CURRICULUM VITAE - Scienze della Vita e della Riproduzione

Personal data
Name: Samuele Cortese
Sex: Male
Birthdate: April 23, 1974
Birthplace: Verona (Italy)
Professional address: Service de Psychopathologie de l’Enfant et de l’Adolescent, Hôpital Robert
Debré, 48 Bd Sérurier, 75019, Paris, France
Citizenship: Italian
Languages: Italian, English, French
Academic Training
1999: M.D. summa cum laude (110/110 cum laude), Verona University, Verona, Italy
2004: Specialty in Child Neuropsychiatry, summa cum laude (50/50 cum laude), Verona
University, Verona, Italy
2006-present: Ph.D. candidate, Verona University, Verona, Italy (in partnership with Paris VII
University, Paris, France).
1996-1999: Medical Internship, Verona University, Verona, Italy
2000-2003: Child Neuropsychiatry Residency, Child Neuropsychiatry Unit, G.B. Rossi Hospital,
Verona University, Verona, Italy
January-February 2004: Child Psychopathology Residency, Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
Unit, Robert Debré Hospital, Paris VII University, Paris, France
March-July 2004: Child Psychopathology Residency, Child Psychiatry Unit, Necker-Enfants
Malades Hospital, Paris V University, Paris, France
2006-present: Chief Resident-Assistant, Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Unit, Robert Debré
Hospital, Paris VII University, Paris, France
September 2007-present: visiting fellow at the « Neuroimaging & Psychiatry » U797 Unit, Hospital
Department Frédéric Joliot, Orsay, France
Professional Organizations and Societies:
Italian Society of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry (psychiatry and neuropsychology section)
Research experience:
January 2005-May 2006: Clinical research fellow, Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Unit,
Robert Debré Hospital, Paris VII University, Paris, France
Areas of research: ADHD (iron metabolism in ADHD; sleep disorders associated with ADHD;
relationship between Restless Legs Syndrome and ADHD; eating disorders associated with ADHD;
relationship between ADHD and obesity; molecular genetics of ADHD)
Award for the best oral communication at the XXII Congress of the Italian Society of Child and
Adolescent Neuropsychiatry-Naples (Italy)-December 2005
Teaching Experience and Responsibilities :
Courses and Lectures:
Verona University Medical Students, Child Psychiatry Seminars: 4 per year (2001-2003)
Paris VII University Medical Students, Child Psychiatry Seminars: 2 per year (2006-present)
Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Unit, Robert Debré Hospital, Paris VII University,
Residents, Seminars: 4 per year: (2006-present)
Supervision of Students in Clinical Services:
Verona University Medical Students: 2000-2003
Paris VII University Medical Students: 2005-present
Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Unit, Robert Debré Hospital, Paris VII University,
Residents: 2006-present
Thesis Advisor to Medical Students:
Marco Angriman, Verona University School of Medicine Thesis, Verona, Italy, 2002
Brenda Vincenzi, Verona University School of Medicine Thesis, Verona, Italy, 2003
Monica Coghi, Verona University School of Medicine Thesis, Verona, Italy, 2004
Erica Comencini, Verona University School of Medicine Thesis, Verona, Italy, 2007
Reviews and meta-analyses (Peer Reviewed and/or with impact factor):
1. Cortese S, Konofal E, Lecendreux M, Arnulf I, Mouren MC, Darra F, Dalla Bernardina B,
Mouren MC. Restless legs syndrome and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a review of
the literature. Sleep 2005, 28 (8): 1007-1013 IF : 5.12
2. Cortese S, Konofal E, Yateman N, Mouren MC, Lecendreux M. Sleep and alertness in children
with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review of the literature. Sleep 2006,
29(4): 504-11 IF : 5.12
3. Cortese S, Dalla Bernardina B, Mouren MC. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
and binge eating. Nutrition Reviews 2007, 65(9):404-11. IF: 2.93
Cortese S, Konofal E, Mouren MC, Dalla Bernardina B, Lecendreux M. Does excessive
daytime sleepiness contribute to explaining the association between obesity and symptoms of
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder? Medical Hypotheses 2008, 70: 12-16. IF: 1.29
Cortese S, Angriman A, Maffeis C, Isnard P, Konofal E, Lecendreux M, Purper-Ouakil D,
Vincenzi B, Dalla Bernardina B, Mouren MC. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
and obesity: a systematic review of the literature. Critical Reviews in Food Science and
Nutrition, sous presse IF: 3.80
Cortese S, Lecendreux M, Dalla Bernardina B, Mouren MC, Sbarbati A, Konofal E.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Tourette’s syndrome, and Restless Legs Syndrome:
the iron hypothesis, Medical Hypotheses, sous presse IF: 1.29
7. Lecendreux M, Cortese S. Treatment of sleep problems associated with AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, in press
Cortese S, Mouren MC. Traitements médicamenteux du trouble déficit
l’attention/hyperactivité chez l’enfant et l’adolescent. Médecine et Science, in press
Original Articles (Peer-Reviewed and/or with impact factor):
1. Darra F, Fiorini E, Zoccante L, Torniero C, Cortese S, Meneghello L, Fontana E, Dalla
Bernardina B. Benign myoclonic epilepsy in infancy (BMEI): a longitudinal electroclinical
study of 22 cases. Epilepsia. 2006;47 Suppl 5:31-5. IF: 3.52
2. Cortese S, Isnard P, Frelut MLG, Michel G, Guedeney A, Falissard B, Acquaviva E, Dalla
Bernardina B, Mouren MC. Association between symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity
Disorder and bulimic behaviors in a clinical sample of severely obese adolescents, International
Journal of Obesity 2007, 31(2):340-6. IF: 4.04
3. Konofal E, Cortese S, Marchand M, Mouren MC, Arnulf I, Lecendreux M. Impact of Restless
Legs Syndrome and iron deficiency on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in children.
Sleep Med 2007, 8(7-8):711-715. IF: 2.97
Cortese S, Maffeis C, Konofal E, Lecendreux M, Comencini E, Angriman M, Vincenzi B,
Pajno Ferrara F, Mouren MC, Dalla Bernardina B. Parent reports of sleep/alertness problems and
ADHD symptoms in a sample of obese children and adolescents. Journal of Psychosomatic
Research, 2007, 63: 587-590. IF: 2.33
5. Purper-Ouakil D, Cortese S, Wohl M, Asch M, Acquaviva E, Michel G, Gorwood P, Mouren
MC. Predictors of diagnostic delay in a clinical sample of French children with AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2007, 16: 505-9.
IF: 1.82
Konofal E, Lecendreux M, Deron J, Marchand M, Cortese S, Zaïm M, Mouren MC, Arnulf I.
Effects of Iron Supplementation on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children. Ped
Neurol, 2008, 38: 20-6. IF : 1.54
7. Wohl M, Boni C, Asch M, Cortese S, Orejana S, Mouren MC, Gorwood P, Purper-Ouakil D.
Lack of association of the dopamine transporter gene in a French ADHD sample. Am J Genet B
Neuropsychiatr Genet, 2008, sous presse. IF: 4.46
Case reports (Peer-Reviewed, with impact factor):
1. Konofal E, Cortese S, Lecendreux Michel, Arnulf I, Mouren MC. Effectiveness of iron
supplementation in a young child with ADHD. Pediatrics 2005; 116(5):e732-4 FI : 5.02
2. Cortese S, Konofal E, Lecendreux M, Mouren MC, Dalla Bernardina B. Restless Legs
Syndrome triggered by heart surgery in a 9-year-old child. Pediatric Neurology 2006,
35(3):223-6 FI : 1.52
Cortese S, Konofal E, Lecendreux M. Effectiveness of ropinirole for RLS and depressive
symptoms in an 11-year-old girl. Sleep Med, sous presse FI: 2.97
Letters to the Editor (Peer-Reviewed, with impact factor):
1. Konofal E, Cortese S. Restless legs syndrome and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Annals of Neurology 2005: 58 (2): 340-1 FI: 8.01
2. Cortese S, Lecendreux M, Mouren MC, Konofal E. ADHD and Insomnia. Journal of the
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2006, 45(4):384-5 FI: 4.76
3. Cortese S, Isnard P, Dalla Bernardina B, Mouren MC Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,
obesity and binge eating. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2007, 68(6): 976 FI: 5.53
3. Konofal E, Cortese S. Lead and iron neuroprotection in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Environmental Health Perspectives, 2007, 115(8):A398-9. FI: 5.81
4. Konofal, E, Cortese S, Lecendreux M. Iron deficiency and periodic leg movement disorder of
sleep. Sleep Med, sous presse FI: 2.9
Other publications (Non-Peer-Reviewed, without impact factor):
1. Zoccante L, Cortese S, Torniero C. Aspetti clinici della memoria. Ricerche e Studi in Psicologia
del Corpo e in Psicomotricità 2003, 11 (1): 67-73 (Italian)
Cortese S, Cuzzolaro M, Maffeis C, Pajno F, Dalla Bernardina B. BIA-P (Body image
assessment for preadolescents): norme italiane. Psichiatria dell’Infanzia e dell’ Adolescenza
2004, 71: 665-6. (Italian)
3. Cortese S, Cuzzolaro M, Maffeis C, Pajno F, Dalla Bernardina B. Sintomi depressivi e bassa
autostima in bambini e adolescenti obesi. Minerva Pediatrica 2005, 57(2): 65-71. (Italian)
4. Cortese S, Maffeis C, Pajno Ferrara F, Dalla Bernardina B. Aspetti psicopatologici associati
all’obesità in età evolutiva. Giornale di Neuropsichiatria Infantile 2005; 25: 126-136 (Italian)
5. Cortese S, Purper-Ouakil D, Michel G, Mouren MC. Les troubles de la
communication chez l’enfant. La Revue du Praticien-Médecin Générale. 2006,
20 :155-159 (French)
6. Purper-Ouakil D, Wohl M, Cortese S, Michel G, Mouren MC. Le trouble déficitaire
de l’attention-hyperactivité (TDA/H) de l’enfant et de l’adolescent. Annales Médico
Psychologiques. 2006; 164: 63-72 (French)
7. Cortese S, Konofal E, Yateman N, Mouren MC, Lecendreux M. Sleep disturbances in
children with ADHD. The ADHD Report 2006, 14 (3): 6-11
8. Cortese S, Lecendreux M, Konofal E, Pajno Ferrara F, Dalla Bernardina B. Alterazioni
del sonno e della vigilanza nei bambini con ADHD. Giornale Italiano di
Neuropsichiatria infantile, 2006, 4: 15-22.
Chapters :
1. Cortese S. Fer et TDAH, In : Bouvard (Ed). L’hyperactivité de l’enfance à l’âge
adulte. Doin ed. (2e édition) Paris, 2006 (French)
2. Mouren MC, Cortese S. Les troubles du sommeil. In: Bailly D, Mouren MC (Eds).
Les prescriptions médicamenteuses en psychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent.
Masson, Paris, 2007 (French)
Cortese S, Lecendreux M. Sleep Problems in Children with ADHD: Impact of
Treatment and Co-Morbidities. In: A. Ivanenko Ed: Sleep and Psychiatric Disorders
in Children and Adolescents. Informa Healthcare, NY, in press
1. Rigobello F, Pajno-Ferrara F, Padovani EM, Cortese S, Zardini E: “Presa in carico psicologica
delle mamme con gravidanza a rischio. Risultati preliminari”. IX meeting of the Italian Society
of Neonatology, 21-22 May 2003, Naples, Italy. La Pediatria Medica e Chirurgica, abstract
supplement 2003, page 106 (Italian).
2. Zoccante L, Cortese S, Bertazzoni E, Benini A, Dalla Bernardina B. Analysis of intestinal
microflora of autistic children before and after probiotic treatment. Proceedings of the II
European meeting on Autism, November 14-17, 2003, Lisbon, Portugal, page 86.
3. Cortese S, Cuzzolaro M, Maffeis C, Piccolo F, Ferrucci G, Tato’ L, Pajno-Ferrara F, Dalla
Bernardina B: “ Depressione, autostima e obesità in bambini e adolescenti”. Proceedings of the
IX meeting of the Italian Society of Nutrition “Obesità, Sovrappeso, Magrezza”, December 2-3,
2003, Siene, Italy (Italian).
4. Cortese S, Pigaiani Y, Maffeis C, Pajno Ferrara F, Dalla Bernardina B. Immagine corporea,
autostima e depressione in un campione di preadolescenti. Proceedings of the II meeting of the
“Società Internazionale di Psicomotricità”, October 28-30, 2004, Verona, Italy (Italian).
Cortese S, Maffeis C, Pajno Ferrara F, Dalla Bernardina B. Importanza della valutazione
dell‘ immagine corporea nella presa in carico psicologica dei soggetti obesi. Proceedings of the
II meeting of the “Società Internazionale di Psicomotricità”, October 28-30, 2004, Verona, Italy
6. Cortese S, Pigaiani Y, Maffeis C, Pajno Ferrara F, Dalla Bernardina B. Relazione fra peso
corporeo e depressione: studio cross-sectional in un campione non clinico di 692 preadolescenti.
Proceedings of the XXIV meeting of the Italian Society of Child Neuropsychiatry, November 711, 2004, Modena, Italy (Italian).
7. Cortese S, Cuzzolaro M, Maffeis C, Piccolo F, Ferrucci G, Pajno Ferrara F, Levi G, Dalla
Bernardina B. Aspetti psicopatologici associati all’obesità in età evolutiva: studio crosssectional in un campione clinico di 72 bambini e preadolescenti obesi. Proceedings of the XXIV
meeting of the Italian Society of Child Neuropsychiatry, November 7-11, 2004, Modena, Italy
8. Cortese S, Maffeis C, Bogoni G, Consolaro A, Pellegrino M, Silvagni D, Viviani E, Tatò L,
Dalla Bernardina B. L’eccesso ponderale può essere considerato un fattore di rischio di
depressione nell’adolescente? Proceedings of the VI meeting of the Italian Society of Pediatric
Nutrition, December 10-12, 2004, Milan, Italy (Italian).
9. Cortese S, Maffeis C, Bogoni G, Consolaro A, Pellegrino M, Silvagni D, Viviani E, Tatò L,
Dalla Bernardina B. Obesità e psicopatologia in età evolutiva: studio psicometrico. Proceedings
of the VI meeting of the Italian Society of Pediatric Nutrition, December 10-12, 2004, Milan,
Italy (Italian).
10. Konofal E, Arnulf I, Cortese S, Lecendreux M, Mouren M. Ropinirole in a child with AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Restless Legs Syndrome. Sleep, 28, abstract supplement
2005, page 123.
11. Cortese S, Konofal E, Lecendreux M, Mouren MC, Dalla Bernardina B. Restless legs syndrome
and ADHD. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, abstract supplement 2005, page 245.
12 Konofal E, Cortese S, Lecendreux M, Dalla Bernardina B, Mouren MC. Iron supplementation in
a young child with ADHD. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, abstract supplement
2005, page 267.
13. Cortese S, Konofal E, Arnulf I, Lecendreux M. Syndrome des jambes sans repos après
intervention chirurgicale chez une fille des 9 ans. Proceedings of the Meeting of the French
Society of Sleep Research, November 13, 2005, Lyon, France, page 200 (French)
14. Lecendreux M, Cortese S, Konofal E, Arnulf I, Mouren MC. Hypocretin-1 levels in a 18-yearold boy with Kleine-Levin Syndrome. Sleep Med, abstract supplement 2005, page 123.
15. Cortese S, Lecendreux M, Konofal E, Pajno-Ferrara F, Dalla Bernardina B. Le alterazioni del
sonno e della vigilanza associate all’ADHD: meta-analisi. Proceedings of the XXV meeting of
the Italian Society of Child Neuropsychiatry, December 7-10, 2005, Naples, Italy, (Italian).
16. Wohl M, Purper-Ouakil D, Cortese S, Hamon M, Boni C, Gorwood P. Genetical heterogeneity
of ADHD: pre-results of a family based association study with DAT & 5HTT genes.
Proceedings of the 6th ADHD Molecular Genetics Network. 18-19 November, 2005. Miami,
Florida (USA)
17. Purper-Ouakil D, Cortese S, Wohl M, Acquaviva E. Comorbidity and diagnostic delay in
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. European Psychiatry 21 (suppl 1) 2006; S20.
18. Purper Ouakil D, Wohl M, Cortese S, Orejarena S, Boni C, Gorwood P. DAT 1 and treatment
response in ADHD. Proceedings of the 7th ADHD Molecular Genetics Network. Bruxelles,
Belgium 18-19/10/2006.
19. Konofal E, Cortese S, Lecendreux M. Effectiveness of iron supplementation in children with
ADHD. Proceedings of the 53rd meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, San Diego, 24-29 Oct 2006
20. Cortese S, Konofal E, Lecendreux M. Sleep disturbances in children with ADHD. Proceedings
of the 53rd meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, San Diego,
24-29 Oct 2006
21. Lecendreux M, Konofal E, Cortese S. Excessive daytime sleepiness in children and adolescents.
Proceedings of the 53rd meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
San Diego, 24-29 Oct 2006
22. Cortese S, Angriman M, Comencini E, Maffeis C, Vincenzi B, Coghi M, Pajno Ferrara F, Dalla
Bernardina B. Disturbi respiratori del sonno e sintomi di ADHD in bambini ed adolescenti
sovrappeso. Proceedings of the XXV meeting of the Italian Society of Child Neuropsychiatry,
Abano Terme (Padova, Italy) October 25-29, 2006, Italy (Italian)
23. Cortese S. Clinical management of sleep disturbances in ADHD. In: “Interactions between
learning disorders, mild retardation and sleep disturbances in children”. Sleep Medicine 2007, 8
(Suppl 1), S37.
24. Cortese S, Konofal E, Mouren M, Dalla Bernardina B, Lecendreux M. Excessive daytime
sleepiness, sleep-disordered breathing and ADHD symptoms in obese children. Sleep, 2007,
Abstract book, P0209, A73.
Cortese S. Sleep Disordered Breathing, Excessive sleepiness, and Attention
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) traits in obese children. Proceedings of the 54th meeting
of the American academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Boston, 23-28 Oct 2007
Selected presentations:
1. Restless legs syndrome and ADHD. 8th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Vienna,
June 28-July 3 , 2005
2. Management of RLS in patients with ADHD. 20th annual meeting of the Associated
Professional Sleep Societies, Salt Lake City (UT) June 17-22, 2006
3. Sleep disturbances in children with ADHD. (In: Clinical perspectives: “Pediatric sleep
Medicine Advanced Review). 53rd meeting of the American academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry, San Diego (CA), October 24-29, 2006
4. Management of sleep disturbances in ADHD. 2nd World Congress of Sleep Medicine,
Bangkok (Thailand), February 4-8, 2007
5. Sleep disturbances associated with ADHD. (In: “Sleep Disorders in childhood
psychopathology”, Co-Chair). 13th International Congress of the European Society for Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry, Florence (Italy), August 25-29, 2007
6. Management of RLS in children. (In: Clinical perspectives: Behavioral and Pharmacological
Management of Pediatric Sleep Disorders). 54th meeting of the American Academy of Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry, Boston (MA), October 22-28, 2007
Occasional Reviewer for: Pediatrics, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Sleep Medicine
Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, Behavioral Sleep Medicine