Simon, without the hard copy it was quite difficult to know where the

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Simon Shimshon Rubin, Ph.D.
Journals and Book Chapters
Rubin, S. (1981). A Two-track model of bereavement: Theory and research. American Journal of
Orthopsychiatry, 51(1), 101-109.
Rubin, S. (1982). Persisting effects of loss: A model of mourning. In I. Sarason and C. Spielberger
(eds.) N. Milgram (guest editor). Stress and Anxiety Volume 8, Washington, D.C.: Hemisphere
Publishing Co.
Rubin, S. (1982). Expressive language deficits in preschool children and faulty development of the
self: Description and case study. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 52(1), 58-64.
Rubin, S. (1984). Mourning distinct from melancholia: The resolution of bereavement. British
Journal of Medical Psychology, 57, 339-345.
Rubin, S., Lippman, J., and Goldberg-Hier, M. (1984). Borderline and neurotic children: What's the
difference anyhow? Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 15(1), 4-20.
Rubin, S. (1985). Maternal attachment and child death: On adjustment, relationship and resolution.
Omega, 15, 347-353.
Rubin, S. (1985). The resolution of bereavement: A clinical focus on the relationship to the
deceased. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 22 (2), 231-235.
Rubin, S. (1986). Cheating, ethics and graduate training in psychology: Crime and punishment or
misjudgment and repair. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 17, 10-14.
Rubin, S. (1986). Child death and the family: Parents and children confronting loss. International
Journal of Family Therapy, 7 , 377-388.
Rubin, S. (1988). The undergraduate seminar on bereavement: A multi-method approach. In E.
Chigier (ed.) Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society: Volume 3: Support System London:
Freund Publishing House. (pp. 279-287).
Rubin, S. (1989). Choice points in psychotherapy supervision: On the experiences of supervisors in
supervision. The Clinical Supervisor ,7(2/3), 27-41.
Rubin, S. (1989). At the border of supervision: Critical moments in psychotherapists' development.
American Journal of Psychotherapy, 43 (3), 387-397.
Rubin, S. (1990). Death of the future: An outcome study of bereaved parents in Israel. Omega, 20
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(4), 323-339.
Rubin, S. (1990). Treating the bereaved spouse: A focus on the loss process, the self and the other.
The Psychotherapy Patient, 6(3/4) , 189-205.
Rubin, S. (1991). Significant supervision and critical moments in supervisee's development
(Hebrew). Sichot: Israel Journal of Psychotherapy, 5(3), 196-200.
Rubin, S. (1992). Adult child loss and the Two-track Model of Bereavement. Omega, 24(3),
Rubin, S. (1993). The death of a child is forever: The life course impact of child loss. Chapter in
Stroebe, M. S., Stroebe, W. and Hansson, R. O. (Eds.), Handbook of Bereavement: Theory,
Research and Intervention. (pages 285-299). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Rubin, S. (1993). Loss and bereavement: An overview of the field. (Hebrew). Chapter in
Malkinson, R., Rubin, S. and Witztum, E. (Eds.) Loss and Bereavement in Jewish Society in Israel ,
(pp. 21-38).
Rubin, S. and Katz-Dichterman, D. (1993). The contribution of attachment history and object
relationship to bereavement outcome (Hebrew). Chapter in Malkinson, R., Rubin, S. and Witztum,
E. (Eds.) Loss and Bereavement in Jewish Society in Israel, (pp. 51-67).
Rubin, S. & Nassar, H. Z. (1993). Psychotherapy and supervision with a bereaved Moslem family:
An intervention that almost failed. Psychiatry, 56(4), 338-348.
Sadeh, A., Rubin, S. & Berman, E. (1993). Parental and relationship representations and
experiences of depression in college students. Journal of Personality Assessment, 60 (1), 192-204.
Rubin, S. (1995). On life after the death of a son in war: Theory and research with the Two-track
Model of Bereavement (Hebrew). [Al hachayim lachar ovdan banim bimichamot yisrahel: Rekah
umehkar im hamodel hadoomaslooli shel hashechol]. Psychology: Israel Journal, 5(1), 70-84.
Rubin, S. & Nassar, H. Z. (1995). Psychotherapy and supervision with a bereaved Moslem family:
An intervention that almost failed. (Hebrew version of 1993 article). Bamishpacha/Family, 38,
Rubin, S. (1996). The wounded family: Bereaved parents and the impact of adult child loss. In
Klass, D., Silverman, P. & Nickman, S. Continuing Bonds: Understanding the Resolution of Grief.
Taylor and Francis, (pp. 217-232).
Rubin, S. & Dror, O. (1996). Professional Ethics of Psychologists and Physicians: Morality,
Confidentiality and Sexuality in Israel. Ethics and Behavior, 6(3), 213-238.
Rubin, S. & Schechter, N. (1997). Exploring the social construction of bereavement: Perceptions of
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adjustment and recovery for bereaved men. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 67(2), 279-289.
Rubin, S. (1997). Balancing duty to client and therapist in psychotherapy supervision: Clinical,
ethical and training issues. The Clinical Supervisor, 16(1), 1-23.
Malkinson, R., Rubin, S. & Witztum, E. (1998). Loss, mourning and depression-- new findings.
(Hebrew) [Ovdan, evel vdikaon-- mimtzeem chadashim]. Harefuah, 134 (4), 33-34.
Rubin, S. (1998). Responsibility to client and supervisee in psychotherapy supervision: Ethical and
professional considerations (Hebrew). Sichot: Israel Journal of Psychotherapy, 12 (2), 94 - 101.
Rubin, S. (1998). Reconsidering the transference paradigm in treatment with the bereaved.
American Journal of Psychotherapy, 52(2), 215-228.
Rubin, S. & Dror, O. (1998). Attitudes and behaviors among Clinical Psychologists and Physicians:
To what degree are the boundaries of confidentiality and sexuality sufficiently respected? (Hebrew)
Psychology, , 112-125.
Rubin, S. (1999). Psychodynamic psychotherapy with the bereaved: Listening for conflict,
relationship and transference. Omega, 39 (2), 83-98.
Rubin, S. (1999). The Two-track Model of Bereavement: Overview, Retrospect and Prospect.
Death Studies, 23(8), 681-714.
Rubin, S., Malkinson, R. & Witztum, E., (1999). The pervasive impact of war-related loss and
bereavement in Israel. International Journal of Group Tensions, 28(1/2), (137-153).
Rubin, S. & Amir, D. (2000), When expertise and ethics are discordant: Lay and professional
evaluation of psychotherapists in Israel. Ethics and Behavior, 10(4), 375-391.
Rubin, S. (2000). Differentiating multiple relationships from multiple dimensions of
involvement: Therapeutic space at the interface of client, therapist and society. Psychotherapy,
37(4), 315-324.
Rubin, S., Malkinson, R., & Witztum, E. (2000). An Overview of the Field of Loss. Chapter for
Malkinson, Rubin and Witztum (Eds.) Traumatic and Non-traumatic Loss and Bereavement.
Conn: Psychosocial/International Universities Press.
Rubin, S. (2000). Psychodynamic perspectives on treatment with the bereaved: Modifications of the
therapeutic/transference paradigm. Chapter for Malkinson, Rubin and Witztum (Eds.) Traumatic
and Nontraumatic Loss and Bereavement. Conn: Psychosocial/International Universities Press.
Rubin, S. (2001). Ethical Dilemmas, good intentions and the road to hell: A clinical-ethical
perspective on Yalom’s depiction of Trotter’s therapy. Psychiatry, 64(2), 146-157.
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Rubin, S. (2001). When the therapeutic relationship is not at the center of treatment: Treatment
with loss and bereavement and the importance of a paradigm change (Modified Hebrew version
of 1998 article.). Sichot: Israel Journal of Psychotherapy. 15(3), 229-234.
Witztum, E., Malkinson, R. & Rubin, S. (2001). Death, bereavement and traumatic loss in Israel:
A historical and cultural perspective. Israel Journal of Psychiatry, 38(3/4), 157-170.
Rubin, S. & Malkinson, R. (2001), "From event to process in parental response to child loss
across the life-cycle. In M. Stroebe, R. Hansson, W. Stroebe, & H. Schut (Eds.) Handbook of
Bereavement Research: Consequences Coping and Care. (pp.219-240), Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association Press.
Rubin, S. (2002). Good intentions, ethical dilemmas and the road to hell: A clinical-ethical
perspective. Sichot: Israel Journal of Psychotherapy, 15 (3), 290-299. .(Hebrew)
Rubin, S. (2002), The multiple roles and relationships of ethical psychotherapy: Revisiting the
ideal, the real, and the unethical. In A. Lazarus and O. Zur (Eds.) Dual Relationships. New
York: Springer.
Christ, G.H., Bonanno, G., Malkinson, R. & Rubin, S. (2002). Bereavement experiences after the
death of a child. Appendix E. In When children die: Improving palliative and end-of-life for
children and their families. M. J. Field & R. E. Behrman, (eds.) Washington, D.C.: Institute of
Medicine, National Academy Press.
Rubin, S. (2003). Codes, principles and ethics in psychology and psychotherapy: A look back,
forward, and around. In G. Shefler, Y. Achmon, and G. Weil (eds.), Ethical issues for
professionals in counseling and psychotherapy. (pp 30-51). Jerusalem, Hebrew University
Magnes Press. (Hebrew).
Rubin, S. & Koren, D. (2003), The ethics of research: Background and practical suggestions. In
G. Shefler, Y. Achmon, and G. Weil (eds.), Ethical issues for professionals in counseling and
psychotherapy. (pp 603-619) Jerusalem, Hebrew University Magnes Press. (Hebrew).
Rubin, S., Malkinson, R. & Witztum, E. (2003). Trauma and bereavement: Conceptual and
clinical issues revolving around Relationships. Death Studies, 27, 667-690.
Rubin, S. (2004). Colloquy: Why was I not my brother's keeper, or my own? Ethics and
Behavior, 14, 78-82. (Invited commentary on Plante's article "Bishops behaving badly")
Rubin, S. & Yasien-Esmael, H. (2004). Loss and bereavement among Israel's Muslims:
Acceptance of God's will, grief, and the relationship to the deceased. Omega, 49(2), 149-162.
Rubin, S. (2004). On multiple relationships and the multiple dimensions of psychotherapeutic
involvement: Therapeutic space at the interface of client, therapist and society. Sichot: Israel
Rubin CV 5
Journal of Psychotherapy. (Hebrew).
Rubin, S., Malkinson, R., & Witztum, E. (2005). The sacred and the secular: The changing face
of death, loss and bereavement in Israel. In. J. D. Morgan & P. Laungani (Eds.) Death and
Bereavement Around the World, Volume 4: Death and Bereavement in Asia, Australia and New
Zealand. (pp. 65-80). New York: Baywood Publishing Co.
Malkinson, R., Rubin, S., & Witztum, E. (2005). Terror, Trauma, and Bereavement: Implications
for Theory and Therapy. In Y. Danieli, D. Brom, & J. Stills (Eds).The Trauma of Terrorism:
Sharing Knowledge and Shared Care, An International Handbook. Haworth Press.
Yasien_Esmael, H. & Rubin, S. (in press). The meaning structures of Muslim bereavements in
Israel: Religious traditions, mourning practices, and human experiences. Death Studies.
Wtztum, E., Malkinson, R., & Rubin, S. (in press). Traumatic grief and bereavement resulting
from terrorism: Israeli and American perspectives. In S.C. Heilman (Ed.). Death Bereavement
and Mourning: What We Have Learned after 9/11? New York: Transaction Books.
Published Books
Malkinson, R., Rubin, S. and Witztum, E. (Co-editors in alphabetical order)(1993). (Eds.) Loss and
Bereavement in Jewish Society in Israel. Joint Publisher: Canah/Ministry of Defense.
Malkinson, R., Rubin, S. and Witztum, E. (Co-editors in alphabetical order.) (2000). Traumatic and
Non-traumatic Loss and Bereavement: Clinical Theory and Practice. CT: Psychosocial
Press/International Universities Press.
Book Reviews and Comments
Rubin, S. (1988). Book Review: Hospice Approaches to Pediatric Care by Corr and Corr. Omega,
18(3), 251-252.
Rubin, S. (1991). Book Review: Healing their wounds; Psychotherapy with Holocaust survivors
and their families. Readings, A Journal of Reviews. American Orthopsychiatric Association.
Rubin, S. (1994). Book Review: Psychoanalysis as a Science, by Leopold Bellak. Readings, A
Journal of Reviews. American Orthopsychiatric Association.
Rubin, S. (1996). Book Review: Supervision (Hadracha) in Psychotherapy. (Hebrew) edited by T.
Kron and H. Yerushalmi. Megamot, 37(4), 496-498.
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Rubin, S. (1999). Book R: Death and Bereavement Across Cultures Edited by C.M. Parkes, P.
Laungani, and B. Young. Omega
Rubin, S. (2001). Book Review: Recognizing death as a fact of life. Review of The Psychology
of Death by R. Kastenbaum. Death Studies, 25(7), 621-627.
Rubin, S. (2002). Book Review: The ongoing process of consent in psychotherapy: Examining
what is said, meant and understood. A review of P. O'Neil's Negotiating Consent in
Psychotherapy. Ethics and Behavior, 10(2), 195-197.
Rubin, S. (2003). Book Review: Numbers and experiences tattooed upon their souls: Growing up
in, and then forever with, the Holocaust. Review of Child survivors of the Holocaust edited by P.
Valent. Death Studies, 27(7), 633-657.
Rubin, S. (2004).Book Review: Tears in our eyes, trembling in our hearts, and confusion in our
minds: On traumatic losses, failed assumptions and evolving meanings. A review of Loss of the
Assumptive World: A Theory of Traumatic Loss, edited by J. Kauffman. New York: BrunnerRoutledge, 2002. Death Studies, 28, 687-694.
Rubin, S. (2004). Book Review: More on Short-Term Psychotherapy: Theory, Treatment,
Training and Research by G. Shefler, (2002). Jerusalem: Magnes. (Hebrew). In Megamot:
Behavioral Science Journal, 43(2), 410-412.
Rubin, S. (2004).Book Review: Men Coping with Grief. (Ed.) Dale A. Lund. Amityville, New
York: Baywood. Omega, 49(3), 277-279..