TO: STUDENTS INTERESTED IN THE ART EDUCATION TEACHER CERTIFICATION PROGRAM FROM: Dr. J. Amorino, Coordinator Art Education (VE 430) #908-737-4403 RE: Art Education Registration Students who are interested in majoring in art education to become certified k-12 art teachers must arrange to see Dr. Amorino, Art Education Program Coordinator as soon as possible for an interview. Please sign up at Dr. Amorino’s door (VE 430) for an appointment and alert him of your appointment with an e-mail. The Program is extremely rigorous and seeks only serious, dedicated and academically strong students. Admission to the program is competitive. Important Information: At the interview, applicants must bring the following items: (1) Grade records with a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or above (a minimum cum GPA of 2.75 may be considered). If no college level grade records are yet available, the student may bring high school grade records. (2) A sample of academic writing (a paper written for a course). (3) Approximately eight-ten examples of studio work showing drawing/painting abilities (high school work is acceptable for newly incoming students). Newly entering students must take the Praxis 1 test (ninth grade reading and math) which is to be taken after the interview. Admitted students should begin their studio coursework in freshman year, by taking Drawing I and II, and 2D Design along with Gen. Ed. courses. Continue taking Gen. Ed and studio courses, along with FA2950 Creative Concepts in sophomore year. Important Note: All sophomores must take the preliminary course (FA 2900) in their fall or spring term (with advisement) in order to qualify for junior year course Art Education I and Field Experience I. You may obtain further information by contacting or phoning 908-737-4403. Students should carefully follow all registration and deadline dates as set forth by the University and the Teaching Performance Center (W-110). ART EDUCATION ADVISEMENT INFORMATION 1. In Freshmen Year: See Dr. Amorino regarding becoming an Art Education Major as soon as possible! Take basic studio courses such as Drawing and II, and/or 2-D Design alongside some of your Gen. Ed requirements. Do not take Color Theory at this point as this may be waived for another course. 2. In Sophomore Year: Take FA 2900 in Fall or Spring Semester (with advisement). Do not schedule any courses on afternoons of FA 2900. You will be asked to fill out a request form for your junior year field placements. You will obtain these at the Teaching Performance Center (TPC) in W110. These forms must be completed carefully and returned to the TPC promptly. Important: Read ALL information on the forms. It is the student’s responsibility to meet all deadlines set by the Teaching Performance Center. 3. In Junior Year: You will take a full year of art education courses which are open only to admitted art education students. In the fall, you will take FA 3900 (Intro to Art Education I) with FA 3902 (Artist Teacher Field Experience I). In the spring you will take FA 3901 (Intro to Art Education II) with FA 3903 (Artist Teacher Field II). When you plan your junior year schedule, please allow one full free day per week for the field work connected with FA 3902 and FA 3903. Students must also enroll in EDUC 3000 in fall or junior year. (Other required “EDUC” courses must be taken in spring of junior year). During junior year, you will also apply for a field placement for full time Student Teaching (Internship) to be taken in senior year. Again, closely observe the deadline dates noted by the Teaching Performance Center. 4. In Senior Year: Student teachers must sign up for FA 4990 (Student Teaching in Fine Arts). It is offered in both the fall and spring semesters and involves full time (5 days per week) field work at an elementary and secondary school. You may take only one 3 credit course (EDUC 4000) concurrent with FA 4990. GRADUATE (M.A.) STUDENTS ONLY: Please sign up for the fall methodology course, FA 5015 (Foundation of Graduate Study in Art Education). You will also sign up for fall course FA 3902 and spring course FA 3903, similar to the undergraduates. In the spring semester you must take FA 5016. Remember that you must leave one full day free in both semesters for the field experience courses. *ALL STUDENTS: If is critical to take as many studio courses as possible prior to your student teaching semester. You may take studio courses beyond the minimum number required for graduation. This approach will develop the strong studio skills which are vital to your practice as an artist/teacher. Future teachers must pay special attention to their studio skills in drawing (various media and approaches) and painting (in various mediums including tempera, watercolor, and oil) sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, and computer graphics. Further courses such as jewelry, contemporary and/or modern art, photography, textiles, are strongly recommended. Please discuss any of the above with Dr. Amorino. The Art Education Program: STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES -AGREEMENT AND CONTRACT(WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE PROGRAM) This document is designed so that each student who chooses to enter the Art Education Program has a very clear understanding of what will be expected. Upon entering the program, each student inherently agrees that he or she is fully aware of these requirements for admission and retention. The Art Education Program is eager help each student to achieve his or her goals and successfully graduate with initial k-12 New Jersey certification in the area of Art Education. However, the program also recognizes that many of its graduates potentially will be affecting the lives of children and adolescents in classrooms for many years to come. Therefore the program has the responsibility of ensuring that each graduate exemplifies both the professional behavior and academic abilities which befit a certified educator. This document clearly identifies the expectations required for retention in the Art Education Program. Students failing to meet these qualifications at any point will be required to withdraw from the program and counseled to select an alternate major. The Art Education Program seeks serious, responsible, and academically strong students. All students who choose to enter the Art Education Program at Kean University should be prepared to embark on a rigorous and challenging study which encompasses current conversations and research in the field. A strong and developing practice in reading, writing, and studio skills is essential. Students are expected not only to achieve and maintain a high level of academic performance but also to exhibit professionalism throughout their time in the program. This aspect involves demonstrating qualities of maturity and responsibility in meeting all program requirements as noted below. These requirements for retention in the program are as follows: 1. Conduct: Conduct is the first and among the most important consideration in the development of a professional educator. It is taken very seriously in our program and affects all other aspects of a student’s professional profile. Students are expected to demonstrate professional conduct in the following respects: a. Respect: Students must show mutual consideration and courtesy to their classmates professors, field supervisors, and cooperating teachers. b. Behavior: Students must follow proper protocol in both the university classroom and the on-site classroom. Immature or disrespectful behavior in class can take many forms: Gum-chewing, eating, speaking out, using cell phones during class time, muttering, pouting, or otherwise distracting from the flow of class proceedings have no place in the University or field classroom and will not be tolerated. If a student has any concerns, they are to be expressed and discussed with the proper individuals in an appropriate, professional manner. c. Evenness of Temperament: Students who are given to erratic behavior, mood swings, and negativism have no place working in the classroom with children and adolescents. Therefore, students exhibiting such behavior will not be permitted to continue in the program. d. Excuses: Each student must take responsibility for meeting course and field requirements. When a normally conscientious student has an isolated problem, it is probably legitimate. When a particular student repeatedly has excuses for his/her failure to fulfill expectations (these individuals are known as “excuse-boxes”), the fault is normally with that student. Consequently, he/she soon obtains a reputation as a “slacker” or an unprofessional. Common, childish excuses such as: “the office lost my paperwork” “the dog ate my homework” “my aunt broke her ankle” “my printer is broken” “I had to go into work” and “my car broke down” have absolutely no place in our Program. These excuses, whether real or prefabricated, cannot become the problem of your professor or the program. 2. Grades: A maintained GPA of 3.00 or above is very strongly advised. Without exception, BA and post-baccalaureate students must have and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.75 in order to remain in the program. MA students must have a GPA of 3.00 to enter the program and are required to maintain a GPA of at least 3.0 for retention in the Graduate Program. Additionally, transcripts reflecting a strong GPA serve the student more effectively in a competitive job market. 3. Assignments: Prior to entering the Art Education Program, each student is very well informed about the rigorous amount of work involved. The program requires ongoing and consistent reading, writing, studio practice, field journals, presentations, action research, fieldwork, and portfolio development. All assignments require considerable sessions of re-writing. It is each student’s responsibility to budget time and make the necessary life adjustments(jobs, family, etc.) in order to meet these expectations. All assignments are to be submitted on time in order to receive full credit and lateness will result in lower grades and eventual dismissal from the program. 4 Attendance: Attendance and promptness are extremely important indicators of a student’s seriousness, commitment, and potential as a professional educator. Therefore attendance in both class and fieldwork is taken very seriously. Students should be mindful that absence from one class session is the equivalent of missing one full week of the course. Therefore, as with grades, attendance will determine an individual’s success and suitability to the program. Students must arrive promptly for all class sessions. Academic understandings, studio work, discussion, and other activities are imbedded in class time and therefore attendance can and will affect final grades. A student repeatedly offering excuses for lateness and absence quickly loses credibility and will be required to withdraw from the program, regardless of achieved grades. In the event that a student must be absent for a specific class meeting due to a previous commitment, the instructor should be informed at the beginning of the course. Repeated absence due to illness requires an official physician’s note. 5. Fieldwork: Fieldwork is a very serious aspect of the program. A student’s performance in the field is a direct indication of his or her professionalism and potential as a teacher and also reflects upon the Art Education Program at Kean University. Therefore, students must be consistent and in full attendance at field placements. Students must arrive and leave field sites on time, be appropriately attired, be respectful of the cooperating teacher, and show a positive attitude and interest in the work at hand. Cooperating teachers are our hosts and offer their services with little or no monetary compensation. Full lesson plans are to be written and presented to Supervisors/Co-ops on every teaching occasion. Lateness, disrespect towards a co-op or supervisor, and other infractions with regard to fieldwork will not be tolerated and a student who demonstrates such unprofessional behavior will be required to withdraw from the field assignment and the program. _________________________________________________________________ ___ Student Acknowledgement I have read the above and understand the requirements of the Art Education Program. I further understand that my retention in the program is contingent upon consistently meeting all of the above requirements. Student’s Signature___________________________________ Date________________ Students Name (printed)_______________________________ STUDENT TEACHING/INTERNSHIP CONTRACT Art Education Program of Kean University The full Student Internship represents the final and most critical stage of your certification process. A student’s internship performance is a direct and final indication of his or her professionalism and potential as a teacher and also reflects upon the Art Education Program at Kean University. The Program is eager to assist each student to achieve his or her goals. However, the internship will require your primary focus and dedication. In order to ensure a successful internship experience, the following regulations must be met without exception. Each student has been repeatedly advised to enroll in student teaching ONLY when all other responsibilities are minimized or eliminated. Therefore any failure to comply with internship requirements will result in dismissal from the Program. Excuses based upon jobs, family, and other areas of life cannot become the concern of the program, your cooperating teacher, or your supervisor. 1. 2. 3. 4. Student must in full attendance at field placements. Student must arrive and leave field sites on time. Student must be appropriately attired. Student must be respectful of the cooperating teacher and school staff. 5. Student must demonstrate a positive attitude and interest in the work at hand. Cooperating teachers are our hosts and offer their services with little or no monetary compensation. 6. Student must provide fully-developed lesson plans to Supervisors/Co-ops on every teaching occasion. 7. Student will remain in contact via phone or email with field supervisor regularly. It is NOT the supervisor’s duty to “chase” the student. If the student fails to communicate or respond to the supervisors efforts to communicate, he or she will be withdrawn from the Program. Students should be attentive to broken cell phones or full e-mail boxes as these are not admissible excuses for lack of communication. 8. Student will be consistent, not erratic or changeable, in performance, attitude, and mood. 9. Student will under NO circumstances make physical contact with children or adolescents and will remain conscious of maintaining a professional manner in all dialogues with these individuals. 10. Student will not eat, chew gum, use cell phones, or demonstrate any other unprofessional behavior while in the school and classroom. Note: All of the above is taken in concert with the previously signed contract which each student received upon entering the Program. Student Acknowledgement of Above Requirements I have read the above and understand the requirements of the Art Education Program. I further understand that my retention in the program is contingent upon consistently meeting all of the above requirements. Student’s Signature___________________________________ Date________________ Students Name (printed)_______________________________