Claridon Township Zoning Commission JANUARY 26, 2009 REGULAR MEETING Chair Tim Healy called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. Zoning Commission members— Tim Healy, Brett Porter, Dale Gapas, and Anne Clouser were present. Zoning Commission member Jim Fedor and Alternate Zoning Commission member Lea Hlifka were absent. Claridon Township Zoning Secretary—Deb McDivitt attended to take the minutes. Guests: None MOTION—LENGTH OF PUBLIC COMMENT Motion by Anne Clouser, seconded by Brett Porter that public comment is limited to a total of two minutes per resident, subject to board discretion at any Claridon Township Zoning Commission meeting. ROLL CALL: Brett Porter–Aye, Tim Healy—Aye, Dale Gapas—Aye, Anne Clouser— Aye. MOTION—MINUTES NOVEMBER 24, 2009 Motion by Dale Gapas, seconded by Tim Healy to approve the minutes for the November 24, 2009 meeting as presented. ROLL CALL: Brett Porter–Aye, Tim Healy—Aye, Dale Gapas—Aye, Anne Clouser— Aye. McDivitt stated to the Zoning Commission that Jim Fedor has been appointed by the Claridon Township Board of Trustees for another five year term. Chair Tim Healy turned the meeting over to Deb McDivitt, Pro-Tempore, for the purpose of the election of officials for the year of 2010. McDivitt asked for nominations from the board. Anne Clouser nominated Tim Healy as Chair. Dale Gapas seconded the nomination. Mr. Healy accepted the nomination. MOTION – 2010 CLARIDON TOWNSHIP ZONING COMMISSION CHAIR Motion by Anne Clouser, seconded by Dale Gapas to appoint Tim Healy, Chair of the Claridon Township Zoning Commission for 2010. ROLL CALL: Dale Gapas–Aye, Anne Clouser–Aye, Brett Porter–Aye. McDivitt then asked for nominations for Vice-Chair. Nomination for Vice-Chair was tabled until the next meeting. McDivitt stated that the new Chair was Tim Healy for 2010. McDivitt turned the meeting over to Chair Tim Healy. McDivitt handed out new key to be used on the front door of the Claridon Town Hall. Members were instructed to keep their old keys to get into the meeting room. Keys were distributed to Tim Healy, Anne Clouser, Brett Porter, and Dale Gapas. An extra key was given to Dale Gapas to give to Jim Fedor. McDivitt handed out the open meeting policy proposal to the Zoning Commission. McDivitt stated that this proposal for policy has been delivered to the Claridon Township Board of Trustees for their approval. The Claridon Township Board of Trustees has sent this proposal to legal council for advice. Claridon Township Zoning Commission JANUARY 26, 2009 REGULAR MEETING MOTION – SET REGULAR MEETING TIME, DATE, AND PLACE Motion by Anne Clouser, seconded by Brett Porter that the Claridon Township Zoning Commission will meet on the fourth Monday of each month beginning in February 2010 at 7:00 pm at the Claridon Town Hall. ROLL CALL: Brett Porter–Aye, Tim Healy—Aye, Dale Gapas—Aye, Anne Clouser— Aye. McDivitt will notify the Maple Leaf, newspaper of record, on the above meeting time, date, and place. The Trustees will also be notified, and the website will be updated. McDivitt passed on the Zoning Inspectors report for the Zoning Commission to review. The Zoning Commission had a discussion on the zoning report. McDivitt handed out copies of an email from Susan Weiland pertaining to their question on unattended parking. The Zoning Commission had a discussion on unattended parking. McDivitt handed out copies of an email from Dave Dietrich pertaining to their request for his opinion on a possible zoning resolution change directed to home businesses. The Zoning Commission had a discussion about home businesses and a possible change in a future zoning amendment. McDivitt notified the Zoning Commission that she was working on research for the Claridon Township Zoning Board of Appeals on variance costs and breakdowns. McDivitt will share the results with the Zoning Commission at the next scheduled meeting. McDivitt handed out a copy of the Zoning Planning and Law report provided by Zoning Inspector, Marty Pesek. Anne Clouser stated that she has a brother on the Zoning Commission in Mantua. He spoke with a gentleman from the EPA in Twinsburg. They discussed a run-off water utility that will meter all drain pipes in all counties with a population density greater than 1,000 per square mile. By the year 2020 the EPA will be able to test a resident’s run-off water for pharmaceuticals used. Dr. Clouser would like to get this gentleman’s name and invite him to a future meeting. The Zoning Commission agreed. Anne Clouser also asked the Zoning Commission if they would be interested in having an astronomer and a representative from the Park District to attend a meeting to talk about dark-night-sky and the lighting/shielding laws. The Zoning Commission said yes. The Zoning Commission is concerned about the new lighting at the Cabana’s restaurant on State Route 322. McDivitt to contact Zoning Inspector, Marty Pesek, to check and see if the new lighting follows the rules of the zoning resolution. Claridon Township Zoning Commission JANUARY 26, 2009 REGULAR MEETING MOTION—ADJOURN Anne Clouser made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Dale Gapas seconded the motion ROLL CALL: Anne Clouser–Aye, Brett Porter–Aye, Tim Healy—Aye, Dale Gapas— Aye, The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, __________________________ Deb McDivitt, Zoning Secretary ___________ Date __________________________ Tim Healy, Chair