0912 BoardMeetingMinutes December 2009

November 2, 2009
Middle School/High School Building
ASDB Phoenix Campus
Phoenix, Arizona
Call to Order and Roll Call
Board President Sherri Collins called the public meeting to order at approximately 2:05
Physically Present: Sherri Collins, Mary Michaelis, Jodi Jerich
Present Via Speakerphone: Clifford Rowley, Kacey Gregson, Bernhardt Jones
Absent: Ray Mungaray, Orlenda Roberts, Michael Williams
President’s Report/Summary of Current Events
Superintendent’s Report/Summary of Current Events
Following Agenda Item III. D., Robert Hill provided information regarding items A.B.
and C.
Continued preparation of documents in relation to budget concerns
Rehabilitative Services Administration Grant
Anticipated campus visits from the Governor’s Office
Altered business hours for State employees
School tax credit donations
Joint Legislative Budget Committee’s response to decision packages
Examination of staff/student ratios
Student enrollment
Western States Basketball Conference – ASDB-Tucson is hosting
Jodi Jerich, Clifford Rowley, Bernhardt Jones, Sherri Collins and Mary Michaelis
spoke to the issue.
Discussion Highlights: Enrollment to be reported quarterly showing comparison to
previous quarters, accepting donations online.
Summary of Current Events
Monthly Financial Update
FY 2010 First Quarter Personnel Transaction and Turnover Reports
Special Report – PDSD Student Presentations
Meeting Minutes
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November 2, 2009
Following Agenda Item I., Superintendent Hill introduced Lisa Svenningsen, Principal
of the Phoenix Day School for the Deaf (PDSD) who introduced the speakers.
Darrien Aguirre, Middle School Student Council President introduced Council
members (Vice President: Monira Ortega; Secretary: Sam Martinez; Treasurer:
Yukari Valenzuela; Sponsors: Glen Rudd and Cynthia Butts), and noted a few
Council activities including campaign flyers, Halloween party and the “Thriller”
adaptation. Jessica Diaz and Natasha Woods spoke regarding High School Student
Council, Homecoming week, homecoming royalty, ASD v. PDSD athletic events,
socialization that occurred between the PDSD and ASD students, and future events.
T. J. Sanger, PDSD school counselor, spoke regarding Red Ribbon Week – a drug
awareness week that PDSD has participated in for several years.
Ms. Svenningsen thanked the Arizona Blind and Deaf Children’s Foundation for the
funding provided to support Red Ribbon Week activities.
Belinda Bendik, PDSD Elementary Supervising Teacher. Ms. Bendik provided
information regarding Elementary Portfolio Day, growth in student academic
outcomes, large numbers of student and staff participation.
Sherri Collins and Robert Hill thanked staff and students.
Public Comment on Agenda Items**
Business Agenda Items
A. Approval of State Land Right of Way Application Number 14-104590-001 for
Discussion, Consideration and Possible Action
Jodi Jerich, Robert Hill, Bernhardt Jones, Sherri Collins, Lauren Peirce and Mary
Michaelis spoke to the issue.
Discussion Highlights: Revenue to the agency from granting the easement, state
budget process, state land right-of-way revenue.
No action taken to allow more time for Superintendent to obtain answers to questions.
B. Second Reading of Board Policy BHC and BHD, Board Communications with Staff
and Public, for Discussion, Consideration and Possible Action
It was moved by Sherri Collins, seconded by Jodi Jerich, and unanimously
carried: That the Board of Directors adopt the revisions to Policies BHC and
BHD effective this date as recommended by the Superintendent.
Meeting Minutes
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November 2, 2009
C. Second Reading of Board Policy GBP, Reports to Board, for Discussion,
Consideration and Possible Action
It was moved by Sherri Collins, seconded by Bernhardt Jones, and passed with
a vote of five in favor and one opposed (Mary Michaelis): That the Board of
Directors adopt revisions to Policy GBP, Reports to the Board, effective this
date, as recommended by the Superintendent
Mary Michaelis, Robert Hill, Lauren Peirce and Kacey Gregson spoke to the issue.
Discussion Highlights: Superintendent’s statutory responsibilities for personnel
matters, grievance and complaint policies for use by employees, separation of
Board’s functions and Superintendent’s functions/responsibilities in line with Board
Leadership training discussion.
Consent Agenda for Discussion, Consideration and Possible Action
A. Confirmation of October 5, 2009 Board Meeting Minutes
B. Confirmation of October 21, 2009 Board Meeting Minutes
C. Approval of Contracts and/or Agreements with Rhythm and Roots, Antigone Books, Old
Pueblo Brass Bank, LaVerne Lawrence, Owl’s Nest Productions, Coolidge Unified No. 21
and Palo Verde Elementary District 49.
It was moved by Mary Michaelis, seconded by Clifford Rowley, and unanimously
carried: That the Board of Directors approve consent agenda items A, B and C.
VII. Adjournment
It was moved by Jodi Jerich, seconded by Mary Michaelis, and unanimously carried:
That the meeting be adjourned.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:05 p.m.