The FFTB Experiment We are proposing an experiment in the FFTB, using a meter-long, short-period, pulsed helical undulator (u = 2.4 mm, K=0.17) and the SLAC low emittance electron beam at 50 GeV, to produce polarized photons in the energy range of a few MeV up to a cutoff energy of about 10 MeV. Photons are converted to polarized positrons in a target which is 0.5 radiation lengths in thickness (targets of both Ti and W will be studied). The goal of the experiment is to measure the yield, spectrum, and polarization of the photons and positrons, and to compare the results to expectations from simulations. This test is a 1% length scale demonstration of undulator-based production of polarized positrons for linear colliders: Photons are produced in the same energy range and polarization characteristics as for the collider; The same slab target geometry and material are used as in the linear collider; The polarization of the produced positrons is in the same range as in the linear collider; The simulation tools being used to model the experiment are the same that are being used to design the polarized positron system for the NLC. Table 1 shows a comparison between the FFTB experiment, the NLC polarized positron source design, and the unpolarized TESLA positron source system. Table 1: TESLA, NLC, FFTB Polarized Positron Parameters Parameter Units TESLA NLC FFTB GeV 150-250 150 50 Eb 3x1010 8x109 1x1010 N-/bunch 2820 190 1 Nbunch/pulse Hz 5 120 30 Pulses/s 1 1 0.17 K cm 1.4 1.0 0.24 u MeV 9-25 11 9.6 Ec10 N/m/e 0.72-2 2.6 0.37 % 1-5 1.8 0.5 Y+ m 135 132 1 L 12 12 8.5x10 1.5x10 2x107 N+/pulse 10 9 3x10 8x10 2x107 N+/bunch % 40-70 40-70 40-70 Polarization Figure 1 shows the layout of the proposed experiment in the SLAC FFTB. 50 GeV, low emittance electrons are sent through a helical undulator to produce circularly polarized 1 photons. After the undulator, the 50 GeV electrons are bent vertically downward and sent to the FFTB dump. The photons drift in the zero-degree line for a distance of about 20 m where they are either analyzed or converted to positrons in a thin target. A nominal, low emittance beam of 1x1010 e-/bunch, 1 bunch/pulse, 30 pulses/second at 50 GeV is available for the experiment. Figure 1: Conceptual layout of the experiment to demonstrate the production of polarized positrons in the SLAC FFTB. Toro= beam current toroid; BPMi= beam position monitor; PRi=beam profile monitors; Ai=aperture limiting collimators; HSB="hard" soft bend; SSB="soft" soft bend; D1=FFTB primary beam dump bend magnet string; D2=analyzing magnet. Radiation shielding considerations limit the maximum beam power in the FFTB enclosure to less than 2.5 kW. 30 Hz, 50 GeV operation corresponds to a beam current of less than about 1x1010 e-/pulse. The emittances of the electron beam for fully coupled damping ring operation and low beam charge is expected to be about x = y = 1.5x10-5 m-rad. For 10 m , the corresponding beam size is about 40 m, rms; the angular divergence of the beam is about 4 rad, rms. Table 2 lists the beam parameters for the experiment. Table 2: FFTB Beam Parameters Eb Nb GeV 50 e1x1010 x=y xy m-rad m -5 1.5x10 10,10 x,y x',y' D m rad m 20 σ 2x 2 2 + σ x' D rad 1 2 1 γ rad For small values of K, the number of photons emitted per meter from the helical undulator is dN dL : 2 dN dL 4 K2 30.6 K2 photons / m / e 2 2 3 u m 1 K u mm 1 K (1) where K 0.00934B0 kG u mm . (2) The average energy of the photons for small K is h Eavg 0.5 Ec10 4.74 10 3 Ee2 GeV u mm 1 K 2 MeV / photon . (3) The radiated power per meter of undulator is dPu dL : E 2 GeV K 2 dPu qEn 2.32 104 e 2 n p 1010 f rep Hz Watts / m dL u mm (4) in which n p is the number of electrons per pulse in units of 1010 and f rep is the pulse repetition in hertz. The conversion yield of photons to positrons is calculated using the EGS4 code. An EGS4 user code has been modified to allow introduction of arbitrary photon spectra and polarization as data inputs. In addition, the modified version allows the user to input a gaussian transverse beam size of arbitrary size. In the case of 0.5 r.l of Ti, the outgoing beam size is dominated by the multiple scatter and target thickness in comparison to the expected input size of about 80 m, rms. Expected fluxes (photons and positrons) are listed below in Table 4. For the FFTB experiment, Figure 2a shows the expected photon number spectrum and figure 2b shows the corresponding circular polarization spectrum. The low K value limits the flux to essentially only the first harmonic. Circular polarization of the photons is taken as the third Stokes parameter. To produce the curves in Figures 2a and 2b, the undulator radiation has been integrated over all emission angles. Since the characteristic opening angle of the radiation is 1/ 4 rad, the finite aperture of the undulator does not effect the calculation. Figure 2c shows the spectrum and longitudinal polarization of positrons as a function of energy produced in 0.5 r.l. of Ti by the photons of Figures 2a 3 and 2b. The EGS4 code was used to simulate the positron production shown in Figure 2c. Figure 2a: Photon number spectrum for the FFTB helical undulator: K=0.17, u = 2.4 mm, and assuming a electron beam energy of 50 GeV. Figure 2b: Circular polarization of the photons in figure 2a. 4 E =9.62 MeV, K=0.17, q Longitudinal Polarization x and Relative Number in Bin 3 c1 cut =none 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Positron Energy (MeV) Figure 2c: Positron spectrum and longitudinal polarization resulting from the conversion in 0.5 r.l. of photons in Figures 2a and 2b. The undulator in Figure 1 is an inline pair of 0.5 m long undulators with opposing helical windings. Use of opposing undulators is being adopted to help reduce possible systematic errors in the polarization measurements. Discussion of this topic is deferred to the section on polarimetry. Each undulator consists of a copper wire, bifilar helix, wound on a 1.068 mm OD, SS support tube; the ID of the tube is 0.889 mm. The undulator ID is thus ± 11 times the rms beam size. The period of the undulator is 2.4 mm. A wire diameter 0.6 mm has been chosen. For 1800 A excitation, the on-axis field in the magnets is 0.76 T, resulting in an undulator K parameter of K=0.17. For a 30 s current pulse, the temperature rise is about 40C/pulse and the average power dissipation for 30 Hz operation is about 225 W. The undulators are immersed in an oil bath for cooling. Table 3 lists various undulator and power supply parameters. Figure 3 shows the back-to-back undulator configuration with power supply connections. Figure 3: Back-to-back pulsed undulator concept. 5 Table 3: FFTB Helical Undulator System Parameters Parameter Number of Undulators Length Inner Diameter Period Field K Current Pulse Width Inductance Wire Type Wire Diameter Resistance Repetition Rate Power Dissipation T/pulse Units m mm mm kG Amps s H mm ohms Hz W 0 C Value 2 0.5 0.45 2.4 7.6 0.17 1800 30 1.8x10-6 Cu 0.6 0.125 30 225 4 To avoid noise in the detectors from synchrotron radiation due to upstream bends and from the dump line magnets, two pairs of soft bends are included in the layout. These bends all have the same polarity and give a vertical down kick to the electron beam. This is the same geometry that was successfully used in the E144 experiment, albeit the soft bend magnets are different magnets due to space limitations. Table 4 lists expected photon parameters from the undulators and bend magnets in the immediate vicinity of the experiment. Table 4: FFTB Experiment Numbers Parameter Ee np frep PB B0 K dN dL Ec10 ( c ) h E avg Units Undulator D1 Bend SS Bend HS Bend GeV 50 50 50 50 10 1 1 1 1 10 e Hz 30 30 30 30 kW 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 kG 7.58 4.45 0.066 0.660 0.17 photons/m/e0.37 2.75 0.04 0.41 MeV 9.62 (0.739) (0.011) (0.110) MeV 4.81 0.228 0.003 0.034 6 dPu , B dL mW/m 87 30 0.007 0.7 L(3 ) N m photons/s 1 0.01 0.77 0.08 Pu , PB mW 1.11011 87 9.5 109 0.35 9.5 109 0.005 9.5 109 0.05 Figure 1 shows three aperture limiting collimators for the experiment. A 1, A2 and A3. These devices are 30 cm long (20 r.l.) cylinders of copper with 0.85 mm ID through holes for beam transmission. A1 and A2 are water cooled because of the possibility of primary beam interception. A3 does not require water cooling. A1 and A2 serve to protect the undulator assembly from being hit by the primary electron beam. A2 is the more important of the two devices which prevent the electron beam from making a head-on collision with the undulator. The efficacy of A1 is compromised due to the necessity of placing the soft bends between A1 and A2. A failure of the soft bends could result in the glancing incidence of the beam into the undulator. Preliminary calculations indicate that such interception should not damage the undulator in a single shot; the beam can be turned off after detection of a single shot error. Collimator A3 is located just upstream of the conversion target. A3 serves to limit extraneous halo (both photons and charged particles) from entering into the detector region of the experiment. Absolute component alignment tolerances of 100 m, rms in the transverse dimensions for the beam line devices are required for the experiment. With the exception of the photon collimator, A3, none of the devices required remote mover capability. Because to the longish level arm ( ~20 m) from the end of the undulator to the measurement area, remote movers for A3 are incorporated into the design. The 100 m tolerances do however require consideration in the design of various supports and this has been taken into account. As expected, the tolerances in z, along the beam line, are very loose and are essentially set by what is required to match up and seal the vacuum chambers. A variety of beam line instrumentation is shown in the layout. Three beam position monitors (BPMs) are required for steering the primary beam through the undulators and are used in the automated beam steering feedback to keep the beam away from the undulator and on the dump. A beam current toroid (Toro) is used to measure the electron currrent of a pulse to pulse basis with an accuracy of less than a few per cent. A number of transverse beam profile monitors (PRi) are shown. These are used in the initial optical set up of the beam line to adjust to the requisite beam size through the undulator. PR 4 has been included in front of A3 for observation of the photon beam. In addition to set up, the PR's will be used to monitor the beam quality over the duration of the experiment. The PR's are destructive monitors. A wire scanner is also available for nondestructive, beam size monitoring and may be substituted for PR1, PR2, or PR3. Ion chambers located along the beam line are used to detect beam interception. The precision and accuracy of the required instrumentation does not exceed the normal performance of the standard FFTB equipment. All of the beam line hardware (power 7 supplies and instrumentation) will be controlled and monitored through the existing SLAC accelerator control system. 8