Reading Intervention

Reading Intervention- Comprehension
Reading Level: 2.8
Grade: 4th
Student: Jasmine
To develop comprehension skills which
include sequencing and retelling the main
events and details of a text.
Implement strategies for other vowels: ar,
oi, and ow.
 Use blind sort
Build reading skills to help foster the love
of reading.
Familiar Reading (5 min):
Jasmine will read for 4 minutes the text selection from
lesson four (Enemy Pie). After, we will discuss literal
comprehension elements (character, setting, plot).
Jasmine is struggling with retelling events
of a story when read independently.
Therefore with strategies in which foster
these skills Jasmine will be able to
implement them when reading alone.
Jasmine scored low on the QSI in the
category of other vowels (oi and ow).
Therefore, with completing a word study
portion she will be able to focus on letter
patterns and sounds in which make up a
There is always room to improve the love
of reading. Jasmine enjoys reading;
therefore if she improves her
comprehension we can create a stronger
love for reading.
Rationale & Selection:
Yesterday Jasmine listened to Enemy Pie on Therefore, as a review she
will read it independently and try to determine
literal comprehension elements from the story.
Selection: Enemy Pie by Derek Munson
Guided Reading (25 min):
- Independently read a nonfiction text and focus
on retelling the story in which displays
knowledge of literal information from the text;
character, setting, problem, etc.
- Read with fluency and understanding.
- Stop frequently to reflect and monitor
Before Reading Activity:
Strategy: Fact or Fib
Jasmine will be told that she will be reading an article
about octopi . I will be reading her statements about
octopi and Jasmine will need to predict if the state is a
fact or a fib. We will sort the statements into two groups
(fact or fib). I will ask Jasmine to justify why she thinks
the state is a fact or a fib and what made her come to
that conclusion?
Fact or Fib helps students access and build prior
knowledge. Looking at these questions they are using the
information they already know to determine if it is a fact
or fib. The questions also allow the students to start
thinking about the ideas that might be in the text. By
having the students predict fact or fib they are investing
their knowledge into the text (before even seeing the
text) and therefore, they will naturally be engaged in the
text, wondering if their prediction was correct.
Fact or Fib statements:
This strategy works as a good “hook” to interest students
Magician of the Sea by Kelly Hashway
Retrieved from:
Non fiction
3rd grade level
An octopus as more than five arms.
An octopus lives in water.
They have sharp teeth.
An octopus is an invertebrate, meaning they
don’t have a backbone.
They can shoot ink at predators.
An octopus can change the color of its arms.
in nonfiction topics.
Revisit, Reflect, Retell by: Linda Hoyt pg. 184
During Reading Activity:
Strategy: Read, Cover, Remember, Retell
This strategy is great because it allows students to chunk
an article and really focus on a small portion at a time. It
allows them time to stop and monitor their
comprehension, and then orally retell what they just read
to an instructor or partner.
Jasmine will begin reading Magician of the Sea. She
will be advices that she can only read the length of text
that can be covered with one hand (approx. 1-2
paragraphs). After, she has read the required length,
cover up the text with her hand, ask herself what she
remembers, and then orally retell what she just read. She
will continue this procedure through the whole article.
Read: Read a short portion of the text.
Cover: Cover that portion up with your hand.
Remember: Monitor understanding. Remember
information you just read.
Retell: Orally retell what you remember reading.
It serves as a good informal assessment tool as well.
Based off the students retell, the teacher can assess if the
student comprehends efficiently. If so, the student can
continue reading. If not, the student will be urged to go
back and reread. This can also be a self assessment for
the student. Do I really understand what I just read?
Revisit, Reflect, Retell by: Linda Hoyt pg. 174
Post-Reading Activity:
Strategy: Alphaboxes: A reflective strategy
This strategy allows the student to reflect on the text and
organize the information they gained into an
alphabetized grid. Students do not need to fill in every
box. A set amount of boxes could be requested by the
teacher (fill in atleast 6 boxes).
Using the information from the article, Jasmine will be
given a grid with 26 boxes. Each box will have a letter
of the alphabet. Jasmine and I will think of facts from
the article that could fit in the boxes. For example:
E: eight legs
O: octopus
S: squirts ink.
If time allows, Jasmine will return to the fact or fib
statements used in the before reading portion. We will re
sort them with the new knowledge gained from the text.
The point of this strategy is not to write down full
sentences but just key words or short phrases.
The strategy allows students to recall literal fact inside
the text or write down inferences. For example students
could put “dangerous” in the “D” box. Dangerous was
not in the text but they inferred that an octopus would be
a dangerous creature.
Revisit, Reflect, Retell by: Linda Hoyt pg. 30
Writing (10 min):
Prompt: Write a story about an octopus and his
adventures to fight off a predictor.
The topic relates back to the reading: Octopi and their
defense mechanisms.
Word Study (10 min)*
Student gets to use their imagination and come up with a
scenario in which an octopus is in danger. Then the
students will use basic facts from the reading and
integrate them into their writing.
Other vowels Blind Sort: OI, AR, OW
Practice phonics skills
Practice phonemic awareness skills
See and hear relations through words.
Other vowels: Spelling stage during QSI
Blind sort allows students to really focus on the
sounds of the words before they connect the
spelling pattern. It also serves as a spelling test
form of assessment. This will be the final sort
that Jasmine completes with this set of other
vowel words.
During the blind sort Jasmine will have the guide words
at the top of her paper. I will read off a word and
Jasmine will write the word under the appropriate guide
Shared Reading (10 min)
Rationale & Selection
The Wild Little Horses by Ashley Wolff
Jasmine and I will read this book together. I will remind
her that we are reading it for fun and there will be no
test. Through the reading I will ask her questions in a
casual setting to see if she comprehends the story.
Reading in a low pressure environment makes reading
more enjoyable.
I chose this book to go along with the love that Jasmine
has for horses.