How to use the google group

A Guide to the SABI google group
What is a google group?
A google group is a mailing list, but instead of putting lots of email addresses
in the 'TO' field, you put one - the email address of the group - which then
forwards the emails to the people in the group.
For example, before we started using the google group, our emails were like
Beth Tilston -------------> Simon Fairlie, Phil Batten etc
This meant that people sometimes fell off the list, and we had no 'master list'
to make sure that everyone was being communicated with.
Now, our emails are like this:
Beth Tilston --> SABI Google Group --> Simon Fairlie, Phil Batten etc
You can also visit the google group online, where it has it's own webpage.
That page is here -
The google group is managed by Beth Tilston. If you have any problems with
it you can email her at for help. When you first
join the google group, you are generally added by Beth. This is so that we can
manage spam.
How can I receive emails from the SABI google group?
There are three ways that you can get the emails from the SABI google group.
To change the way you receive emails, you can either email and ask me to do it for you, or if you have a
googlemail account, you can do it yourself.
To do it yourself, go to and click on 'my membership' and choose the level. You
can also change your email address here or even leave the group. I don't
know if it's possible for people without googlemail accounts to change how
they receive email. Please try and email me (Beth) and let me know...
Here are the three ways you can receive emails:
1) Get individual emails. This means that every email that gets sent to the
group gets sent to you, one by one. This is the default setting – the way
you will receive emails unless you ask to change. Messages from the
google group can be recognised because they will have SABI in the
subject line.
2) Get a digest. Sometimes, the amount of emails from the SABI group can
be a bit overwhelming. If you're drowing under the amount of emails
you're getting, you can opt to get the digest. This means that all of the
emails that are sent in one day will be sent to you in one email. If you
opt to get the digest, then attachments aren't included in the email, so if
someone has attached something that you want to see, you'll have to
visit the google group online.
Go here ireland
3) If you don't want to get any emails at all, you can follow the discussions
at the google group online. Follow the link above...
Remember, email if you want to change how you
receive emails or you don't understand these options.
How can I help the google group to run smoothly?
There are a few things that you can do to help the google group run smoothly.
If you're replying to a specific person, please make sure it's their name in the
'TO' field. If Joe Bloggs has emailed the group saying 'does anyone know
where to get Garryflex in Wales?' then pressing reply will reply to the group,
not to Joe. If you want to email Joe on his own, please delete the scythe
association email address from the 'TO' field and put in Joe's.
For example, Joe sends a message to the group:
From: Joe Bloggs
Subject: Garryflex in Wales
Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone knew somewhere that stocked Garryflex in Wales
You know where to get Garryflex in Wales, but you don't want to reply to the whole
group, you only want to reply to Joe. Hit reply, and then do the following...
From: Beth Tilston
To: (delete this)
Joe Bloggs (and add this)
Subject: RE: Garryflex in Wales
Hi Joe,
You can get some from Henry Jones in Cardiff.
For politeness' sake, please try to make it extremely clear what your email is about.
If you're starting a new discussion, please make sure you give the discussion an
obvious title in the subject line. If you're replying to an old email (which people
do because it saves them from having to find the right address in their address
book), but are starting a new discussion, please make sure that you've deleted any
of the old discussion from the email. This will help people be aware of what the
email is about and how it refers to them (i.e. whether or not they can delete it
Thanks for reading. Hope this helps! Email if there's
anything you're not clear on.