SES LETTER - Brisbane City Council

Know Your Creek
Pullen Pullen Creek Catchment
Catchment characteristics
The Pullen Pullen Creek catchment includes the suburbs of Pullenvale, Anstead, Pinjarra Hills
and part of Bellbowrie. The catchment covers 31.9 square kilometres and is bound to the west by
the D’Aguilar range and to the north and west by the Moggill Creek catchment. Pullen Pullen
Creek reaches the Brisbane River at Lather Road, approximately 56 kilometres upstream from
Moreton Bay.
Natural assets
Significant natural assets in the Pullen Pullen Creek catchment include:
Anstead Bushland Reserve
Moggill Conservation Park
Pullenvale Forest Park.
Did you know?
The catchment has more than 200 species of birds including vulnerable species such as the
powerful owl and black-breasted button quail.
Land Uses
Pullen Pullen Creek catchment has one of the highest proportions of bushland in Brisbane.
Significant areas of native vegetation remain, particularly in the upper catchment within state and
Brisbane City Council reserves. The catchment has a history of logging for hoop pine, red cedar
and eucalypt, small scale dairy and farming including cotton, pineapple, corn and fodder crops.
Today the catchment is largely rural/residential, with private land mostly in small to medium
acreages and within the urban hub of Bellbowrie.
Pullen Pullen Creek catchment is an area of rich biodiversity. The variety of habitats in the
catchment support a diversity of native mammal species including brush-tail and ring-tail
possums, squirrel glider, red-necked wallaby, bandicoot, antechinus and koala populations.
The catchment has more than 200 species of birds including vulnerable species such as the
powerful owl (Ninox strenua) and black-breasted button quail (Turnix melanogaster). The
catchment hosts approximately 16 snake species, several lizards, skinks, freshwater turtles,
about 20 species of native frogs and a diversity of native fish populations.
Four main vegetation communities occur within Pullen Pullen Creek catchment:
Open eucalypt forest
Dry rainforest
Riparian (water side) vine forest
Forested red gum open forest and woodland.
The most common eucalypt species in the area are grey gum (Eucalyptus major), spotted gum
(Corymbia citriodora), forest red gum (Eucalyptus teriticornis) and ironbarks such grey ironbark
(Eucalyptus siderophloia).
The large-leafed spotted gum (Corymbia henryii) and the plunked mallee (Eucalyptus curtis ii)
and native jute (Corchorus cunninghamii) are found in the Moggiill and Anstead area and are
considered rare and threatened species within the greater Brisbane region.
Restoring Pullen Pullen Creek Catchment
The community-based Pullen Pullen Catchment Group (PPCG) and Habitat Brisbane groups
have worked in partnership with Brisbane City Council in bushland and waterway rehabilitation
and were instrumental in helping to protect 12.2 hectares of parkland along Pullen Pullen Creek,
known today as Pullenvale Forest Park.
PPCG carries out its objectives in the catchment by:
supporting the Habitat Brisbane bushcare groups
facilitating educational activities in local schools
raising environmental awareness in the community
rescuing and caring for native wildlife
hosting community events and applying for grants to assist landholders to rehabilitate
their properties.
PPCG has formed a partnership with Moggill Creek Catchment Group (MCCG) to support the
MCCG community nursery located at the end of Gold Creek Road, Brookfield. The nursery
provides Moggill and Pullen Pullen catchment group members with free local native plants so that
they can revegetate their land, with about 200 locally-endemic native plant species grown at the
Council’s community conservation partnerships program helps community groups restore natural
habitats in parks, remnant bushland and wetlands along waterways. There are currently a
number of active bushcare groups tending rehabilitation sites in the Pullen Pullen Creek
The program also supports the community to protect and restore Brisbane’s waterways and bays
in partnership with groups, businesses, schools and individual property owners.
For more information on Council’s community conservation partnerships program and
environment centres phone Council on (07) 3403 8888.
Brisbane City Council:
Pullen Pullen Catchment Group:
Brisbane Catchment Network:
Healthy Waterways:
SEQ Catchments: