
International Conference on Urban Geology
dedicated to the completion of the project “Integrating Geological Information
in City Management to Prevent Environmental Risks (GeoInforM)”
24-25 November, 2009, St. Petersburg
24 November, 2009
Opening of the Conference
Dmitry A. Golubev, Chairman of the Committee for Nature Use, Environmental protection
and Ecological Safety, St. Petersburg
Oleg V. Petrov, Director of A.P. Karpinsky Russian Research Geological Institute
(VSEGEI), St. Petersburg
Geological structure of urban areas. Using of geological information
10.10 -10.30 Integrating Geological Information in City Management to Prevent Environmental Risks.
International project “GeoInforM”.
Dmitry A. Frank-Kamenetsky, Committee for Nature Use, Environmental Protection and
Ecological Safety, St. Petersburg
Regional Geological Database for St. Petersburg.
Ivan A. Serebritsky, Galina I. Sergeeva, Committee for Nature Use, Environmental
Protection and Ecological Safety, Igor V. Bogatyrev, “Mineral” company, St. Petersburg
From digitized bore hole data to 3D modelling - growing need for digital Earth Science data
in Hamburg.
Renate Taugs, Hamburg Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, Geological
Survey of Hamburg, Germany
3-D engineering-geological mapping of subsurface space: a tool to reduce geological risks in
the management of the urban environment.
Evgeny A. Lomakin, Research and production company “Water Resources”, Pavel
K. Konosavsky, St. Petersburg branch of the Geoecology Institute, Russian Acad. Sci.,
S. Ya. Nagorny, Research and Design Institute “Lenmetrogiprotrans”, St. Petersburg,
A.V. Lekhov, Moscow State University
Coffee break
Special features of geological structure and development of the geological environment of
St. Petersburg in transitional zones between land and sea.
Mikhail A. Spiridonov, Daria V. Ryabchuk, Vladimir A. Zhamoida, Elena N. Nesterova,
VSEGEI, St. Petersburg.
Assessment of geological environment and recommendations for protection of the shore
zones of water courses and water bodies in St. Petersburg.
Elena N. Nesterova, Yury P. Kropachev, Svyatoslav F. Manuilov, Daria V. Ryabchuk,
Michail A. Spiridonov, VSEGEI, St. Petersburg.
Engineering geological conditions of the city of Kazan.
Anatoly I. Shevelev, N.I. Zharkova, Ilnur A. Khuzin, Kazan State University,
Republic of Tatarstan, Russia.
Role of engineering geological and hydrogeological factors in substantiation of
serviceability of underground traffic facilities.
Regina E. Dashko, Pavel V. Kotiukov, Anna V. Shidlovskaya, Olga Yu. Aleksandrova,
St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Engineering geology and geo-environment of St. Petersburg subsurface space: problems of
its opening up and use.
Regina E. Dashko, Anna M. Zhukova, Olga Yu. Aleksandrova, Ksenia V. Pankratova,
St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Monitoring of geological environment.
Geological monitoring in St. Petersburg: exogenous geological processes and ground water
Galina I. Sergeeva, Committee for Nature Use, Environmental Protection and Ecological
Safety, Nikolay B. Philippov, Galina B. Savenkova, Sergey E. Zubarev, “Mineral”
company, St. Petersburg, Daria V. Ryabchuk, Michail A. Spiridonov, VSEGEI, St.
The system of the state geo-environmental monitoring of the City of Moscow.
Evgeny V. Nikitich, State Institution «Mosecomonitoring” of the Department for Nature
Use and Environmental Protection of the City of Moscow.
Geological risks and substantiation of the system of geological monitoring of Kazan City.
T.M. Akchurin, Ministry for Ecology and Nature Resources, Republic of Tatarstan,
Yury P. Bubnov, R.N. Davydov,N.V. Poliakova, Research and Production Association
for Geology and Use of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Using the materials of the state monitoring of geological environment to prevent risks in
water bodies of St. Petersburg.
Oleg Yu. Korneev, Alexander E. Rybalko, Natalia K. Fedorova, «Sevmorgeo»,
St. Petersburg.
Engineering geological and geo-ecological monitoring of architectural and historical
monuments of St. Petersburg as a source of information for developing designs for their
renovation and reconstruction.
Regina E. Dashko, Anna V. Shidlovskaya, St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical
Coffee break
Special features of the hydro-geological structure of urban areas.
Special features of hydro-geological structure of the area of St. Petersburg.
Oleg V. Vasin, Isak M. Krivilevich, Nina G. Andreeva, Elena A. Shebesta, Federal State
Company “St. Petersburg Integrated Geological Expedition”.
Shuvalovo contaminated site analysis with groundwater flow and transport mathematical
models. Groundwater mathematical flow model for Polustrovo pilot area.
Tullia Bonomi, Letizia Fumagalli, Marco Rotiroti, Bicocca University, Milan, Italy.
Soil-GIS software GIS for forecast modeling of flux and pollutants’ transport in aquifers.
Michel Fasoli, Piergiorgio Valentini, Roberta Donati, Province of Milan, Paolo Mazzoli,
Stefano Bagli, Alberto Pistocchi, GECOsistema srl, Italy.
Ground waters of the area of Kazan and their impact on the properties of geological
Ilnur A. Khuzin, Anatoly I. Shevelev, Nadezhda I. Zharkova, Kazan State University,
Stanislav I. Poliakov, State Company “Geocentre”, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia
25 November, 2009
Geological risks related to urban development.
Neo-tectonic risk in St. Petersburg.
Boris G. Dvernitsky, Federal State Company “Sevzapgeologia”, St. Petersburg.
Seismic image of geological hazards.
Elvira V. Isanina, Regional Geo-Ecological Centre – branch of the Federal State Company
“Urangeo”, St. Petersburg
Disjunctive tectonics of the territory of St. Petersburg and integrated analysis of risks of
accidents at pipelines and other urban engineering networks.
Arkady N. Shabarov, Evgeny K. Melnikov, Sergey V. Tsirel, St. Petersburg State Mining
Institute (Technical University)
Seismic risk in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region.
Sergey V. Tsirel, St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Coffee break
Problems of development of karsted areas.
Valery N. Kataev, Sergey V. Sherbakov, Denis R. Zolotarev, Tatiana G. Kovaleva,
Perm State University.
Detection of environmentally dangerous zones with intensive natural gas formation in the
grounds of St. Petersburg,
Inna V. Vinogradova, Valery N. Vinogradov, Andrey L. Pavlov, Vladimir V. Shaulkin,
Research and Production Company “Geologirazvedka”, St. Petersburg.
Problems of natural radiation risk in St. Petersburg.
Andrey V. Gorky, Regional Geo-Ecological Centre – branch of the Fegeral State Company
“Urangeo”, St. Petersburg
Dictyonemic shales and phosphorites as most dangerous geological objects for the
environment of Northern Estonia.
Valter Petersell, Mikhail Shtokalenko, Geological Survey of Estonia.
Coffee break
Geological risk mapping in St. Petersburg.
Jaana Jarva, Johannes Klein, Geological Survey of Finland.
Assessment of physical risk using methods developed in Perm Region.
Valery N. Kataev, Yulia A. Ardavichius, Svetlana A. Pentegova, Olga M. Likhaya, Perm
State University.
Zoning of St. Petersburg cultural heritage area by level of building deformation risk (based
on satellite radar interferometry).
Victor I. Gorny, Sergey G. Kritsuk, Iskander Sh. Latypov, Andrey A. Tronin, St. Petersburg
Research Center for Ecological Safety, Russia Acad. Sci., St. Petersburg,
Pavel K. Konosavsky, St. Petersburg State University.
Conclusions of the Conrefence.
Presentation of the Geological Atlas of St. Petersburg. (A copy is given to each
participant institution)
26 November, 2009
Excursion to the sites of exogenous geological processes in St. Petersburg area:
the concept and arrangements by “Mineral” company.
Poster presentations
Geological information as basis of creative planning of a human settlement.
Galina V. Shtokalenko, Artyom A. Pavlovsky, Gleb N. Peterson, State Institution “Research and
Design Center of St. Petersburg Master Plan”.
Geological structure and mineral resources of St. Petersburg.
Vadim A. Korovkin, Alexander S. Yanovsky, Evald Yu. Sammet, Federal State Company
“St. Petersburg Integrated Geological Expedition”.
Russian-Finnish eco-geological investigations of the Neva Bay.
Michail A. Spiridonov, Daria V. Ryabchuk, Vladimir A. Zhamoida, Elena N. Nesterova, VSEGEI,
St. Petersburg, Henry Vallius, Aarno Kotilainen, Geological Survey of Finland
The comparative analysis of the chemical elements in the bottom sediments of the near-shore part
of the Neva Bay.
Nina B. Malysheva, Abina G. Bolotinskaya, Timofey V. Bodryakov, VSEGEI, St. Petersburg
Problems related to forecasting of the state of geological environment in megalopolis.
Galina I. Bogdanova, North-West Branch of the State Federal Institution “ROSGEOLFOND”,
St. Petersburg.
Ship-induced waves as source of the impact on the coastal area.
Dmitry Kurennoy, VSEGEI, St. Petersburg, Tarmo Soomere, Cybernetics Institute of Tallinn
Technical University, Tallinn, Estonia.
Engineering-geological assessment of the stability of industrial facilities in the city of
Regina E. Dashko, Yulia V. Khaliullina, St. Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Environmental and geo-chemical state of inland water bodies and water courses of St. Petersburg
as indicator of the man-caused impact.
Vadim A. Shakhverdov, Marina V. Shakhverdova, VSEGEI, St. Petersburg
Investigations of forming of the ground water resources and quality in northern districts
of St. Petersburg, based on isotope techniques.
Igor V. Tokarev, St. Petersburg branch of the Geoecology Institute, Russian Acad. Sci.,
Elena Yu. Borovitskaya, SUE “Vodokanal of St. Petersburg”, St. Petersburg