FACULTY VITA SUMMARY - College of Education

Richard Lesh, Ph.D.
Associate Dean, Research and Development
Professor of Mathematics Education
Appointed June 1994 (12 Month Appointment)
1. Academic Record
M.A. Ed.
B.A. Ed.
Indiana University, 1971, Mathematics,
Cognitive Psychology & Statistics Research
in the Social Science
Indiana University, 1968, Statistics and
Hanover College, 1966, Mathematics and
2. Professional Experience
R.B. Kane Distinguished Professor
Associate Dean, Research and Development
Director, School Mathematics & Science Center, Director, Twenty
First Century of Conceptual Tools
School of Education, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Professor of Mathematics
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
Principal Scientist, Educational Testing Service, Director of the
Center on Technology and Assessment
Director for Mathematics and Science Instruction, World Institute
for Computer Assisted Teaching (WICAT)
Professor of Mathematics and Education
Associate Dean for Research and Program Development
Northwestern University, School of Education
3. Teaching Assignments [Limit to years noted below]
Academic Year
Course Prefix/Number/*Title
EDCI 620, Seminar in Mathematics Education
EDCI 636, Learning of Mathematics
*Supervise Only
**Summer School Assignment
Credit Hours
1-3 Credit Hrs
1-3 Credit
EDCI 620, Models & Modeling in Mathematics & 1-3 Credit
Science Education
EDCI 620, Research Design in Mathematics &
1-3 Credit
Science Education
EDCI 620, Software Design in Mathematics &
1-3 Credit
Science Education
4. Selected Recent Publications and Scholarly Activities
Cramer, K., Post, T., Lesh, R., & Behr, M. (1998). Rational Number Project. Level 1 &
Level 2. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.
English, L., Jones, G., Lesh, R., Tirosh, D., & M. B. Bussi, (2003). Handbook of
International Research Design in Mathematics Education. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
Kelly, A., & Lesh, R. (Eds.) (2000). Handbook of research design in mathematics and
science education. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kelly, A, & Lesh, R. (2003). Design research in education [WWW]
http://gse.gmu.edu/research/de/ Fairfax, VA: George Mason University. National
Science Foundation funded project.
Lehrer, R. & Lesh, R. (in press). Mathematical learning. In W. Reynolds and G. Miller
(Eds.) Comprehensive Handbook of Psychology, Volume 7. New York: John Wiley.
Lesh, R. (1998). The development of representational abilities in middle school
mathematics. In I. Sigel (Eds.), Representations and student learning. Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
Lesh, R. (1999). A Distributed Center for Twenty-first Century Conceptual Tools (TCCT).
AT&T Foundation.
Lesh, R. (2000). Dealing with complexity: New paradigms for research in mathematics
education. Psychology of Mathematics Education. University of Arizona Press.
Tucson, AZ
Lesh, R. (2001). What mathematical abilities are needed for success beyond school in
the 21st century? In M. Thomas. (Ed.), Technology in Mathematics Education.
University of Auckland Press. Auckland: New Zealand.
Lesh, R. (2001). Beyond constructivism: A new paradigm for identifying mathematical
abilities that are most needed for success beyond school in a technology based age of
information. In M. Mitchelmore (Ed.), Technology in Mathematics Learning and
Teaching: Cognitive Considerations: A Special Issue of the Mathematics Education
Research Journal. Australasia Mathematics Education Research Group. Melbourne
Lesh, R. (2002). Research design in mathematics education: Focusing on design
experiments. In L. D. English (Ed.) Handbook of international research in
mathematics education. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Lesh. R. (2003). Models and modeling in mathematics education. Monograph for
International Journal for Mathematical Thinking & Learning. Mahwah, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Lesh, R., Byrne, S., & White, P. (2003). Distance learning: Beyond the transmission of
information: Toward the co-construction of complex conceptual artifacts and tools. In
T. M. Duffy & J. Kirkley (Eds). Learner Centered Theory and Practice in Distance
Education: Cases from Higher Education. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Lesh, R., Crider, J., & Gummer, E. (2001). Emerging possibilities for collaborating
doctoral programs. In R. Reys (Ed.), The State of Doctoral Research in Mathematics
Education. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
* Supervise Only
** Summer School Assignment
Lesh, R., & Doerr, H. (1998). Symbolizing, communicating, and mathematizing: Key
components of models and modeling. In P. Cobb & E. Yackel. Symbolizing,
communicating, and mathematizing. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Lesh, R. & Doerr, H. M. (Eds.) (2003). Beyond constructivism: Models and modeling
perspectives on mathematics teaching, learning, and problem solving. In R. Lesh &
H. M. Doerr (Eds.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Lesh, R., & Heger, M. (2001). Mathematical abilities needed for success beyond schools
in a technology-based age of information. New Zealand Mathematics Magazine.
Auckland, New Zealand.
Lesh, R., & Kelly, A. (1998). The development of tutoring capabilities in middle school
mathematics teachers. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. Reston, VA:
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
5. Selected Recent External and Internal Grants
AT&T Foundation ,Principal Investigator, A Digital Library of Case Studies for
Kids. 2001-present (~$150,000/year for 2 years)
Australian Research Council , Research Director (Project Director: L. English).
A Longitudinal Study of Primary School Students' Mathematical
Modeling within Networked Learning Environments. 2001present. (~ $150, 000/yr. for 3 years)
Australian Research Council, Research Director (Project Director: R. Nason).
Modeling in Computer-Mediated Learning Environments.
2001-present (~ $150, 000/yr. for 3 years)
Lucent Technologies Foundation, Director. Purdue’s Center for 21st Century
Conceptual Tools. 2000-present (~$150,000/year for 3 years)
plus ~$100,000 equipment grants from Dell, IBM, and Intel
National Science Foundation, Co-Director (with A. Kelly). Design Experiments
in Mathematics & Science Education. 2001-present (~$978,000
to George Mason University)
National Science Foundation, Research Director. (Project Directors: J.
Zawojewski & K. Bowman, chemical engineering). Gender
Equity in Mathematics & Science Education. 2001-present
(~$870,000 For 3 years)
Purdue Research Foundation, Principle Investigator. Dynamic Assessment of
Mathematical Achievement. 2001-present (~$16,000/year for 2
U.S. Department of Education, Senior Researcher. (Project Director: J. Lehman).
Purdue’s Program for Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use
Technology (P3T3) 2000-present (~$1.2 million/yr)
State of Indiana, Director. Purdue’s School Mathematics & Science Center
(SMSC). Supported as a continuing line item in Purdue’s
budget from the State of Indiana, 1998-present
6. Selected/Current University Related Assignments, Activities, and Service
Associate Dean for Research, Purdue School of Education, Purdue University
* Supervise Only
** Summer School Assignment
Director, School Mathematics & Science Center, Purdue University
Director, Center for Twenty-first Century Conceptual Tools, Purdue University
Associate Editor, International Journal for Mathematical Thinking & Learning:
Director, Education Resource Center, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth
Director, Masters of Arts in Teaching Program, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth
Program Director, Program for Research on Teaching & Learning, National Science Foundation
Principal Research Scientist, Educational Testing Service
Director of Center for Technology in Assessment, Educational Testing Service
Education Director, World Institute for Computer Assisted Teaching (WICAT Systems)
Director, Mathematics Learning Research Center, Northwestern University
Associate Dean for Research, School of Education, Northwestern University
Chair, Dept. of Development, Learning and Instruction, Northwestern Univ., School of Education
National Science Foundation: Program Manager & Chair for Long Range Planning Task Force
for Mathematics, Science, & Technology Education Research and Development
7. Selected/Current Professional and Academic Association Memberships
 PME/NA: Psychology of Mathematics Education, North American Chapter
 PME:
Psychology of Mathematics Education
American Educational Research Association
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
National Council of Science and Mathematics
8. Selected/Current Professional Assignments, Activities, and Service
Associate Editor, Mathematical Thinking and Learning: An International Journal
* Supervise Only
** Summer School Assignment