Homeopathic Treatment for Nut Allergy: Symptoms & Remedies

Nut allergy sets off immense anxiety among families affected, so it is exceptionally encouraging news that
Homeopathic treatment can have this stress lifted from them. Because of the aggressive antibodies that these
people have already geared up against nuts, even a trace of nuts can activate an abrupt anaphylactic reaction.
People can be allergic to peanuts, other tree nuts such as almonds, walnuts, pecans, cashew, sunflower, sesame
seeds, etc. (peanut actually is not a nut, but it belongs to the legume family of peas, lentils and soybeans).
An allergic reaction crops up when a person’s immune system mistakenly believes that a harmless substance, such
as a nut, is actually harmful to the body. The immune system creates antibodies called immunoglobulin E that
trigger the release of chemicals like histamine which can cause symptoms. Some people may be so sensitive to
nuts and peanuts that they get an allergic reaction just from being around them and breathing in small particles of
that food, even if they don't touch them or consume them.
Causes of Nut Allergy:
Family history of nut allergy, asthma or eczema.
Skin exposure to nut proteins during infancy.
Nut oil exposure in children with broken or inflamed skin conditions.
Symptoms of Nut allergy:
Runny nose.
Itchy, watery eyes & sneezing.
A tingling feeling in the lips or mouth.
An itchy rash (urticaria, hives).
Swelling on various parts of the body.
Swelling in the throat, causing difficulty in swallowing.
Difficulty breathing.
Nausea & Vomiting.
Cramping pains in stomach.
Blue color to skin and nails.
Low Blood Pressure.
Death due to breathing obstruction or extreme low blood pressure (anaphylactic shock).
Homeopathic approach to Nut Allergy:
Homeopathy views Nut Allergy as an expression of a disturbance in the patient’s immune system. This system
keeps all the tissues, organs, emotions and intellectual functioning at optimum level. Under stress, the immune
system will cause certain symptoms, such as allergies. These symptoms are not a disease to be cured in
themselves, but a reflection of an underlying, deeper malfunction. Homeopathic remedies treat the entire person
with deep acting constitutional approach which will help desensitize, reinforce the immune system and also prevent
the recurrence of the problem. Homeopathy seeks to naturally stimulate the body's natural defenses against Nut
Allergy symptoms and situates the body in a position to react less and less to allergens. Homeopathic remedies are
made from natural substances and include specific allergens to gently, safely expose the individual to their specific
weak areas. This allows the natural defenses to properly adapt to the allergen and no longer react to it adversely.
Although, proper diet and lifestyle is advised along with the Homeopathic treatment, freedom to be able to eat
anything and everything is the goal of Homeopathic treatment. Some Homeopathic remedies that are commonly
used to treat Nut Allergy are given below. These are just a few of the commonly used Homeopathic
remedies and are mentioned only to create awareness about the effectiveness of Homeopathic medicines
in Nut Allergy. It is not advisable to resort to self-medication for any disease.
Homeopathic remedies for Nut Allergy:
Arsenicum album: This remedy is valuable for people who are highly sensitive to many foods, are restless,
anxious, and exhausted all the time. Nut exposure might cause throat swelling with difficulty swallowing,
palpitations, skin rashes, asthma, vomiting, diarrhea, burning sensations that are relieved by warmth.
Apis Mellifica: This is a brilliant remedy for Nut Allergy symptoms like puffiness and redness of various parts like
eye lids, face, and gums with stinging burning pains. Patient is thirst less with vomiting and a sore feeling in the
stomach. There is also sore, sensitive skin rash with burning and stinging pain.
Carbo Vegetabilis: This is a suitable remedy for persons who react to nuts with weakness, chilliness, bloating,
flatulence, a frequent need to burp and faintness. Breathing may be difficult with a strong desire for fresh air.
Feeling insecure because of weakness, the person may be cross and demanding toward family members.
Histaminum: This is an outstanding remedy for all kinds of allergies including Nut Allergy causing asthma,
bronchitis, muscular and joint pain. The mucous membranes get dry with severe burning sensation.
Lycopodium: This is an exceptional remedy indicated for food allergies that cause fatigue, drowsiness, heartburn,
gas, and rumbling in the abdomen. The person feels ravenous hunger yet quickly gets bloated from eating a very
small amount. They have a craving for sweets, a preference for warm drinks, and discomfort felt mostly on the right
side of the body.
Natrum Carbonicum: This remedy is suggested to people who have trouble digesting and assimilating many foods
including nuts, are sensitive to weather changes and temperatures. Indigestion, heartburn, and ulcers can occur if
offending foods are eaten.
Nux Moschata: This remedy should be considered if a person reacts to nut exposure with an overwhelming feeling
of sleepiness, dizziness or feel lost and spaced out. A very dry mouth, dry eyes, heaviness in the chest, numbness
in the extremities, migrating joint pains and constipation are other indications.
Nux Vomica: This is a excellent remedy for over sensitiveness to foods including nuts that cause symptoms like
irritability, restlessness, cramping pains, chilliness, headaches, runny nose, tight breathing, heartburn, stomach
problems, constipation, back pain, and insomnia. They tend to crave stimulants, alcohol, tobacco, sweets, and
strong foods, and feel worse from having them. They are also very sensitive to odors, light, and noise.
Self – Care measures for Nut Allergy:
Avoid foods that may contain nuts.
Always check food labels, even for products you know, as ingredients can change.
Avoid foods with unknown ingredients.
Avoid eating from self-serve buffets where people may put spoons in and out of different bowls, risking cross
Make your own snacks and lunches to take to other people's houses, parties, school, and on field trips.
Make sure friends, family and everyone at school know about your food allergy.
Carry a list of foods to watch out for in your backpack or purse.
Teach close friends to recognize the signs of anaphylaxis and show them how to help you.
Avoid foods with the label Arachis as it is an alternative term for peanut.
Avoid emulsified foods which could mean that the food was thickened with peanuts.
Avoid nuts when you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Give your baby only breast milk for the first six months.
Do not give nuts or food containing nuts to your child before the age of three.
Be aware that if you have a peanut allergy you might also react to some vegetables, legumes like soy, green
beans, kidney beans, baked beans and green peas because these foods contain similar allergens to peanuts.
Be aware that alcohol can make an allergic reaction stronger.
Hence, Homeopathy will help relieve the burden of fear that is caused by Nut Allergy and give you the freedom to
be able to eat anything.
About the author :
Neepa Sevak is an experienced, registered Homeopath with the Arizona Homeopathic Board of Medical
Examiners. She is currently practicing Classical Homeopathy and is on the Board of International Affairs at the
American Medical College of Homeopathy. Her mission is to “Promote Health through Homeopathy with a Holistic,
Totalistic, and Individualistic approach”.
Phone: (480) 363 0758
Email: homeopathiccure@cox.net
Website: www.homeopathic-cure.com