Services - St. Lawrence County Government

St. Lawrence County
Board of Legislators
Board Room
Services Committee
Monday, May 12, 2014
5:30 p.m.
Members Attending: Mr. Bunstone, Mr. Acres, Mr. Akins, Mr. Arquiett, Mr. Clark, Mr.
Burns, Mr. Lightfoot, Mr. MacKinnon, Mr. Morrill, Mr. Paquin, Mr. Parker, Mr. Peck, Mr.
Putman, Mr. Putney, and Mr. Sutherland
Others Attending: Karen St. Hilaire, Ruth Doyle, Kelly Pearson, Laurie Demers, Kevin Felt,
Jason Pfotenhauer, Michael LeCuyer, Kevin Wells, Chris Boulio, Mike Cunningham, Chris
Rediehs, Lorraine Kourofsky, Deb Bridges, Jason Pfotenhauer, and media representative: Martha
Ellen, Watertown Daily Times
1. CALL TO ORDER AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Chair Bunstone called the meeting
to order at 6:26 p.m. Mr. Putney moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Mr. Peck, Mr. Acres
and Mr. Putman, and carried by a voice vote with thirteen (13) yes votes and two (2) absent
(Parker and Paquin).
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Mr. Arquiett moved to approve the April 21st Services
Committee meeting minutes, seconded by Mr. Clark, and carried by a voice vote with thirteen
(13) yes votes and two (2) absent (Parker and Paquin).
PRESENTATION (Info) – Ms. St. Hilaire gave a report and PowerPoint presentation.
Mr. Bunstone asked for an update at a future Services Committee meeting on the procedures of
Public Health.
at the previous Committee meeting.
Mr. Morrill asked the Board Office Staff to get the cost of prosecution and number of cases
pertaining to Indigent Defense in all Counties across the State of New York from NYSAC.
Mr. MacKinnon said the ATV ride on County trails is scheduled for May 31st. The location has
not yet been determined.
Mr. Lightfoot said he spoke with Pat McKeown of the Chamber of Commerce about informing
St. Lawrence County residents about purchasing power cheaper than purchasing it through
National Grid. Ms. McKeown said for many years the Chamber of Commerce offered residents
the opportunity to join a cooperative user group to save money by buying power off the grid, but
there was little interest.
Mr. Putney said the Local Government Task Force has a petition circulating on the County
website garnishing support for relicensing review.
Mr. Putney said the Shared Services Committee met and he recognized Mr. Pfotenhauer to speak
on the Committee. Mr. Pfotenhauer said there is potential for a shared highway facility by
combining the Town and Village of Canton with the County. There has also been discussion
about including Potsdam.
Mr. Putney said the Agriculture Incentive Ad Hoc Committee, Community Reinvestment
Committee, Public Health Director Search Committee, EMS Director Search Committee, and the
Probation Director Search Committee can be removed from the list of working committees.
Mr. Sutherland said there was a meeting of the Adirondack Park Committee in which they
discussed use of lands, trails, forest products, industry, invasive species, and boat launches.
Mr. Bunstone said the Board of Health committee met and discussed filling the Public Health
Director position.
Mr. Acres said Cooperative Extension met and lobbied in Albany.
Mr. Putney said he spoke with Patrick Ames on a meeting regarding the import/export bank. He
asked Mr. Acres to follow up with Mr. Ames on exporting crops to other areas.
Mr. Akins said CDP is concerned with transportation issues.
Mr. Sutherland reported on the EMC.
Mr. Morrill said the Gouverneur Fair Board has the entertainment lined up for the County Fair.
Mr. Lightfoot said the Labor Management Committee met last week. Mr. Putman said they met
with Solid Waste employees and came to an agreement on how vacation time would be
determined. Mr. Lightfoot said there would be cameras installed at the Solid Waste facilities.
Mr. Bunstone said the Planning Advisory Board met and Mr. Pfotenhauer gave a financial report.
Mr. Lightfoot said the Solid Waste Committee met and the trailers are in. Also there has been a
committee formed to find a replacement for Scott Thornhill’s position.
Mr. Burns said the Psych Center Committee no longer meets every month, but only meets when
Mr. Clark said the EMS Committee is still working on the final report of the ice storm.
Mr. Lightfoot said the Negotiation Committee heard from the Public Defenders, and they have
chosen to wait for the District Attorney’s issues to be resolved before meeting again.
Mr. Clark said the Community Services Committee is working on putting together Community
Services Education days.
Mr. Morrill said Soil and Water continues to get in money.
Mr. Burns said RVRDA will meet to review application for Community Environmental and
Development Fund.
Mr. Putney asked that the letter from Paula Michaud regarding Indigent Services be put on
Google drive.
Mr. Arquiett moved to go to Executive Session at 8:17 p.m. to discuss appointments, seconded
by Mr. Morrill, and carried by a voice vote with thirteen (13) yes votes and two (2) absent
(Parker and Paquin).
Mr. Putney moved to go to Open Session at 8:22 p.m., seconded by Mr. Arquiett, and carried by
a voice vote with thirteen (13) yes votes and two (2) absent (Parker and Paquin).
Chair Bunstone moved to adjourn the May Services Committee meeting at 8:22 p.m. as there was
no further business.