Unnatural Narrative

Narrative Theory: Core Concepts and Current Debates; with David Herman, James
Phelan and Peter Rabinowitz, and Robyn Warhol. Ohio State University Press, 2012
(forthcoming). In my sections, I outline an unnatural approach to narration, plot, space,
character, the reader, and value.
Unnatural Voices: Extreme Narration in Modern and Contemporary Fiction; Ohio State
University Press, Theory and Interpretation of Narrative series (2006), 166 pp. Winner of
the Perkins Prize for the best book in narrative studies in 2006.
Unlikely Stories: Causality and the Nature of Modern Narrative. Newark and London:
University of Delaware Press (1997) 219 pp.
A Poetics of Unnatural Narrative, edited with Jan Alber and Henrik Skov Nielsen,
Contributing Co-Editor, A Dictionary of Unnatural and Antimimetic Narratology
“Unusual and Unnatural Narrative Sequences,” Narrative Sequence in Contemporary
Narratology, eds. Françoise Revaz and Raphaël Baroni (forthcoming).
AUnnatural Voices,@ (with Jan Alber and Henrik Skov Nielsen), The Rutgers Companion
to Experimental Literature, edited by Joe Bray, Alison Gibbons, and Brian McHale. New
Brunswick: Rutgers UP, forthcoming.
“Narrations non naturelles, théorie non naturelle” (online; forthcoming)
AUnnatural Voices in Ulysses: Joyce’s Postmodern Modes of Narration,@ Strange
Voices, edited by Per Krog Hansen, Stefan Iversen, Henrik Skov Nielsen, and Rolf
Reitan. Berlin: de Gruyter, ANarratologia@ series (2011), 1-11.
AWhat Is Unnatural Narrative Theory?@ Unnatural Narratives, edited by Jan Alber and
Rüdiger Heinze. Berlin: De Gruyter, FRIAS series (2011), 23-39
ANabokov=s Experiments and the Question of Fictionality,@ Storyworlds 3 (2011) 73-92.
“Narrative Theory, the Question of Method, and the Unusual Text” Théorie, analyse,
interprétation des récits, edited by Sylvie Patron, 2010, 57-70.
“Unnatural Narratives—Unnatural Narratology: Beyond Mimetic Models,” (with
Jan Alber, Stefan Iversen, and Henrik Skov Nielsen), Narrative 18 (2010) 113-36.
“Endings in Drama and Performance: A Theoretical Model” Current Trends in
Narratology, edited by Greta Olsen, De Gruyter, 2011, 181-99.
“Narrative and Drama,” Cambridge Companion to Narrative Theory, ed. David Herman,
Cambridge UP (2007) 142-56.
"Narrative Poetics and Postmodern Transgression: Theorizing the Collapse of Time,
Voice, and Frame," Narrative 8 (2000) 23-42.
“Plot after Postmodernism,” Drama and/after Postmodernism. Contemporary Drama in
English, vol. 14, eds. Christoph Henke and Martin Middeke. Trier: WVT, 2007. 55-67.
“Making Time: Narrative Temporality in Twentieth Century Literature and Theory,”
Literature Compass 3/3 (2006) 603-612. Online; posted March 2006.
“Beyond the Poetics of Plot: Alternative Forms of Narrative Progression and the Multiple
Trajectories of Ulysses,” A Companion to Narrative Theory, eds. James Phelan and Peter
Rabinowitz (Blackwell, 2005) 167-80.
“Anti-Narrative,” “Denarration,” entries in The Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative
Theory (2005).
"Beyond Story and Discourse: Narrative Time in Postmodern and Non-Mimetic Fiction,"
in Narrative Dynamics: Essays on Time, Plot, Closure, and Frames, edited by Brian
Richardson, Ohio State UP, 2002, 47-63.
“Denarration in Fiction: Erasing the Story in Beckett and Others,” Narrative 9 (2001),
“Voice and Narration in Postmodern Drama,” New Literary History 32 (2001) 681-94.
"Theatrical Space and the Domain of Endgame," The Journal of Dramatic Theory and
Criticism 14.2 (Spring 2000) 14-22.
"Beyond Poststructuralism: Theory of Character, the Personae of Modern Drama, and the
Antinomies of Critical Theory," Modern Drama 40 (1997) 86-99.
"‘Hours Dreadful and Things Strange’: Inversions of Chronology and Causality in
Macbeth," Philological Quarterly 68 (1989) 283-94.
"‘Time is Out of Joint’: Narrative Models and the Temporality of the Drama," Poetics
Today 8 (1987) 299-309.