
Outputs: Publications and invited talks from the partners are shown below.
University of Wales: Bangor
1. Itoh E, Torres I, Hayden C and Taylor, D M, “Excimer-laser micropatterned photobleaching
as a means of isolating polymer electronic devices”, Synth Metals,156, 2006, pp129-134.
2. Lucas F O, O’Reilly L, Natarajan G, McNally P J, Daniels S, Taylor D M, William S,
Cameron D C, Bradley A L and Miltra A, “Encapsulation of the heteroepitaxial growth of
wide band gap γ-CuCl on silicon substrates”, J. Cryst. Growth, 287, 2006, pp112-117.
3. Taylor D M and William S, “Observations on the memory effect in diodes fabricated from
carbon-bridged dithiophenes”, Synth Metals, (in press), 2006.
4. Taylor D M, Drysdale J A and Torres I, “Trapping of Photogenerated Minority Electrons in
Metal-Insulator-Semiconducting Polymer Devices”, Synth Metals (submitted), 2006.
5. Taylor D M, Torres I, and Drysdale J, “Admittance spectroscopy of interface states in
polymer MIS devices”, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Electrets (ISE12), 2005, pp
6. Taylor D M, Martinez F G, Cambridge J A, Morris D, Waraich M, and Faria G, “Scanning
Kelvin Probe Microscopy of Electrode-Semiconducting Polymer Interfaces”, Proc. IEEE
International Symposium on Electrets (ISE12), 2005, pp 408-411.
7. Taylor D M, Torres I, Morris D, and Itoh E, “Interfaces in polymer electronics”, Proceedings
of 2005 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials (ISEIM 2005), 1,
2005, pp 189-192.
8. Torres I, and Taylor D M, “Interface states in polymer metal-insulator-semiconductor
devices”, J App. Phys, 98, 2005, p 073710.
9. Taylor D M, Morris D, and Cambridge J A, “Time evolution of the electric field at electrode
interfaces with conducting polymers”, Appl Phys Lett, 85, 2004, pp 5266-5268.
Conference Presentations
Invited oral presentations have been made to the Brazil Materials Research Society
Conference, Iguassu Falls Oct 2004; International Symposium on Electrical Insulating
Materials (ISEIM 2005) – Kitakyushu, Japan - June 2005; 12th International Symposium on
Electrets, Salvador Brazil (Sept 2005); Workshop on Polymer Electronics, Salvador Brazil
(Sept 2005). Oral and poster presentations were given at a number of other international
conferences including the Int. Conf. on Organic Electronics (ICOE) in Eindhoven in 2005.
The strong polymer electronics activity resulting from the EPSRC CBE programme
attracted the following visitors to Bangor: Dr E Itoh, Shinshu University Japan (May 2003March 2004 and November 2004) whose sabbatical was funded by the Japanese Society for
the Promotion of Science and the Royal Society; Dr K Janus, Wroclow University, (2005-06)
funded by the British-Polish Young Scientist Programme.
The University of Bristol
1. Rennick C J, Ma J, Ashfold M N R, Orr-Ewing A J and Mankelevich Yu A, “Spatial
profiling of H(n=2) atom number densities in a DC arc jet reactor”, Plasma Sources Sci.
Technol., (in press).
2. Comerford D W, Cheesman A, Carpenter T P F, Davies D M E, Sage, J.A. Smith, M.N.R.
Ashfold and Mankelevich Y A, “Experimental and modelling studies of B atom number
density distributions in hot filament activated B2H6/H2 and B2H6/CH4/H2 gas mixtures”, J.
Phys. Chem. A, (in press). DOI: 10.1021/jp053455p
3. May P W, Mankelevich Yu A, “Experiment and modelling of the deposition of
ultrananocrystalline diamond films using hot filament chemical vapor deposition and
Ar/CH4/H2 gas mixtures: a generalized mechanism for ultrananocrystalline diamond
growth”, J. Appl. Phys. (in press).
4. Cheesman, Smith J A, Ashfold M N R, Langford S, Wright S and Duxbury G, “Application
of a quantum cascade laser for time resolved, in situ probing of CH4/H2 and C2H2/H2 gas
mixtures during microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition of diamond”, J.
Phys. Chem. A (in press).
5. May P W, Mankelevich Yu A, Harvey J N and Smith J A, "Re-evaluation of the
mechanism of UNCD deposition from Ar/CH4/H2 gas mixtures”, J. Appl. Phys. (in press).
6. Rennick C J, Engeln R, Smith J A, Orr-Ewing A J, Ashfold M N R, Mankelevich Yu A,
"Measurement and modeling of a diamond deposition reactor: Hydrogen atom and
electron number densities in an Ar/H2 arc jet discharge", J. Appl. Phys., 97, 2005, pp
7. May P W, Smith J A, Mankelevich Yu A, "Deposition of NCD Films Using Hot Filament
CVD and Ar/CH/H Gas Mixtures42", accepted for Diam. Relat. Maters., as part of
ADC/NanoCarbon 2005, Argonne National Labs, Chicago, USA, 2005.
8. Rennick C J, Smith A G, Smith J A, Wills J B, Orr-Ewing A J, Ashfold M N R, Mankelevich
Yu A, Suetin N V, "Improved characterisation of C2 and CH radical number density
distributions in a DC arc jet used for diamond chemical vapour deposition", Diam. Relat.
Maters., 13, 2004, pp 561-68.
9. Rennick C J, Smith J A, Ashfold M N R and Orr-Ewing A J, “Cavity ring-down
spectroscopy measurements of the concentrations of C2(X1Σg+) radicals in a DC arc jet
reactor used for chemical vapour deposition of diamond films”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 383,
2004, pp 518-22.
10. Filik J, Lane I M, May P W, Pearce S R J, Hallam K R, "Incorporation of Sulfur into
Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Films", Diam. Relat. Maters., 13, 2004, pp 1377-1384.
11. Fuge G M, May P W, Rosser K N, Pearce S R J, Ashfold M N R, "Laser Raman and X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy of phosphorus containing diamond-like carbon films grown by
pulsed laser ablation methods", Diam. Relat. Maters., 13, 2004, pp 1442-48.
12. Pearce S R J, Henley S J, Claeyssens F, May P W, Hallam K R, Smith J A, Rosser K N,
"Production of nanocrystalline diamond by laser ablation at the solid/liquid interface",
Diam. Relat. Maters. 13, 2004, pp 661-665.
13. Mankelevich Yu A, Suetin N V, Ashfold M N R, Boxford W E, Orr-Ewing A J, Smith J A
and Wills J B, "Chemical kinetics in carbon depositing d.c.-arc jet CVD reactors", Diam.
Relat. Maters. 12, 2003, pp 383-90.
14. Wills J B, Ashfold M N R, Orr-Ewing A J, Mankelevich Y A and Suetin N V, "Number
density and temperature of acetylene in hot-filament and arc-jet activated CH4/H2 gas
mixtures measured using diode laser cavity ring-down absorption spectroscopy", Diam.
Relat. Maters., 12, 2003, pp 1346-1356.
The University of Cambridge (Engineering)
1. Yang M H, Teo K B K, Gangloff L, Milne W I, Hasko D G, Robert Y, and Legagneux P,
"Advantages of top-gate, high-k dielectric carbon nanotube field effect transistors",
Applied Physics Letters, 88, 2006, pp 113507.
2. Yang M H, Teo K B K, Milne W I, and Hasko D G, "Carbon nanotube Schottky diode and
directionally dependent field-effect transistor using asymmetrical contacts", Applied
Physics Letters, 87, 2006, pp 253116.
3. Milne W I, Teo K B K, Minoux E, Groening O, Gangloff L, Hudanski L, Schnell J.-P,
Dieumegard D, Peauger F, Bu I Y Y, Bell M S, Legagneux P, Hasko G and Amaratunga
G A J, "Aligned carbon nanotube/fibers for applications in vacuum microwave amplifiers",
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 24, 2006, pp 345.
4. De Jonge N, Allioux M, Doytcheva M, Oostveen J T, Teo K B K, and Milne W I, "Low
noise and stable emission from carbon nanotube electron sources", Applied Physics
Letters, 87, 2005, pp 133118.
5. Poa C H P, Silva S R P, Lacerda R G, Amaratunga G A J, Milne W I and Marques F C,
“Effects of applying stress on the electron field emission properties in amorphous carbon
thin films”, Applied Physics Letters, 86 (23): Art. No. 232102, June 6 2005
6. Hash D B, Bell M S, Teo K B K, Cruden B A, Milne W I and Meyyappan M, "An
Investigation of plasma chemistry for dc plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition of
carbon nanotube and nanofiber growth", Nanotechnology, 16, 2005, p 925.
7. De Jonge N, Allioux M, Oostveen J T, Teo K B K and Milne W I, "Optical performance of
carbon nanotube electron sources", Physical Review Letters, 94, 2005, p 186807
8. Teo K B K, Lacerda R G, Yang M H, The A S, Robinson L A W, Dalal S H, Rupesinghe N
L, Chhowalla M, Lee S B, Jefferson D A, Hasko D G, Amaratunga G A J, Milne W I,
Legagneux P, Gangloff L, Minoux E, Schnell J P and Pribat D, "Carbon Nanotube
Technology for Solid State and Vacuum Electronics" IEE Proceedings in Circuits, Devices
and Systems (Nanoelectronics issue), 151, 2004, p 443.
9. Lacerda R G, Teo K B K, Teh A S, Yang M H, Dalal S H, Jefferson D A, Durrell J H,
Rupesinghe N L, Roy D, Amaratunga G A J, Wyczisk F and Legagneux P, "Thin-film
metal catalyst for the production of multi-wall and single-wall carbon nanotubes" Journal
of Applied Physics, 96, 2004, p 4456.
10. De Jonge N, Allioux M, Doytcheva M, Kaiser M, Teo K B K, Lacerda R G and Milne W I,
"Characterization of the field emission properties of individual thin carbon nanotubes",
Applied Physics Letters 85, 2004, p 1607.
11. Bell M S, Lacerda R G, Teo K B K, Rupesinghe N L, Amaratunga G A J, Milne W I and
Chhowalla M, "Plasma composition during plasma-enhanced chemical vapour
depositionof carbon nanotubes", Applied Physics Letters, 85, 2004, p 1137.
12. Lacerda R G, Teh A S, Yang M H, Teo K B K, Rupesinghe N L, Dalal S H, Koziol K K K,
Roy D, Amaratunga G A J, Milne W I, Chhowalla M, Hasko D G, Wyczisk F and
Legagneux P, "Growth of high quality single wall carbon nanotubes without amorphous
carbon formation", Applied Physics Letters, 84, 2004, p 269.
13. Chua H C, Tay B K, Zhang P, Teo E H T, Lim L T W, O’Shea S, Miao J and Milne W I, “
Vibratory response of Diamond-like amorphous carbon cantilevers under different
temperatures”, Diamond-related Materials 13 (11-12), 2004, pp 1980-83.
14. Chua D H C, Milne W I, Sheeja D, Tay B K, Schneider D, “Fabrication of diamond-like
amorphous carbon cantilever resonators” JVST B 22 (6), Nov-Dec 2004, pp 2680-2684
15. Chua D H C, Milne W I, Yu L J, Sheeja D, Tay B K, “Fabrication and Simulation of
Amorphous Carbon Cantilever structures” MRS Symposium Proc. 773 N3.21-8 2003
Invited Talks where CBE funding Acknowledged
16. Carbon Nanotubes as Electron Sources, Milne W I et al, Keynote Lecture at TNT2005,
Oviedo, Spain, August 2005
17. Growth and field Emission Applications of CNTs, Milne W I, Keynote Presentation at The
1st Intl Symposium on Nanovision Science, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan, 1416th Feb 2005
18. Carbon nanotubes for Electronic Applications, Milne W I, ICANS , Lisbon , Sept, 2005
19. CNTS for F.E. Applications, Milne W I et al, Presented at Photonics West, San Jose,
January 2005
20. Are Carbon Nanotubes an Established Field Emitter Technology ?, Amaratunga G A J,
Teo K B K, Rupesinghe N, Lacerda R, Teh A S, Jang J E, Cha S N, Hasko D G, Milne W
I, Chowalla M, Lagagneaux P, Pribat P, Presented at IVNC 2004, Boston, 2004
21. MEMS based on DLC, Milne W I et al, SMAC, Trento, September 2004
22. Growth and Characterisation of CNTS for FED Applications, Milne W I and Teo K B K,
SID Journal 2004
23. Carbon nanotubes and their applications, Milne W I, IST, EC Meeting 2003, Milan, Italy 25th October 2003
The University of Cambridge (Physics and Chemistry)
1. Chang J F, Clark J, Zhao N, Sirringhaus H, Breiby D W, Andreasen J W, Nielsen M M,
Giles M, Heeney M and McCulloch I, “Molecular weight dependence of interchain polaron
delocalization and exciton bandwidth in high-mobility conjugated polymers”, Phys. Rev. B,
in press (2006).
2. Pinto J, Whiting G, Khodabakhsh S, Huck W T S, Rodriguez A, Geoghegan M,
Sirringhaus H, “Organic Thin Film Transistors with Polymer Brush Gate Dielectrics
Synthesized by Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP)”, submitted.
3. Whiting G L, Snaith H J, Khodabakhsh S, Andreasen J W, Breiby D W, Nielsen M M,
Greenham N C, Friend R H, Huck W T S, “Enhancement of Charge-Transport
Characteristics in Polymeric Films Using Polymer Brushes”, Nano Letters, 6, 2006, p 573.
4. Chua L L, Zaumseil J, Chang J F, Ou E C W, Ho P K H, Sirringhaus H and Friend R H,
General observation of n-type field-effect behaviour in organic semiconductors, Nature,
434, 2005, p 194.
5. Snaith H J, Whiting G L, Sun B, Greenham N C, Huck W T S, Friend R H, “SelfOrganization of Nanocrystals in Polymer Brushes. Application in Heterojunction
Photovoltaic Diodes”, Nano Letters, 5, 2005, p 1653.
6. Golovko V B, Li H W, Kleinsorge B, Hofmann S, Geng J, Cantoro M, Yang Z, Jefferson D.
A, Johnson B F G, Huck W T S., Robertson J, “Submicron Patterning of Co Colloid
Catalyst for Growth of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes”, Nanotechnology, 16, 2005,
p 1636.
7. Chang J F, Sun B Q, Breiby D W, Nielsen M M, Solling T I, Giles M, McCulloch I and
Sirringhaus H, “Enhanced mobility of poly(3-hexylthiophene) transistors by spin-coating
from high-boiling-point solvents”, Chemistry of Materials 16, 2004, p 4772.
8. Chua L L, Ho P K H, Sirringhaus H and Friend R H, “Observation of field-effect transistor
behavior at self- organized interfaces”, Advanced Materials, 16, 2004, p 1609.
9. Chua L L, Ho P K H, Sirringhaus H and Friend R H, “High-stability ultrathin spin-on
benzocyclobutene gate dielectric for polymer field-effect transistors”, Applied Physics
Letters, 84, 2004, p 3400.
10. Bürgi L, Friend R H and Sirringhaus H, “Formation of the accumulation layer in polymer
field-effect transistors”, Applied Physics Letters, 82, 2003, p 1482.
Herriot Watt University
To be updated.
Imperial College of London
1. Gather M C, Bradley D D C, “An Improved Optical Method for Determining the Order
Parameter in Thin Oriented Molecular Films and Demonstration of a Highly Axial Dipole
-dioctylfluorene-cobithiophene)”, Adv.Funct.Mater., 2006, (in press).
2. Sims M, Tuladhar S M, Maher R C, Choulis S A, Nelson J, Bradley D D C, Etchegoin P,
Jones C, Connor A, Suhling K, Richards D R, Massiot P, Nielsen C, Steinke J H G,
“Correlations Between Charge Transport and Physical Structure in Poly(2,5-dimethoxy1,4-phenylenevinylene) (PDMeOPV) Films”, Adv.Funct.Mater., 2006, (to be submitted).
3. Tuladhar S M, Sims M, Bradley D D C, Nelson J, Massiot P, Nielsen C, Steinke J H G,
“Effect of sidechain length on charge mobility in a series of symmetrically substituted
dialkoxy-PPVs”, (in preparation).
4. Tuladhar S M, Sims M, Nelson J, George W, Nielsen C, Steinke J H G, Bradley D D C,
“Bipolar charge transport via removal of chemical impurities in symmetrically substituted
dialkoxy-PPV derivatives”, (in preparation).
5. Sims M, Zheng K, Campoy-Quiles M, Xia R, Stavrinou P N, Bradley D D C, Etchegoin P,
“On the Use of Optical Probes to Monitor the Thermal Transitions in Spin-coated
Poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) Films”, J.Phys.Condens.Matter, 17, 2005, pp 6307-6318.
6. Sims M, Bradley D D C, Ariu M, Koeberg M, Asimakis A, Grell M, Lidzey D G,
“Understanding the Origin of the 535 nm Emission Band in Oxidised Poly(9,9dioctylfluorene): The Essential Role of Inter-Chain/Inter-Segment Interactions”
Adv.Funct.Mater. 14, 2004, pp 765 - 781.
7. Sims M, Ariu M, Asimakis A, Koeberg M, Stouff M, Fox A M, Bradley D D C, “The
Interchain Origin of the Green Emission Band in Oxidised Poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene)
(PFO)”, Proc. SPIE, 5214, 2004, pp 216-224.
Kings College London
1. Keeling D L, Humphry M J, Fawcett R H J, Beton P H, Hobbs C and Kantorovich “Bond
breaking coupled with translation in rolling of covalently bound molecules”, Phys. Rev.
Lett., 94, 2005, No. 146104.
2. Glover C, Newton M E, Martineau P M, Quinn S and Twitchen D J, “Hydrogen
Incorporation in Diamond: The Vacancy-Hydrogen Complex”, Physical Review Letters, 92
(13), 2004, art. no. 135502.
3. Lombardi E B, Mainwood A, Osuch K, “Interaction of hydrogen with boron, phosphorus,
and sulfur in diamond”, Phys. Rev. B, 70, 2004, p 205201.
4. Milazzo L, Mainwood A, “Modeling of diamond radiation detectors”, J. Appl. Phys., 96,
2004, p 5845.
5. Glover C, Newton M E, Martineau P, Twitchen D J, Baker J M, “Hydrogen incorporation in
diamond: The nitrogen-vacancy-hydrogen complex”, Physical Review Letters, 90 (18),
2003, art. no. 185507.
University of Liverpool
1. Higgins S J, Di Lucrezia R, Brown S J, Mouffouk F, Badriya S, Rajapakse R G M,
Eccleston W, Raja M, Sedghi N and Lloyd G C R, "Polythiophenes for organic electronics
and sensing", Proceedings of the Discussion Meeting on the Role of Electrochemistry in
Biosensors, Nanomaterials, Fuel Cells and Ionic Liquids, Bhabha Atomic Research
Centre, Mumbai, India, 23-25 September, 2006.
2. Sedghi N, Donaghy D, Raja M, Badriya S, Higgins S J and Eccleston W, "Experimental
observation of the density of localized trapping levels in organic semiconductors", Journal
of Non-Crystalline Solids, Vol. 352, 2006, pp. 1641-1643.
3. Sedghi N, Donaghy D, Raja M, Badriya S, Higins S J and Eccleston W, "Universal
mobility law from variable range hopping on exponential distribution of localized states",
International Conference on Organic Electronics (ICOE), Eindhoven, Netherlands, June,
4. Sedghi N, Raja M, Donaghy D, Badriya S, Higgins S J and Eccleston W, "Analysis of
organic devices based on exponential distribution of localized states", International
Conference on Organic Electronics (ICOE), Eindhoven, Netherlands, June, 2006.
5. Higgins S J, Di Lucrezia R, Brown S J, Mouffouk F, Badriya S, Rajapakse R M G,
Eccleston W, Raja M, Sedghi N and Lloyd G C R, "Polythiophenes for organic electronics
and sensing", Proceedings of Plenary Lecture, Sri Lanka, June 2006.
6. Fadlallah M, Benzarti W, Billiot G, Eccleston W, Barclay D, “Modeling and
characterisation of organic thin film transistors for circuit design”, Journal of Applied
Physics, 99 (10): Art. No. 104504, May 15 2006
7. Eccleston W, "Analysis of current flow in polycrystalline TFTs", Electronic Devices, IEEE
Transactions, 53, 3, March, 2006, pp. 474-480.
8. Sedghi N, Donaghy D, Raja M, Badriya S, Higgins S J and Eccleston W, "Variable
temperature capacitance-voltage measurements to investigate the density of localized
trapping levels in organic semiconductors", Proceedings of the Material Research Society
Symposium, Vol. 905E, 2006, pp. 0905-DD06-02.1 - 0905-DD06-02.6.
9. Sedghi N, Donaghy D, Raja M, Badriya S, Higgins S J and Eccleston W, "Experimental
observation of the density of localized trapping levels in organic semiconductors", 21st
Conferences on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors (ICANS21), Lisbon,
Portugal, September, 2005.
10. Raja M, Sedghi N, Badriya S, Higgins S J, Lloyd G C R and Eccleston W, "Modelling of
polymer Schottky diodes for real device applications", The European Solid-State Device
Research Conference (ESSDERC)/The European Solid-State Circuits Conference
(ESSCIRC), Grenoble, France, September, 2005.
11. Higgins S J, Mouffouk F, Brown S J, Sedghi N, Eccleston W and Reeman S,
"Regioregular polyalkylthiophenes and related systems for protein and DNA oligomer
sensing", RSC International Materials Chemistry Conference, Edinburgh, UK, July, 2005.
12. Raja M, Sedghi N, Badriya S, Higgins S J, Lloyd G C R and Eccleston W, "Schottky
Diodes: Modelling for real applications in polymer devices", International Conference on
Organic Electronics (ICOE '05), Philips High Tech Campus, Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
June, 2005.
13. Sedghi N, Raja M, Badriya S, Higgins S J, Lloyd G C R and Eccleston W, "Using high
frequency CV measurements to investigate inversion in organic semiconductors",
International Conference on Organic Electronics (ICOE '05), Philips High Tech Campus,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June, 2005.
14. Eccleston W and Lloyd G C R, "Field Effect Transistor and FET Circuitry",
15. Raja M, Sedghi N, Donaghy D, Lloyd G R C, Badriya S, Higgins S J and Eccleston
W, "Practicability of the development of design tools for polymer TFT circuit
development", SPIE paper Strasburg, 2004.
16. Sedghi N, Sluming V, Sessford J, Higgins S J, Badriya S, Raja M and Eccleston W,
"Conjugated polymer X-ray detectors on flexible substrates - a low cost receptor for
medical X-ray digital imaging", Proceedings of the 11th IPEM Annual Scientific Meeting,
York, UK, September, 2004.
17. Badriya S, Brown S, Eccleston W, Liversedge I and Higgins S J, "Regioregular
polyalkylthiophenes in electronic devices", 54th Annual Meeting of the International
Society of Electrochemistry, Sao Paulo, Brazil, September, 2003.
18. Badriya S, Brown S, Eccleston W, Liversedge I, Higgins S J, Raja M and Sedghi N,
"Schottky diodes, TFT's and photodiode devices using Regioregular polyalkylthiophenes",
Sixth International Conference on Material Chemistry, MC6: Frontiers and Interfaces,
Sheffield, UK, July, 2003.
19. Higgins S J, Eccleston W, Sedghi N and Raja M, "Plastic Electronics", Education in
Chemistry, Vol. 40, No. 3, 2003, pp. 70-73.
Invited talks where CBE funding acknowledged
20. Invitation to speak (by Philips Laboratories) (occasion: Philips Seminar Series) (NOV
21. Invited to talk at RFID futures (by RFID Futures) (occasion: RFID futures) (MAY 2005)
22. Invited to talk at RFID futures (by RFID Futures) (occasion: RFID futures) (NOV 2005)
23. Invited to talk at RFID futures (by RFID futures) (MAY 2006)
24. Lecture at University of Surrey (by University of Surrey) (DEC 2005)
25. Modelling and Roadmapping in Organic Electronics (by Pre-ICOE Workshop) (occasion:
Pre - International Conference on Organic Electronics Workshop) (JUN 2006)
26. Organic Semiconductors and Polymer Electronics: From Synthesis to Consumer Devices
(by MC7 Conference, University of Edinburgh) (occasion: MC7 Conference, University of
Edinburgh) (JUL 2005)
27. Plenary talk: 'Organic Electronics: developing the the potential' (by Royal Institute of
Chemistry,) (occasion: MC5 Meeting, Edinburgh) (JUL 2005)
28. Roadmapping (by European Commission) (occasion: Framework 7 Consultation meeting)
(SEP 2005)
The University of Oxford
1. Foord J S, Eaton K, Crossley A and Hao W, “Interaction between co-deposited metals
during stripping voltammetry at boron-doped diamond electrodes”. Physical Chemistry
Chemical Physics, 7(14), 2005, p. 2787-2792.
2. McEvoy J P and Foord J S, “Direct electrochemistry of blue copper proteins at borondoped diamond electrodes”. Electrochim. Acta, 50(14), 2005, p. 2933-2941.
3. Sur U K, Marken F, Foord J S and Compton R G et al., “Microwave activation of
electrochemical processes at glassy carbon and boron-doped diamond electrodes”.
Electroanalysis, 17(5-6), 2005, p. 385-391.
4. Foord J S, Hao W, and Eaton K, “Detection of heavy metals in multianalyte solutions
using diamond electrodes”. Phys. Stat. Solidi (a) 202, 2005, p. 2116
5. Chatterjee and Foord J S, “Electrochemical deposition of nanocrystalline zinc oxide at
conductive diamond electrodes”, Diam. Rel Mat. 15, 2006, p. 664.
6. Foord J S and Hu J P, “Electrochemical oxidation and reduction processes at diamond
electrodes of varying phase purity”, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 203, 2006, p. 3121.
7. Foord J S, Hao W and Hurst S, “Studies of the Chemical Functionalisation of Diamond
Electrodes”, Diamond and Rel. Mat. doi:10.1016/j.diamond.2007.01.011
8. Hao W and Foord S, “Interaction of fullerenes and fluorinated fullerenes at diamond and
silicon surfaces”. Surface Science (in press).
9. Bennett, Foord J S, Jackman R B, Willimas O et al. “Diamond Based Ion-Sensitive
Transistors for Cellular Biosensing”, MRS Symp Proc., 2006 (accepted for publication).
10. Oppermann D and Foord J S, “The stability and performance of diamond electrodes in
hostile media”, MRS Symp Proc., 2006, (accepted for publication).
11. Bennett, Foord J S, Jackman R B, Willimas O et al., “Black diamond ISFET devices”, J.
Appl. Phys. (submitted).
The University of Surrey
1. Bhattacharyya S, Henley S J, Mendoza E, Gomez-Rojas L, Allam J and Silva S R P, “Resonant
tunnelling and fast switching in amorphous-carbon quantum-well structures” Nature Materials, 5,
2006, pp 19-22
2. Bhattacharyya S, Henley S J, Lock D, Blanchard N P, Silva S R P, “Semiconducting phase of
amorphous carbon-nickel composite films”, submitted to APL
3. Carey J and Silva R, “Disorder, clustering and localization effects in amorphous carbon”, Phys.
Rev. B, 70, 2004, p. 235417
4. Henley S J, Poa C H P, Adikaari A A D T, Giusca C E, Carey J D, Silva S R P, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84,
2004, 4035
5. Henley S J,Carey J D, Silva S R P, ”Pulsed-laser-induced nanoscale island formation in thin metalon-oxide films”, Phys. Rev. B. 72, 2005, p. 195408
6. Henley S J, Carey S D, Silva S R P, ”Dynamics of confined plumes during short and ultrashort
pulsed laser ablation of graphite”, Phys. Rev. B, 72, 2005, p. 205413
7. Henley S J, Carey J D, Silva S R P, ”Room temperature photoluminescence from nanostructures
amorphous carbon”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 2004, 6236.
8. Poa C H P, Henley S J, Chen G Y, ”Growth and field emission properties of vertically aligned
carbon nanofibers”, J. Appl. Phys. 97, 2005, p. 114308.
9. Mendoza E, Henley S J, Poa C H P, ”Large area growth of carbon nanotube arrays for sensing
platforms”, Sens. Actuators B 109, 2005, p. 75.
10. Chen G Y, Poa C H P, Henley S J, ”Deployment of titanium thermal barrier for low-temperature
carbon nanotube growth”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 87, 2005, 253115
11. Boskovic B O, Stolojan V, Zeze D A, Forrest R D, Silva S R P, Haq S, ”Branched carbon nanofiber
network synthesis at room temperature using radio frequency supported microwave plasmas”, J.
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12. Smith R C, Forrest R D, carey J D, ”Study of the current stressing in nanomanipulated threedimensional carbon nanotube structures”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 2005, 033102.
13. Cox D C, Forrest R D, Smith P R, ”Thermionic emission from defective carbon nanotubes”, Appl.
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14. Smith R C, Cox D C, Silva S R P, “Electron field emission from a single carbon nanotube: Effects of
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The University of Sussex
To be updated
University College London (Engineering and Physics)
1. Choy T C, Stoneham A M and Harker A H, “Dynamic resonant tunnelling - a theory of
giant emission from carbon field emitters”, J Phys Cond Matt, 17, 2005 pp 1505-1528.
2. Foster A S, Gal A Y, Nieminen R M and Shluger A L, “Probing organic layers on the
TiO2(110) surface”, J. Phys. Chem. B, v. 109, No 10, 2005, pp 4554 - 4560.
3. Stoneham A M, “Quantum information processing exploiting defects in wide gap
materials”, 2005, phys stat sol (c), 2(1) 25-33 [Text of a Plenary Talk at Riga ICDIM 2004
4. Stoneham A M, “Electrons in Carbon Country”, Nature Materials, 3, 2004, p 3-5
5. Choy T C, Harker A H, Stoneham A M, “Field emission theory beyond WKB - the full
image problem”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 16 (issue 6), 2004, pp 861 - 880.
6. Ramos M M D, Almeida A M, Correia H M G, Ribeiro R M, Stoneham A M, “Effect of
molecular properties on the performance of polymer light-emitting diodes”, Applied
Surface Science, 238, 2004, pp 438-443.
7. Ramos M M D, Correia H M G, Ribeiro R M, Stoneham A M, 2004 “Mesoscopic Modelling
of Bipolar Charge Evolution in CN-PPV LEDs”, Synthetic Metals, 2004, 147, p 198.
8. Lindgard P-A and Stoneham A M, “Selftrapping, biomolecules and free electron lasers”,
J Phys Cond Matt, 15, V5-V9, 2004.
9. Choy T and Stoneham A M, “Was Schön ever right?”, Materials Today, April 2004, 64.
10. Williams O A and Jackman R B, “Homoepitaxial diamond growth for the control of surface
conductive carrier transport properties”, Journal of Applied Physics, 56, 2004, p 3742.
11. Williams O A, Gerbi J E, Gruen D M and Jackman R B, “N-type conductivity in
ultrananocrystalline films”, Applied Physics Letters, 85, 2004, p 1680.
12. Williams O A and Jackman R B, “High growth rate MWPECVD of single crystal diamond”,
Diamond and Related Materials, 13, 2004, p 557.
13. Williams O A and Jackman R B, “Homoepitaxial diamond growth for surface conductive
device applications”, Diamond and Related Materials, 13, 2004, p 325.
14. Williams O A and Jackman R B, “Diamond growth on hot-filament chemically vapourdeposited diamond for surface conductive device applications”, Diamond and Related
Materials, 13, 2004, 166.
15. Stoneham A M and Harding J H, “Not too big, not too small: the appropriate scale”,
Nature Materials, 2, 2003, pp 77-83.
16. Ribeiro R M, Ramos M M D, Almeida A M, Correia H M G, Silva J, Stoneham A M,
“Mesoscopic Study Of The Electronic Properties Of Thin Polymer Films”, Mat. Res. Soc.
Symp. Proc., 744, 2003, pp 549-554.
17. Un-refereed: Stoneham A M, Book Review, of B D Malhota 2002 Handbook of Polymers
in Electronics RAPRA,
18. Ye H, Hing P and Jackman R B, “Spectroscopic impedance study of nanocrystalline
diamond films”, Journal of Applied Physics, 94, 2003, pp 7878-7882.
19. Gaudin O, Jackman R B, Muret P, Gheeraert E, “DC current and AC impedance
measurements on boron-doped single crystalline diamond films”, Physica Status Solidi AApplied Research, 199, 2003, pp 92-96.
20. Snidero E, Tromson D, Mer C, Bergonzo P, Foord J S, Nebel C, Williams O A and
Jackman R B, “Influence of the postplasma process conditions on the surface
conductivity of hydrogenated diamond surfaces”, Journal of Applied Physics, 94, 2003,
pp 2700-2704.
21. Williams O A, Jackman R B, Nebel C and Foord J S, “High carrier mobilities in black
diamond”, Semicond. Sci. Technol., 18, 2003, pp S77-S80.
22. Williams O A and Jackman R B, 2003 “Surface conductivity on hydrogen terminated
diamond”, Semicond. Sci. Technol., 18, 2003, pp S34-S40.
23. Cacialli F and Stoneham M, “Polymer electronics: the skill lies in the blending”, J Phys
Cond Mat, 14, V9-V11, 2002.
University of Warwick
See Kings College London