ICC.1:2004-10 (Profile version, Image technology colour management — Architecture, profile format and data structure Errata Clause Paragraph Change General Global change of "Data Colour Space Field" to "data colour space field" except in headings. General Change all occurrences of "Profile Connection Space" to be title case as shown. Note that in "Profile Connection Space field", the word "field" is lowercase Contents Page iv In the Contents on page iv, Annex E should be page 86, Annex F should be page 89, Annex G should be page 91 and Bibliography should be page 97. Introduction Label orphan clause at beginning of introduction as "0.1 General" and renumber accordingly Introduction Renumber figures in Introduction as 1 through 5 and renumber Figure 1 in clause 7.1 to Figure 6 Introduction Add the following statement to the introduction as "0.10 Patent statement": "The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) draws attention to the fact that it is claimed that compliance with this document may involve the use of a patent concerning the outputResponseTag, (support of the outputResponseTag is optional), given in subclause 9.2.27. ISO takes no position concerning the evidence, validity and scope of this patent right. Eastman Kodak Company, the holder of this patent right has assured the ISO that he/she is willing to negotiate licences under reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions with applicants throughout the world. In this respect, the statement of the holder of this patent right is registered with ISO. Information may be obtained from Eastman Kodak Company, 343 State street, Rochester, NY 14650." 2 Change title to Compliance and registration 3 Move CIE 15, CIE 122, CIE 131, ISO/IEC 8824-1, and ISO/IEC 10918-1 to the bibliography. Correct the titles of the following normative references to be as shown, ISO 5-3:1995, Photography — Density measurements — Part 3: Spectral conditions IEC 61966-2-1 (1999-10), Multimedia systems and equipment — Colour measurement and management — Part 2-1: Colour management — Default RGB colour space — sRGB IEC 61966-3 (2000-03), Multimedia systems and equipment — Colour measurement and management — Part 3: Equipment using cathode ray tubes Reorder normative references to place ISO documents first followed by IEC documents, DIN documents, EBU, ITU, SMPTE, and finally industry specifications. 5.1 Add at end of paragraph "N OTE As defined in 7.1, all profile data is encoded as big-endian." 5.2 6 and 10 Page 7 Paragraph 5.2 Delete "UCR Under Colour Removal". (it is not used in the document). Re-number equations in Body to be sequential numbers (Not by section). This impacts equations in Sections 6 and 10 and references to equations in all sections. ICC.1:2004-10 (Profile version, Image technology colour management — Architecture, profile format and data structure Errata Clause Paragraph Change 6.3.3 Add note at end of last paragraph to point to ISO 12640-3 gamut as follows "Note 3: The reference colour gamut defined in Annex B of ISO 12640-3 has been suggested as the gamut of the perceptual rendering intent reference medium." Add ISO 12640-3 to bibliography 6.4 Change CIE 15 to ISO 13655 in first line 8.5.2 This phrase "multi-dimensional" is redundant and both occurrences are deleted 8.6 Change: "colorantTableTag (see 9.2.14) - for the xCLR multi-dimensional colour spaces (see 7.2.6)." to "colorantTableTag (see 9.2.14) - required only if the Data Colour Space Field is xCLR, where x is hexadecimal 2 to F (see 7.2.6)." 8.6 Change "colorantTableOutTag (see - for the xCLR multi-dimensional output colour spaces (see 7.2.6)." to "colorantTableOutTag (see - required only if the Profile Connection Space field is xCLR, where x is hexadecimal 2 to F (see 7.2.6)." 8.6 Change "The colorantTableTag (9.2.14) is a required tag to specify the names and L*a*b* values of the colorants for the xCLR multi-dimensional input colour spaces (Table 15), as these names are not otherwise implicit in the choice of the colour space." to "If the data colour space field is set to xCLR , where x is hexadecimal 2 to F, the colorantTableTag (9.2.14) is a required tag to specify the names and L*a*b* values of the input colorants (Table 15), as these names are not otherwise implicit in the choice of the colour space." 8.6 Change "Correspondingly the required colorantTableOutTag ( represents the output values for xCLR multidimensional output colour spaces." to "Correspondingly, if the Profile Connection Space field is set to xCLR where x is hexadecimal 2 to F, the colorantTableOutTag ( is required, and represents the output colorants (Table 15)." 10.5 Add at end of clause "If the input is the XYZ PCS, 1+(32767/32768) shall be mapped to the value 1,0. If the output is the XYZ PCS, the value 1,0 shall be mapped to 1+(32767/32768)." Change “If the number of data points in a one-dimensional table, or in a particular dimension of the CLUT, is two" to "If the number of data points in a particular dimension of the CLUT is two” 10.9 Second para from end of 10.9 10.9 Table 34 Delete entire row referring to “Number of input table entries (n)” 10.9 Table 34 Delete entire row referring to “Number of output table entries (m)” 10.9 Table 34 Third row from end Change “52..51+(n*i)” to “48..47+(256*i)” and change “n*i” to “256*i” 10.9 Table 34 Second row from end Change “52+(n*i)..51+(n*i)+(g^i*o)” to “48+(256*i)..47+(256*i)+(g^i*o)” ICC.1:2004-10 (Profile version, Image technology colour management — Architecture, profile format and data structure Errata Clause Paragraph Change 10.9 Table 34 Last row 10.9 2nd para on p45 10.10.3 Table 36, last row In Field Length (bytes) column: Equation 10-5 should be equation 16 10.10.5 Last paragraph Remove " Each input X1, X2, or X3 is an u16Fixed16Number and each matrix entry is a s15Fixed16Number. Therefore, each multiplication in the matrix multiply is 1.15*s15.16=s16.31 and the final sum is also s16.31(48 bits). From this sum we take bits 31-16 as the unsigned integer result for Y1, Y2, or Y3. These are used as the inputs to the "B" curves." and replace with "The range of input values X1, X2 and X3 is 0,0 to 1,0. The resultant values Y1, Y2 and Y3 shall be clipped to the range 0,0 to 1,0 and used as inputs to the "B" curves." 10.10.5 End of 1st paragraph Remove " The domain and range of the matrix is 0,0 to 1,0." 10.11.1 Change “52+(n*i)+(g^i*o)..end” to “48+(256*i)+(g^i*o)..end” and change “m*o” to “256*o” in the second column. Change “The first entry is located at 0,0, the last entry at 1,0, and intermediate entries are uniformly spaced using an increment of 1,0/(M-1).” to “The first entry is located at 0,0, the last entry at 1,0, and intermediate entries are uniformly spaced using an increment of 1,0/(M-1). For the input and output tables, M is 256.” change "indentity" to "identity" 10.11.3 Last paragraph Remove " Each input X1, X2, or X3 is an u16Fixed16Number and each matrix entry is a s15Fixed16Number. Therefore, each multiplication in the matrix multiply is 1.15*s15.16=s16.31 and the final sum is also s16.31(48 bits). From this sum we take bits 31-16 as the unsigned integer result for Y1, Y2, or Y3. These are used as the inputs to the "B" curves." and replace with "The range of input values X1, X2 and X3 is 0,0 to 1,0. The resultant values Y1, Y2 and Y3 shall be clipped to the range 0,0 to 1,0 and used as inputs to the "M" curves." 10.11.3 End of 1st paragraph Remove " The domain and range of the matrix is 0,0 to 1,0." 10.11.5 Table 38, last row In Field Length (bytes) column: Equation 10-8 should be equation 19 10.15 Add at end of clause "If the input is the XYZ PCS, 1+(32767/32768) shall be mapped to the value 1,0. If the output is the XYZ PCS, the value 1,0 shall be mapped to 1+(32767/32768)." Annexes Change Equation number format in Annex to be (<Annex>.#) ICC.1:2004-10 (Profile version, Image technology colour management — Architecture, profile format and data structure Errata Clause B.5 Paragraph Change Change title to ".. JPEG files"