs (beyond the two
semester version) may take some courses in other semesters. Bilingual Authorization: Candidates interested
in obtaining a Bilingual credential (BCLAD) are placed in a bilingual field classroom with a qualified bilingual
teacher, where they are observed teaching in Spanish. In addition to this placement, candidates for the BCLAD
also must pass the appropriate CSET exams for the BCLAD. Please consult the CSET website for more
information about these exams.
ED 538-Introduction to Classroom Technology, Level I
Meets the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Level 1 technology requirements for candidates
enrolled in the multiple subject or single subject programs. Focuses on knowledge of basic technology
applications and their use in K-12 classrooms. (Offered fall semester and as interest warrants. If you can
demonstrate that you have met the outcomes of this course by passage of another CCTC approved course or
exam at a regionally accredited college or university, you may submit official documentation for consideration
of course equivalency.)
ED 605- Secondary Curriculum and Instruction Part I
Covers approaches to teaching subject matter content in secondary schools. Separate sections for English,
foreign language (Spanish and Japanese), math, science, and social science. (Offered fall semester.)
ED 624- Stage I Supervised Secondary Teaching
Includes observation, participation, planning, and practice teaching. Requires the equivalent of a half-time
daily placement in program-approved secondary classrooms from the beginning of the K-12 school year
through the end of the CSUMB Fall Semester. (Offered fall semester. (May be offered as classroom-based,
hybrid, or online.) (Credit/No Credit Only with RP.)
ED 624A – Stage I Supervised Secondary Teaching Seminar
Taken in conjunction with ED 624, Supervised Secondary Teaching. This course addresses issues related to
topics such as adolescent development, classroom organization and management, parent involvement, social
contexts of educational organizations, education policies, instruction, curricular planning, and assessment.
(May be offered as classroom-based, hybrid, or online).
ED 627- Secondary Language and Literacy Development
Provides grade 6-12 teachers with the expertise that they need to teach reading and writing in multicultural
and multiethnic classrooms. Includes approaches and guidelines for teaching students who are struggling
readers and writers. Cross-listed with ED 617. (Offered spring semester and as interest warrants.)
Spring Coursework and Supervised Teaching
The second semester of the program consists of classes during the sixteen weeks of the University spring
semester and teaching in the placement school from the time school begins in January following the holiday
break through the last day of the school year for teachers. Stage II supervised teaching continues with a
minimum schedule of one half day (4 hours every day including university holidays) and includes for
Co-Teachers a minimum of two weeks of daily independent Co-Teaching). Co-Teachers are strongly
encouraged to engage in daily independent student beyond the minimum required (with the permission of
their master teachers).
Most students take at least ED 606, ED 625, ED 625A and SPED 560. Those in extended programs (beyond the
two semester version) may take the remaining courses in other semesters. BCLAD candidates are placed in a
bilingual field classroom with a qualified bilingual teacher, where they are observed teaching in Spanish.
SPED 560: Inclusionary Practices
Provides participants with the required competencies to assist in teaching students with disabilities (e.g.,
Learning Disabilities, Autism, Mental Retardation, Emotional Disturbance), and information needed to meet
federal and state mandates for serving children and youth with disabilities in schools. The course includes
exploration of educational laws, IEPs, service delivery systems, modification of instructional methods, and
assessment processes to support inclusion and mainstreaming of students with exceptionality in regular
education environments. Fulfills state requirement for clear credential. (Offered fall and spring semesters, and
summer session.)
ED 625: Stage II Secondary Supervised Teaching
Includes observation, participation, planning, and practice teaching. Requires the equivalent of a half-time
daily placement in program-approved secondary classrooms following the K-12 school year schedule for
teachers. (Offered spring semester. May be offered as classroom-based, hybrid, or online.)
ED 625A: Stage II Supervised Secondary Teaching Seminar
This course addresses issues, concerns, and solutions related to supervised teaching as well topics such as
obtaining a teaching position, mandatory reporting, The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing,
educator discipline, and procedures for formatting and submitting the Performance Assessment for California
Teachers. (Offered Spring Semester. May be offered as classroom-based, hybrid, or online.)
CSUMB has adopted a Co-teaching Model (as well as an Intern Model for those who are employed by
participating districts) for its clinical field experiences. The Co-Teaching model differs from the traditional
model as Teacher Candidates are paired and trained with Cooperating Teachers prior to the beginning of the
public school year, and are in the their placement co-teaching by the first day of school. Placement usually is
in selected schools or districts where a number of Teacher Candidates are clustered and remain for the entire
school year. The Co-teaching model allows our candidates to experience both the beginning of school and the
ending of the school year. All Single Subject candidates will be placed with Cooperating Teachers in the same
field as the candidate (English, Foreign Language, Math, Science, History-Social Science) who teach two
different subjects (such as World History and US History for History-Social Science) or two different levels of
the same subject (such as Biology and Biology (SDAIE). Although a candidate may switch subjects at the end of
the semester, they will remain in the same school for the entire of the year.
Co-teaching allows the Teacher Candidate and Cooperating Teacher to utilize a number of strategies to
support the training process for establishing effective instruction. The Cooperating Teacher models and
assists as the Teacher Candidate acquires the knowledge and skills of teaching. Rather than having to manage
a classroom all alone, a Teacher Candidate has the support necessary to implement effective classroom
management strategies. As the skills are gained, the Teacher Candidate takes the lead to make sure he/she
can manage the classroom without support.
While there are some structural and procedural differences in the field experiences of Teacher Candidates and
Interns, many of the expectations, particularly regarding how candidates are assessed, are the same. In this
section, we have tried to make clear what applies to Teacher Candidates only, what applies to Interns only,
and what applies to both.
 An Intern’s job assignment qualifies as the field placement for program purposes. The program does
not place Interns in job assignments, but works within the parameters of California Commission on
Teacher Credentialing Intern Program Standards and the job situation of each Intern. An Intern must
be assigned classes in the same subject area as the credential being sought. For example, an Intern
seeking a credential in Math must be assigned only to math classes appropriate for the credential
being sought.
 The Co-Teaching pathway consists of concentrated co-teaching experiences for Teacher Candidates
with Cooperating Teachers. Expectations and suggested activities for each semester are provided
below, and will be further discussed with one’s Field Supervisor. By law, prior to or during the
program, each candidate observes and/or participates in two or more subject –specific teaching
assignments that differ in content and/or in level of advancement.
All candidates should review all documents pertaining to the field experience in TASKSTREAM. These include
the Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) and a variety of evaluation forms derived from these
expectations. The TPEs define expectations with regard to this body of knowledge and skills for beginning
credentialed teachers.
What are the objectives for Co-Teaching?
The fundamental purpose of Co-Teaching is to expand your professional understanding of teaching and
learning, and to develop your professional skills. To this end, the Co-Teaching experience will provide
continuing and increasingly deep experiences designed to help you develop the knowledge and skills defined
in the Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs). These experiences will provide you with opportunities for:
 Practicing and developing your skills with regard to planning, organizing, and management of
reading instruction in relation to ongoing assessment. This will include the application of
appropriate strategies for a well-balanced and comprehensive reading instruction program.
 Planning and implementing instruction in the content area and English Language Arts (reading,
writing, listening, speaking).
Planning and implementing instruction that considers and values cultural, linguistic, gender and
socioeconomic diversity.
 Developing skills in managing student behavior.
 Developing skills for listening and communicating effectively with both students and colleagues in
Instructional settings
 Developing beginning levels of competence in effective interaction with students from linguistically
And culturally diverse backgrounds.
 Reflection based on observations of the Cooperating Teacher's practices and assessment of
your own activities.
 Discovering and developing your personal and professional dispositions for teaching.
What are the objectives for intern teaching?
The fundamental purposes of intern teaching are the same as for Co-Teaching; however, the Intern Teacher
works independently with the guidance of the Intern Support Provider (an experienced teacher in the
building), the Department Chair, and other district and site administrators. The Internship Program
Coordinator and staff also provide guidance and support for Interns.
Professional Dispositions
CSUMB’s teacher education programs all seek to promote the following professional dispositions among our
teacher education students. One aspect of becoming a professional in any occupation is cultivating certain
habits of mind and professional dispositions:
commitment to ethical conduct: fairness, honesty, respect, responsibility, compassion, collaboration,
and collegiality
the belief that all students can and will experience academic success
the belief that individual differences in learners are assets to be accommodated in the classroom
the inclination towards being advocates who identify and strive to eliminate inequities, social
injustice, and prejudice as stewards of public education for a just society
the habit of reflecting on their own practices in a process that leads to continual improvement and
application of best practice
Supervisor Observations
Teacher Candidates and Interns will be officially observed by their university Supervisor a minimum
of four times during Stage I and four times during Stage 2. This consists of the following:
Lesson plans should be emailed to supervisor two days prior to the visit. Phone, email,
or in person pre-conferences should be held the day before the visit.
Duration for Single Subject visits should be for the entire lesson, including block
periods. Candidates and Interns may use the lessons planned in methods courses for
purposes of observations.
Post-conference should occur same day whenever possible, in person during lunch,
planning period or after school. With the permission of the Cooperating Teacher,
the conference could occur during school. If necessary, these conferences can be
held by phone, internet, or back on campus before or after class.
Assessments/feedback need to be entered into TaskStream the week of the visit so that
information is included in reports and available to candidates for reference and
planning of next visit.
The Candidate completes a reflection artifact regarding next steps. The Cooperating
Teacher (CT) provides daily informal feedback to the Teacher Candidate.
Fall Semester of Placement - Mid semester, the Cooperating Teacher or Intern Support
Provider and Supervisor hold a three-way conference to discuss strengths, weaknesses, and
next steps based on their observations and interactions with the Teacher Candidate or
Intern. If there are issues, a Statement of Concern with specific goals and a timeline will be
developed. At the end of the semester, a formal evaluation will be completed in
TASKSTREAM by the Cooperating Teacher and Supervisor, and then followed up by a
reflection written by the candidate. The Supervisor will be responsible to see that the
evaluations from the Supervisor and, in the case of Teacher Candidates the Cooperating
Teacher, are in TaskStream.
Spring Semester of Placement -- Mid semester - the Cooperating Teacher or Intern Support
Provider and Supervisor hold another three way conference to discuss strengths, weaknesses,
and next steps including, for Teacher Candidates, guidance related to their required solo teaching
phase. If there are issues, a Statement of Concern with specific goals and a timeline is developed.
Following the “solo period”, a the Cooperating Teacher and/or the University Supervisor will
complete a final evaluation. This is followed up by a response written by the candidate at the
end of the semester.
A Field Binder is maintained by each teacher candidate in TaskStream and is available for
viewing by the Field Coordinator, Supervisor, Program Coordinator. The field binder contents
include the candidate’s:
1. time sheet
2. classroom data form
3. supervisor evaluations
4. self- evaluations (baseline, mid program, final)
5. classroom learning environment evaluation
Responses or reflections for:
6. supervisor observations
experience summary artifact - read by supervisor and reported as part of seminar grade
First day of school
SST meeting/IEP
Parent conference
Back to School Night
Open House
Faculty Meeting
Fall semester reflection
Spring Semester Reflection
Time Expectations for Fall term - Co-Teaching
5 half days/wk. (A minimum of 4 hours per day, every day – even if you are not teaching students
that day because of a block schedule.) These hours are to be arranged to maximize your opportunity
for student contact, within the schedule at the given site, and to encourage students in the classroom
and other staff members to view you as actual teachers. Additional time may occasionally be
needed to complete university-related course assignments.
Begin co-teaching the week teachers begin in your placement, unless you have not received your
placement by then. Co-Teaching should continue until the school district’s last day of school for
teachers, depending on district schedules.
You will follow the vacation calendar of the school in which you are placed. Your CSUMB coursework
calendar may not coincide with your co-teaching placement calendar.
Besides class time spent with students, participating in the following activities may be counted as part of your
Co-Teaching hours:
time spent meeting with your Cooperating Teacher (which should be part of your weekly routine)
planning and preparing for lessons
evaluating student work
observing other teachers on site (in and out of your department) through arrangement with the
Cooperating Teacher
attending on-site staff meetings
attending school in-service activities
participating in or observing parent-teacher conferences (including, if you have permission from the
concerned parties including the school Principal, IEP meetings)
going along on a field trip with one’s class
assisting the Cooperating Teacher with his/her supervision duties
We encourage participation in such activities to the extent that they fit into your schedule. Opportunities for
this kind of participation will vary, and there is no set expectation for it (except the expectation to meet
regularly with your Cooperating Teacher). These activities should not intrude on participation in courses or
timely completion of coursework.
Regular attendance at your field placement is expected; both your Cooperating Teacher and the students will
be counting on you. As soon as you know you will be absent from your placement on any regularly-scheduled
Co-Teaching day, you must notify your Cooperating Teacher and (if an observation has been scheduled for
that day) your Supervisor.
If for any reason you need to make up Co-Teaching hours, you may do so by going to your placement for
additional hours. If you have questions regarding Co-Teaching hours because of a situation not covered by the
above, the Field Coordinator can address them.
Initial Contact with you Cooperating Teacher
Your initial meeting will be my email, as you introduce yourself and begin establishing a rapport with your
Cooperating Teacher. A Supervisor will provide pairs training at your teaching site for all candidates and
Cooperating Teachers. Together, you will develop a weekly schedule that will fulfill the above requirement.
Schedule your time so that you can experience the start of the school year. You should plan on being at the
school site at least fifteen minutes before the beginning of instruction. You must sign in at the school’s front
desk. It is important to include a regular time for planning and consultation with your Cooperating Teacher in
your weekly schedule. Please provide your Cooperating Teacher and university Supervisor with copies of the
agreed-upon schedule. You must keep track of your attendance by completing a weekly time sheet in
TaskStream. Your Supervisor will check your time sheet before each scheduled observation.
There are important ways in which you will be a liaison between the program and your school placement. You
will need to help your Cooperating Teacher become familiar with TaskStream so s/he can complete your
assessments. In addition, your university Supervisor or Principal may ask you to attend meetings of all
Teacher Candidates placed at your school; your assistance will be essential to coordinating a time for such a
meeting. You may also be asked to bring information or documents to your Principal and/or Cooperating
Teacher. Please be helpful in this regard.
Lesson Plans
Teaching is an intentional, planned activity. Many problems that occur in Co-Teaching can be overcome by
better planning. Many of your courses are designed to help you become more expert in planning lessons, and
you will be planning lessons in great depth for course assignments. You and your students will benefit from
careful planning of all lessons you teach, regardless of whether the lessons is related to an assignment,
observed by your Supervisor, or not. You are therefore advised to plan thoroughly for each lesson, and to
reflect on them afterward so as to improve your planning and delivery of lessons. Explicit lesson planning
helps you to organize your thoughts and also enables a Cooperating Teacher to know the materials, strategies,
and activities that you intend to use. You will become familiar with this planning process through your coplanning with your Cooperating Teacher.
Teacher Candidates and Interns, when implementing teaching/learning activities they have either
planned individually, or co-planned, are expected to provide a written lesson plan to the Supervisor
for review and feedback.
All candidates must write up lesson plans according to the CSUMB lesson plan template (see
Appendix A) for any lesson observed by a university Supervisor (with the possible exception of the
first observation of the first semester) and provide a copy of the lesson plan for the Supervisor at the
beginning of the observation. The written plans will be noted and briefly evaluated in TASKSTREAM.
If a Teacher Candidate is implementing a lesson planned by the Cooperating Teacher, the Teacher
Candidate is nonetheless responsible for presenting a written plan to the university Field Supervisor
in the correct format. The plan should indicate, however, whether the actual planning was done as a
co-planning activity, or by the Cooperating Teacher. The candidate should retain copies of the plans
for her/his own files.
Evaluation Fall placement
Toward the middle and at the end of the semester, the Cooperating Teacher, in addition to your university
Supervisor, will be evaluating your performance using the Cumulative Evaluation form in TASKSTREAM.
Utilizing information provided by the Cooperating Teacher, including the Cumulative Evaluation, in addition to
her or his own observations and progressive assessment, the university Field Supervisor, in collaboration with
the Program Coordinator, will make the final determination of whether or not you will pass ED 624. You
may view all your assessments in your field experience binder in TaskStream. To pass ED 624, you must, in the
judgment of the university Supervisor, be on track to be ready to move into full-time Co-Teaching, which
includes a two-week solo (see definition of “solo” below), by Week 10 of Stage 2.
You will not be allowed to go on to Spring Term Co-Teaching (ED 625) or to register for ED 606 or complete
the PACT Teaching Event without satisfactorily completing Stage I Co-Teaching.
You may repeat Stage 1 once. You must also demonstrate the dispositions necessary to qualify for
Spring Term - CO-TEACHING EXPERIENCE (Information for Teacher Candidates Only)
Time Expectations for - Co-Teaching
5 half days/wk. (A minimum of 4 hours per day, every day – even if you are not teaching students
that day because of a block schedule.) These hours are to be arranged to maximize your opportunity
for student contact, within the schedule at the given site, and to encourage students in the classroom
and other staff members to view you as actual teachers. Additional time may occasionally be
needed to complete university-related course assignments.
Begin co-teaching the week classes begin following the December Break in your placement. CoTeaching should continue until the end of the school year for TEACHERS, even if it is after the CSUMB
You will follow the vacation calendar of the school in which you are placed. Your CSUMB coursework
calendar WILL NOT coincide with your co-teaching placement calendar. When the school is in
session, you will attend Co-Teaching; when the university is in session, you will attend your classes.
Solo Experience – in Spring Term
You should have taken the lead in presenting co-teaching lessons to the whole class no later than the end of
the first month, earlier if you and the Cooperating Teacher feel you are ready. It is beneficial if you have
conducted lessons with the whole class prior to teaching your PACT lessons.
The solo format can take on many forms in the collaborative co-teaching model. It generally indicates that
you, as the Teacher Candidate, have taken over the lead in all planning, organization, delivery and,
assessment, and management of the classroom. You will assign roles for your Cooperating Teacher to assume,
and you will direct the behavior management with the assistance of your Cooperating Teacher, thus learning
the skills necessary for effectively managing the human resources in a classroom.
It is important that you are able to manage the classroom by yourself. Therefore, there will be occasions,
when you will take over complete control of all aspects of the class. At this time, your Cooperating Teacher
may leave the classroom. At least one of your observations by your Supervisor should be during one such
occasion. Other observations by your Supervisor will be centered on your ability to assume the appropriate
pre-determined role for whatever is planned.
Although you will be co-planning and teaching, it is assumed that once the planning is completed, you will
write up lesson plans which will be reviewed by your Cooperating Teacher/and or Supervisor.
Objectives for Solo Co-Teaching:
Develop and demonstrate skills in managing the lead position in co-planning and teaching sessions
with the Cooperating Teacher.
Develop and demonstrate skills for structuring and maintaining a positive and inclusive learning
environment in the classroom, including managing student behavior.
Develop and demonstrate skills for classroom management of a variety of academic learning
situations, including whole class and small group instruction.
Develop and demonstrate skills for implementing classroom routines and record keeping, including
grades, report card, attendance, etc.
Develop, integrate, and demonstrate skills for planning and implementing daily and weekly
instruction and for evaluating student progress in core subject/content areas. This includes planning,
organizing, and implementing well-balanced literacy instruction, regardless of grade level or subject
area of placement.
Develop and demonstrate skills for planning and implementing instruction, including assessment of
student progress, using approaches and strategies that address language and content development
of ELL (English Language Learners)
The exact plan for your solo Co-Teaching will depend on the on your readiness. Your Cooperating Teacher,
your Supervisor, and you together will structure your plan prior to week 10 in the semester.
Other suggested solo activities include the following.
 Plan and implement one or more multicultural thematic units for an extended period of time.
 Plan and implement activities that promote appreciation of language and cultural diversity in the
classroom and the school.
 Exercise decision-making and management practices that promote equity and mutual respect in the
 Participate in activities that involve communication with parents and the community, such as
parent/teacher conferences (as appropriate - check with Cooperating Teacher), school/community
meetings, and home visits if applicable.
 Participate in faculty/staff meetings and staff development activities of the school site (as
appropriate - check with Cooperating Teacher).
Toward the middle (prior to Week 10) and end of the semester (during Week 15 or 16), the Cooperating
Teacher and the university Supervisor will be evaluating your performance using the Cumulative Evaluation
form. These evaluations will be completed on the forms in TASKSTREAM. The university Field Supervisor, in
collaboration with the Program Coordinator, will make the final determination of whether or not you will
pass ED 625. You may view all your assessments in your field experience binder in TaskStream.
Classroom Mentor /Support Provider (Information for Interns Only)
The university and the district or school site will assign someone in your building to be a Classroom
Mentor/Support Provider. This will be another teacher in your school – unless another teacher cannot be
found, and in that case we will find a teacher in a nearby school. This teacher will hold a CLAD or BCLAD
credential and will have at least three years of teaching experience. In this role, the Classroom
Mentor/Support Provider will help you with everything from how to find supplies to how to meet the
Principal’s expectations for lesson plans. Your Classroom Mentor/Support Provider will attend meetings and
workshops on how to fulfill her/his role. These people receive compensation from CSUMB for their support.
CSUMB Field Supervisor (Interns and Teacher Candidates)
Each Teacher Candidate and Intern will be assigned a university Supervisor who serves as a resource person to
assist in gaining the most worthwhile and meaningful experiences during the field experience that the
university can provide. The role of the field Supervisor is to guide and monitor the progress of these
candidates and to serve as a the Single Subject Program liaison between campus and the field.
You may expect your Field Supervisor to:
 Clearly communicate (for candidates, to both you and your Cooperating Teacher) his/her own system and
preferences regarding the scheduling of observations.
 Be on time for all scheduled classroom visits, and promptly communicate (for Teacher Candidates, to both
you and your Cooperating Teacher) when s/he needs to change a scheduled observation date or time.
 Attempt to know you as an individual so that suggestions and comments can be personalized and
 Attempt to become familiar with your needs and the needs of students in your classroom, in order to
provide specific assistance.
 Help establish and maintain good relations with area administrative, Supervisory, and teaching personnel.
 Inform you about the policies of the Co-Teaching program at CSUMB as they relate to the field
 Help your Cooperating Teacher or support provider in guiding you through a successful and rewarding
teaching experience by providing them with pertinent information in a timely fashion, and by talking with
them about you and your progress.
 Facilitate a three way conferences with you and your Cooperating Teacher or support provider to review
evaluations to provide guidance for continued growth.
 Observe you in all areas of your work in order to improve effectiveness in the classroom and evaluate
your performance.
 Work cooperatively with your Cooperating Teacher or support provider in the evaluation of your progress.
 (For Teacher Candidates :) Assist you in gaining meaningful school-wide experiences during co-teaching.
 Encourage and assist you in the preparation and implementation of lesson plans.
 Provide support to help alleviate the tension and stress that often accompanies Co-Teaching or the first
year of independent teaching.
 Support you in reflecting on your work and progress as a teacher.
Supervisor Classroom Visits
The University Supervisor is responsible for keeping an accurate record of when visits are scheduled, and for
communicating clearly with you about the scheduling of visits. If you want to have the university Supervisor
visit on a certain day because of a special project, s/he will attempt to do so.
While you are expected to facilitate the scheduling of observations, and to keep an accurate record for
yourself of planned visits, the ultimate responsibility for scheduling visits rests with the Supervisor.
During each observation, the Supervisor will record observations/evaluations in TASKSTREAM as soon as
possible and in any case no later than one week after the visit. This feedback in TASKSTREAM is accessible to
The post observation conference (which may be immediately after the observation or within a few days later,
in person or by telephone) will be used to discuss your activities in the classroom. Whenever possible, the
Supervisor will answer questions, suggest appropriate materials and approaches, and discuss procedures with
you. For Teacher Candidates, the Supervisor will be interested in determining the following.
Are you, the Teacher Candidate:
 feeling confident and competent about increased responsibilities each week?
 having experiences with all ability levels in the classroom?
 having experiences in a variety of subject matter areas, including reading instruction?
 progressing toward the goal of working with all of the students in the classroom?
 experiencing opportunities to develop a beginning level of competence in effective
interaction with students from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds?
 developing a satisfactory relationship and communication with the Cooperating Teacher so
that personal growth and mastery of competencies are maximized?
 progressing satisfactorily with regard to state standards for beginning teachers as expressed
in the Teaching Performance Expectations, insofar as these are observable in the field?
(Progress in this regard should be visible in the TaskStream log.)
 additionally, you are assessed with regard to your professional dispositions
The Supervisor, when possible, will also confer with the Cooperating Teacher during each visit to discuss your
activities as the Teacher Candidate. The Supervisor will want to be assured that you and the Cooperating
Teacher are scheduling sufficient time to discuss responsibilities on a daily basis; if you do not receive
immediate feedback on your activities, it will be difficult to plan techniques for effective change. If any
difficulties or unusual circumstances are affecting their performance, the Supervisor will consult with the Field
Placement Coordinator.
Assessment of Teacher Candidates by Supervisors
At the end of each observation, the Field Supervisor will review the TaskStream Observation Progress Logs
with you. They will also conduct a mid-term and final review. If at any time the Supervisor, whether based
solely on her/his own observations or on feedback from a Cooperating Teacher, believes that you are not
making satisfactory progress for that semester, s/he will submit a Statement of Concern, which will initiate
the process of developing a Plan of Action for helping you to improve (see the section below headed
Assessment and Evaluation of Co-Teaching for further details regarding Statements of Concern.)
It is the responsibility of the University Field Supervisor, in consultation with the Field Placement Coordinator
when appropriate, and Program Coordinator, to determine the whether or not your performance in the field is
satisfactory or not for moving on to the next phase of the program. In determining the outcome, s/he should
take the Cumulative Evaluation by the cooperating teacher into account, as well as her/his own observations.
For a Credit grade for the course (ED 624 or ED 625), not only must the performance in the field be adequate,
but also you must have full attendance at the respective seminar. Any time you are given a grade of No Credit
based on performance in the field, this should not come as a surprise; you should have been notified of the
need to improve your performance, as well as specific steps needed for improvement, sufficiently early that you
have a reasonable chance to bring the performance to a satisfactory level. If, after due notification and
appropriate efforts have been made, the performance does not improve to an appropriate level by the end of
the semester, a grade of “no credit” may be given. If you receive a “No Credit” (NC) or a C- or less during your
co-teaching experience, you may petition (based on the CSUMB Graduate Matriculation Policy) for a new
placement in the next semester. If you received another grade of “No Credit” (NC) or a grade of C- or less in a
subsequent field placement, you will be dropped from the program.
If you do not achieve a satisfactory performance after repeating the full-time Co-Teaching experience, you will
not be recommended by CSUMB for a Single Subject Teaching Credential, regardless of performance in the rest
of the program or on the exit Teaching Performance Assessment if you passed it.
CSUMB Program Coordinator Roles and Responsibilities
The role of your advisor is to guide your professional growth with regard to the program as a whole. This
includes monitoring completion of program requirements, providing information about program
requirements, guiding you through the process of completing the program’s exit assessment, and helping you
with problems and conflicts you have not been able to resolve directly with the people involved.
The Program Coordinator is your Program Advisor. Between the Fall and Spring term, the coordinator shall
meet with each advisee one on one to review the progress/performance across the entire program and
conduct a progress interview. This is also an opportunity for you, the candidate to express any concerns you
may have. Toward the end of term, advisors meet individually with their advisees for one final reflection on
progress, and to go over documents required for obtaining the credential, in anticipation of the candidate’s
meeting with the Credentials Analyst.
The advisor is the first person to contact when you have a program-related question (other than field-related
questions, which should be directed to your Field Supervisor or the Field Coordinator) or personal issue to
discuss. The advisor may or may not be able to answer the question directly—none of us knows everything—
but if s/he cannot answer the question her/himself, s/he will direct you to the correct source, or will bring the
question to the Single Subject faculty as a whole for discussion and resolution.
Cooperating Teacher Role and Responsibilities (Information for Co-teaching Candidates Only)
The role of the Cooperating Teacher is to serve as a model, guide, and instructor for your co-teaching
experience. The Cooperating Teacher has the legal responsibility for pupils and is the teacher of record.
However, as a Teacher Candidate, you should think of yourself as a fellow professional rather than an aide or
volunteer. As a novice professional who is growing in competence and needing assistance while gradually
assuming increasing responsibilities, you can expect your Cooperating Teacher to provide constructive
feedback and suggestions. You should listen to these with respect and give them full and thoughtful
consideration as you develop your own unique teaching style.
Your Cooperating Teacher will review all lesson and unit plans that you are expected to teach. Your
Cooperating Teacher should conduct both informal and formal observation as s/he will naturally be noticing
things as you teach together in the classroom. In addition to this, s/he will periodically do a more focused and
extended observation, and give you more extensive feedback afterwards. Any time you will be co- teaching a
lesson and you are concerned about some aspect of your teaching, or working on some specific skill or
technique, it would be appropriate for you to ask your Cooperating Teacher (and/or Supervisor, if s/he is
scheduled for an observation that day) to observe you that day with regard to that concern, skill, or technique
in order to increase your learning from that day’s teaching.
Cooperating Teacher Preparation and Support
The Cooperating Teacher will be trained in co-teaching and provided with a handbook containing information
about his/her responsibilities and what s/he may expect from you, the teacher candidate, and what the
program’s expectations are for your field experience. In addition, s/he should:
 Provide class rolls, textbooks, etc.
 Organize a work space (e.g., a desk) for you to use.
 Provide planning time
 Regularly scheduled meetings for planning and exchange of pertinent information, and to give
you feedback or suggestions for your teaching.
 Introductions to Principal and staff.
 Orientation to the layout of the school.
 Orientation to essential information for the district, school, and classroom, such as district scope
and sequences, copies of the various schedules (daily routines, special days, holidays), etc.
 Planning for a progression of your responsibilities
 Modeling co-teaching strategies, methods, and techniques, including the use of technology.
 Modeling accommodations for learner differences.
 Modeling and explaining classroom management techniques.
 Guiding your planning and preparation for instruction.
 Reviewing required lessons plans (written in CSUMB Lesson Plan Format) prior to carrying out
 Modeling professional behavior toward students, parents, colleagues, and staff.
 Assisting in arranging opportunities for you to observe in other classrooms.
 Relating to you as a novice professional colleague or co-teacher.
In addition to the above kinds of support, during Spring term you may expect the following kinds of support
from the Cooperating Teacher: Planning full-time Co-Teaching experiences with you. This can include field trip
Giving increasing responsibilities to you as you assume the lead role in the co-teaching process as
the semester progresses, and in terms of increasing the areas of the curriculum for which you the
solo teacher are responsible, so that you have experience with all areas of the curriculum prior to
Providing regular feedback to you on your efforts.
Ensuring that you have a good grasp of an effective management/discipline system, including
discussing with you the management/discipline plan to be used during the solo teaching
Discussing the role they will play during solo teaching. (Some Cooperating Teacher-candidate
teacher duos prefer that the Cooperating Teacher participate as little as possible so that the
Teacher Candidate has as nearly as possible the experience of being fully and independently in
charge of a classroom; others develop a very close, virtually team-teaching relationship, so that
the solo involves only a shift in the role of lead and support teacher.) Regardless of the specifics,
both Cooperating Teacher and you need to have the same expectations for their respective roles
prior to the beginning of the solo.
At least one week prior to solo teaching, you are expected to have detailed lesson plans, with
objectives and with planned learning activities and assessment well-described, for the first two
or three days of solo instruction. These detailed lesson plans should follow the format of the
CSUMB Lesson Format Template (see Appendix A). both the Cooperating Teacher and the
university Supervisor are required to review the plans for the solo teaching experience. Detailed
lesson plans should be sufficient for use by a substitute teacher, but should not be as detailed or
in-depth as those produced for course assignments.
During the solo experience, the Cooperating Teacher should meet daily with you at the end of
each day to review the events of the day, listen to your concerns, provide feedback, and offer
suggestions for how to proceed in the coming day or days.
Cooperating Teacher Evaluation and Feedback to the Teacher Candidate
The Cooperating Teacher sees you every day, thus they are one of the most important sources of information
regarding your development of instructional skills, classroom management, management of student behavior,
communication skills, knowledge of content as applied in teaching, general and subject-specific methodology,
rapport with students, and other on-the-ground aspects of teaching. This is one of the reasons why
scheduling regular times to meet together is so important. You can and should be an active participant in
these sessions, to optimize your learning. Your Cooperating Teacher should provide you with feedback that:
 includes both positive feedback about what you have done well, along with identification of areas for
improvement along with suggestions for how to improve in those areas. If over time the feedback is
either all positive or all about what’s not going well, you can specifically ask for something that will
balance the picture. Positive feedback is important for encouragement, but it is also important to
confirm or clarify your developing picture of your teaching. Overall, a realistic picture of your
progress is what is important, and that means an understanding both of your strengths and of areas
for improvement.
is specific—if all you hear is “you’re doing fine”, ask for more specific information. You might ask
something such as “can you tell me something specific you think I did well today?” or, later in the
semester, “what do you see as my strong points as a teacher?” Or based on your own reflection
about your teaching, you could ask for ideas about how you might improve in a specific area. Or you
can tie a question to a particular event that occurred in the past day or so, such as “When --- did ----,
I wasn’t quite sure how to respond. What did you think was going on?” or “How might I have
responded differently?”
includes specific teaching ideas and resources for lessons, while leaving increasing scope for you to
develop your own ideas and methods over the semester.
deepens your reflection of your teaching. Oftentimes just talking things over with another interested
person can clarify things in one’s own mind, and ultimately it is a teacher’s own reflection process
that leads to learning how to be the best teacher one can be.
Mid-term evaluations from the Cooperating Teacher for in the Fall term students should take place during
week 7 or 8. Mid-term evaluations for Spring term students should take place during week 9 or 10. Final
(end-of-semester) evaluations are due no later than the end of week 16 for both terms. These
evaluations do not determine your grade, but they are reviewed by the university Supervisor and possibly
other program personnel (e.g., the faculty advisor, the Field Coordinator, the Seminar instructor, the
Program Coordinator, or possibly the Department chair). Ultimately it is program personnel who make the
final determination of the grade for ED 624, ED 625, and ED 626 (normally, the University Field Supervisor
and the Seminar Instructor).
 In the rare event that you are not performing adequately or making adequate progress toward
satisfactory performance, or if for any reason the Cooperating Teacher feels the placement needs to
be terminated, or if you feel the placement is a seriously negative situation for you, the university
Supervisor and the Field Coordinator should be informed of this as soon as possible. Sufficient
opportunity must be allowed for steps to be taken to help you achieve a satisfactory level of
performance, or for alternative arrangements to be made for your field placement in cases where
there has been a complete mismatch between the t teacher’s style and needs and the style and
environment provided in the placement. The university Supervisor will check in with the
Cooperating Teacher on a regular basis to facilitate clear communication regarding your
performance and progress.
Cooperating Teacher Absences and Substitute Teaching
(Information for Teacher Candidates Only)
In the event that a Cooperating Teacher is absent from school, you may arrange to serve as a substitute
during the course of the practical training in the program if you have a substitute Permit. If you do
not have the appropriate permit, you must continue learning experiences under the supervision of a
Substitute Teacher, even taking on much of the actual teaching if deemed appropriate by the Cooperating
Teacher. Legal constraints require the presence of a district-approved Substitute Teacher of record in the
classroom. If the Cooperating Teacher needs to be absent for an extended period of time (more than a week),
the Field Placement Coordinator should be notified and other arrangements may be made.
Any substitute teaching done by you should be paid in accordance with usual district contracts and practices.
If at any time you are asked by any person at the placement site (the Cooperating Teacher, the Principal, or
anyone else) to do unpaid substitute teaching (that is, taking on full responsibility for the classroom with no
other credentialed teacher present, without being offered a substitute teaching contract for the time),
whether for the Cooperating Teacher’s classroom or in another classroom, you should refuse the request as
tactfully as possible, perhaps just by saying “I’m sorry, I’m not allowed to do that”. If you feel pressured to
accept, or if such requests are repeated, this should immediately be reported to the Field Placement
Coordinator by email or by telephone (582-4152), who will then address the issue with the school. Such
requests are inappropriate, and to accept them can put you, the school and district, and CSUMB at legal risk.
 All absences from your field placement or from the seminar will be handled on an individual basis. In
general, excused absences are limited to severe illness, death in the family, or other such extenuating
circumstances. Absences, whether they are excused or unexcused, must be made up. If you must be
absent from your field placement, you are expected to notify the school, Cooperating Teacher, and
Supervisor (especially if an observation is scheduled) before classes begin. Failure to do so is a
serious breach of professional responsibility; repeated such failures may be grounds for not passing
the Co-Teaching experience for that semester. If unannounced absences occur, the Cooperating
Teacher will notify the university Supervisor. Any absences, from either field placement or seminar,
need to be made up prior to the end of the semester.
Any time you are unable to arrive at school on time, you are expected to notify the Cooperating
Teacher at the school before classes begin. Failure to do so is a serious breach of professional
responsibility; repeated such failures may be grounds for not passing the Co-Teaching experience for
that semester. You need to abide by the schedules you have set up with your Cooperating Teacher.
See above for more information regarding Co-Teaching schedules and time.
You must sign-in at the front desk of their assigned school each time you come in. The school’s
logbook also serves as an important record of your attendance.
Holidays and breaks
With regard to the field placement, you are on public schools' vacation days, not CSUMB's. That is,
you are required to observe the same daily schedule as that set by the Board of Education for your
placement site. This means that if your school is in session during a holiday or break observed by
CSUMB, you are nonetheless expected to attend your routinely scheduled days at the placement site.
Similarly, you are expected to attend classes at CSUMB during any holidays or breaks observed at the
placement site that do not coincide with those at CSUMB. In particular, for spring break, you take the
break from your placement during the time scheduled for your district, and you take the break from
classes according to the CSUMB official academic calendar.
Expectations of you for observations with your University Field Supervisor
You have the following responsibilities toward your University Field Supervisor:
 Meet with your Cooperating Teacher for a “pairs training” (TC only)
 Provide a copy of the daily schedule both for your school and your classroom.
 Provide a prearranged place for the Supervisor to sit during observations that allows for a clear view
of the room.
 Participate in formative and summative evaluations, incorporating information from all
 Provide a written lesson plan, in the CSUMB format, and all relevant lesson materials to the
Supervisor at the beginning of each observation (some Supervisors will want the lesson plan the day
before the lesson; please comply.)
Both Teacher Candidates and Interns are expected to facilitate scheduling of observations by the University
Supervisor and to be present for all scheduled observations. If you have to be absent, the Supervisor must be
informed prior to the scheduled time, and the visit rescheduled. It is your responsibility to keep an accurate
record of when visits are scheduled.
During observations, the university Supervisor will expect to observe daily activities, as they are
usually planned, not some departure from the normal schedule. If the normal classroom routine is
not being followed—e.g., if students are being tested, or lesson time has been severely curtailed for
some reason, the Supervisor must be informed prior to the scheduled visit in order to re-schedule the
You must provide the university Supervisor written lesson plans for observed lessons as explained
above. In addition, for Teacher Candidates only, the Co-Teaching time sheet in TASKSTREAM must be
kept up to date so that it is available for review by the university Supervisor before each visit. When
possible, both Interns and Teacher Candidates should be available to confer with the Supervisor
immediately following the observation. When this is not possible, arrangements for a later
conference, to be conducted in person or by phone, should be made before the Supervisor leaves
after the observation.
(Teacher Candidates only) Basic plans for solo teaching must be provided to the Supervisor at least
one week prior to the beginning of the solo time period. Plans for at least the first two or three days
of solo teaching should be complete (that is, all activities planned and necessary materials such as
worksheets and overheads prepared) and moderately detailed; plans for the remaining days may be
in outline form, but you should have basic plans in place for all content areas for the full two weeks of
the solo.
Outside work commitments
No formal policy governs commitments outside the Teacher Preparation Program; however, your future
employment depends, in large part, on success during the program, especially in Co-Teaching. Experience has
shown that Teacher Candidates should plan to make the Co-Teaching semesters as free from other obligations
as possible. Heavy time requirements for employment or extra classes should be avoided if at all possible.
The demands of outside work will not be considered an excuse for lack of timely completion of coursework or
field placement obligations.
Activities (Information for Teacher Candidates Only)
The Cooperating Teacher has the legal responsibility for students and is the teacher of record. You are to be
regarded as a fellow professional rather than as an aide. To the extent possible, you should participate in all
school functions, such as PTA meetings, staff meetings, homeroom activities, bus duties, and in-service
meetings. However, such activities DO NOT take precedence over attending CSUMB classes or completing
course requirements.
Professional Appearance (Advice for both Teacher Candidates and Interns)
Grooming reflects attitude and also affects how you are perceived by both adults and students. You should
dress according to school policy. Appropriate attire may influence future employment opportunities, as well
as how students and colleagues respond to you.
Extra-curricular/Yard Duty
Although you are encouraged to assist the Cooperating Teacher with extra- curricular responsibilities you
cannot replace the teacher in these duties due to legal liability and insurance constraints. You are, however,
expected to follow and participate in whatever duties your Cooperating Teacher has during the hours of your
There are three major components of the program through which attainment of the Teaching Performance
Expectations (TPEs) for credential candidates is demonstrated. All three components must be completed
satisfactorily for a candidate to be recommended from CSUMB for a Single Subject teaching credential; failure
in any one (as explained below) will result in not being recommended for a credential.
The three components of assessment are:
1. Assessment of two semesters of field placement experiences (Co-Teaching or internship)
2. Coursework, including specific Signature Assignments
3. State-mandated, standardized Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA). CSUMB uses the
EdTPA. Progress through and satisfactory completion of the program will be monitored
and documented in part through meetings with faculty advisors.
Each component of the process is explained below.
slightly for Interns.)
The evaluation of Co-Teaching is a continuous process, which facilitates the mastery of competencies
in teaching and assists the Teacher Candidate in developing techniques of self-assessment. During
the semester, the Cooperating Teacher will have ample opportunity to interact with you, the Teacher
Candidate in co-teaching planning and assessment sessions. In regular meetings, both parties will
want to explore successful aspects of your performance and specific ways in which you might
The experienced Cooperating Teacher will be the major source of evaluative feedback during the coteaching experience; however, University Supervisors will visit the placement periodically. The
university Supervisor will make at least 4 observation visits during Stage I and 4 during Sage II CoTeaching (for Teacher Candidates) Interns are seen 4 times in first semester and 4 in the second
semester. More observations will be made as appropriate. The university Supervisor will attempt to
meet with you immediately following each observation. The Supervisor records observations
regarding your progress and performance in the record made in TASKSTREAM.
A formal midterm evaluation by the Cooperating Teacher is required each semester to guide your
teaching efforts, and to provide information for the university Field Supervisor. The midterm
conference should serve as a benchmark for planning the remainder of the semester. You need to be
informed both of strengths on which you can build and of areas for improvement, for which you
should be given specific suggestions for improvement. The Cooperating Teacher, you, and the
university Supervisor together will meet in conference to review the midterm evaluations. Both the
Cooperating Teacher and the Supervisor should discuss the evaluation with you, even if in separate
meetings. If either the Cooperating Teacher or the University Supervisor has substantial concerns
about your performance or dispositions, the Field Coordinator should be alerted at this time if s/he
has not already been made aware of the problems, so that a Statement of Concern can be written
and an Action Plan developed (see Statement of Concern and Plan of Action Section).
The Cooperating Teacher will complete a Cumulative Evaluation form in TASKSTREAM midterm, and
review it with you. (Interns should consult their Internship Handbook for details of their cumulative
evaluation process.) If it becomes apparent that you are not making satisfactory progress, additional
observations and conferences may need to be held; in addition to the Supervisor, these may involve
the Field Placement Coordinator or other university faculty. Qualitative observations and evaluations
written by the university Supervisor are available to the candidate or Intern in TASKSTREAM.
The Cooperating Teacher completes a final Cumulative Evaluation in TASKSTREAM during each
semester of Co-Teaching. Final evaluations are due at the end of week 16 Semesters. This evaluation
will include a conference between you and the Cooperating Teacher. When possible, the university
Supervisor will attend this conference.
You will complete three self-assessments in TASKSTREAM: a baseline self-evaluation completed at the
beginning of the Fall term, a midpoint self-evaluation at the end of the term and a final self-evaluation at the
end of the Spring term. The completion of these forms will be facilitated through the Co-Teaching seminars
and monitored by faculty advisors and the Field Coordinator. The self-evaluation form is essentially the same
as the Cumulative Evaluation forms completed by Cooperating Teachers and/or university Supervisors, but
using a rubric appropriate to self-assessment.
It is the responsibility of the University Field Supervisor, in consultation with the Field Placement Coordinator
when appropriate, to determine the grade for the Co-Teaching experience component of ED 624 or ED 625
(credit/no credit). In determining the grade, s/he should take the Cumulative Evaluation by the Cooperating
Teacher into account, as well as her/his own observations. Any time you, as a Teacher Candidate or Intern, is
given a grade of “no credit” because of an unsatisfactory performance in the field, this should not come as a
surprise; you should have been notified of the need to improve your performance, as well as specific steps
needed for improvement, sufficiently early enough that you have a reasonable chance to bring the
performance to a satisfactory level. Serious concerns on the part of the Supervisor should be expressed in a
Statement of Concern (see below).
If you receive “no credit” (NC) or a C- or less during your co-teaching experience, you may petition (based on
the CSUMB Graduate Matriculation Policy) for a new placement in the next semester. If you received another
grade of “No Credit” (NC) or a C- or less in a subsequent field placement, you will be dropped from the
Policy and procedures regarding inadequate performance or progress in the field placement
Credential candidates must, and do, learn a great deal during the credential program. All feedback you get
from your Supervisor or Cooperating Teacher (or Support Provider or Principal, for Interns) is intended to
facilitate your learning and help you to become the best teachers you can be. Because of the steep learning
curve, a performance that is adequate for the beginning of the program may not be considered adequate at
mid-program, and a performance adequate at mid-program may not be sufficient at the end to be
recommended for the credential.
It is important that you receive both positive feedback and encouragement, and feedback that identifies areas
for improvement, throughout the program. An “area for improvement” may simply indicate what a next step
is for a candidate who is already performing well. However, at times an “area for improvement” may reach
the level of an area for concern. A Statement of Concern identifies some aspect of your performance that
could, if not addressed and improved, delay your moving on the next stage of the program, or in some cases
ultimately prevent you from obtaining the credential.
It is relatively rare that an area for concern arises or persists for a candidate to the extent that it must be
formally addressed by the program. Most candidates will engage to improve in those areas identified more
informally by their Supervisor or Cooperating Teacher (or Support Provider or Principal) and the observers will
see improvement in a reasonable time frame. This policy addresses procedures for addressing reoccurring
areas of concern which persist after repeated observation and feedback.
Statement of Concern and Plan of Action (Appendix H)
The timeline and procedures are the same in both Stages for both Teacher Candidates and Interns.
After each observation the Supervisor indicates in TASKSTREAM a level of concern regarding your
performance relative to that point in your progress through the program. At any time that a serious
concern arises regarding a candidate’s performance or progress, a Statement of Concern shall be
submitted by the Supervisor to the Field Coordinator. The Statement of Concern shall clearly identify
the area that needs improvement and the behavior that has prompted the concern. Submission of a
Statement of Concern at any time shall (with one exception) initiate the process of developing a written
Plan of Action for the candidate. The plan of action shall identify:
• area to be improved,
• steps to be taken,
criteria for evaluating that the area of concern has been successfully addressed (including a
time frame)
The steps to be taken may include steps that are the responsibility of the candidate, of the Cooperating
Teacher (support provider/Principal), or of the Supervisor or other university personnel (e.g., the Field
Coordinator or faculty advisor.) This plan should be developed as quickly as possible after the Letter of
Concern has been submitted, but in any case within one week of that date. The written action plan shall
be signed by all relevant parties and a copy placed in the candidate’s program file. The exception to
developing a plan of action is when the action or performance on the part of the candidate that
prompted the Letter of Concern is so serious as to warrant dismissal from the program. Such actions
include, but are not limited to, any action that would lead the CTC to revoke a credential if done by a
credentialed teacher. In this case, policy governing the dismissal of a candidate from the program shall
be in operation.
Timing for a Statement of Concern
A Statement of Concern may be generated at any time that a concern reaches a sufficiently serious
level. These are the guidelines:
Fall term
 As of the mid-semester review, the Supervisor will elicit from the Cooperating Teacher any
serious concerns the teacher may have regarding the performance of the Teacher Candidate, and
determine whether or not these are significant enough to warrant developing a Letter of
Concern. While letters of concern may be generated later in the semester, it should not be the
case that a letter generated late in the semester primarily cites behavior observed early in the
semester as the basis for the concern and for which no earlier letter was submitted.
Any serious concern raised after Week 12 of the semester should only be prompted by behavior
newly observed. No Letter of Concern submitted during weeks 13-15 should cite behavior
observed prior to week 12 as the sole or primary basis for the letter; previously observed
behavior may, however, be cited to add weight to newly observed behavior.
Spring tern
 The timeline for addressing serious concerns is compressed during Stage 2 for Teacher
Candidates, both because of the different structure of the semester, and because of the
increasingly serious consequences of failing to address concerns in a timely fashion. Thus if the
Supervisor or Cooperating Teacher has serious concerns about whether or not the candidate will
be ready for the full-time Co-Teaching, those concerns should be raised early enough that the
candidate has the opportunity to address them before full-time Co-Teaching begins. The
following procedures are intended to assure that this will occur.
At each observation, the Supervisor notes in TASKSTREAM whether the Teacher Candidate is, in
her/his best judgment, making adequate progress to be ready for full-time Co-Teaching,
including solo teaching. “Making adequate progress towards full-time Co-Teaching” means only
that the candidate appears to be on a learning curve that will result in a smooth transition to fulltime Co-Teaching at the end of Week 10; it does not necessarily mean that the candidate will be
ready at that time to begin full-time Co-Teaching.
If minor concerns noted in Stage I persist into Stage 2 and 3, or noted early in Stage 2 are not
promptly addressed, or if major issues are noted during the initial phase of Stage 2, a Letter of
Concern shall be written no later than Week 8 of Stage 21. Depending on circumstances, the
process initiated by a Statement of Concern could result in extending that semester’s CoTeaching experience, or in requiring the candidate to repeat that stage’s Co-Teaching experience.
No candidate shall receive a grade of “Credit” or any other passing grade for any Co-Teaching
experience during which s/he has received a Statement of Concern unless and until all the
conditions stated in the Plan of Action have been satisfied. Ascertaining that this has been done
is the responsibility of the Supervisor.
A grade of C or better in each graded course (“Credit” in all credit/no credit courses), and an overall program
GPA of 3.0 or better is required in order to be recommended for a credential. In addition, the assignments
listed below have been deemed of particular importance to both development and demonstration of
knowledge and skills for our credential candidates; these assignments have been designated as Signature
Assignments for the program. A grade of C or better, as assessed by the instructor using a TPE-based grading
rubric, is required on each and every signature assignment. Signature assignments are uploaded into
TASKSTREAM. Course instructors monitor your’ performance on signature assignments as a normal part of
teaching. if a signature assignment is not passed with a grade of C or better as determined by the TPE-based
rubric used by the instructor, you will receive a grade of C- or less for the course, regardless of the points or
average attained from the other graded components of the course. A grade of C- is considered a failing grade
for credentialing purposes. You may repeat no more than two courses with grades of C- or less.
This timeline does not preclude Statements of Concern from being generated later in the semester, if concerns arise
later, or if some egregious behavior is seen after Week 8, or if more minor concerns earlier brought to the attention of the
candidate persist late into the semester. Rather, the intention is to begin the process initiated by a Letter of Concern early
enough to maximize the candidate’s opportunity to address the concern so that s/he may attain a satisfactory level of
teaching to be recommended for a credential.
This process is intended to consider all the components and experiences in the program and assess the
candidate’s overall progress and learning trajectory. The formal components of this process are a meeting
with the advisor prior to the end of the Fall term the Stage I-->Stage 2 Progress Review and Interview, and the
exit reflection and check-off process at the end of the program. Each is explained below.
The Fall to Spring term Progress Review and Interview - Between semesters, after grades for the Stage I
semester have been recorded, the advisor will review the candidate’s transcript, and the TASKSTREAM
coordinator will provide the advisor with information regarding evaluation documents ( signature
assignments, Cumulative Evaluation forms, Self-Evaluations) in TASKSTREAM. This review will identify any
issues that might delay or prevent the candidate from progressing to the Spring term (e.g., low GPA, a
grade of C- or below or Incomplete for a course, documents missing from TASKSTREAM) or, conversely,
that all requirements have been met for progressing to Stage 2. If any impediments to the candidate
progressing to Spring term are identified at this time, the advisor will contact the candidate as soon as
possible to consult with her/him and advise her/him what the next steps will be.
Once the candidate has been cleared to move on to the Spring term and student teaching each candidate
will meet individually with Program Advisor for a semi-structured interview/conversation. The interview
is structured to elicit reflection and self-assessment on the part of candidates at a global level with regard
to how their teaching is developing and how they would like it to develop in the future. This interview is
also an opportunity for the candidate to raise any personal concerns s/he may have regarding any
pertinent aspect of the program or her/his progress through it. At this interview, the candidate will
generate two personal professional goals to be addressed during the remainder of the program.
Successful completion of the interview is a program requirement. It speaks to/provides evidence with regard
to TPE 13 Professional Growth and CSTP F: Standard For Developing As A Professional Educator. If a candidate
is performing satisfactorily in both fieldwork and coursework and prepares properly for the interview, the
interview should not be a problem. If a candidate does not pass an interview through inadequate preparation,
s/he will be advised of the deficiencies and required to repeat the interview.
End of Spring term Meeting - During Week 13 through Weeks 16, advisors meet with each advisee
individually. At this meeting, the candidate will first reflect on the degree of progress made on the two
goals s/he set for her/himself at the beginning of the semester during the Progress Interview. Then the
advisor and the candidate will go over the candidate’s cumulative program files (both the paper file and
the TASKSTREAM file). Using a checklist, they will determine which credential requirements are
completed with accompanying necessary documentation, and which remain to be completed. The
advisor will ascertain that the candidate understands what remains to be done, and has a plan for
completing any outstanding requirements . This meeting should be relatively short (20-30 minutes should
suffice for most candidates), but is important to assure a smooth exit from the program and attainment of
the credential.
By California state law, all teacher education programs must administer a standardized assessment, known as
a Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA), to all their Single Subject Credential candidates who entered the
program as of July 1, 2008, or later. A TPA assesses both the candidate’s teaching performance and their
professional understanding and pedagogical thinking. CSUMB has selected the EdTPA model of the TPA for our
exit assessment.
 Further provisions of the law are that all candidates who enter a teacher education program on or
after July 1, 2008, must pass their TPA prior in order to receiving a Single or Single Subjects credential.
This requirement is in addition to other program requirements; it is not possible to obtain a
credential by doing and passing a TPA alone.
Any candidate who fails a TPA on the first attempt will be given at least one additional opportunity to
pass it.
Advising and support for the EdTPA will be provided in three ways:
1. through the seminars (ED 624, ED 625)
2. in the relevant courses.
While it is obvious that this is a high-stakes assessment—no candidate will receive a credential until it is
passed—“passing the test” should not replace achieving the learning objectives that are developed through
the assignments in which it is embedded. The best strategy for “passing the test” is for candidates to keep
their attention on learning and on addressing all the requirements of the assignment, just as they do for all
other course assignments.
Selection of the Co-Teaching Placement
The Single subject credential program at CSUMB places great value on selecting the most desirable settings for
Co-Teaching placements. We identify schools that understand and accept the University vision statement and
our specific needs as a program for either the ELA or BCLAD emphasis our commitment to co-teaching.
Schools are selected, in every instance, on the basis of having linguistically and/or culturally diverse
classrooms available for placements.
All Single subject Teacher Candidates must be placed in classrooms where the subjects being taught match the
subject in which the candidate has met the Subject Matter Competency Requirement. The hosting teacher
(s)must provide experiences with teaching differing levels of the subject or two different classes , e.g. U. S.
History and World History. At whatever level, placements are to be made where the Teacher Candidate will
have extensive opportunity to participate in the management, planning, and organizing of reading / language
arts instruction in the context of the subject. It is up to the Field Placement Coordinator to select appropriate
school sites. Evaluative information is collected from Teacher Candidates at the end of each semester to
inform the Field Coordinator in the performance of this critically important task for future candidates.
The faculty and administration of the Single Subject Credential program seek to identify the very best
placements with the finest Cooperating Teachers available in the districts that have contracted with CSUMB.
This is made possible by continuous evaluation of Co-Teaching placements and the selection of settings based
on past evaluations.
Students are not placed where their own children attend school, or where other family members are
employed. We are also reluctant to place Teacher Candidates in schools where they have been previously
employed (e.g., as an aide), though this is not prohibited. However, we feel the Teacher Candidate will have a
more broadening learning experience in a school with which s/he is less familiar.
Selection of the Cooperating Teacher
The procedure for selecting Cooperating Teachers involves school district administrators, school Principals
and/or Vice Principals, Cooperating Teachers themselves, and the University Field Placement Coordinator.
The University is not in full control in this process; we negotiate, but we do not dictate or determine.
While the criteria and process for selecting Cooperating Teachers may vary from school to school and district
to district, in general, Cooperating Teachers are selected on basis of the following criteria.
They hold an appropriate teaching credential. (This is a state requirement.)
They have at least three years of successful full-time teaching experience. (Also a state requirement.)
They teach in a linguistically and/or culturally diverse classroom.
They have expressed a desire to grow professionally through the exchange of ideas with the Teacher
Candidate and through the co-teaching opportunities offered by CSUMB.
They are sensitive to the needs of a beginning teacher—e.g., the need to experiment with teaching
techniques suggested in university courses and/or by the university Supervisor.
They are skilled in communicating expectations, rationales for decisions, and evaluations of teaching.
They are committed to modeling an effective system of classroom management for the Teacher
They are willing to meet regularly with the Teacher Candidate to plan lessons and then to provide
feedback on the observed lessons.
They provide the Teacher Candidate with opportunities to participate in teaching reading/language arts in
the context of the subject..
Teachers considered for this role are asked to complete a self-assessment for reading instruction competence
to assure that essential skills and strategies of a well-balanced and comprehensive reading program will be
conveyed to the Teacher Candidate.
Request for Reassignment of Teacher Candidates
Requests for reassignment before that time will be considered under serious and compelling circumstances, as
decided by the Field Placement Coordinator. TC must request the reassignment in writing to the Field
placement coordinator, who will consult with the university Field Supervisor, the Cooperating Teacher, and/or
the school Principal.
Substitute Teaching During the Co-Teaching Assignment
In the event that a Cooperating Teacher is absent from school, the TC may arrange to serve as a substitute
during the course of the practical training in the program if they have an Emergency Permit. If they do not
have the appropriate permit, they must continue learning experiences under the supervision of a Substitute
Teacher, even taking on much of the actual teaching if deemed appropriate by the Cooperating Teacher, but
legal constraints require the presence of a district-approved substitute teacher of record in the classroom. If
the Cooperating Teacher needs to be absent for an extended period of time (more than a wk), the Field
Placement Coordinator should be notified so other arrangements may be made.
TEACHING AT ALL. Any substitute teaching done by the TC should be paid in accordance with usual district
REQUIRED CO-TEACHING HOURS; to do so would be in violation of state law. Therefore, if the TC substitutes
on a day designated for Co-Teaching, those Co-Teaching hours must be made up, and all this information
must be correctly recorded on the Co-Teaching time sheet in TASKSTREAM.
If at any time the TC is asked by any person at the placement site (the Cooperating Teacher, the Principal, or
anyone else) to do unpaid substitute teaching (that is, taking on full responsibility for the classroom with no
other credentialed teacher present, without being offered a substitute teaching contract for the time),
whether for the Cooperating Teacher’s classroom or in another classroom, they should refuse the request as
tactfully as possible, perhaps just by saying “I’m sorry, I’m not allowed to do that”. If they feel pressured to
accept, or if such requests are repeated, this should immediately be reported to the Field Placement
Coordinator by email or by telephone (582-4152), who will then address the issue with the school. Such
requests are inappropriate, and to accept them can put the TC, the school and district, and CSUMB at legal
Switching between Internship and Traditional Pathways
Traditional Program to Internship Pathway. If students admitted to the Fall semester of the traditional
program obtain employment in an appropriate 6-12 grade setting prior to the start of university classes, they
will be allowed to switch from the traditional to the Internship Program if and only if they have anticipated
this event and have completed the necessary Internship pre-requisite experiences during the previous
summer. Students admitted to the Fall semester of the traditional program will be allowed to switch from the
traditional to the Internship Program if and only if:
1. they have satisfactorily completed their Stage I courses, especially ED 570/575 and ED 628/612.
2. they obtain employment in an appropriate 6-12 setting prior to the start of university classes for the
Spring semester
complete ED 607/611 required by the State for Interns during the Spring Semester.
Students intending to switch from the traditional to the Internship Program must inform both the Field
Coordinator, the Internship Coordinator, and the Single Subject Program Coordinator of their intentions.
Internship Pathway to Traditional Pathway. If a student meets the requirements to be accepted into the
Internship Program, but fails to obtain a job prior to the start of CSUMB classes, she/he may switch the
traditional program. The student must be able to participate in the full range of experiences expected of all
traditional students, including necessary courses and participating in field experiences at a school site.
The student must notify both the Field Coordinator and the Internship coordinator of the need to participate
in the traditional, Co-Teaching track of the program. The Field Coordinator especially should be informed as
soon as possible so that a suitable Co-Teaching placement can be found for the student in a timely fashion.
These arrangements must be made prior to the start of CSUMB classes.
making any such switch, be sure to sit down with the Program Coordinator and/or the Internship coordinator
and work out the course sequence by which you will complete the program, so that you understand the time
frame and consequences of your decision.
Leaving and Returning to the Single Subject Program
There are two approved ways of temporarily leaving and then returning to the program: leave of absence, and
stopping out. A leave of absence may be granted for one semester only. Stopping out applies to students
who leave the program in accord with the policy defined below and are out of it for no more than three
academic-year semesters. Anyone who leaves the program for any reason and who is absent from the
program for more than three sequential semesters is considered to have dropped out of the program.
requirements to be met at both the University and program levels.
Leave of absence: Students who take an approved leave of absence may re-enter the program
without submitting a new program application. Consult Admissions and Records for the latest policy and
forms for taking a leave of absence from the University. A copy of the University Leave of Absence
documentation shall be provided to the Program Coordinator and placed in the student’s program file.
Stopping out: Students who leave the program expecting to be out for more than one semester and no
more than three, and who are in good academic standing when they leave, may apply for “Stopped Out”
status. STUDENTS MUST PROVIDE A WRITTEN REQUEST FOR THIS STATUS; failure to do so prior to leaving
the program will jeopardize later re-entry into the program. The status must be approved by the Program
Coordinator and the Department Chair. The student must be in good academic standing throughout the
program (e.g., GPA of 3.0 or better, no grade of C- or below, passed or passing Co-Teaching, no grades of
“incomplete”, etc.) to be approved for “stopped out” status.
Students who have stopped out must re-apply to both the University and to the program, in
accord with admission deadlines that apply to the semester they wish to re-enter; re-entry is
not automatic. For the University, they must complete the full application process, including
re-submitting transcripts etc. For the Program, they need only fill out the program
application form and attach a letter to it indicating they are applying for re-admission on the
basis of having stopped out and providing the dates of their prior program participation. No
new transcripts, letters of recommendation, or interview will be required.
Students who were granted “stopped out” status will generally be allowed to re-enter and
complete the program as long as proper procedures are followed, there is room for them in
the program the semester they wish to re-enter, AND ASSUMING NO MAJOR CHANGES
stopped out who are accepted for re-entry will be expected to complete the program
requirements in place at the time they re-enter the program.
Students who leave the program without taking a leave of absence or being granted “stopped out” status or
who take a leave of absence or approved “stop-out” but who do not return or re-apply within the designated
time limit, shall be considered to have dropped out. If at any time a student who has dropped out wishes to
return to the program, s/he will be required to repeat the entire application process for the program as well as
the University and will be considered for program entry on the same basis as other applicants at that time,
except that her/his history with the program may be taken into account in making the decision of whether or
not to admit her/him. If s/he is readmitted, s/he may or may not be granted credit for the previous time in
the program; each case will be considered on its own merits within the program structure and requirements in
place at the time of readmission. The decision either way will be approved by the Program Coordinator and
Department Chair.
Co-Teaching and Field Experiences During Emergencies--From the Office of the General
Counsel for California State Universities:
“It shall be the policy of this university that whenever normal operational procedures in a public or private
agency are disrupted and/or halted by emergencies such as civil disturbances, natural disasters, and strikes, all
contractual obligations between the University and the agency, involving students in teaching and/or field
experiences, shall be suspended during the period of the emergency.”
 Interpretation: Includes sanctioned and unsanctioned job action.
“Students and staff are advised that their physical entrance into such emergency situations may involve
physical risks for which the university cannot accept any sort of liability. Should a university staff member or
student decide to enter such a situation, such entrance is entirely at the individual’s personal initiative and
 Interpretation: Any student who crosses a picket line does so at his/her own risk; CSUMB will not
accept any liability.
“Consequently, a student emergency situation shall be completely disregarded by university instructors in
their assignment of grades or the making of evaluations.”
 Interpretation: Co-Teaching during the period of the strike will be completely disregarded in faculty
evaluations and final grades.
“During the course of such an emergency, it shall be incumbent upon the university instructor to provide
appropriate alternative instructional experiences for students whose university assignments require
involvement in agency operation.”
 Interpretation: If the strike lasts more than two weeks, CSUMB will provide alternative instructional
experiences. If a strike occurs, the student is required to notify the school office of his/her intended
absence and then should contact the Program Coordinator.
Privacy Act
Based upon the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Teacher Candidates have access to inspect
and review their records kept on file in the Credentials Analyst Office. Candidates sign a release form
authorizing certain individuals’ access to their file. Beyond the candidates and those individuals designated by
the candidates, only certain other university, state, and federal officials are authorized by the Act to review
these files. Candidates may make an appointment with the Credentials Analyst to go over all materials in their
Documents, letters and applications submitted to the university become the property of the university.
Student files do not leave the control of the Credentials Analyst. Students desiring copies of documents in
their files should make copies prior to submitting them to the Credentials Analyst Office.
Course Substitutions/waivers Granted for Prior Academic Work
Students who have completed courses elsewhere that they believe to be equivalent to courses in our program
may request substitution of courses for CSUMB requirements, if the courses are not too old.
The instructor of any course to be substituted will review the relevant course taken elsewhere and determine
equivalence. The department chairperson or her/his designated representative must approve all
substitutions. Students should bring transcripts, course descriptions, syllabi, and when possible significant
assignments to the course instructor and the department chairperson to begin the substitution process.
Class Attendance
Regular and punctual attendance is required of all practicing teachers and is expected of students in this
program. Faculty may include student attendance and punctuality as factors contributing to the
determination of final course grades.
Minimum GPA and Grades
It is necessary to maintain a 3.0 grade point average and a grade of C or better in each professional education
course in order to remain in the program (and a grade of “credit” in ED 601 and ED 603). A grade of C- is not
an acceptable grade; if a C- is earned in a course, that course must be repeated and passed successfully. Only
one such opportunity to repeat a course will be allowed; if the student is unsuccessful at obtaining a grade of
C or better on the second attempt, the student will be terminated from the program.
Grades of ‘D’ or ‘F’
If a student receives a D or F in a professional educational course, s/he may be given one (but only
one) opportunity to repeat the course for an acceptable grade, or s/he may be required to withdraw
from the program. Each case will be considered by the Program Coordinator in consultation with
relevant faculty; the student’s performance in the program overall will be taken into consideration in
making the final decision.
An Incomplete Grade
An incomplete grade (I) received in any course in the professional program must be completed prior
to the beginning of the next stage or the student will not be allowed to continue in the program.
Stopping out of the program for any reason, including an Incomplete grade, will require the student
to re-apply to the program (and possibly the university) for re-admission at a later date. It is the
responsibility of the student to request the Incomplete and to file in the Credentials Analyst’s Office
the instructor’s requirements and deadline for course completion. Incomplete grades may be given
on rare occasions for Co-Teaching (ED 601 or ED 603), at the initiative of the university Supervisor in
consultation with other parties concerned and with the concurrence of the Field Coordinator. Any
situation potentially leading to an Incomplete grade for Co-Teaching is considered on a case-by-case
basis. Should the Teacher Candidate need to repeat the full-time field experience portion of the
program, he/she will be granted only one opportunity. Such a student may be counseled out of the
“No Credit” (NC) or a Grade of C- or less in Fieldwork Experience
If you receive a “No Credit” (NC) or a grade of C- or less during your fieldwork experience, you may
petition (based on University matriculation policy) for a new placement in the next semester. If you
received another grade of “No Credit” (NC) or a grade of C- or less in a subsequent field placement,
you will be dropped from the program.
Withdrawal from Individual Courses in the Program
If a student finds it necessary to withdraw from any individual course in the program, he/she should contact
the instructor and refer to the instructions in the current CSUMB Catalog. The Credentials Analyst’s Office
should also be contacted immediately. Stopping out of the program for any reason, including a Withdrawal,
will require the student to re-apply to the program (and possibly the university) for re-admission at a later
date. Withdrawing from a professional preparation course will extend one’s time in the program and delay
one’s entry into the next phase.
Children and the University Classroom
Small children and infants should not be brought to classes. If a childcare emergency develops, please call
your course instructor before bringing your child to class. Course instructors have the right to insist on
excluding children from university class sessions.
Progressing from Fall to Spring term
Students must have successfully completed all Fall term requirements specific to their pathway through the
program in order to move to Spring term. This means that if a C- or below, or an Incomplete, is received for
any Stage I course, the deficiency must be cleared up before the student will be allowed to register. Similarly,
the Stage I Field Experience (ED 624) and Seminar (ED 624A) must be completed. Each candidate’s course
completion and field experience performance as demonstrated by Taskstream artifacts will be reviewed by
the coordinator for the mid-program progress review. Candidates who fail to meet one or more of these
requirements will meet with their faculty advisor and/or the Program Coordinator to work out a plan of
The Department of Teacher Education credential programs at California State University at Monterey Bay
(CSUMB) will endeavor to admit only candidates who have demonstrated through the application process that
they possess the important characteristics necessary to be successful educators:
 Respect for all individuals, enriched by an understanding of culture and diversity
 Wide constellation of knowledge and skills
 Follow standard scholarly practice in giving credit to sources used in assignments
 Follow directions of University faculty and fieldwork and Co-Teaching mentors such as master
teachers and Field Supervisors
 Cooperate and collaborate with fellow candidates on projects and assignments
 Maintain successful academic progress by passing all courses and stages and maintaining at least
a 3.0 grade point average. No courses for which a grade of C- or lower was assigned will be used
to meet credential requirements.
 Maintain the standards of the profession, public school, district, University, campus, and/or
 Demonstrate openness to lifelong learning
 Develop professional and personal dispositions as described in Taskstream and this handbook.
Candidates are required to demonstrate professional behavior in all aspects of their participation in the
credential programs. Candidates are expected to be familiar with the professional standards for their
field of teaching (Teacher Performance Expectations) and the California State University standards on
Student Conduct, Graduate Admission, and Academic Dishonesty. Students who are accepted for
admission to a credential program become credential candidates and are responsible for meeting the high
standards of personal conduct expected of professional educators. Candidates’ continued participation in
credential programs is dependent upon their understanding of professional standards and their ability to
adhere to these standards.
In order to continue to participate in a credential program at CSUMB you must continue to exhibit the
characteristics necessary to be successful educators as listed above.
Credential candidates may be recommended for removal from a credential program if they:
Exhibit academic dishonesty as defined by the Program Handbook
Exhibit inappropriate student conduct as defined in the Program Handbook
Exhibit unacceptable academic, field, pedagogical, and/or clinical performance behaviors
Fail to meet the standards set by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Fail to display essential personal and professional dispositions
Fail to demonstrate credentialing competencies
Fail to exhibit the important characteristics necessary to be successful educators listed above, and on
program evaluation forms
Exhibit behavior that would lead the CCTC to remove the credential from a teacher (refer to the CCTC
website for a full description), such as:
o breaking a contract
o lying
o substance abuse
o child abuse
Received two “No Credits” (NC) grades or two grades of C- or less during field experience.
The process to remove a candidate from a CSUMB credential program in accordance with written
program policies must be initiated by the coordinator of the credential program after consultation
with appropriate faculty members in the program and the Chair of the Department.
If the Program Coordinator has recommended a candidate for removal from the program, the student
will be notified in writing of the specific reasons. The written notice can be provided in person or by
registered mail. Copies of the document will be provided to the Chair of the Department of Teacher
Education and to the Dean of the College of Education.
Unless an appeal is filed within 10 business days of the date of removal from the program, the
candidate will be officially dismissed from the program.
Only the Dean of the College of Education or other identified Administrator can remove a Candidate
from the program.
Students who wish to appeal to remain in the program must do so within 10 business days of the
date of the notification, submitting a Request to Appeal form (see Appendix H) with the notice to the
Program Coordinator.
The Dean of the College of Education will appoint one member of the faculty from the program in
which the candidate is enrolled (if possible, a faculty member under whom the candidate did not
study), and two members of the faculty who are not teaching in the program in which the candidate
is enrolled, to serve as an Appeals Board.
Within three business days of receipt of the Request to Appeal form, the Dean will notify (by
registered mail) the student appealing of the date and time of the Appeals Board meeting.
The Appeals Board will hold a meeting to consider the candidate’s appeal within 6-10 business days
of the receipt of the appeal by the Dean.
The Candidate may make a written and/or oral presentation in person to the Appeals Board. Every
effort should be made to provide written materials to the Dean prior to the meeting.
The Program Coordinator may also make a written and/or oral presentation in person to the Appeals
Only the members of the Appeals Board and possibly legal staff of the University will be present when
the board deliberates about their decision.
Within 3 business days of the board meeting, The Appeals Board will provide the Dean, the Program
Coordinator, and the candidate a written decision either upholding the dismissal of the student from
the credential program or continuing her/his participation in the program.
The candidate may meet with the Dean to present any concerns the candidate may have that the due
process procedures outlined in this document were not followed. The Dean has the power to appoint
a second Appeals Board if the outlined procedures were not followed.
10. If the due process procedures outlined in this document are found by the Dean to be sound, the
decision of the Appeals Board is considered final.
11. The Appeals Board may recommend to the Dean that the California Commission on Teacher
Credentialing be notified of very serious lapses in professional behavior.
The Student Complaint Procedures for the Department of Teacher Education at CSU, Monterey Bay are
intended to provide a clear and responsive process for addressing complaints that may arise among students
participating in the Department. Furthermore, this process is designed to encourage and respect the abilities
of students and faculty to resolve issues in a constructive manner.
When a student has a complaint regarding a course (e.g., course assignments, due dates, course content
presented, etc) or an instructor (e.g., interpersonal issues) the following steps should be followed by the
student bringing the complaint:
Arrange for a time to meet with the Course Instructor to bring up the concern and seek resolution.
a. If resolved at this point, then the complaint process will be considered complete, and no further
steps will be required.
b. If the issue has not been adequately resolved, from the perspective of either the student or the
instructor, then the process would continue to the next step.
Arrange for a time to meet with the appropriate Program Coordinator (Single Subject, Single Subjects
or Special Education) and the Course Instructor. During this meeting the Program Coordinator would
seek to mediate the situation and suggest potential options for resolving the concern.
a. If resolved at this point, then the complaint process will be considered complete, and no further
steps will be required.
b. If the issue has not been adequately resolved, from the perspective of either the student or the
instructor, then the process would continue to the next step.
Arrange for a time to meet with the Chair of the Department of Teacher Education, the Program
Coordinator and the Course Instructor. During this meeting the Department Chair would seek to mediate
the situation and suggest potential options for resolving the concern.
If resolved at this point, then the complaint process will be considered complete, and no
further steps will be required.
If the issue has not been adequately resolved, from the perspective of either the student or
the instructor, then the process would continue to the next step.
Arrange for a time to meet with the Dean of the College of Education. The Dean will function as the final
arbiter of all student complaints originating from the Department of Teacher Education.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
CSUMB welcomes and accommodates students with disabilities. Students with disabilities who may need
accommodations in courses or field-placement are encouraged to contact their course instructors and/or the
Field-placement coordinator during orientation week or by the University’s Drop/Add date.
CSUMB E-mail System
As a CSUMB student, instructors and other program personnel will contact you regularly through the campus
email system. Each student at CSUMB is automatically assigned a campus-specific Google email account. It is
a responsibility of all candidates to access and log on regularly for pertinent information about their courses,
seminars, and field placements, and for other announcements. The email account can be accessed from any
computer that has Internet access using the URL This will take you to the login page. You use
your Otter ID and password to log in.
If you prefer using a different email address, you can set your Google account to automatically forward your
email to your preferred address. One way or another, it is your responsibility to be available through the
campus email; CSUMB faculty and other personnel are not expected to maintain separate email address lists
for students. Failure to read your campus email may result in not receiving important information. You will be
held responsible for responding appropriately to information sent by program personnel via campus email;
failure to receive the information because of failure to check your campus email account or to forward it to
your personal email will not be considered an excuse for not meeting requirements communicated via campus
Student Identification Card
Parking Information
Traffic and parking regulations require that students parking motor vehicles on campus obtain a parking
permit and display the permit in their vehicles (vehicles parked in the Schoonover Park and Fredericks Park
housing areas are exempted). The regulations also specify where parking is permitted and where parking is
prohibited. Parking will only be allowed in designated, posted parking lots. Students may park in any nonreserved spaces in those lots. Reserved spaces for visitors, disabled persons, or service vehicles are not
available for permit parking. A schedule of parking penalties (fines) was adopted in conjunction with the
regulations. All penalties are based on comparable CSU and local municipal penalty schedules. You may
obtain a copy of the parking regulations and penalties from Bldg 47.
A semester parking permit can be purchased at the Campus Service Center in Bldg 47. Proof of vehicle
registration is required. Alternatively, one-day parking permits may be purchased from machines in each
parking lot.
WARNING: Failure to display a valid permit will result in a traffic citation being issued.
Preliminary Credential Program Requirements
To complete the teacher credential program, all students must demonstrate their achievement of the
outcomes specified in the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs) as defined and assessed
through the California State Teacher Performance Expectations (TPEs), as well as successfully complete fieldbased, teaching-learning experiences. Additionally, a series of requirements from the California Commission
of Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) must be met before a candidate can successfully apply for, and receive, a
teaching credential. Therefore, to be recommended for a Single Subject teaching credential, all students must
successfully complete and submit documentation for the following to CSUMB’s Credentials Analyst.
CSET passing test results (provided prior to admission to the program.)
Three semester units (or five quarter units) of a foreign language on original transcripts, or documented
proof of satisfaction of the foreign language requirement by assessment, or original transcripts of two
consecutive years of high school foreign language with an average of “B” or better, or original proof from
CTC’s “Option List” (normally provided prior to admission to program.)
Course in U.S. Constitution (normally provided prior to admission to program). This requirement may
also be met by a U. S. Constitution test.
Basic Skills requirement documentation (CBEST passing test results or CSET Writing sample passing test
results or copy of Emergency Teaching Permit); to be provided prior to Spring term of the program.
Character Identification Clearance Certificate (fingerprint clearance) or copy of a credential held. This
must be provided prior to Stage I Co-Teaching.
Transcript showing satisfactory completion of all courses in CSUMB’s approved Single Subject credential
program with a GPA of 3.0 or better and no grade of C- or below, and grades of “credit” for both Stage I
and Stage 2 Co-Teaching.
Documentation of satisfactory completion of all Signature Assignments
Documentation of satisfactory completion of the Stage I Progress Interview
Documentation of passing scores on the full EdTPA Teaching Event
10. Documentation of satisfactory completion of Spring term Progress Interview
Students may apply for a BCLAD Authorization by passing the appropriate tests, and submitting the following directly to
the Commission on Teacher Credentialing:
1. Submit a copy of a valid Multiple or Single Subject credential with an English Learner Authorization
2. Submit a copy of passing scores on CSET Spanish Subtest III (for all other languages, contact the Credential
Analyst for information), and CSET World Languages IV and V. (Scores used for certification purposes
may be no older than five years from the individual passed exam date.
Teachers who hold a valid, non-emergency California Single Subject or Standard Secondary Teaching Credential
with a major in a language other than English need not take Test II or III of the CSET: World Languages Exam to
qualify for a bilingual authorization in that language. Teachers who hold a three-year or higher degree from a
foreign institution in which all instruction is delivered in a language other than English also do not need to take
Test II or III to qualify for a bilingual authorization in that language. The foreign institution must be equivalent in
status to a regionally-accredited institution of higher education in the United States.) CSET information and
registration is available at
3. Check or money order for the current CTC fee
4. Completed 41-4 form (available through the office of the CSUMB Credential Analyst)
5. Send application packet to: CTC, Certification Division, 1900 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811-4213
Appendices to this Handbook, beginning on the next page, include a variety of documents and forms
important to successful completion of the program.
CLASS DESCRIPTION (e.g., gender, special needs, cultural backgrounds, primary
LANGUAGE (S) the lesson will be conducted in:
1) The Big Picture
2) Content Standards
English Language Development (ELD) Standards (if applicable)
3) Background Knowledge
4) Content Objectives
Academic Language Objectives
5) Materials and Resources
6) Procedures and Learning Activities Please narrate step-by-step
Beginning: (introduction or lead-in to the lesson)
Middle (body of the lesson):
End: (wrap-up, closure, etc.)
Extension (optional)
7) Assessment and Evaluation Plan (both formal and informal)
8) Post-Lesson Reflection (Optional to instructor)
* Bold-faced items/sections are required. Different levels of detail and different
requirements for planning are appropriate for different situations and subject areas.
Students will be given guidance for completing lesson plans in each situation.
However, all lesson plans completed while in the CSUMB Single Subject program
should use this structure/format.
INFORMATION for Cooperating Teachers
(This information is provided to the Cooperating Teacher at a meeting with the Supervisor at the
beginning of the semester pairs training.)
The University Supervisor is responsible for communicating the expectations of the University to
the Cooperating Teacher, Principal, and Co-Teacher. They will provide introductory materials as well
as any evaluative materials to be used by the Teacher Candidate (TC). Their role in the Cooperating
Schools is to support the TC by observing lessons and providing feedback. They also support the
Cooperating Teacher in answering questions and providing informative and evaluative materials as
well as serve as a trainer and support of the co-teaching relationship.
The Cooperating Teacher (CT)serves as the support person for the TC at the school site. Serving in
this role, the CT should be an experienced teacher with the necessary credential. They are
 To coordinate efforts with the CSUMB Supervisor who visits the classroom regularly
 To provide opportunities for the candidate to co-teach using a variety of strategies. The CT
will also observe, on a regular basis, providing timely feedback. Be specific.
 To meet regularly with the TC to give feedback and have discussions
 To provide assistance in planning lessons, units, and curriculum
 To provide access to curriculum standards, assessment policies, school policies, meetings,
school data and student profiles
 To provide the TC with the opportunity to observe and work with special populations
(English Language Learners, students with IEP or 405 plans)
 To provide opportunities for the TC to use technology to enhance instruction
 To provide CSUMB with a written description of the TC’s professional development.
2 formal evaluations, midterm and end of term, completed online in TaskStream
 To provide support as needed for meeting the requirements of PACT (Performance
Assessment for California Teachers) and related assignments (this includes videotaping
The Teacher Candidate (TC) is responsible:
 To have prompt and regular attendance at the school site and record that time in
 To participate at least the minimum amount of time (stage 1 requires 4 half days for 10
weeks followed by 5 weeks of full time)
 To assume more teaching responsibilities in an increasing number of subject areas, as they
demonstrate their readiness.
 To assist the Master Teacher in the delivery of instruction
 To maintain unit and lesson plans
 To assist in the preparation of materials for instruction
 To abide by school policies
 To set aside time, outside of regular classroom teaching period, to meet informally with the
Master Teacher on a regular basis for planning, discussion, and feedback
Information for the Single Subject Fall term to Spring term progress interview
Stage I advisory interview protocol; to be conducted during the first week of Stage II
Before the Interview:
Read over the information below on the interview questions, and think about both how you want to
answer the questions, and also about what evidence you will need to support any claims you make
regarding your teaching. Make some notes for yourself as to the main points you want to make, and
the evidence you will provide to support your claims, and bring these notes to the interview with
An “area of teaching” might be any of the following:
• Managing student behavior (which might include developing a classroom community)
• Planning lessons in general
• Planning or teaching in a particular content area (i.e., reading, writing, math, science, social
studies, P.E., health, art, music)
• Interacting with students during lessons in ways that promote their thinking or their selfconfidence
• Assessment of students (informal or formal), in general or in a particular content area
• Working with particular subgroups of students (e.g., students with disabilities, shy students,
rowdy students, ELL students, . . .)
• Relating to students in general, or to students with particular needs (which may or may not be
legally defined)
• Working with parents
• Bringing “the real world” into lessons or into the classroom in other ways
• Addressing sensitive issues or issues of social justice with students
It is also possible that something else might be cited as an “area of teaching” in individual cases; this
list is not intended to be exhaustive or prescriptive, merely to prompt thinking with regard to the
following questions.
Your advisor will ask
• In what area(s) do you feel you have experienced the greatest growth during the Fall
For each area of previous growth, your advisor will want you to describes the area,
discuss how you have developed in that area during Stage I of the program, and give a
few examples illustrating your growth, either from the physical evidence materials, or as
oral anecdotes.
• In what area(s) do you feel you are doing best, with reference to adequate achievement of
Other forms of the question: Are there aspects of teaching in which you are beginning
to feel more confidence? Have greater depth of understanding or insight as to what is
involved? Areas that you believe are going to be your particular strengths as a teacher?
Do you feel that you are actually up to the level a beginning credentialed teacher should
be in any of these areas, or do these areas of greater confidence or understanding just
represent significant progress toward that goal?
You will be asked to describe the area, and discuss in what way you are strong in this
area, and provide illustrative examples, either from the physical evidence materials, or
as oral anecdotes.
• Please identify two “areas for future growth.” You might identify an area for future growth
either it is an area of relative weakness in which you feel you need to grow, or it might
be an area in which you already feel relatively strong and therefore want or feel ready
to develop even further.
You will be asked to explain why you selected each of your two “areas for growth.”.
For each area for future growth, you will identify a specific learning goal you will work
toward during Stage II of the program (2 goals in all). These should be specific and
achievable in the available time frame.
Your advisor will take notes during the interview, and you will write out your two Stage II goals, on
the forms provided. Your advisor and you will both sign and date the notes and the goals. Your
advisor will keep one copy of these forms to be placed in your permanent file, and one copy will be
given to you.
California State University at Monterey Bay
Request-to-Appeal Form
All parts of this form must be completed. The form must be submitted to the Dean of the College
of Education (100 Campus Center, Bldg. 3, Seaside, CA 93955), postmarked within 10 business
days of the date appearing on the notification of removal from the program. Please wordprocess, type, or legibly print the required information. If you need additional space to complete
your answers, please continue on separate, attached, and numbered pages.
Full Name______________________________________
Credentials Program___________________________
Mailing Address_____________________________________________________________
City, State ____________________________________________
Zip Code __________
Telephone (Area Code &
E-mail Address______________________________________________________________
1. Explain the basis of your appeal and why you believe that your removal is unjustified.
2. How are you delivering this notice to the Dean of the College of Education (if mailed, notice
must be postmarked within 10 business days of the date of the notification)?
By hand to the office
By US mail
Attach a copy of the notification of your removal from the program to this appeal form along with
any other necessary documentation.
UTEC - University-Wide Teacher Education Council
The University-wide Teacher Education Council (UTEC) was organized in Spring 2003 to oversee
teacher preparation at California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) as a university-wide
enterprise. Its primary functions are the evaluation of program effectiveness and the development
of policies and resources for the improvement of teacher education. The UTEC includes CSUMB
students, faculty, and administrative representatives as well as K-12 public school faculty,
administrators, and community college representatives. The UTEC is a standing committee of the
faculty senate of CSUMB. The administration has identified the UTEC as the policy-recommending
body for teacher education at CSUMB. Policy decisions of the UTEC are sent to the Dean of the
College of Education as recommendations for administrative approval.
Standing members of the UTEC include the following representatives.
- The Chair of the Department of Teacher Education and ex-officio chair of the UTEC
- The Chair of the Department of Liberal Studies
- The Chair of the Department of Health and Wellness
- Coordinators of credential and or degree programs including:
- Single Subject
- Single Subject
- Special Education
- Master of Arts in Education
- Other programs approved by CSUMB
- One undergraduate student
- One graduate student
- Two community college representatives
- One elementary school teacher
- One secondary school teacher
- One special education teacher
Committee Structure
The UTEC is to include a number of standing committees working for the effective operation and
quality of CSUMB’s teacher education programs. Standing committee memberships are to consist of
regular members of the UTEC and other representatives who meet requirements for UTEC
representation, and are to be chaired by currently-serving UTEC members. Chairs of the curriculum
and program evaluation committees are to consist of CSUMB faculty members from fields related to
teacher education currently serving on the UTEC. Other committees of the UTEC may be appointed
to serve for a stated period of time with a specific charge. Current standing committees appear
Program evaluation committee
The program evaluation committee develops and recommends policy for the evaluation of
credential and degree programs in teacher education. The committee functions primarily to: review
program evaluation plans and procedures; examine program evaluation reports prepared by faculty
and staff and recommend their approval or modification to the UTEC; monitor program responses to
evaluation findings for the purpose of ensuring continuous improvement in the curriculum.
Curriculum committee
This committee identifies curriculum needs for the teacher education program based on findings of
the program evaluation committee as well as on changes in policy and regulations governing teacher
education in the State of California. The committees make recommendations based on accreditation
standards of the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), the California
Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC), and other national or state agencies as appropriate.
Community service committee
The community service committee explores opportunities for public school and related agency
support by faculty, staff, students, alumni, and others stakeholders in teacher education at CSUMB.
The committee assures proper university participation on important committees and task forces
working for the improvement of public education in our tri-county service area.
Development committee
The development committee identifies and recommends activities for supplementing state-provided
resources for teacher education at CSUMB. Opportunities for private and public support for teacher
education are explored.
Schedule of Meetings
The UTEC is to meet at least once a semester, typically in November and April. Committees of the
UTEC will meet more frequently, typically bimonthly, and should meet two times prior to each
general meeting of the UTEC. Agendas for upcoming meetings are to be posted and made available
to the CSUMB teacher education community at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting. All
meetings of the UTEC and its committees are held in accordance with open meeting laws and
policies of the State of California, the California State University System, and CSUMB.
Restrictions and Limitations
The UTEC and its committees are not involved in the day-to-day operations of the university’s
teacher education programs, including student appeals, personnel matters, and instructor
evaluations; these are the domain of other committees of the faculty and the university senate.
Policy and procedures for UTEC
Revisions and additions to existing policies and procedures of the UTEC may be developed and
approved by the UTEC or one or more if its committees.
CSUMB Statement of Concern and Action Plan
The Statement of Concern is designed to clearly identify issues that may prevent a Candidate from
successfully completing a credential program. The SOC should include an Action Plan and timeline that
provides guidelines for the Candidate to address the identified issues. If the items on this plan are not
met in the time indicated, the candidate will receive a grade of “No Credit’ for that semester.
Area of Concern
Action to be Taken/Timeline
Expected Outcome
Met (date)
Not Met
Required Signatures:
I acknowledge receipt of the Statement of Concern:
Candidate: ___________________________________ date ___________________
Cooperating Professional: ________________________ date ___________________
University Supervisor: ___________________________ date ____________________
Field Coordinator: _______________________________date ___________________
CSUMB Program Coordinator: ______________________ date ___________________
Dean’s office: Jose Luis Alvarado
Single Subject Program Support Staff
Jene Harris
Single Subject Program Coordinator
Mark O’Shea
Placement and Supervision Coordinator
TASKSTREAM Coordinator
Diane Brandell
Teacher Education Department Chair
Cathi Draper Rodriguez
Credentials Analyst Office
Christy Jordan
Ilse Daly
Loren Grossi
Bill Jones
Vonneke Miller
Mark O’Shea
Carolina Serna
Computing (Student help desk)
582-3600 or 582-3647