ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROTECTION OF ANGELL WOODS MEMBERS’ RESOLUTION MARCH 29, 2011 WHEREAS the Council of the City of Beaconsfield is formulating a Particular Planning Program for the Angell Woods sector and is both soliciting public input and requesting that citizens and interested parties participate in an advisory group which will assist Council in its deliberations; WHEREAS Angell Woods has been designated by the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources and Fauna as an Exceptional Forest Ecosystem (EFE); WHEREAS the flora, fauna and especially the hydrology of Angell Woods form a critical part of the Rivière-à-l’Orme Ecoterritory; WHEREAS the Association for the Protection of Angell Woods (“APAW”) is made up of over 850 members, the majority of whom are Beaconsfield residents; and WHEREAS since 1998 APAW has been carrying out comprehensive stewardship of Angell Woods, with a view to promoting its responsible recreational use while fiercely defending its ecological integrity; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: THAT APAW form part of the City of Beaconsfield advisory group on the Particular Planning Program for Angell Woods, by way of a representative or representatives to be determined by the Board of Directors of APAW; THAT the representative or representatives of APAW on the advisory group for the Particular Planning Program vigorously promote the continued municipal protection of Angell Woods, based on the following key principles: i) the responsible and sustainable governance of Beaconsfield as a whole must recognize that the scope of the City’s residential and commercial/industrial development is essentially complete; any future development and enhancement of the welfare of its citizens is best carried out in an efficient, “brownfield” manner, using and improving only the currently-existing footprint of public and private infrastructure and construction within the City; ii) the best use for the citizens of Beaconsfield of the lands that make up Angell Woods is the continued protection and stewardship of the extensive #1940299.1 wetlands, old-growth forest and required adjacent buffer and regeneration areas that these citizens so treasure, and which provide invaluable habitat for many rare and threatened species, including in particular those described in Appendix A to this resolution; iii) there is an urgent need for cooperation among the land-owners of Angell Woods, including in particular APAW, Ducks Unlimited Canada, the Province of Quebec, the City of Montreal and the City of Beaconsfield, in rapidly taking steps to coordinate recreational use, dog access and wildlife protection zones so as to stop the recent ecological degradation of Angell Woods, as documented in the 2010 Marineau Biological Study, and to rebuild its habitats in a sustainable manner; and THAT the Board of Directors report back to the APAW membership on a regular basis as to progress in respect of the above. PROPOSED BY: Pauline Faguy-Girard SECONDED BY: Alison Hackney CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY #1940299.1 APPENDIX “A” RARE AND THREATENED SPECIES OF ANGELL WOODS Nom latin Nom français Nom anglais Statut Acer nigrum Érable noir Black Maple Adiantum pedatum Allium tricoccum Asarum canadense Cardamine diphylla Carex hitchcockiana Adiante pédalé Ail des bois Asaret du Canada Dentaire à deux feuilles Carex de Hitchcock Northern Maidenhair Wild leek Canadian Wildginger Crinkleroot Hitchcock’s Sedge Celtis occidentalis Dryopteris clintoniana Juglans cinerea Micocoulier occidental Dryoptéride de Clinton Sugarberry Clinton’s Woodfern Espèce susceptible d’être désignée menacée ou vulnérable (ESDMV) au Québec Désignée vulnérable au Québec Désignée vulnérable au Québec Désignée vulnérable au Québec Désignée vulnérable au Québec Ancienne ESDMV au Québec retirée en 2008 ESDMV au Québec ESDMV au Québec Noyer cendré Butternut Matteuccia struthiopteris Sanguinaria canadensis Trillium grandiflorum Uvularia grandiflora Matteuccie fougère-àl’autruche Sanguinaire du Canada Ostrick Fern ESDMV au Québec Désignée vulnérable au Québec Bloodroot Désignée vulnérable au Québec Trille grandiflore White Trillium Désignée vulnérable au Québec Uvulaire grandiflore Désignée vulnérable au Québec Veronica anagallisaquatica Véronique mourond’eau Largeflower Bellwort Water speedwell #1940299.1 En voie de disparition au Canada ESDMV au Québec