A. Specific Aims The specific aims have not been significantly modified from the original submission, as stated below. The only major change we have to this center is Dr. Vittorio Cristini moving from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, to The University of New Mexico. Despite this move he will maintain a significant partnership on this grant, providing mathematical modeling and computer simulations of tumor growth. He will have access to data generated by BCM and TMHRI thru email, ad hoc conference calls, and our password protected wiki website. In addition, he will attend our annual symposium to provide updates on his progress and assist us in the design and interpretation of data. We do not see any major problems with maintaining our partnership with Dr. Cristini at his new institution. Component 1 is guided by the hypothesis that TIC represent a unique sub-population of cells within a tumor possessing properties of self-renewal and the ability to give rise to the characteristic cell types present within a given tumor. Because of their unique abilities, we hypothesize further that TIC are localized and function within a spatially and molecularly-regulated microenvironment (mE) (a.k.a. niche). To identify, localize, and functionally interrogate TIC in vivo in sufficient detail to allow mathematical modeling of their behaviors and responses to genetic and pharmacological manipulation in Component 2, the Specific Aims of Component 1 are: Aim 1.1: To identify tumor-initiating cells (cancer stem cells) using newly developed lentiviral fluorescent signaling reporters and to characterize their spatial distribution and behaviors during tumor growth using in vivo imaging. Aim 1.2: To identify candidate genes and pathways that may regulate TIC behaviors (e.g. self-renewal, differentiation, and metastasis) Aim 1.3: To conduct a “Directed Iterative Functional Genomic Screen” (DIFGS) to characterize genes functionally that either increase or decrease tumor-initiating capacity. Aim 1.4: To define the cellular responses of TIC to genetic and pharmacological manipulation of genes regulating TIC survival or function in vivo. Component 2 is guided by the hypothesis that TIC behavior during tumor development can be simulated using a robust, multiparameter mathematical/computational model of TIC behavior during breast cancer development. Further, that these models can be built to reflect not only the molecular, cellular, and tissue-level dynamics, but also to allow prediction of the response of TIC to experimental therapeutics. Thus, the central goal of Component 2 is to build a multi-scale model platform of TIC mE for investigating TIC selfrenewal, proliferation, localization, and other functions within a spatially and molecularlyregulated microenvironment. Based on the experimental data obtained from Component 1 and published knowledge of TIC, we will model the TIC tissue microenvironment (TIC mE) from the molecular and cellular level up to the tissue level. The TIC mE model can further predict and guide the pathway analysis, the candidate gene selection, genetic and pharmacological manipulation in Component 1. Accordingly, the Specific Aims of Component 2 are: Aim 2.1: To model the TIC tissue mE mathematically based on 2D and 3D microscopy and image analysis Aim 2.2: To predict the TIC pathways or key genes related to specific cancer subtypes so to refine the TIC microenvironment model Aim 2.3: To develop bioimaging informatics models for mapping gene functional networks within and among TIC and niche cells from the directed iterative shRNA screen and further refine the TIC mE model Aim 2.4: To model the response of TIC and their microenvironment to genetic and pharmacological manipulations of TIC function in vivo B. Studies and Results Component 1 (Experimental) Aim 1.1 TIC Identification & Purification In the current funding period, we have: 1. Constructed and validated three sets of lentiviral fluorescent signaling reporters (with negative controls) for the Wnt, Hedgehog, and STAT3-mediated signaling pathways using positive control cell lines in vitro. These reporters have been validated in vitro using specific agonists and antagonists of each pathway whenever possible. In addition, we have tested these three reporters in xenograft-derived cells and show Wnt and Stat3 activity. Our Hedgehog and Hes1 promoter-driven reporters show no activity in any of the xenografts tested thus far in vitro, however, we have preliminary indication that the Hedgehog reporter is active in vivo, and that a different Notch signaling reporter (detecting CBF1 activation downstream of Notch) may be superior to the Hes1p construct in vitro since Hes1 upregulation is not a universal readout of notch activation, but CBF1 is thought to be the primary transcription factor mediating responses to all four Notch receptors.. Reporter activity in xenograft lines (Inreporters vitro) in xenograft-derived cells in vitro. Table 1. Expression of lentiviral signaling Xenograft Wnt line (TCF) Stat3 (M67) Hedgehog Notch (Gli) (Hes1p) MC1 - + - - 2147 + - - - 2665 + + - ND 3887 + - - - 2. Reporter viruses have been screened for function in a set of four p53 null mouse models and selected human xenograft models. p53 tumors used thus far show unique patterns of signaling activation of these four pathways. Table 2. Expression of lentiviral signaling reporters (% positive) in p53 null mouse tumors in vivo Wnt Notch Hh Stat3 p53 null tumors Reporter Reporter Reporter Reporter T1-squamous 6-9% ~4% ND ~10% T2-papillary 1.80% ~4% ND ND T6-typical solid 0.70% ~0.6% ND ~5% T7-solid, usual ND ND ND ND undifferentiated Tumor (luminal) ND 1.1-2.5% ND ND 3. Demonstrated that Wnt-responsive cells in p53-null mouse tumors are typically an average of 20um from the nearest blood vessel. Using the Wnt signaling reporter, which enriches for TIC in mouse p53 null tumors, Percentage of cells 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Diameter (um) Figure 1. Histogram of average distance of Wnt1-responsive cells from the nearest blood vessel (In microns). 4. Developed a transgenic mouse model that expresses cyan fluorescent protein from virtually every cell in the body, mCherry (red fluorescent protein) in blood vessels, and GFP in macrophages (Figure 2). Note that each CFP positive duct is almost completely obscured by red blood vessels. The large blue mass in the center of the field is a lymph node. Note the high concentration of GFP+ macrophages surrounding the lymph node. We are in the process of crossing these three reporter genes into an immunocompromized (SCID/Bg) background for use in evaluating xenografts or p53 null mouse tumors. By transplanting unlabeled tumors, tumor/stroma interactions can be imaged and modeled. Figure 3. Three color fluorescent image of a normal mouse mammary gland. Aim 1.2 Identify Pathways Regulating TICs In the current funding period we have: 1. Completed microarray analysis of all available mouse p53 null tumor models, as well as all available xenograft models using bulk tumor. These arrays will be used as the baseline by which the enriched TIC and “niche” cell populations will be measured for enrichment of signaling pathways. 2. Validated the ability of membrane based antibody proteomics arrays for their ability to yield data using small sample sizes typical of sorted TIC. In the Proteomics Core of the Dan L. Duncan Cancer Center, a NCI-designated Cancer Center, we have evaluated various antibody array platforms (ClonTech, Sigma, and Raybiotech Fullmoon Biosystem, and Raybiotech) and optimized conditions to achieve low background and reliable assay variance of replicate samples. Optimization requires control of appropriate dye concentration after protein labeling, background reduction methods, and development of post-image acquisition data analysis software. As a pilot project we identified differentially expressed proteins in serum samples from wild type mice and a mouse knockout for JMJD1a, a member of the jumonji (jmj) domain containing gene family of histone demethylases, using Raybiotech’s antibody array. Using these serum samples, we successfully optimized the protocol and generated reproducible results (R2=0.96) and identified differentially expressed proteins between these two groups of samples. Differential expression was validated by Western Blot analysis and/or by ELISA. We have obtained similar results using other antibody arrays tested. 3. Initiated Reverse Phase Proteomic Array analysis on all available xenograft models (under our U54 supplement). These proteomic arrays will identify signaling pathways activated in the bulk tumor, and will be used as the baseline by which the enriched TIC and “niche populations will be measured for enrichment of signaling pathways. Aim 1.3 Iterative Functional Analysis of Candidate Genes In the current funding period, we have: 1. Completed a functional screen in a second cell line (BT459) in addition to the cell line completed prior to start of the grant (SUM159). Comparison of these two screens yielded 5 genes in common that significantly downregulated mammosphere formation. We are initiating identical screens in two additional cell lines in order to increase confidence in our screen, and to identify additional novel regulators of TIC. Aim 1.4 Treatment Responses of TICs In the current funding period, we have: 1. Conducted baseline microarray analysis of all available p53 null mouse tumors and all available human xenograft tumors by which to judge TIC response to treatment (as noted above in aim 1.2). 2. Initiated microarray analysis of tumor samples treated with Notch signaling inhibitor (MK003), a Smoothened-targeted hedgehog signaling inhibitor (IPI926) and a GLI1/2targeted hedgehog signaling inhibitor (GANT61). These gene expression arrays will identify signaling pathways altered by treatment in the bulk tumor and will be used as the baseline by which the enriched TIC and “niche populations will be measured for enrichment of signaling pathways as a function of treatments. 3. Initiated RPPA analysis of tumor samples treated with Notch signaling inhibitor (MK003), a Smoothened-targeted hedgehog signaling inhibitor (IPI926) and a GLI1/2-targeted hedgehog signaling inhibitor (GANT61). These proteomic arrays will identify signaling pathways altered by treatment in the bulk tumor, and will be used as the baseline by which the enriched TIC and “niche populations will be measured for enrichment of signaling pathways as a function of treatments. Component 2 (Computational) Aim 2.1. 3D TIC niche microscopy image analysis The 3D images of mouse breast cancer tissues are acquired from Comp 1. The tumor initiating cells (TICs) are indicated by GFP-positive cells, blood vessels are shown in the red channel (dyed by using Dextran), and the tumor cells are in the blue channel (dyed by using DAPI, see the Figure 4). To quantify the spatial distributions of TICs, tumor cells and blood vessels, following image analyses, 3D image reconstruction, blood vessel segmentation, tumor cell and TIC segmentation, are being performed. To delineate the boundaries of blood vessels, vascularity-oriented level set algorithm is developed to enhance the image contrast. The iterative voting and gradient flow tracking 3D nuclei segmentation method are being developed to refine the nuclei segmentation by adjusting the Bayesian inference approach [1]. Figure 4: Nuclei image (DAPI channel, upper left); Tumor initiating cell image (GFP channel, upper right); Blood vessel image (Dextran channel, lower left); and the combined image (lower right) Aim 2.2. TIC signal pathway analysis Understanding the signaling mechanisms regulating breast TICs is important to design of efficient therapeutic and management strategies of breast cancer. A network-based signature and a comprehensive signaling map for identification of candidates of drug repositioning and combinations are proposed. A network-based signature analysis method we call the “cancersignaling bridges discovery method” was developed based on an extended concept of network motifs which can be used to expand the cancer drug-targets of known signaling pathways. The profiles of TIC derived from CD44+/CD24-/low breast cancer cells and mammospheres cells were employed to establish network-based signatures. We also curated a comprehensive signaling map for breast TIC by using the available signaling transductions in BioCarta, KEGG, and IPA which includes seven signaling pathways, PI3K/AKT, JAK/STAT, Notch, HH, Wnt, P53, and ECM. Aim 2.3. TIC mE modeling (1) TIC lineage model: We have developed a lineage model for TICs, progenitor cells and tumor cells to understand the dynamics of tumor formation. To understand better the progression, heterogeneity and treatment response of breast cancer, especially in the context of TICs, we developed a mathematical lineage model based on the cell compartment method. This first step has been achieved within an ordinary differential equations (ODE) modeling framework [3], which accounts for TIC symmetric self-renew and asymmetric differentiation regulated by the microenvironment. Some results indicate that treatments that inhibit tyrosine kinase activity of EGFR may not only repress the tumor volume, but also decrease the TICs percentages by shifting TICs from symmetric divisions to asymmetric divisions. The model is the first step that will be included in our existing multiscale model as source terms in the partial differential equations (PDE) modeling framework, and will aim at understanding the spatially heterogeneous localization of the TIC and progenitor cell populations within the tumor. (2) Breast TIC multiscale model: Further, we proposed a 3D multiscale tumor model incorporating the TIC concept and multiple microenvironmental (mE) factors as well as the above TIC lineage model to investigate how TIC content would influence the tumor evolution. The simulation results showed that solid tumors initiated from TICs have enhanced proliferation potential, albeit they take a longer time to reach their full size. These findings are partially demonstrated by our in vivo biological experiments. We also applied the tumor growth model to study the response of tumor to drug treatment and found that drugs would seldom reach most of the TICs-the latter proliferate relatively slowly than non-TICs and consequently tend to reside in the interior of the tumor, which may explain why cancer stem cells are apt to escape from most of therapies besides their stronger resistance. These findings may bring insights for the design of therapeutics. (3) Development of a novel multiscale algorithm: One constraint of the PDE framework to model TIC niche is its restriction to locally describe a large enough number of cells, which is typically not the case when the TIC population represents a very small percentage of the total population. We have adapted and developed a mathematical multiscale framework that is able to describe, in a consistent manner, phenomena that occur at the cellular level and generate emerging behaviors at the tissue level. This framework, coming from Physics, is called Dynamical Density Functional Theory. In combination with the Equation free approach, it will allow us to generically propose multiscale modeling for biological systems that we will particularize to TIC niche modeling in order to predict localization of TICs within a tumor. The hybrid approach we have developed is a necessary improvement of our numerical tools and allows for a physically consistent transition across scales, where tissues are described as a continuum, whereas a small number of cells is described by a discrete approach where single cell phenotypes play a role. (4) Breast tumorigenesis as perturbed mammary gland development: Since breast cancer can be seen as an abnormal regulation of physiological mammary gland development, or a malfunction of the gland, we are developing a lineage model of physiological mammary gland development based on the data recently generated from Component 1. First, our model aims at investigating the events involved in a normal mammary stem cell lineage and the corresponding duct formation. In the current state, we have designed a model that reproduces the key aspects of mammary gland development and will be calibrated by using the already existing data to help identify the rules of normal development. Second, the perturbation of these rules will help us identify what disruption may lead to abnormal development, hyperplasia, and eventually breast tumor. (5) Generic mechanisms of tumor development and their impact on tumor growth: We have developed several mathematical hypothesis-driven models for a better understanding of the mathematical structures that are required to observe pattern formation, i.e. spatially heterogeneous distribution of sub-populations within a tumor as experimentally observed for TICs. These models are generic and aim at testing phenotypic properties of TICs. They focus, respectively, on (a) Effect of angiogenesis on tumor growth [5], (b) ME-regulated phenotypic switch (proliferating and migratory) of cancer cells, which may give rise to spatially heterogeneous phenotype localization [6], (c) TIC lineage spatio-temporal dynamics using a cellular automaton framework. Component 3 (Educational) The goals for component 3 are two-fold: 1. To fund and train two multidisiplinary postdoctoral fellows 2. To develop a summer undergraduate program entitled the Multidisciplinary Summer Undergraduate Training Program In addition, we have added two new goals: 1. To coordinate a bi-weekly R&D seminar series for U54 participants across various institutions in the Texas Medical Center 2. To coordinate monthly “working group” meetings (one for “imaging” and one for “signaling and modeling”) In the current funding period, we have: 1. Filled one of the postdoctoral fellow positions. This fellow is resident in the laboratory of Dr. Vittorio Christini 2. Identified a strong candidate for the second position. This individual is scheduled to defend his laboratory thesis work in March 2011. He has already begun performing bioinformatic analyses under the direction of Drs. Michael Lewis, Stephen Wong, and Susan Hilsenbeck, and is already an active participant in the U54 seminar series. 3. Laid the groundwork for the summer undergraduate program. The call for applicants to this program will be released in February 2011. 4. Arranged to host an ICBP summer intern for summer 2011. 5. Initiated the R&D seminar series 6. Initiated the working group meetings Significance We have successfully initiated the postdoctoral training aspect of the project, which should facilitate data analysis and enhance modeling capabilities. In addition, we have established an atmosphere of cooperation and free and open communication between the two research components of the project. Plans for the coming year 1. 2. 3. 4. Hiring of the second postdoctoral fellow Complete the summer undergraduate program Mentor the ICBP summer intern effectively Continue the R&D seminar series and working group meetings Component 4 (Administration) The specific aim of the administrative core is to provide a flexible yet effective administrative structure to support the infrastructural and scientific aims, in view of the many faceted interactions that must necessarily occur among the CMCD teams. To accomplish this aim, we have begun developing and executing a management plan based on a balanced management strategy that supports an environment of shared decision-making and mutual responsibility among the core PIs, while providing the oversight and leadership necessary to produce quality biomedical imaging work. We have managed the overall CMCD project using sound basics, including phased delivery, quick and concrete feedback, clear articulation of the project needs, project tracking and oversight, effective governance, and inter-group coordination. The PI, Project Manager (PM), and Core PIs have held regular meetings to communicate project status and future goals. The Methodist Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine, and UTHSC at Houston are located within walking distance of each other in the Texas Medical Center. This geographic proximity provides great convenience for the synergy and interaction among the Methodist-Cornell, Baylor, and UTHSC teams. Many of the team members have been collaborating in a number of research projects on breast and other type of cancers, including those requiring new techniques in computational biology, bioimaging, pathway inference, tumor invasion microenvironment modeling, and computational modeling of drug treatment response. We have formed an External Advisory Panel (EAP) of four experts in the areas of cancer cell biology and computational biology (Drs. Franziska Michor, Joe Gray, Tim Huang, and Robert Gatenby). This panel is also composed of members from other NCI U54 Centers, which should help us collaborate with these other teams and disseminate information more effectively. Our first EAP meeting has been scheduled for Feb. 10th and 11th and we plan on having our panelists be guest speakers. We have also invited a strong consultant team composed of wellknown experts in the cancer biology, stem cell biology, systems biology, bioinformatics, cancer microenvironment modeling, and in-vivo stem cell labeling, including Professor Norbert Perrimon at Harvard Medical School, Professor Dihua Yu at UT MD Anderson Cancer center, Professors Margaret Goodell and Daniel Medina at Baylor College of Medicine, Professor Michael Zhang at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Professor Muhammad Zaman at UT Austin, and Professor Charles Lin at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Harvard Medical School. To ensure effective management, a relatively small leadership team (PI, PM, and Core PIs) has been formed to coordinate primary projects, task-specific-projects and supporting core activities. This team also brings many facets of knowledge to bear upon the decision-making process, enabling faster, more effective decisions to be made about shaping the direction of the scientific research of the CMCD. This has been especially important in view of the demands of working with research groups across multiple disciplines and multiple institutions. The small yet representative nature of the team minimizes the cost of overhead and ensures swifter communications. During the first funding cycle the CMCD has been within budget, generated large quantities of data, and developed numerous collaborative efforts. Thus far we have: - Started a bi-weekly seminar series Started monthly working group meetings for the Modeling Component Started monthly working group meetings for the Imaging Component Scheduled our first annual 2-day symposium Selected and scheduled our first external advisory panel meeting Hosted a 2-day ICBP JI Meeting Held monthly and ad hoc leadership meetings Held small group meetings between the wet lab and modeling groups Funded 5 pilot projects at $75,000 a piece with the help of matched funding from the Methodist Hospital Hired 4 post docs with the help of matched funding from the Methodist Hospital Worked with 3 summer students Setup a public website Setup a private password protected wiki site C. Significance Component 1 While a variety of signaling pathways have been implicated in controlling TIC selfrenewal, it is not known whether these pathways function in the TIC itself, or the surrounding epithelial and/or stromal cells. The availability of validated signaling reports will allow us to define the identity of responsive cells directly, to localize these cells in space relative to other cell types, and to literally watch them in real time as they grow and respond to treatment. In addition, should TIC be uniquely identified by presence or absence of expression of a given reporter, we can purify these cells and evaluate them molecularly and by high-content imaging. Ideally, some commonalities will emerge. However, we may also be able to define the range of heterogeneity across multiple breast cancer subtypes. Finally, identification of novel regulators of TIC function should lead to more effective targeting of the TIC and better our ability to monitor treatment response in a meaningful way other than by tumor shrinkage. Component 2 First, our mathematical model studied the impact of TICs division pattern on the tumor expansion, incorporated the effects of TIC niche, and integrated simplified effects of signaling pathways as well. The simulated responses of tumor to drug treatments suggest that future therapies should be either designed to effectively target the TIC niche, or block signaling pathways. Second, our multiscale mathematical framework is necessary for the development of a computational platform of tumor growth. It allows for the integration of data coming from different scales into the models, e.g. molecular biomarkers of a given pathological process and macroscopic tumor size. Such a multiscale approach (i) allows for the accurate calibration of parameters at various scales and (ii) provides an innovative tool for performing reliable numerical simulations by handling the flow of information across scales in a robust and coherent way. Third, the mathematical model can reproduce spatially heterogeneous sub-population distribution within a tumor, as experimentally observed for the TICs; and the roadmap of tumorigenic traits stemming from physiological mammary gland development will improve the current design of breast cancer treatments. Finally, tumorigenesis modeling will provide a better understanding of the interplay between tumor growth and angiogenesis development, and suggesting hypothesis to develop novel anti-angiogenic therapy protocols. Component 3 We have successfully initiated the postdoctoral training aspect of the project, which should facilitate data analysis and enhance modeling capabilities. In addition, we have established an atmosphere of cooperation and free and open communication between the two research components of the project. Component 4 The administrative core is here to provide a flexible yet effective administrative structure to support the infrastructural and scientific aims, in view of the many faceted interactions that must necessarily occur among the CMCD teams. To accomplish this aim, we have begun developing and executing a management plan based on a balanced management strategy that supports an environment of shared decision-making and mutual responsibility among the core PIs, while providing the oversight and leadership necessary to produce quality biomedical imaging work. We have managed the overall CMCD project using sound basics, including phased delivery, quick and concrete feedback, clear articulation of the project needs, project tracking and oversight, effective governance, and inter-group coordination. The PI, Project Manager (PM), and Core PIs have held regular meetings to communicate project status and future goals. D. Plans and tasks for year 2 Component 1 (1) Using the validated reporters, tracking and analyzing in-vivo 3D TIC mE imaging data; (2) TIC Signaling pathway analysis based on genomics and proteomics data; (3) Bioinformatic analysis of TIC pathways based on shRNA data; (4) TIC-stromal cell-cell interaction modeling and optimization strategy for targeting TIC niche therapy (Figure 5); (5) Development of the multiscale mathematical framework by incorporating signal pathway information and physical force information into current model; (6) Simulations of the TIC development model and comparison with in vivo imaging data; (7) Investigation of the mammary gland development model and identification of the potential tumorigenic events; (8) Prediction and analysis of the TIC development using the developed TIC multiscale framework. Component 2 Figure 5: We propose to establish a TIC-centered, signaling pathway-based, multi-scale cell-cell interaction regulated lineage model to investigate the long-term tumor recurrence risks of neoadjuvant breast cancer treatments. The backbone model will simulate the self-renewal and differentiation of TICs and cancer progenitors(PCs), while system flexibility and robustness will be addressed by multi-scale regulations via cell-cell interactions. Such intercellular communications in cell microenvrionments are: 1) tumor stromal cells promote TIC renewal via Wnt, Hh, and Akt-triggering factors (not known yet); 2) tumor cells and other fully differentiated cells suppress the growth of TICs and PCs via TGFβ (not sure yet); and 3) cell fate control under the microenvironments of Wnt, Hh, and Akt-triggering factor levels via Notch/Delta jaxacrine (need biologists to check the idea). The key parameters are the renewal rate, differentiation rate, and the renew/diff ratio of the TICs and PCs. The major experiment observations as well as model outputs are TICs, PCs, and TCs population, and the Wnt, Hh, Notch, Akt, and TGFβ signaling strength at multiple time points in each treatment group (IR, chemotherapy, perifosine, etc). Key parameters will be determined based on experiment data, then the system will be explored by parameter sensitive analysis to reveal vulnerable chains as efficient drug targets, and the model will predict best strategies for TIC-targeted neo-adjuvant treatments and will be validated by follow-up experiments. This work will help us to better understand the roles of the TIC microenvironments, especially the multiscale cell-cell interactions, in terms of radio- and chemo- therapy resistance and long-term tumor recurrence, to discover efficient drug targets, and to optimize the TIC-targeted treatment strategies. Component 3 During the second year we plan on hiring a second postdoctoral fellow for the educational component. We also plan on completing the summer undergraduate program, mentoring the ICBP summer interns, and continuing the R&D seminar series and working group meetings. Component 4 Our plan for the second year is to continue tracking project milestones while building upon the success of the first year. Our five pilot projects will be fully funded in the second year and we therefore look forward to increasing the amount of data produced by this center. Our first annual symposium will also take place after the completion of this progress report, but still in the first year’s funding cycle. We will also market our private password protected wiki site to enhance participation and increase collaboration. E. Publications and manuscripts 1: Li, F., Zhou, X., and Wong, S.T.C, (2010) Optimal Live Cell Tracking for Cell Cycle Study Using Time-lapse Fluorescent Microscopy Images International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI 2010). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Beijing, China, 124-131. 2: Zhang M. Atkinson RL., Rosen JM, Selective Targeting of Radiation-Resistant TumorInitiating Cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Feb 23;107(8):3522-7. Epub 2010 Feb 3 PMID: 20133717 3: Zhu, XW, Zhou, XB, Lewis, M, Xia, L, and Wong, STC, Cancer stem cell, niche and EGFR decide tumor development and treatment response: A bio-computational Simulation Study, Journal of Theoretical Biology 269 (1):38-149. PMID: 20969880 4: Visbal AP, Lewis MT. Hedgehog signaling in the normal and neoplastic mammary gland. Curr Drug Targets. 2010 Sep;11(9):1103-11. Review.PMID: 20545610 5: H. Hatzikirou, A. Chauviere, J. Lowengrub, J. De Groot and V. Cristini, Effect of vascularization on glioma tumor growth. In Modeling Tumor Vasculature: Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Level Aspects and Implications, Trachette L. Jackson Eds., Springer (In Press) 6. K. Pham, A. Chauviere , H. Hatzikirou, X. Li, H. Byrne, V. Cristini and J. Lowengrub, Densitydependent quiescence in glioma invasion: instability in a simple reaction-diffusion model for the migration/proliferation dichotomy, Submitted (2010) to Journal of Biological dynamics F. Project-generated Resources In year 1, we have developed cell segmentation tool packages, TIC signal network inference tools, TIC lineage models, TIC multiscale modeling tools, and a number of tumor growth models. These tools and models will be freely available after they are validated. As these tools are validated they will be made available on our public website, and will be shared with the ICBP Datasets & Software Working Group that meets monthly.