Thursday, September 25, 2008 - Society for Psychotherapy Research

Thursday, September 25, 2008
7:30pm – 9:00pm Opening Reception
Friday, September 26, 2008
7:30 – 9:00 Breakfast
9:00 – 10:30
Plenary Session:
Processes that contribute to sustained therapeutic change
Sidney Blatt (Yale University)
Discussant: TBA
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30
1. Panel:
The Ongoing Search for Meaningful Therapist Effects: Therapist Presence
and Empathy
Moderator: Jeff Hayes (Pennsylvania State University)
Discussant: Jim Fauth (Antioch University New England)
Therapist Presence and Its Relationship to Empathy, Session Depth, and
Symptom Reduction
Maria Vinca (Pennsylvania State University)
Jeffrey A. Hayes (Pennsylvania State University)
Christina Schendel (Pennsylvania State University)
An Examination of Empathy and Emotional Processing Skills in a Group of
Trainee Therapists
Laura Gollino (University of Toronto)
Jeanne C. Watson (University of Toronto)
2. Panel:
Extending the Assimilation Model to Schizophrenia, Adjustment to Parental
Divorce, and Couple Therapy
Moderator: William B. Stiles (Miami University)
Theory and Practice of Theory-Building: How We Extended the Assimilation
Model to Schizophrenia, Adjustment to Parental Divorce, and Couple Therapy
William B. Stiles (Miami University)
Katerine Osatuke (Cincinnati VA Medical Center)
Jonathan Fishman (Miami University)
Hugo J. Schielke (Miami University)
Assimilation of Subjectively Problematic Experiences in Schizophrenic or
Schizoaffective Disorders: A Pilot Study
Katerine Osatuke (Cincinnati VA Medical Center)
Mary Reid (University of Edinburgh)
William B. Stiles (Miami University)
John W. Kasckow (University of Cincinnati)
Sidney Zisook (University of California, San Diego)
Somaia Mohamed (VA Central Texas)
Applying the Assimilation Model to the Experience of Parental Divorce
Jonathan Fishman (Miami University)
Corinne Hoener (Miami University)
Darren Del Castillo (Miami University)
William B. Stiles (Miami University)
Inter- and Intrapersonal Dialogue and Therapeutic Change in Couples
Hugo J. Schielke (Miami University)
William B. Stiles (Miami University)
Leslie S. Greenberg (York University)
3. Panel:
The Return of the Repressed: Transference and Defense in a New Era of
Psychotherapy Research
Moderator: J. Christopher Perry (McGill University)
The Relationship Between Client, Therapist and Observer Perspectives of
Transference, and Their Relationship to Alliance and Outcome
Jennifer Janzen (McGill University)
J. Christopher Perry (McGill University)
Jonathan Petraglia (McGill University)
Studying Change in Defensive Functioning in Psychotherapy, Using the Defense
Mechanism Rating Scales: Four Hypotheses, Four Cases
J. Christopher Perry (McGill University)
Stephen M. Beck (McGill University)
Prometheas Constantinides (McGill University)
J. Elizabeth Foley (McGill University)
Examining the Relationship Between Therapist Interventions, Accuracy, and
In-Session Defensive Functioning of Patients in Open-Ended Psychodynamic
Jonathan Petraglia (McGill University)
J. Christopher Perry (McGill University)
Martin Drapeau (McGill University)
Jennifer Janzen (McGill University)
4. Paper Session:
Increased "We-Talk" Predicts Treatment Outcome for Health-Compromised
Michael J. Rohrbaugh (University of Arizona)
Enhancing Interpersonal Processing as the Therapeutic Change Mechanism in
Couple Therapy: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study of Referred Couples
David W. Reid (York University)
Correspondence in Motivational Interviewing Adherence and Competence
Ratings among Community Program Therapists, Supervisors and Independent
Steve Martino (Yale University School of Medicine)
12:30 – 2:00 Lunch
2:00 – 3:30
1. Panel:
Effectiveness Research: Investigating Therapist and Client Variables in
Naturalistic Settings
Moderator: Louis G. Castonguay (Pennsylvania State University)
Discussants: Sanno E. Zack (Beth Israel Medical Center)
David Kraus (Behavioral Health Laboratories)
The Relationship Between Techniques and Session Impact: A Study of
Therapists In-Training
James F. Boswell (Pennsylvania State University)
Louis G. Castonguay (Pennsylvania State University)
Clients’ Socio-Economic Status and Improvement in Psychotherapy
Samuel S. Nordberg (Pennsylvania State University)
Louis G. Castonguay (Pennsylvania State University)
Leslie Wilson
James F. Boswell (Pennsylvania State University)
Dana Nelson (Pennsylvania State University)
Sanno E. Zack (Beth Israel Medical Center)
Georgios Lampropoulos (Florida State University)
David Kraus (Behavioral Health Laboratories)
2. Panel:
Identifying Process Correlates of Outcome: Four Naturalistic Studies Using
the Psychotherapy Process Q-Set
Moderator: J. Stuart Ablon (Harvard Medical School)
Empirically Supported Change Processes in Long-Term Psychodynamic
Tai Katzenstein
J. Stuart Ablon (Harvard Medical School)
Nnamdi Pole (Smith College)
Raymond Levy (Massachusetts General Hospital)
Using Psychodynamic, Cognitive Behavioral, and Control Mastery Prototypes to
Predict Symptom Change in a Single Case
Nnamdi Pole (Smith College)
J. Stuart Ablon (Harvard Medical School)
Lynn E. O’Connor (Wright Institute)
Relationship of Psychotherapy Processes to Changes in Symptoms, Cognition,
Physiology in Survivors of Interpersonal Violence
Wendy D’Andrea (The Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute, Brookline,
Nnamdi Pole (Smith College)
Beyond Brand Names of Psychotherapy: Identifying Empirically Supported
Change Processes
Raymond Levy (Massachusetts General Hospital)
3. Open Discussion:
Transforming VA Mental Health to Recovery-Oriented Care: An EmpiricallyInformed Discussion of the Relationship Between Psychosocial
Rehabilitation and Psychotherapy Research
Moderator: Jay L. Cohen (John D. Dingell VA Medical Center)
Sandra G. Resnick (Yale University School of Medicine)
Marcia G. Hunt (VA Connecticut Healthcare System)
Jessica A. Barber (Yeshiva University)
Robert Rosenheck (Yale University School of Medicine)
David J. Carroll (Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center)
4. Open Discussion:
Show Me the Money! Obtaining Pre- and Postdoctoral Funding for
Psychotherapy Research
Ken Levy, Chair (Pennsylvania State University)
Joseph E. Beeney (Pennsylvania State University)
Lisa A. Burckell (Centre for Addiction and Mental Health)
Catherine Eubanks-Carter (Beth Israel Medical Center)
Lori N. Scott (Pennsylvania State University)
Rachel H. Wasserman (Pennsylvania State University)
3:30 – 3:45 Coffee Break
3:45 – 5:00
1. Workshop:
When Change Goes Bad: Why Supervision Fails
Moderator: Nicholas Ladany (Lehigh University)
2. Panel:
Addressing the Complexity of Client Change in Psychotherapy:
Understanding the Contributions of Alliance, Emotion and Meaning-Making
Processes to Treatment Outcomes in the York I & II Depression Studies
Moderator: Lynne Angus (York University)
Expressed Emotional Arousal and Therapeutic Improvement: A Comparison of
Client–Centered and Emotion-Focused Psychotherapy for Depression
Tali Z. Boritz (York University)
Laurie Hollis-Walker (York University)
Lynne E. Angus (York University)
Georges Monette (York University)
Serine Warwar (York University)
Leslie Greenberg (York University)
The Importance of Emotional – Reflexive Patterns and Depth of Experiencing
for Productive Experiential Therapy: A Narrative Analysis
Jennifer Lewin (York University)
Lynne Angus (York University)
Alberta Pos (York University)
The Changing Role of the Alliance Across Therapy Phases During Experiential
Treatment for Depression
Alberta Pos (York University)
3. Panel:
Quantitative and Qualitative Studies in a Practice Research Network:
Investigating Helpful Events in Psychotherapy for Children and Exploring
Therapists’ Experience as Researchers
Moderator: Louis G. Castonguay (Pennsylvania State University)
Discussant: Catherine S. Spayd (Private Practice in Duncansville, PA)
Helpful and Hindering Events in Child Psychotherapy: A Preliminary Investigation
in a Naturalistic Setting
L. Castonguay (Pennsylvania State University)
J. Boswell (Pennsylvania State University)
S. Zack (Beth Israel Medical Center)
J. Montellese
S. Baker
M. Boutselis
N. Brink
N. Chiswick
D. Damer
N. Hemmelstein
J. Jackson
M. Morford
S. Ragusea
G. Roper
C. Spayd
T. Weiszer
T. Borkovec
M. Grosse Holtforth
L. Wilson
Therapists’ Experience in Conducting Research in Clinical Practice: What to Do
(and not to do) to Make a Practice Research Network Work
D. Nelson (Pennsylvania State University)
L. Castonguay (Pennsylvania State University)
S. Baker
M. Boutselis
N. Brink
N. Chiswick
D. Damer
N. Hemmelstein
J. Jackson
M. Morford
S. Ragusea
G. Roper
C. Spayd (Pennsylvania State University)
T. Weiszer
T. Borkovec
4. Open Discussion:
Religion and Culture in Psychotherapy Research
Co-Moderators and Discussants: David E. Orlinsky (University of Chicago)
Gloria Workman (Midwestern University)
5:15 – 6:45
Poster Session
Change in Interpersonal Relationships in Psychotherapy
Isil Bilican, Jeremy Safran (The New School for Social Research)
Sex Differences in Preferences for Ideal Therapist Characteristics
Lotte Smith-Hansen, Mamta B. Dadlani, Joan DeGeorge (University of
Massachusetts), Roger P. Greenberg (SUNY Upstate Medical University ), Sue
Retchin, Michael J. Constantino (University of Massachusetts)
Training in Supervision: A Qualitative Examination of Predoctoral Interns’
Rachel E. Crook Lyon (Brigham Young University)
Chipping Away at the Blank Screen: Therapist Self-Disclosure and the Real
Stacie Ain, Charles Gelso (University of Maryland)
Pretreatment Coping Skills and Tobacco Abstinence in Treatment Seeking
Adolescent Smokers
Anne E Smith, Dana A Cavallo, Ty Schepis, Amanda McFetridge, Thomas Liss,
Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin (Yale University School of Medicine)
The Problematic Beliefs Scale: A Self-Report Measure of Conscious and
Unconscious Pathogenic Beliefs
Michelle Skeen, George Silberschatz (San Francisco Psychotherapy Research
Psychotherapy Integration Is Not the Exception, But the Rule: Results of a
National Survey of Doctoral-Level Practitioners
Nathan Thoma, John Cecero (Fordham University)
A Meta-Analytic Review of Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder
William D. Ellison, Kenneth N. Levy, Elizabeth J. Benullo, Lauren R. Testa,
Rachel L. Tomko (Pennsylvania State University)
Administration of BASIS-24 via Handheld Computer in the Community
Liz Goldstein, Christina Temes, Mary Beth Connolly Gibbons, Paul CritsChristoph (University of Pennsylvania)
The Interpersonal Accuracy of Interventions in Cognitive and Interpersonal
Therapies in the TDCRP
Christina Temes, Liz Goldstein, Mary Beth Connolly Gibbons,
Paul Crits-Christoph (University of Pennsylvania)
The Efforts of Therapists in the First Session To Establish a Therapeutic Alliance
Greg MacEwan, Nick Morrison, Paul Levitan, Garret Sacco
Kendahl Goldwater-Feldman (University of Massachusetts)
Patients’ Perspective of Therapeutic Action: Application of Preliminary Narrative
Data to a Model of Curative and Hindering Factors in Psychotherapy
Moira Hennessey, Rebecca L. Drill, Jared A. DeFife, Jack Beinashowitz
(Harvard University)
Neuropsychological Predictors of the Psychotherapy Relationship
Joe E. Beeney, Kenneth N. Levy, Rachel H. Wasserman
(Pennsylvania State University)
How One Helps: Personality, Theoretical Orientation, and Helping Skill
Ann M. Hummel, Charles Gelso (University of Maryland)
Transference, Countertransference, and Session Impact Over Time: Using
Objective Raters
Rayna D. Markin (Villanova University)
Jacques P. Barber (University of Pennsylvania)
Patient Interpersonal Impacts and the Therapeutic Alliance in Interpersonal
Therapy for Depression
Elizabeth Schwaiger, Michael J. Constantino (University of Massachusetts),
Carolina McBride, Paula Ravitz (University of Toronto), David C. Zuroff (McGill
Therapist Characteristics Associated with Practice Patterns in Community-Based
Erin C. Arnold, Ann F. Garland (University of California, San Diego)
The Role of Motivation to Change in the Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive
Christopher Spofford, Richard P. Halgin, Michael J. Constantino (University of
Saying Goodbye: The Experience of Planned Termination Among Short-Term
Psychotherapy Clients
Jennifer Hardy, Susan Woodhouse (Pennsylvania State University)
Cultural Adaptation of Systemic-Constructivist Couples Therapy for South
Asians: Exploring the Mechanisms of Change
Saunia Ahmad, David Reid (York University)
An Overview of Client Satisfaction Ratings of Community Mental Health
Services: What Do Satisfaction Ratings Tell Us and How Can We Use Them?
Jessica Turchik, Veronika Karpenko, Benjamin M. Ogles (Ohio University)
Patient Interpersonal Factors as Moderators of Treatment Effectiveness in Two
Treatments for Bulimia Nervosa
Lotte Smith-Hansen, Michael J. Constantino, & Alla Pekareva-Kochergina
(University of Massachusetts)
Impulsivity and Coping Among Adolescent Marijuana Users
Ty S. Schepis, Anne E. Smith, Dana A. Cavallo, Amanda McFetridge, Thomas
Liss & Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin (Yale University School of Medicine)
Issues, Insights, and Coping Strategies of Second Generation Female Asian
Americans vs. Asian Female International Students as Manifested in Sessions
Working with Dreams
Wonjin Sim (University of Maryland)
Informal Discussions in Substance Abuse Treatment Sessions
Steve Martino (Yale University)
The Interaction of Treatment Duration and Rate of Change in Psychotherapy
Arjan Berkeljon, Scott A. Baldwin, David C. Atkins, Joseph Olsen (Brigham
Young University)
Emotion Focused Group Therapy for Women with Eating Disorders
Susan Wnuk, Les Greenberg, Joanne Dolhanty (York University)
Group IPT for Women Prisoners with Comorbid Substance Use and Depressive
Jennifer Johnson & Caron Zlotnick (Brown University)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
7:30 – 9:00 Breakfast
9:00 – 10:30
1. Panel:
Recent Initiatives in Alliance Rupture and Rupture Resolution Research
Moderator: Catherine Eubanks-Carter (Beth Israel Medical Center)
Discussants: J. Christopher Muran (Beth Israel Medical Center)
Jeremy D. Safran (The New School for Social Research)
Childhood Trauma as a Predictor of Early Alliance Formation and Rupture-Repair
in Time-Limited Psychotherapy
Sanno Zack (Beth Israel Medical Center)
Komal Choksi (Beth Israel Medical Center)
Catherine Eubanks-Carter (Beth Israel Medical Center)
J. Christopher Muran (Beth Israel Medical Center)
Development of a New Observer-Based System for Rating Confrontation and
Withdrawal Rupture Markers and Rupture Resolution Strategies
Allison Mitchell (The New School for Social Research)
Catherine Eubanks-Carter (Beth Israel Medical Center)
J. Christopher Muran (Beth Israel Medical Center)
Jeremy D. Safran (The New School for Social Research)
Alliance Ruptures and Resolution Processes in Good and Poor Outcome Cases
David Banthin (The New School for Social Research)
Jeremy D. Safran (The New School for Social Research)
J. Christopher Muran (Beth Israel Medical Center)
2. Panel:
Computer-Based Training in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Efficacy and
Mechanisms of Action
Moderator: Kathleen M. Carroll (Yale University School of Medicine)
Discussants: Bruce J. Rounsaville (Yale University School of Medicine)
Marc N. Potenza (Yale University School of Medicine)
CBT4CBT: Results of the Randomized Clinical Trial
Kathleen M. Carroll (Yale University School of Medicine)
Quality vs. Quantity: Acquisition of Coping Skills as a Mechanism of Change in
Brian D. Kiluk (Yale University School of Medicine)
Neurocognitive Correlates of Outcome in CBT4CBT
Judson Brewer (Yale University School of Medicine)
Brain Activation During the Stroop Task and Monetary Incentive Delay Task
Associated with Treatment Outcomes in CBT4CBT
Patrick Worhunsky (Yale University School of Medicine)
3. Paper Session:
Therapeutic Community and Course of Treatment Among Treatment Resistant
Inpatients: How Does Community Involvement Relate to Outcome?
Jill Clemence (Austen Riggs)
Giving Voice to New Ideas: New Thoughts Viewed Through the Lens of a FourFactor Model of Patient Speech
Dan Gilhooley (Boston Graduate School for Psychoanalysis)
Does Informed Consent Introduce Self-Selection Bias that Affects a Study’s
Adrian Bailey (Austen Riggs)
4. Open Discussion:
Parallel Tracks? Adapting The Development of Psychotherapists Study to
Explore the Development of Coaches
Moderators: Francine Campone (The Foundation of Coaching)
David Orlinsky (University of Chicago)
Linda J. Page (Adler School of Professional Studies)
5. Paper Session:
Supervisee Nondisclosures and the Supervisory Relationship
Daniel E. Feld (Brooklyn Veterans Administration Hospital and Medical Center)
Martin H. Rock (Yeshiva University)
Participatory, Action-Oriented Psychotherapy Research: Promoting Change in
“Real World” Treatment Cultures and Practice Patterns
James Fauth (Antioch University New England)
Emily Graesser (Antioch University New England)
Jacob Austin (Antioch University New England)
Group CBT for Anxiety Disorder in a Community Setting: Predictors of
Continuance and Treatment Gains
Kathryn Niemeyer, John Harrrington, Nicole Harrington
Laurie Heatherington (Williams College)
Myrna L. Friedlander (State University of New York at Albany)
10:30 – 10:45 Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:15
1. Panel:
Predictors and Processes in Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality
Moderator: Kenneth N. Levy (Pennsylvania State University)
Reflective Function as a Moderator of Dropout in Three Treatments for BPD
Kenneth N. Levy (Pennsylvania State University)
Rachel H. Wasserman (Pennsylvania State University)
Kevin B. Meehan (St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital)
John F. Clarkin
Affective Communication in the Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder
Kevin B. Meehan (St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital)
Kenneth N. Levy (Pennsylvania State University)
John F. Clarkin
Therapeutic Alliance in the Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder:
Conceptual and Methodological Issues
Rachel H. Wasserman (Pennsylvania State University)
Kenneth N. Levy (Pennsylvania State University)
Joseph E. Beeney
Ann B. Stonebraker
John F. Clarkin
2. Panel:
Therapeutic Alliance in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Generalized
Anxiety Disorder
Moderator: Henny A. Westra (York University)
Discussant: Alberta Pos (York University)
Client Experiences of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Generalized Anxiety
Disorder: Impact of Motivational Interviewing
Angela Kertes (York University)
Henny A. Westra (York University)
Lynne Angus (York University)
From Person-to-Person, from Moment-to-Moment:
How Therapeutic Alliance Changes Over Time
John Eastwood (York University)
Peter Gaskovski (York University)
Lynne Angus (York University)
The Impact of Client Differences in Prognostic Expectations and Motivation on
Alliance and Engagement in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Generalized
Anxiety Disorder
Henny A. Westra (York University)
Hal Arkowitz (University of Arizona)
David J.A. Dozois (University of Western Ontario)
3. Workshop:
Research-Informed Case Study Analyses of the Theory of Interpersonal
Defense: Findings Regarding Defensive Behavior, Countertransference
Phenomena, and Intrapsychic Defense Mechanisms
Presenter: Michael A. Westerman
Discussant: J. Christopher Muran (Beth Israel Medical Center)
4. Open Discussion:
Practice-Research Collaborations: Building Sustainable Alliances to Study
Change Mechanisms
Moderator: Laurie Heatherington (Williams College)
Nicole Harrington (Brien Center, Pittsfield, MA)
Louis Castonguay (Pennsylvania State University)
Cathy Spayd (Private Practice, Duncansville, PA)
Marna Barrett (University of Pennsylvania)
12:15 – 2:00 Lunch and NASPR Business Meeting
2:00 – 3:30
1. Open Discussion:
The Therapeutic Alliance: Expert and Student Perspectives on Current and
Ideal Training Practices
Co-Moderators: Gregory MacEwan (University of Massachusetts)
James F. Boswell (Pennsylvania State University)
Michael J. Constantino (University of Massachusetts)
Discussants: J. Christopher Muran (Albert Einstein College of Medicine)
Jeremy D. Safran (The New School for Social Research)
Myrna L. Friedlander (State University of New York at Albany)
Catherine Eubanks-Carter (Beth Israel Medical Center)
Joan DeGeorge (University of Massachusetts)
2. Open Discussion:
The Psychotherapy of Psychotherapists: A Rich and Untapped
Informational Resource
Co-Moderators: David Orlinsky (University of Chicago)
Jesse Geller (Yale University)
John Norcross (University of Scranton)
3. Panel:
Attitudes Toward Treatment & Help-Seeking for Anxiety and Depression
Among Young Adults
Moderator: Henny A. Westra (York University)
Discussant: Michael J. Constantino (University of Massachusetts)
Attitudes Toward Mental Health Treatment, Perceptions of Providers &
Disclosure of Mental Health Problems in Primary Care Among Young People
Madalyn Marcus (York University)
Henny Westra (York University)
Monica Verman (Adler School of Psychology)
M.A. Katzman (University of Toronto)
Hearing Stories of Successful Treatment: Impact on Fears of Treatment & HelpSeeking for Worry
Henny A. Westra (York University)
Laura Kester (York University)
Wayne Cho (York University)
The Impact of Counselor Warmth on Attitudes Toward Seeking Mental Health
Mariyam Ahmed (York University)
Henny A. Westra (York University)
4. Panel:
Facilitating a New Perspective of Self in Psychodynamic, Emotion-focused
and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: Developing an Integrative Understanding
of Principles of Change in Differing Therapy Approaches
Moderator: Lynne Angus (York University)
Facilitating a New Perspective on Self – A Psychodynamic View
Charles J. Gelso (University of Maryland)
Facilitating a New Perspective on Self in Emotion-Focused Therapy: Key
Contributions of Narrative and Emotion Processes for Self-Narrative Change
Lynne Angus (York University)
Les Greenberg (York University)
Facilitating a New Perspective of Self in Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: Combining
Traditional and Not-So-Traditional Interventions
Louis G. Castonguay (Pennsylvania State University)
3:30 – 3:45 Coffee Break
3:45 – 5:15
1. Panel:
Corrective Relational Experiences in Psychotherapy
Moderator: Sarah Knox (Marquette University)
Discussant: Louis G. Castonguay (Pennsylvania State University)
Corrective Relational Experiences: Client Perspectives
Shirley A. Hess (Shippensburg University)
Clara E. Hill (University of Maryland)
Rachel Crook-Lyon (Brigham Young University)
Corrective Relational Experiences in Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa
Margit I. Berman (University of Maryland)
Clara E. Hill (University of Maryland)
Wonjin Sim (University of Maryland)
Jingqing Liu (University of Maryland)
John Jackson (University of Maryland)
Patricia Spangler (University of Maryland)
2. Panel:
A Tribute to Sidney J. Blatt
Moderator: Kenneth N. Levy (Pennsylvania State University)
J. Stuart Ablon (Harvard Medical School)
Patrick Luyten (Catholic University Louvain)
Jeremy Safran (The New School for Social Research)
George Silberschatz (University of California San Francisco School of Medicine)
Joel Weinberger (Adelphi University)
3. Panel:
Generalized Anxiety, Training Clinic Research, and Empirically Supported
Psychotherapy Change Mechanisms: T. D. Borkovec’s Influences on
Psychotherapy Research
Moderator: Michael J. Constantino (University of Massachusetts)
Discussant: Henny Westra (York University)
Moving from Future Orientation to Present Moment Awareness in GAD
Treatment: A Common Factor Enhancing Efficacy?
Thomas Pruzinsky (Quinnipiac University)
Applying a Neuroscience Framework to Cognitive Behavior Therapy for GAD:
Implications for Conceptualization, Intervention, and Research
Rowland W. Folensbee (Baylor College of Medicine)
The Influence of Patients’ Expectations on Alliance Quality and Treatment
Engagement in Treatment-As-Usual in a Training Clinic: Preliminary Findings
Michael J. Constantino (University of Massachusetts)
Christopher E. Overtree
Zohar Geva
4. Paper Session:
Development of a Process Measure of Client Interest in Psychotherapy
Louise Overington (McGill University)
Marilyn Fitzpatrick (McGill University)
Emily Kerner (McGill University)
Susan Gamberg (McGill University)
Clinically Significant Symptom Improvement in Children with ADHD: Does It
Correspond with Reliable Improvement in Functioning
Veronika Karpenko (Ohio University)
Efficiency of Experiential Expressive Psychotherapy for Children with Disruptive
Behavior Disorders
Geanina Cucu-Ciuhan (University of Pitesti, Romania)
Ileana Loredana Vitalia (University of Pitesti, Romania)
Nicoleta Raban Motounu (University of Pitesti, Romania)
Alina Vasile (University of Pitesti, Romania)
7:00pm – 11:00pm
Banquet Dinner
Sunday, September 28, 2008
8:00 – 9:30 Breakfast