SCOTTISH QUALIFICATIONS AUTHORITY – MAY 2012 CURRICULUM EVENTS – COURSE AIMS AND STRUCTURE SUBJECT: BIOLOGY PURPOSE: The purpose of this Course to develop learners’ interest and enthusiasm for biology in a range of contexts. The skills of scientific inqu iry and investigation are developed, throughout the Course, by investigating the applications of biology. This will enable learners to become scientifically literate citizens, a ble to review the science-based claims they will meet. National 3 National 4 National 5 Higher Higher Human Biology COURSE AIMS The aims of the Course are to enable learners to: The aims of the Course are to enable learners to: develop and apply knowledge and understanding of biology develop an understanding of biology’s role in scientific issues and relevant applications of biology in society and the environment develop scientific inquiry and investigative skills develop scientific analytical thinking skills in a biology context develop the use of technology, equipment and materials, safely, in practical scientific activities develop problem solving skills in a biology context use and understand scientific literacy, in everyday contexts, to communicate ideas and issues develop the knowledge and skills for more advanced learning in biology develop basic knowledge and understanding of biology develop an understanding of biology’s role in scientific issues and relevant applications of biology in society and the environment develop scientific inquiry and investigative skills develop scientific analytical thinking skills in a biology context develop the use of technology, equipment and materials, safely, in practical scientific activities develop problem solving skills in a biology context use scientific literacy in everyday contexts establish the foundation for more advanced learning in biology The aims of this Course are for learners to: develop and apply knowledge and understanding of biology develop an understanding of biology’s role in scientific issues and relevant applications of biology, including the impact these could make in society and the environment develop scientific inquiry and investigative skills develop scientific analytical thinking skills in a biology context develop the use of technology, equipment and materials, safely, in practical scientific activities develop planning skills develop problem solving skills in a biology context use and understand scientific literacy, in everyday contexts, to communicate ideas and issues and to make scientifically informed choices develop the knowledge and skills for more advanced learning in biology develop skills of independent working The aims of the Course are to enable learners to: The aims of the Course are to enable learners to: develop and apply knowledge and understanding of human biology develop an understanding of human biology’s role in scientific issues and relevant applications of human biology, including the impact these could make on society and the environment develop scientific inquiry and investigative skills develop scientific analytical thinking skills, including scientific evaluation, in a human biology context develop the use of technology, equipment and materials, safely, in practical scientific activities, including using risk assessments develop planning skills develop problem solving skills in a human biology context use and understand scientific literacy to communicate ideas and issues and to make scientifically informed choices develop the knowledge and skills for more advanced learning in biology develop skills of independent working develop and apply knowledge and understanding of biology develop an understanding of biology’s role in scientific issues and relevant applications of biology, including the impact these could make in society and the environment develop scientific inquiry and investigative skills develop scientific analytical thinking skills, including scientific evaluation, in a biology context develop the use of technology, equipment and materials, safely, in practical scientific activities, including using risk assessments develop planning skills develop problem solving skills in a biology context use and understand scientific literacy to communicate ideas and issues and to make scientifically informed choices develop the knowledge and skills for more advanced learning in biology develop skills of independent working STRUCTURE, ASSESSMENT AND HIERARCHIES Course Structure: 3 Units as follows: Cell Biology Course Structure: 3 Units and Added Value Unit as follows: Cell Biology Course Structure: 3 Units and Course Assessment as follows: Cell Biology Course Structure: 3 Units and Course Assessment as follows: Biology: DNA and the Genome Course Structure: 4 Units and Course Assessment as follows: Human Cells National 3 Biology: Multicellular Organisms Biology: Life on Earth Unit Outcomes National 4 Biology: Multicellular Organisms Biology: Life on Earth National 5 Biology: Multicellular Organisms Biology: Life on Earth and Added Value Unit: Biology Assignment and Course Assessment Question Paper and Assignment Unit Outcomes Unit Outcomes 1) Apply skills of scientific inquiry and draw on knowledge and understanding of the key areas of the Units to carry out an experiment/practical investigation 1) Apply skills of scientific inquiry and draw on knowledge and understanding of the key areas of the Units to carry out an experiment/practical investigation 1) Apply skills of scientific inquiry and draw on knowledge and understanding of the key areas of the Units to carry out an experiment/practical investigation 2) Draw on knowledge and understanding 2) Draw on knowledge and understanding of the key areas of the Units and apply scientific skills 2) Draw on knowledge and understanding of the key areas the Units and apply scientific skills Transfer of evidence: Outcome in one Unit may be used as evidence of the achievement of Outcome 1 in the other Units of this Course. Transfer of evidence: Outcome 1 in one Unit may be used as evidence of the achievement of Outcome 1 in the other Units of this Course. Key areas Cell Biology Structure and variety of cells and their functions; the function of DNA; the risks and benefits of DNA profiling, photosynthesis; different types of microorganisms and how their growth can be controlled. Multicellular Organisms The structure and function of organs and organ systems and their role in sustaining life; the role of technology in monitoring health and improving quality of life; body defences against disease and role of vaccines; fertilisation and embryonic development and risks to embryo. Life on Earth Sampling and identifying living things from different habitats to compare their biodiversity and suggest reasons for their distribution; Different types of chemicals in Higher Biology: Metabolism and Survival Biology: Sustainability and Interdependence Higher Human Biology Physiology and Health Neurobiology and Communication Immunology and Public Health and Course Assessment Question Paper and Assignment and Course Assessment Question Paper and Assignment Unit Outcomes Unit Outcomes 1) Apply skills of scientific inquiry and draw on knowledge and understanding of the key areas of the Units to carry out an experiment/practical investigation 1) Apply skills of scientific inquiry and draw on knowledge and understanding of the key areas of the Units to carry out an experiment/practical investigation 2) Draw on knowledge and understanding of the key areas of the Units and apply scientific skills 2) Draw on knowledge and understanding of the key areas of the Units and apply scientific skills Transfer of evidence: Outcome 1 in one Unit may be used as evidence of the achievement of Outcome 1 in the other Units of this Course. Transfer of evidence: Outcome 1 in one Unit may be used as evidence of the achievement of Outcome 1 in the other Units of this Course. Transfer of evidence: Outcome 1 in one Unit may be used as evidence of the achievement of Outcome 1 in the other Units of this Course. Key areas Key areas Key areas Key areas Cell Biology Cell Biology Cell structure; transport across cell membranes; producing new cells; DNA and the production of proteins; proteins and enzymes; genetic engineering; photosynthesis and respiration. DNA and the Genome The structure and replication of DNA, gene expression and the genome. Human Cells Differentiation in human cells, structure and function of DNA, and cell metabolism Metabolism and Survival Metabolism being essential for life, metabolism for survival, and metabolism in microorganisms. Physiology and Health Reproduction and the cardiovascular system. Cell division and its role in growth and repair, DNA, genes and chromosomes, therapeutic use of cells, properties of enzymes and use in industries, properties of microorganisms and use in industries, photosynthesis — limiting factors, factors affecting respiration, and controversial biological procedures. Multicellular Organisms Sexual and asexual reproduction and their importance for survival of species, propagating and growing plants, commercial use of plants, genetic information, growth and development of different organisms, and biological actions in response to internal and external changes to maintain stable body conditions. Life on Earth Animal and plants species depend on each of the key areas of the Units and apply scientific skills Multicellular Organisms Cells, tissues and organs; stem cells and meristems; control and communication; reproduction, variation and inheritance; the need for transport and effects of life-style choices on animal transport and exchange systems. Life on Earth Biodiversity and the distribution of life; energy in ecosystems; sampling techniques and measurement of abiotic and biotic factors; adaptation, natural selection and the evolution of species and human impact Sustainability and Interdependence The science of food production, interrelationships and dependence, and biodiversity. Neurobiology and Communication The nervous system, communication and social behaviour. Immunology and Public Health The immune system and infectious diseases and immunity. National 3 agriculture, the alternatives and their impact on global food production. National 4 other, impact of population growth and natural hazards on biodiversity, nitrogen cycle, fertiliser design and environmental impact of fertilisers, adaptations for survival, and learned behaviour in response to stimuli linked to species survival. National 5 on the environment. In a hierarchy In a hierarchy In a hierarchy Higher Higher Human Biology Not in a hierarchy Not in a hierarchy SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING using, with guidance, biology knowledge and understanding solving simple problems and making decisions planning and safely carrying out experiments/practical investigations using, with guidance, information handling skills by selecting, presenting and processing information making basic generalisations from evidence/information drawing valid conclusions from evidence/information communicating findings/information demonstrating knowledge and understanding of biology by making statements, describing information and providing explanations applying biology knowledge to familiar situations, interpreting information and solving problems planning and safely carrying out experiments/ investigations to illustrate effects using information handling skills by selecting, presenting and processing information making generalisations based on evidence/information drawing valid conclusions and giving explanations supported by evidence suggesting improvements to experiments/ investigations communicating findings/information demonstrating knowledge and understanding of biology by making statements, describing information, providing explanations and integrating knowledge applying biology knowledge to new situations, interpreting information and solving problems planning, designing, and safely carrying out experiments/ investigations to test given hypotheses or to illustrate particular effects selecting and presenting information appropriately in a variety of forms processing information (using calculations and units, where appropriate) making predictions and generalisations based on evidence/information drawing valid conclusions and giving explanations supported by evidence/justification suggesting improvements to experiments/ investigations communicating findings/information demonstrating knowledge and understanding of biology by making statements, describing information, providing explanations and integrating knowledge applying biology knowledge to new situations, interpreting information and solving problems planning and designing investigations/experiments. safely carrying out investigations/experiments and recording detailed observations and collecting data selecting information from a variety of sources presenting information appropriately in a variety of forms processing information (using calculations and units, where appropriate) making predictions and generalisations from evidence/information drawing valid conclusions and giving explanations supported by evidence/ justification evaluating investigations/experiments and suggesting improvements communicating findings/information demonstrating knowledge and understanding of human biology by making statements, describing information, providing explanations and integrating knowledge applying human biology knowledge to new situations, interpreting information and solving problems planning and designing investigations/ experiments safely carrying out investigations/ experiments and recording detailed observations and collecting data selecting information from a variety of sources presenting information appropriately in a variety of forms processing information (using calculations and units, where appropriate) making predictions and generalisations from evidence/information drawing valid conclusions and giving explanations supported by evidence/ justification evaluating investigations/ experiments and suggesting improvements communicating findings/information