September 2014 Your Interim Minister Search Committee, consisting of Lucie Lenz, Chairperson, Sara Kobak, Cindy Grambo, and Joe Udvari would like to announce that we officially have a new Interim Minister at Sharon Community Presbyterian Church! We are pleased to introduce the Rev. Douglas B. Marshall who will be starting as of October 1, 2014. His first Sunday in the pulpit will be October 5, 2014. Lucie Lenz, Chair, Interim Search Committee PS - I would also like to thank everyone on the Interim Search Committee for their dedication and hard work! It has been a privilege working with you! Rev. Marshall, or Doug, as he prefers to be called, has been in the ministry for 27 years and has served churches around the Pittsburgh area and in Colorado. He is highly recommended by his prior churches as well as by our Presbytery. Doug is married and has three children. He has special interests in developing Christian Education programs for all ages and developing youth programs. His faith and ministry are filled with enthusiasm. Doug has felt called to the interim ministry over the last few years and is excited to be joining us at Sharon to continue our healing and faith journey. “Finding Purpose In Our Walk With Christ” Psalm 101 1-4 Message from the Rev. Ron Schermerhorn Please join us in welcoming Rev. Marshall and his family to Sharon Church! There will be a reception following the church service on October 5, 2014 to celebrate. I have been thinking a lot lately about the purpose that God has given to each one of us and to our church. It is easy to be sidetracked by the chaos and noise of this world. In the shuffle of our lives, how can God finally reach to us? How can He touch us and direct out steps? What kind of church does God want us to be for this time in our church history? We, at Sharon Presbyterian, are in a place where we can truly evaluate the place of our walk with Christ in the church and in each of our lives. Transition is difficult. It seems like a long winding road with an unsure ending. I always believe it is important to take a hard look at the basics, and what the Word of God has to say about the most important aspects of our walk with Him. Psalm 101 has defined 4 steps that we all must take in order to clear our minds and hearts, as well as our lives, to assist us in knowing Him better. #1 - Faithfulness I will sing of loyalty and of justice; to you, O Lord, I will sing. –Ps 101:1 This is where we begin. If there is anything the world needs today, it is people of principle. All around us, we see the lack of reliability and fraudulence. There is a twisted view of justice in our society. To many, justice is not necessarily “what is right”, but rather “what is right…for me, or from my perspective?. Justice is not relative. Justice has an understanding of ultimate truth and goodness and rightness. It is not just what is right in my view of the world. This understanding of justice causes us to think justice is what the loudest voices are saying. This causes us to be blinded by our prejudice or group-think. When we have this perspective, we are no longer loyal to Christ or to truth, but reaction to who is yelling the loudest. Don’t be one of the crowd. Be a loyal person. Be loyal to truth at church, at work, and in your home. You’ll surprise others by your devotion. It isn’t easy, because the people around us will give us plenty of reason not to be steadfast. But, your devotion does not depend on other people. It depends only on you. #2 – Integrity. I will study the way that is blameless. When shall I attain it? I will walk with integrity of heart within my house. - Ps 101:2 Integrity is essential to hearing God’s voice. I have found in my own life that when I cannot hear God speaking, it is usually because I have not been walking with uprightness. I do not mean some kind of legalistic duty to God, but walking with an open heart and responding to the voice of the Savior. We can’t know purpose in our lives until we walk with integrity. #3 – Honesty. I will set no worthless thing before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not fasten its grip on me. – Ps. 101:3 We must teach ourselves to be honest people who are willing to share the truth with everyone. The Psalmist has said that we should not view anything that is “worthless”. Think for a moment on this concept. Ask yourself, “Is there anything that I see throughout my day that has little to no purpose or meaning, and is actually hurting me”? This is a very important question to ask yourself! Also ask, “Am I associating with people who drag me down”? Another important question. It is easy to get tied into relationships that drag us away from Christ. Maybe it is time to think about different friends. #4 – Purity. A perverse heart shall depart from me; I will know no evil. Ps. 101:4 A life of spiritual purity is a blessing. Tough to change in us…even tougher to maintain. The mind is a rough thing to control. Here’s my thought on this. I think purity begins by increasing our intake of the Word of God, and less on nasty TV shows and unnecessary clutter. This is an on-purpose decision on our part. More of the good, less of the bad. Now…how about you. Can you say that you have been walking close with the Lord, or are things cluttering up your life? I do not ask this to make you feel guilty or sad…just so that we will all begin by taking a good, hard look inside our hearts. As fall comes upon us, and our children go back to school, it is important that we study this in each of us. Let’s be a church filled with people who have a desire to know the purpose of God by walking a life filled with faithfulness, integrity, honesty, and purity. A huge THANK YOU Over the month of July and into early August, more than 51 individuals listed below (others may have participated without identification so we thank them as well) spent more than 425 hours participating in the Sprucin’ Sharon Part I and Part II project led by Gladys Johnston and Judy Lentz. A total of 32 rooms/storage spaces were de-cluttered and thoroughly cleaned including the drapes in each area. The choir rooms were painted by choir members. Additionally, the hallway on level 100 was painted bright yellow and green and decorated with a variety of spiritual terms to “Spread the Word”, the creative design of Nancy Bush and Jeanne Sergi. Surplus items were made available to both congregational members and participants of the Food Pantry. Remaining items were donated to St. Vincent DePaul. A huge thank you is being sent to all those who donated time, talent and treasures to make the Sprucin’ Sharon project so successful: Rob Hamsher, Kathy Hamsher, Megan Hamsher, Susanne Udvari, Sara Kobak, Jan Weber, Dorothy Devey, Chuck Devey, Jan Gorr, Grace Peters, Ann Mizer, Mark Mizer, Sarah Cripe, Heather Schermerhorn, Becca Wiley, Deb Williams, Brenda Donegan, Amanda Donegan, Pat Bricklemyer, Terri Doughty, Janet Loadman, Chira Cratsley, Chris Cratsley, Gladys Sanderbeck, Bob Lentz, Jeanne Sergi, Joe Sergi, Nancy Bush, Glenn Bush, Gladys Johnston, Judy Lentz, Sherri Busch, Nancy Moore, Dick Shirra, Ron Fedin, Mark Killmeyer, Lorna Phillips, Donald Phillips, Ruth Meanor, Clyde Meanor, Shirley Roberts, Beckie Price, Dan Peters, John Yeck, JoAnne Shaffer, Horst Endress, Colleen Endress, Jan Benard, Tom Capkovic, Kay Roth and Lorraine Keith. Come see our newly decorated children and youth hall downstairs in the Christian Education section of the church. It is vibrant and alive in color and in message. This project was part of the Sprucin’ Sharon effort and involved many, many members of our congregation. In addition to the hall, all of the classrooms have been cleaned and organized. Yes, we are ready for Rally Day and a year full of spiritual nourishing and fun for our young people! SPREAD THE WORD! Children and youth programming at SCPC is ready to go on Sunday, Sept. 7th! It will kick off with meeting the teachers and fun games right after the Children’s Time segment of the worship service. We will then move to an intergenerational fellowship event, SUNDAES ON SUNDAY at 11 AM following the worship service! The Fellowship Committee and the Member Engagement team are coordinating the Sundaes on Sunday event. As of this writing, we have 17 people signed up to deliver Christian Education and music programming for our young people! We will be “Spreading The Word”, and having fun and fellowship in the process! Family time is a new dimension that we are adding to fall programming and you will not want to miss, FAMILY FUN NIGHTS!!!! The entire congregation is considered family so all should feel free to join these events. Mark your calendars now for these initial Family Fun Nights: Saturday, September 27th from 6:30 to 8PM Family Bingo in Fellowship Hall and Campfire Saturday, October 25th from 5:30 to 7PM Celebrate the Fall: Trunk or Treat Night in the parking lot. (If bad weather, Fellowship Hall.) Saturday, November 15th from 6:30 to 8PM Four Square Family Event and Campfire, Fellowship Hall and our new Campfire Area Children’s music programming continues under the direction of Lucie Lenz. Lucie was the main helper last year and aided in curriculum development for this year. Children will learn that they have valuable gifts to add to our worship as they learn to play Krystal Bells, chimes and eventually hand bells. Singing is such fun for children and this will be encouraged by singing songs that the children love. You could pay a heavy sum for some of this instruction but here it’s free. The only requirement will be for the children to learn that they have gifts to share in praising God. Adult programming is also underway: One of our favorite Adult Education speakers, Bill Markus has been scheduled to talk about world affairs on Sept. 14, Dec. 7, 14 and 21st. Grace Peters, a long-time member of the Mission and Stewardship Committee, will teach on Sept. 14th and her topic will be: What Is Mission and What’s It To Us??!! Joan and Roy Humphrey will teach on Sept. 28th and their subject will be: Stuff You Should Know About The Bible. They will teach again on Oct. 5th when their topic will be: Stuff You Should Know About The Early Church and Its Application to Today’s Church. Joan is a former beloved Sharon Director of Christian Education. She and Roy are always edifying and entertaining. They are presently very active members of Wallace Presbyterian Church. Kathy Hamsher will add to our knowledge of the History of Sharon Church on Oct 26th, which is the 50th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone for the red church. We are encouraging local talent to participate in Adult Education so if you have a topic that you would like to present, contact Grace Peters. Your Christian Education Committee Terry Doughty, Karen Fedin, Joan Hubler, Grace Peters, Jeanne Sergi, and Heather Schermerhorn Are you “UP” on the latest Sharon Church News and Events? – 143 members per week are currently receiving the Sharon Church E-News and staying “UP” on the latest SCPC News and Events even if they were not in church on Sunday to receive the announcements and special bulletins. If you are not currently receiving the E-News and other special electronic announcements and would like to join send, your e-mail address to and request to be added to the list Ladies, why not take the day off and enjoy a relaxing Fall day in a quiet woodsy setting at the Women's Retreat Saturday, October 11. Plan to spend the day with friends and meet new friends at the lovely Rec Center in Raccoon State Park from 9:30 to 3:00 pm to hear one of our favorite speakers, Rev. Allison Bauer and her presentation on the book “Unglued”. Rev. Bauer's discussion will center on “Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotion”. Cost to attend is a nominal $20 and will include a morning snack and a bagged lunch. Registration can be made by emailing Joan Hubler at or call the office at 412-264-7400 and leave your name. Registration prior to the event is needed and payment can be placed in the Sunday offering plate prior to October 1 or at the door. If desired, carpooling will be available by meeting in the Sharon parking lot the day of the event. Keep Saturday October 11 open to come together with us to celebrate God's goodness. For questions contact Jeanne Sergi, Joan Hubler or Grace Peters. LOST & FOUND Our family Bible is missing and was last seen at the church. It has a blue cloth hard cover and the binding is a little frayed. It has the name Mabel Lenz written on one of the inner pages. If you happen to find it, please deliver it to the church office and let Beckie know it is the Lenz’s Bible. Beckie Price, the church secretary, has been advised we are looking for it. Thank you! Sincerely, Ann & Lucie Lenz THE SESSION MEMBERS OF SHARON CHURCH Doug Busch, Rob Hamsher, Robert Jackson, Lucie Lenz, Pete McGuire, Grace Peters, Barbara Ploy, Debbie Prostko, Susanne Udvari and Garrett Wiley. Session Highlights Session met August 26, 2014 at 6pm with the Moderator, the Rev. JeriLynne Bouterse. Seven session members were present. Rev. Bouterse conducted a guided Bible study based on Colossians 1: 9-12 and led an opening prayer. Elder Lucie Lenz submitted the Clerk’s report which was approved. The rolls currently show 281 members. This number reflects the deaths of Nancy & Donald Whiteside. Average weekly attendance was 85 for the month of July and the year to date average attendance was 126. This is down slightly which is normal for the summer months. The next Session meeting is scheduled for September 22, 2014 at 7pm in room 202. Elder Lucie Lenz, Chair of the Interim Search Committee presented information on the proposed Interim candidate. The Rev. Douglas B. Marshall was approved as the new Interim Minister for Sharon Community Presbyterian Church. His start date has been scheduled for October 1, 2014. It was noted that the Rev. Ron Schermerhorn will be the emergency contact for pastoral care until Rev. Marshall begins his time with Sharon Church. As previously announced, the congregation should feel free to contact the church office with any needs, notifications, or requests. Beckie Price, our church secretary, will forward the information to the appropriate person to address the request. The office phone is 412-264-7400 and Beckie’s email address is Elder Grace Peters presented several items for Christian Education. Kathryn Standish was approved to be hired for the nursery beginning September 14, 2014 at $10.00 per hour. Events to be held are: Family Fun Nights – Family Bingo on September 27; Trunk or Treat on October 25; Four Square Family Fun Night including campfire on November 15. Details for these events are available from Grace Peters or Heather Schermerhorn. The several adult education classes were approved. Please see the article from Christian Ed. for more details. Elder Barbara Ploy reported for the personnel committee on the search for a new organist. They are in the midst of interviewing candidates and hope to have an update for us soon. Elder Rob Hamsher reported that the Nominating Committee has begun to look for volunteers for Elders and Deacons and things are going well. Under Property & Maintenance, it was approved to allow PIMBA (Pennsylvania Interscholastic Marching Band Association) to use Sharon Church’s parking lot for the Third Annual PIMBA Competition on Saturday, October 4, 2014. Elder Rob Hamsher gave the financial report as of July 31, 2014: ACTUAL BUDGET Revenues $185,749.53 $207,632.00 Expenses $208,441.22 $224,880.00 Excess/Shortfall ($22,691.69) ($17,248.00) Elder Susanne Udvari reported for the Worship, Music, & Arts Committee. Ministers have been scheduled and approved to preach through September 28 and are as follows: Aug. 31 – Rev. Ron Schermerhorn Sept. 7 – Rev. Ron Schermerhorn Sept. 14 – Rev. Carl Baughman Sept. 21 – Rev. John Free Sept. 28 – Rev. John Free Additionally, Judy Lentz, RN, MSN, FPCN, Ron Schermerhorn, Chaplain, and Karen Killmeyer, RN submitted a proposal for a SCPC Palliative Care Ministry Team. This team would provide ministry to church members and families facing the journey of serious illnesses from the time of diagnosis, continuing as the illness declines through death and the bereavement period. The Session members agreed this is a very important ministry and believe Rev. Marshall should be a part of its development. The Moderator advised the Clerk of Session to contact Rev. Marshall to verify if this important work should begin when he arrives, or possibly sooner. The meeting concluded with a closing prayer by the Rev. Jeri-Lynne Bouterse at 8pm. Respectfully submitted, Lucie Lenz, Clerk of Session LOCAL MISSION UPDATE Our local mission emphasis for the month of September will be the CENTER OF HOPE located in Ambridge. Their mission is to help their neighbors in need to break the bonds of poverty and lead independent lives. As some of you know, our mission sub-group has been preparing and serving lunch to their volunteers. We will continue to do this until the end of November. In addition to that mission, is it our hope to collect children’s hats and gloves for the Center. These items will be given to the children whose parents are clients of their food pantry at the Christmas party. We will start to collect these items on the first Sunday in October (World Wide Communion). All sizes are needed, from infants to adult small. Remember the children as you start your Christmas shopping. Weekly reminders will be in the Sunday bulletins. Dear Sharon Friends, Thanks so much for participating in the “One Can Ministry” by donating food each Sunday. We are currently providing 160 families with supplemental groceries each week. Your thoughtfulness and generosity help stock our shelves. Sincerely, Sandy Herschberger It is time once again to begin thinking about our annual Holiday Giving Basket drive for the families of the West Hills Food Pantry. The Deacons will be requesting $20.00 Gift Cards be purchased from Kmart. Watch for more details in the October Good News. Thank you for your continued support of this project. Janet Loadman, Terry Doughty and the Deacons. Good News Contributors: Sandy Hershberger Gladys Johnston Sara Kobak Lucie Lenz Bob Lentz Grace Peters Ron Schermerhorn Barbara Ploy, Editor Beckie Price, Production every Sunday at 10AM