Martin L. Rossman, M.D., Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM) Marin Integrative Medicine and Medical Acupuncture Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Programs Brings color and youthful tone to your face by stimulating circulation and new connective tissue Softens crow’s feet, mouth puckers, and dark circles under eyes Safe and non-invasive Improves vitality, reduces stress effects, and promotes better sleep Much less expensive than artificial injections and/or surgery Rapid and complete programs available Acupuncture has become a very popular, non-invasive way to improve facial complexion, color and tone. It can be used instead of a surgical facelift or expensive injections, or to prolong the effects of those more invasive treatments Unlike many facial acupuncturists, I treat both your underlying vitality as well as local points on your face, so the rejuvenation program tends to improve your overall health and sense of well-being as well as the beauty and appearance of your face. A Complete Acupuncture Rejuvenation Program includes 10 treatments over 5-7 weeks depending on your needs and condition. Effects are usually noticeable within 2-3 weeks with continuing improvement over the course of treatment. Benefits can last for 3-12 months, and once monthly boosters can help to maintain improvements for much longer. A Rapid Facial Tune-up can be done in 3 weeks with 2 treatments per week, while optimal effects are usually seen after a total of 10 treatments over 5-7 weeks. Even better results come from our Comprehensive Integrative Facial Rejuvenation Program that includes a 14-28 day detoxification program, elimination of food sensitivities, specific nutritional supplementation, and an “inner beauty” practice of relaxation and guided imagery. I have been doing facial rejuvenation on selected private patients for over 30 years . Treatments can be done with the traditional very fine disposable needles, or with needle-free techniques including lowintensity laser or gentle electrostimulation. Call Marie at 925-8600 for more information and to see if this is appropriate for you. 1341 So. Eliseo Drive Greenbrae, CA • 94904 415-925-8600 • 415-925-8604 fax • Acupuncture and Integrative Facial Rejuvenation Programs I. Complete Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Program Established patient (seen within one year) 10 facial and system balancing acupuncture treatments over 5-7 weeks $1500 prepaid $1600 paid in three payments in six weeks New patient Initial one hour consultation plus 10 facial and system balancing acupuncture treatments over 5-7 weeks $1850 prepaid $1950 paid in three payments over 6 weeks II. Rapid Facial Tune-up - When you need to look better quickly Established patient (seen within one year) 6 treatments over 3 weeks $750 prepaid $825 paid in two payments over three weeks New patient Initial consultation plus 6 treatments over 3 weeks $1100 prepaid $1175 paid in two payments over three weeks III. Comprehensive Integrative Facial Rejuvenation Program Includes complete acupuncture series over 7 weeks, plus nutritional analysis including body composition measurement, laboratory screens for food sensitivities, metabolic analysis, fatty acid analysis, toxic metal screen, oxidative stress screen, amino acid analysis and personalized detoxification, eating, and supplementation plan. $2300 prepaid $2500 paid in three payments in ` six weeks Maintenance and Booster Treatments $150 per treatment as needed 1341 So. Eliseo Drive Greenbrae, CA • 94904 415-925-8600 • 415-925-8604 fax • 1341 So. Eliseo Drive Greenbrae, CA • 94904 415-925-8600 • 415-925-8604 fax •