1 E-Net Doc. 2013/5720 TC 155 Times – Report of TC 155 Plenary Meeting May 2013 May 2013 TC155 Times TC 155 – Plastics piping systems and ducting systems – Plenary Sofia, Bulgaria. The 53rd meeting was held on the 14th and 15th May 2013. A total of 55 delegates, liaisons and officers from 19 member countries attended the meeting. Herman Renier is the new chairman of TC 155. The Commission was not represented at the meeting. The UK delegation comprised of: Caroline Ayres, Steve Beech Convenor of WG 12, Bob March (GRP) and Frank Jones Head of Delegation. The Plenary was divided into five sessions: Non-pressure, General matters relating to Pressure and Non Pressure, Pressure, Liaison reports and matters relating to Harmonisation. Some guidance to CEN procedures is included at the end of this report. Page 1-2 3 4 -5 Subject General/Non-pressure General/Pressure Liaison reports/CE marking All TC Documents Including WG’s, TG’s and AHG’s will be published on CEN Livelink. (Password protected). We have included the TC document number. If you wish to see the document please contact me or Carol via secretary@plasticpipesgroup.com 3881. Draft Minutes of the previous meeting adopted with minor changes (22 Pages)! 3960 Secretary Report agreed 3943 Work Programme agreed Non–pressure WG 1 – Installation, Pressure and non-pressure 3931 CEN/TR 1046 (Thermoplastics piping systems – systems outside building structures for the conveyance of water or sewerage, Practices for underground installation). Due to be published shortly. It has been agreed that TC/155 will have input into the TC/165 documents EN 1295 (Structural design of Buried Pipelines) and EN 1610 (Construction and Design of Drains and Sewers), both of which are currently under revision. TS 1046 can be withdrawn in 3 years if there is a suitable EN 1610 outcome. The TEPPFA work of lifetime expectancy of 100 year lifetime for non-pressure sewers/drains will be referenced. The use of recyclate (up to 100%) is being considered for inner layer and total pipes. TS 15223 (Plastic piping systemsValidated design parameters design of buried thermoplastic piping systems) revision has started. It will be kept as a PWI considering the progress of CEN TC 165/WG 12 “Structural design of pipelines” with the EN 1295-4. WG 6 – PVC-U soil and waste and drains and sewers 3948 EN 1329-1 (PVC-U soil and waste) – revised taking into account TPE joints, consistency of dimensions between metric series and inch series. Reference to the ISO documents. Clarification of products covered. UAP procedure started. Work to revise EN 1453-1 and -2 started (structured wall PVCU soil and waste). ENV 13801 (Soil and waste recommended installation practice) revised. Now subject to CEN Enquiry as a TR Close 6 Sep 2013. © F A Jones BPF Plastics Pipes Group All information is given in good faith but no responsibility can be accepted for errors and omissions This report is prepared for the UK only and is not an official TC 155 report or document. May 2013 Page 1 of 5 2 TC155 Times WG 10 – Systems of PO material and drains and sewers 3915 WG 26 - Systems for storm water handling 3944 Convenor K Strom. EN 12666-2 (PE non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage) – Assessment of Conformity published. WI 00155766 Specification for boxes used for infiltration, attenuation and storage systems made of un-plasticised PVC-U and PP - Commission Internal Ballot (CIB) closes 2012 -11-23. WG 13 - Structured Wall Systems 3953 Ad Hoc Groups established: Revision of EN 13476-4 (Structured wall pipes Assessment of Conformity) published. EN 13476 -1,-2 and part 3 will be subjected to a focussed review concentrating on larger diameters, editorial update, attempt to align with CEN TS 14541, take into account use of reprocessable and recyclable materials. Can only use recycled material of known specification. AHG 45 proposal on 100 year lifetime. UK input requested. AHG 1 – Mechanical Strength WI 00155783 Test method for strength of boxes closed 2012-1123. Many comments dealt with. Ready for CEN Inquiry. AHG 2 – Material WI 00155784. Test method for short term compression strength of boxes - CIB closing 2012-11-23. Many comments dealt with. Ready for CEN Inquiry. WG 15 Rainwater systems 3940 Durability testing is proving difficult to decide how to test boxes. Material properties are proving difficult to agree on. Durability test under review. Alastair Walmsley re-appointed convenor of WG 15 to revise 12200-1 to include possibility of multi-layer pipes and recycled materials. Next meetings to be held in July and August. T B A. UK Note: How does the CIRIA work align time wise?? WG 20 – Ancillaries non pressure 3941 Alastair Walmsley re-appointed Convenor of WG 20. Waiting for decision on hENs before commencing work on umbrella hEN on thermoplastic chambers. BS EN 13598 part 2 (Manholes and inspection chambers in traffic and deep underground installations) due for periodic review but work held until future structure of the hENs are approved. General WG 14 – GRP associated projects 3922 PrEN 15383 (GRP manholes and inspection chambers) – approved being prepared for UAP closing 9th August 2013. EN 1796 and EN 14364 (pipe product standards) vote closed Nov 13. Published. TS 14807 (Structural analysis) – Sent for TCA Jan 2013, closure 09 August 2013. WG 17 – Renovation 3959 Page 2 of 5 May 2013 Note: the ISO 138 committee has become a full Subcommittee. Existing EN standards to be updated and replaced by equivalent EN ISO standards. Parallel voting on prEN ISO 112971 (D&S under pressure-general) and -3 (D&S under pressure – lining with close fit pipes) ended 16 Oct 2012. New work items ISO 11296-7 Drainage & Sewerage lining with spirally wound pipes, ISO 11299-1 Gas general and ISO 11299-3 Gas close fit pipe UAP started 26 July 2012 ends 26 Dec 2012. WG 21 – Assessment No new activity. WG 25 – Recycling of PVC-u, PE and PP materials 3945 Published CEN/TS 14541 - May 2013. WG 27 Environmental Aspects 3934 Application: 1st Priority: pressurised buried systems 2nd Non-Pressurised buried systems 3rd In house non-pressure 4th In house systems pressure 5th Ducting systems Work will be based upon EN15804. The aim is to develop a single document per application when developing a LCA/EPD for plastic piping systems. The Commission is recommending: Product Environment Footprint (PEF) Whilst we have via TEPPFA EPD’s. 3 TC155 Times There is a need to understand the value/relationship of the 2 docs. Next meeting July 2014. AHG 47 – wall construction definitions 3841 ISO/DTR 27165 – Thermoplastic piping systems – Guidance for definitions of wall constructions for pipes. Published 2102-10-15. Pressure AHG 37 Policies relating to drinking water issues Mandate M/136 (water intended for human consumption) The Commission has agreed that TC 155 should be involved in the preparation of work programmes and the relevant candidate harmonized product standards, but only when the detailed information on regulatory guidance governing product test requirements has been made available by the Commission. Although CEN/TC 155 took a resolution during its last plenary meeting stating that it is the task of AHG 37 to prepare an answer to mandate M/136 rev. 2, it is too early to prepare any document as further information is required. We cannot prepare the response to the revision of M/136. Work on-going! prEN ISO 13845 Test method for leak tightness under internal pressure and angular deflection. Work undertaken in ISO. Under preparation for DIS vote. WG 12 – Systems of PO material for pressure drainage, water supply and gas supply 3924 Review of EN ISO 15494 (Plastic piping systems for industrial applications) PB, PE and PP. Doc under preparation for parallel vote prEN ISO/Dis New Convenor Mr Neubert appointed Liaison Parts 1/2/3/5 of the revision of EN 1555 were published in October 2010 and Part 4 in May2011. CEN TC 107 Prefabricated district heating piping systems CEN/TS 1555-7 published. We should be aware of the work and the materials used. Water EN 12201-1/2/3/5 (for the revision of EN 12201 series and to incorporate EN 13244) published in October 2011. EN 12201-4 published Feb 2012. The EN13244 series has been withdrawn. The revision of CEN/TS 12201-7 has started and will include an annex on fabricated fittings. Size range extended to 2500mm. Questions were raised re testing procedure for the larger diameters. Site Testing The AHG group formed to re. testing large diameter PE. Pipes is finalising their recommendations. WG16 – Hot and cold water applications 3939. The WG is to use a template for writing the next standards using PP standard as the model. WG 8 – PVC-U (solid wall) pressure 3935 Work to start writing the PB Standards. Part 7 EN 1852-7 (assessment of conformity) – failed TCA due to be reissued for 2ndJuly 2013. ISO WG’s to be advised that work has started. prEN ISO 13844 Elastomeric sealing rings Test method for leak tightness under negative pressure. Revision started of EN ISO 15874 Parts 1, 2, 3 and 5 PP for hot water, including the Part 3 Amendment. ISO group to be involved. Under preparation for DIS vote WG23 - Industrial Page 3 of 5 Applications 3893 May 2013 3954 Pex, PB and in the future PE-RT CEN TC 236 GAS . No doc. prEN 12007-1 &-2 published 2012 Part 5 TC /TC 107 Fire safety in Buildings 3956. Change of status of fire ratings. Work is going on fire sleeves for plastic pipes 40mm and bigger. For PO/PE and PVC soil and waste application. Set up testing programme. The TC may request samples. Reaction to fire and resistance to fire. At this stage we do not know who will pay for the Test programme? Brand names are included in the reports of the products under test. Therefore any manufacturer may be named in a test report. They are also changing the test procedure/layout/installation practice which may affect Who will pay for all of the work? Currently the fire check sleeves manufacturers are paying for the work. We need to WATCH this work, TEPPFA is involved. CEN TC 165. See doc 3947 Issues with: 4 TC155 Times Water use and reuse rain water and grey water and infiltration system. Both system and product approach. There was a long discussion on the relationship between TC 165 and TC 155. Whatever the outcome TC 155 needs more person power to work in both TC 165 and TC 164. CEN TC 249 WG 16 Thermoplastics welding TC 155 is preparing an inventory of the needs for standardization in welding, butt fusion and electrofusion on PE welding systems. Mandate M/366 – Dangerous Substances TC 351(Construction Products: Release of Dangerous substances) has commenced work. Mr Peereboom Liaison report from CEN/TC 351/WG1. Industrial pipes and fittings are not required (CE not required for industrial products). Future meetings: At this stage we should have a fair idea of the total new CE marking timetable. However, several CEN members may still not support the expected structure! Autumn 2013 20/21 November Denmark He was clear that after July 1st 2013 when the CPR takes over from the CPD, that CE marking will become mandatory for those products with a harmonised standard that has been published in the Official Journal. Products without an approved Harmonised Standard can still be placed on the market. It is clear that other marks can be used alongside the CE Marking including Quality Marks. Meaning CE Marking, where possible, must be called up by the specifier/purchaser and other Marks/requirements can be used. Time scale: Not sure when Mandate will be issued! Assuming that we can agree the model hEN for pressure then the other 3 hENs can be adapted accordingly. No liaison officer from TC 155 to M/366. We may need to change some of the standards/methods of test. CE Marking: The Final Frontier!! However, these would be moving requirements etc. into the hENs from the method of test or the product standard. STILL NO REAL PROGRESS the Commission has yet to respond to TC 155 The “leaked” adverse letter (document 3962) from the Dutch Ministry is not the official position of the Government. The goal of high quality piping systems was not challenged, only the possible route of using the annex z approach rather than the use of “cluster hENs”. hEN 15014 Pressure is being rewritten in the style of the CEN template and configured to accommodate the product standards. This document once agreed will become the “model” for the other hENs. Thus we are looking at CE introduction for our products circa late 2015/mid 2016. Until then we must keep our customers informed about the progress and the FACT THAT OUR PIPES AND FITTINGS CAN LEGITIMATLEY BE PLACED ON THE MARKET WITHOUT CE MARKING UNTIL OUR hENs ARE HARMONISED AND PUBLISHED IN THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL. Note: Both Teppfa and PPG have issued guidance papers. Watch this space. CE was due to be introduced in 1993!! We are getting there!! GRP is included. Page 4 of 5 May 2013 CEN TC 155 Plenary – Copenhagen - book early Spring 2014 14/15 or 20/21 May Poland Autumn 2014, week 47 or week 48 Croatia NOTE. This document is prepared such that it gives an overview of the workings of TC 155 in say 5/6 pages. Reference should always be made to the full documents and official minutes /resolutions of the meeting. It does not cover the work of ISO138 Plastic Pipes and Fittings, nor does it cover the work of other CEN committees: CEN TC 164 water, CEN TC 165 drains and sewers. To do this would require a document of say 50 plus pages. CEN Procedures TC Doc This indicates that the standard is at a very early stage in its development. It is still in the hands of the WG or AHG and is not sufficiently advanced to proceed to the next stage. prEN This is the stage of the CEN inquiry where the documents should be available in three languages: English, French and German. The documents are sent out to all CEN members and are subjected to an enquiry. It is then up to the Convenor to decide if the WG can take into account the comments made, and if so the revised documents will be sent to the formal vote. 5 TC155 Times Formal Vote. The documents are issued by CEN for the Formal Vote, which is taken on a weighted vote basis. Editorial comments only allowed. UAP The document does not come out for enquiry but goes straight to Formal vote. Editorial and technical comments allowed. If the documents pass the Formal Vote/UAP then the Member Bodies are obliged to withdraw any conflicting national standards within 6 months. The term conflicting National standards is very loose and only refers to standards produced by the CEN member Body Every EN can have a National Foreword, which gives guidance from the National viewpoint. These are drafted at prEN stage. TCA Voting by correspondence – applicable to TSs. NOTE: No technical comments can be made by correspondence. Part 7 Guide to the Assessment of conformity WILL BE PUBLISHED AS A TS. TS Technical Specification TC 155 originally decided to use the ENV and then the TR for all Assessment of Conformity documents. The decision has been taken to now use the TS format and all existing TRs/ENVs for assessment of Conformity are being converted into TSs. The TS is a voluntary document and as such the national codes of practice or other National standards/codes DO NOT have to be withdrawn. CEN TS are approved and published in the same way as the former ENV. Comments please to: Structure of ENs Frank Jones Consultant to BPF PPG For the Non-pressure ENs the following Part numbers indicate: Tel: +44 (0)1325 339184 email:frankj@plasticpipesgroup.com Part 1 The actual standard for pipes and fittings. Part 2 Guide to the Assessment of conformity PUBLISHED AS A TS. Part 3 Guide to installation practice and PUBLISHED AS A TS. For the pressure ENs the following Part Numbers indicate: Part 1 General requirements Part 2 Pipes Part 3 Fittings Part 4 Valves (if required) Part 5 Fitness for purpose Part 6 Installation practice WILL BE PUBLISHED AS A TS. (Except for GAS see EN 1555). Page 5 of 5 May 2013