Sustainability Fund Guidelines 2012 (accessible version)

Sustainability Fund Guidelines
February 2012
The Victorian Government recognises the importance of partnering with business, local
government and the broader Victorian community to improve our environment, reduce waste and
use our resources efficiently.
The Sustainability Fund is a perpetual fund that receives money collected from Victorian landfill
levies. The purpose of the Sustainability Fund is to support programs and initiatives that facilitate
resource efficiency and waste reduction, as well as assisting communities to improve the
environment and respond to climate change.
These Guidelines ensure that Victorians understand the purpose of the Fund and how monies are
administered from the Fund. These Guidelines may be updated at any time in accordance with the
requirements set out in the Environment Protection Act 1970.
Minister for Environment and Climate
Sustainability Fund – Guidelines
Priority Statement
It is important that the Fund remains focused
The Sustainability Fund (Fund) provides funding
on key environmental priorities. To ensure
from Victorian landfill levies to programs and
that monies from the Fund are strategically
government initiatives which, in accordance with
applied, the Premier and the Minister will
the Environment Protection Act 1970, are
publish a “Priority Statement” setting out, in
allocated jointly by the Premier and the Minister
order of priority, the matters in respect of
for Environment and Climate Change (Minister)
which the Premier and Minister intend
to initiatives which foster:
money to be applied from the Fund. If the
the environmentally sustainable use of our
priorities of the Fund change, a new Priority
resources and best practices in waste
Statement will be produced.
management to advance the social and
A draft Priority Statement will be released
economic development of Victoria, or
and comment invited from the public prior to
community action or innovation in relation to
being finalised.
the reduction of greenhouse gas substance
The Priority Statement will be published on
emissions or adaptation or adjustment to
Sustainability Victoria’s website. The Priority
climate change in Victoria.
Statement will also be readily available in
The Environment Protection Act 1970 sets out
paper format and a copy may be requested
the Principles of Environment Protection, which
from the Fund Secretariat.
guide the objectives of sustainable development
as well as resource use efficiency for Victoria.
This document provides guidance to the
Premier and Minister as to how they will
exercise their powers in relation to the
application of monies from the Fund.
To maximise the effectiveness of the Fund and
ensure that a strategic approach is taken to the
Advisory Panel
application of monies, the Environment
An advisory panel appointed by the Minister,
Protection Act 1970 requires that a Priority
consisting of up to eight people with skills,
Statement, Guidelines and an Advisory Panel
expertise or knowledge relating to:
must be in existence before any funds can be
allocated from the Fund by the Premier and the
environment protection and conservation
climate change
community networks
Sustainability Fund – Guidelines
issues relating to industry
economics and business management
finance and law
Victoria’s Annual Report has been tabled in
local government
Parliament, a list of all Fund allocations, the
rural and regional affairs,
requirements are followed. Sustainability
Victoria will report on the allocation of funds
in its Annual Report. Once Sustainability
Advisory Panel’s recommendations and a list
of successful grants will be published on
will provide advice to the Premier and the
Sustainability Victoria’s website.
The Advisory Panel will make recommendations
Who can receive funding?
to the Premier and the Minister in relation to the
Allocations from the Fund may be made to a
application of monies from the Fund. The
wide range of incorporated or otherwise
functions of the Advisory Panel also include
legally constituted entities. These include
providing advice on the operation of the Fund
community groups, councils, non-
Account; on fostering community action or
government organisations, businesses and
innovation in relation to the reduction of
Victorian Government entities. Funding is not
greenhouse gas substance emissions or
available for individuals, nor can it be used to
adjustment to climate change; and on the
supplement the core administrative costs of
sustainable use of resources or waste
an existing organisation.
management. The Advisory Panel must also
monitor the progress of projects funded from the
Contractual obligations
Entities receiving allocations from the Fund
are required to enter into appropriate funding
arrangements that will detail all funding
obligations, including the time frame over
Fund monies can be expended via two streams.
which funding will be available. Recipients of
Allocations can take the form of grants to a wide
Fund monies will be subject to reporting
range of recipients, including community groups,
local government, non-government organisations
and businesses. In addition, the Premier and the
Minister may allocate funding for strategic
requirements on the success of the initiative
or project, relative to the objectives of the
Fund and the agreed deliverables. Funding
may be withdrawn if the project fails to
initiatives which align with the purpose and
deliver on agreed outcomes at review
priorities of the Fund.
To ensure transparency and accountability of the
expenditure of Fund monies, stringent reporting
Sustainability Fund – Guidelines
Financial limit
how closely the benefits of an
There is no predetermined limit with respect to
applicant’s project align with the
the amount of financial support available from
priorities of the Fund as defined in the
the Fund for individual projects funded as grants
priority statement
or strategic initiatives.
Types of projects that will NOT be
considered for grant funding
The following applications will not be eligible
In making decisions regarding the allocation of
for grant funding:
Fund monies for grant funding, the Premier and
the Minister will consider how the project meets
projects that seek retrospective funding
for projects or programs that have
the priorities for the Fund, as defined in the
already started or that have been
Priority Statement. Projects may be funded
based on recommendations from the Advisory
Panel, or the Premier and the Minister may seek
applications for funding to supplement
advice from the Advisory Panel before allocating
the core administrative costs of an
Fund monies to a project.
existing organisation;
projects that duplicate programs already
Criteria and conditions for grant funding
operating with respect to a specific
The purpose of the Fund is to support projects,
environmental priority;
programs, services or technologies that will
benefit Victoria. The project must therefore be
projects that are considered inconsistent
with Government policy objectives;
implemented in Victoria.
projects not meeting State and National
legislative requirements, and other
Funding considerations
relevant statutory approvals and permits;
In general, funding assessments are based on:
the financial needs of the project in light of
the environmental benefits that will be
these Guidelines.
applications not made in accordance with
the level of support available to the applicant
from other funding sources; and
Sustainability Fund – Guidelines
In making decisions regarding the allocation of
Fund monies for strategic initiatives, the Premier
and the Minister will consider how the initiative
meets the priorities of the Fund, as defined in the
Priority Statement. Projects may be funded
based on recommendations from the Advisory
Panel, or the Premier and the Minister may seek
advice from the Advisory Panel before allocating
Fund monies to a strategic initiative.
Further information on the Fund is available at
The Fund Secretariat can be contacted at:
“Sustainability Fund” or the “Fund” means the
fund established within the Environment
Protection Fund with money referred to in
section 70(3)(aba) of the EP Act (referred to in
section 70F(1) of the EP Act as the “Climate
Communities Fund Account”).