Modern World History Unit 10 – Global Feminism The Madeira School Ferrell, Peet, Persh GLOBAL FEMINISM PROJECT The purpose of this unit is to simultaneously look back to the recent past while also looking forward into the 21st century. The end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century were marked by increasing global interaction. This unit will explore the power of global feminism, as it seeks to redefine the identity and meaning of more than 50% of the world’s population. Research Assignment: Select a geographic region (Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America, or the Middle East and North Africa). Your group will then research the major challenges, goals, and actions of feminist movements within your region. This will be a general regional overview. Your group will highlight and elaborate on the major challenges, goals, and ideals of the feminist movements in your region by using case studies from TWO different countries in your region. These case studies will provide specific examples and deepen your understanding of the issue within the more general regional context. As part of your presentation, you must also explain how your region’s feminist movements compare and contrast with Western feminist movements in North America and Western Europe. The research guidelines for appropriate sources are the same as your research project, except that we are allowing you to use teacher-approved internet sources; also, you will not have to use NoodleTools for your notes. Presentation Assignment: Your group will be responsible for presenting a 10-15 minute PowerPoint presentation to your class. Groups will be graded on the quality of the presentation itself, the PowerPoint visual, and the accuracy and relevance of the information. This is the same rubric as used for your research paper presentation. Each individual must prepare her own speaking notes, complete with parenthetical citations and a works cited list. All information and images in the PowerPoint must be cited, as per the standards of your research paper presentation. Key Dates: Monday, May 16th – Come to the library having read and taken notes on the document “Global Feminism – Strayer 1145-1150,” posted to Blackboard Monday, May 16th – Friday May 20th – All classes will meet in the library to conduct research and plan group work. Monday, May 23rd – Tuesday May 24th – Group presentations given in class. All PPTs and Speaking Notes will be due May 23rd.