Greene County 1006 Yellow Springs - Fairfield Road
Fairborn, OH 45324
John O. Martin
Tom Pitstick
Steven E. Ross
Bath Township Newsletter – May 2010
EMS & Fire Services
Bath Township continues to contract with the City of Fairborn for EMS & Fire
services through our levy that was passed last November. Should you make use of
those services and then have questions about billing for such services – please
contact the Bath Township Office: 878-0611
Why Watersheds are Important
Watersheds are specific areas of drainage – and what residents do to the land
within the watershed has a direct impact on the quality and quantity of water
available to us. We use the watersheds and their natural water supply for drinking,
irrigation, recreation and industry. People utilize and enjoy lakes, ponds, streams
and rivers for their beauty, boating, fishing and swimming. So healthy watersheds
are beneficial to all concerned – both man and nature.
Oil, litter, pesticides, fertilizers, animal waste and SOIL itself are common potential
contaminates to water supplies. One drop of oil contaminates many gallons of
water. Most litter decomposes very slowly (100 to 500 years) and it ends up in all
kinds of places (like the waterways) where it looks bad to passersby and strangles
the wildlife. So we have but two choices: pick it up for proper disposal or just look
at it for extended periods of time. Pesticides and fertilizers used in the wrong
concentrations can also cause damage to things that were not the intended target.
Sprays can drift during windy conditions and excess liquid products can be carried
by the water during rainy conditions. Animal waste of course, is self-explanatory.
Which leaves us with the #1 water pollutant in Ohio – believe it or not, exposed
soil. Exposed soil is picked up by water and wind and can later be found
downstream in our rivers. It settles to the bottom and has been found to aid in
starving the bottom feeders, which ultimately upsets the balance in the ecosystem.
Practicing good litter control, using buffers, filter strips, stream stabilization, yearround vegetative cover and planting native plants are just some of the practices
Ohioans can use to decrease local watershed pollution.
What is MY Watershed?
Most of Greene County (and Bath Township) is in the Little Miami River Watershed.
A small portion of the Township along with a small portion of City of Fairborn drains
to the Mad River then to the Great Miami. All eventually flow to the Ohio River,
onto the Mississippi River and finally to the Gulf of Mexico.
Dellinger Retires
Longtime Bath Township employee, Paul Dellinger, retired as of April 30, 2010.
During his 26 year tenure with the township, Paul served nearly 20 years as Byron
Cemetery Sexton. Under his supervision, Byron Cemetery continued to have an
outstanding reputation. From one of our Funeral Directors, Byron Cemetery is, “the
best ‘country cemetery’ in the area.” The Bath Township Trustees are appreciative
of Paul Dellinger’s dedicated service.
Our new appointee as Sexton is Mr. Jim Howard. Jim has an extensive military
background with 20+ years in the Air Force. Originally from Sandusky, OH – Jim
earned an Associate’s degree at the Community College of the Air Force and a
Bachelor of Science degree through Park University. Jim is also completing his
Masters degree through Central Michigan University.
So with his Air Force
background and on-going education, Jim brings an excellent management and IT
knowledge base to Bath Township.
Once again, the Bath Township Trustees wish all the best to Paul Dellinger and his
newfound freedom – and at the same time, look forward to working with Jim
Howard as he brings new expertise to Byron Cemetery.
Meetings & Website
The Bath Township Trustees meet at 7:00 pm on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays of
the month at the Bath Township Building. As a resident of Bath Township, you are
always welcome to attend. Otherwise, detailed minutes are recorded and posted to
our website monthly.
If you would like to stay abreast of township “happenings” in this way, take a
moment to visit us at:
John Martin
Tom Pitstick
’10 Chairman
Steve Ross
Elaine Brown
Fiscal Officer