right click on this link - Edmonds Family Chiropractic


Welcome to Edmonds Family Chiropractic

Patient Information

Thank you for choosing Edmonds Family Chiropractic for your chiropractic needs. Please complete this form in ink. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask for assistance. We are happy to help.

(please print clearly)

Child’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ SS/HIC/Patient ID#:________________

First Middle Initial Last

Address: ________________________________________ City: _____________________ State: _______ Zip Code: ____________

Sex: ❏ Female ❏ Male Birthdate: _____________________ Age: Years __________Months ___________

Current School: ____________________________________ Siblings Names and Ages: ___________________________________

Mother’s Name: ____________________________________ Father’s Name: ____________________________________________

Home Phone: ______________ Cell Phone: ______________ Home Phone: _______________ Cell Phone: __________________

Legal Guardian (if other than parent): ________________________________________________

Child’s Favorite Hobbies or Interests: ________________________________________________

Whom may we thank for referring you to us? __________________________________________

Responsible Party

Name of person responsible for this account: ______________________________________________________________

Relationship to patient: _________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________

Address: ______________________________________ City: __________________ State: _______ Zip Code: ________ _

Insurance Information

Does your Child have Health Insurance? ❏


Yes If yes, Name of Insurance Co: _____________________________

Policy #__________________________________ Policy Holder: _________________________________________________

Please select any of the applicable reasons for pursuing chiropractic care for your child:

He/she is continuing care from another chiropractor

I recently had my spine checked and see the value in family subluxation check-up.

❏ I am concern about his/her health and am looking for answers.

He/she has a specific condition that concerns me.

If so, please explain: __________________________________________________________________________________

❏ I have no idea why we are here. (That’s okay, we will take time to explain what we do).


Birth History

Adopted: ❏ Yes ❏ No

Delivery Information: (please check all that apply)



Vacuum Extraction

Caesarean Section


Cord around neck

Prolonged labor

Drug induced labor

Any Complications during the pregnancy or with the delivery?


Yes If yes, explain: ________________________________

Review of Health Systems

Has your child ever suffered from: (Check all that apply)

General Ears, Eyes, Nose, Throat Respiratory System



__ Convulsions/Epilepsy

__ Tremors

__ Loss of Balance

__ Dizziness/Vertigo

__ Fainting

__ Sleeping Problems

__ Colic

__ Cold Sweats

__ Weight Problems

__ Loss or gain of a significant

amount of weight within 6 months

__ Jaw/TMJ Problems

__ Ruptures/hernias

Serious Illnesses/Diseases

__ Chicken Pox (Age:___)

__ Measles (Age:___)

__ Mumps (Age:___)

__Rubella (Age:___)

__ Whooping Cough (Age:___)

__ Rubeola (Age:___)

__ HIV/AIDS (Age:___)

__ Cancer (Age ____, Type:______)

__ Thyroid Problems

__ Liver Trouble/Hepatitis

__ Kidney Problems

__ Diabetes Type I or II

__ Other:______________ (Age:____)


__ Depression

__ Tension/Stress

__ Nervousness/Anxiety

__ Unexplained Fatigue

__ Behavioral Issues

__ Hyperactivity

Integumentary System

__ Skin Problems

__ Rashes

__ Skin Sensitivity

__ Easy Bruising

__ Frequent Colds/Flu

__ Blurred Vision R/L

__ Double Vision R/L

__ Ear Infection

__ Loss of Smell

__ Buzzing/Ringing in ears

__ Sinus Problems/Allergies

__ Allergies

__ Recurrent Ear Infections

__ Tooth Abscess

__ Difficulty Hearing

Musculoskeletal System

__ “Growing” Pains

__ Neck Stiffness/Pain

__ Mid-Back/Rib Stiffness/Pain

__ Low Back Stiffness/Pain

__ Hip Pain R/L

__ Fractured Bones

__ Swollen Painful Joints

__ Muscle Problems

__ Difficulty Walking

__ Scoliosis

__ Shoulder/Elbow Problems

__ Wrist/Hand Problems

__ Knee/Ankle/Foot Problems

Gastro-Intestinal System

__ Gall Bladder Problems

__ Digestive Problems

__ Stomach Upset

__ Heartburn/Reflux

__ Diarrhea/Constipation/Gas

__ Poor Appetite

__ Food Allergies or Intolerances

Genito – Urinary System

__ Recurring Infections

__ Difficulty Urinating

__ Bed Wetting

__ Asthma

__ Chronic Cough/Cold

__ Difficulty Breathing

__ Pain w/Cough/Sneeze

__ Shortness of Breath

__ Lung Problems

__ Recurring Infections

__ Sinus Problems

Nervous System

__ Numbness/Tingling/Pain in


__ Numbness/Tingling/Pain in


__ Cold Hands

Reproductive System

__Urinary Tract Infections

__ Pelvic Pain

Males Only:

__ Prostate

Females Only:

__Menstrual Cramping

__ Menstrual Irregularity

__ Vaginal Pain/Infection

__ Breast Pain/Lumps

Age of first menstrual period:


Date of last menstrual period:


Cardiovascular System

__ Diabetes Type I or II

__ High Blood Pressure

__ Chest Pain

__ Heart Problems

__ Anemia


Vital Health Information

Current Habits

Please check any of the below habits that your child has:

__ Junk Food __ Health Food

__ High Level of Activity/Exercise

__ Stress __ Lack of Focus

__ Smoking __ Drinking Alcohol

__ Pop/Soda/High Sugar Fruit Drink Intake

__ Low Level of Activity/Exercise

__ Difficulty in School

__ Excessive Television/Computer/Video Game use


Please provide any Nutritional Supplement, Over-the-Counter Medication, or Prescription Medication taken by the child in the last year.

Please include vaccinations and antibiotics.

Supplement / Medication Name:


Taken (mg)

Frequency of administration

(___ x per__)

How long they’ve been taking it

Reason for


