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UDC: 327 (100) +351.88
A.S. Lozovytskyi
VHNO "Expert Ukraine", st.Skovoroda, 45, Kyiv, 04070,
Environmental policy factor of state in the globalization structure. O.S. Lozovytskyi The paper
theoretically grounded current trends of laws and patterns of international relations. The author
systematized empirical and historical experience of environmental factor development and their
role in the implementation of foreign policy. This scientific problem is solved in an integrated
analysis of recent research and publications on the characteristics of the vital mechanisms of
development and conditions for their implementation, including the uncertainties and
contradictions of globalization. Keywords: environmental factor, foreign policy, globalization,
international relations, public administration.
At the beginning of the XXI century. the emergence of new threats determines the origin
and development of this specific type of policy as ecological policy of the state. There are many
approaches to the understanding of environmental policy. Some researchers consider
environmental policy as a system of measures taken by government authorities to protect the
environment. Others - expanding ethnic composition of environmental policy, adding to the state
political parties, social movements, NGOs, corporations, individuals, and others.
State the problem
First, A.V. Aksenov and I.A. Khaliy consider environmental policy as the interaction of
various economic, political and social structures aimed at implementing strategies in
conservation and the environment [1, p. 152]. Besides environmental policy identified with
conservation, and more recently eco approach was understood as environmental (from the
English. Environment - environment), that is environmental. In other words, eco approach
involves the scope of their interests all habitats, natural and man-made. Yes O. Janicki
understands environmental policy as policies aimed at preservation and reproduction of healthy
and safe environment stay and working on solving social and environmental conflicts through
gradual ecological modernization in all spheres of social life [2, p. 362].
Some authors consider the environmental policy of the state as a two-level concept. On
the one hand, this strategy related to environmental safety, and the other - with ecocompetition
struggle in situations of current or power hierarchical relationships that are changing in nature.
Environmental policy, conducted by one or another social group, organization is a reaction to the
interests of its members and supporters. Because interests may be different, it is essentially a
two-tier. According to G.V. Kosov in two-tier nature of the concept of environmental policy is
the specificity [3].
In two-tier approach State environmental policy can serve as activities to ensure public
safety in its environmental field and as an activity that holds the interests of one of the social
groups. According to G.V. Kosov, the state can provide the dominance of those social groups
whose interests associated with obtaining excess profits from the exploitation of natural
resources. But the author believes that government can work for the interests of those groups are
formed and profits as a result of conservation. Many companies are interested in tightening
environmental standards in society. Those companies who have performed before other
ecological modernization of production, and then through the institute have made lobbying
stiffness environmental standards, get rid of the competition and get a monopoly high profits.
This also can be added and the socalled EcoProm, income from which is fully based on caring
about nature. For O. N.Yanitsky specific environmental policy is that:
1. Side effects other policies, whether military, economic or cultural.
2. Since environmental hazards, increasing the amount of which is not perceived directly by the
3. He tries very weak social support in societies that exist through modern extreme exploitation
of natural resources.
4. Environmental policy should be based on professional knowledge and have close connection
with organizations that make this knowledge [4, p. 173].
We agree with the first three specific features eco-policy, dedicated O.N. Yanytskyi. The
fourth feature is not specific to environmental policy, because of environmental and social
knowledge in the formulation of environmental policy is necessary but accounting professional
knowledge required in modern conditions and the formation of other types of policies. The
concept of "ecological policy" is derived from "politics" and "ecology." In politics we will
understand a course consciously develop a strategy that in some area. More precisely - public
policy. It affects many people and its consequences affect many. In addition to its typical
manifestation of power. Those who have political power, are able to carry out their decisions to
use all means of coercion [5, p. 72]. The modern science is a discipline that studies the
relationship between man and the environment.
Environment - a set of integrated systems, each of which involves not only complex
organisms, but also a set of physical factors. Such systems are the basic units of natural earth, but
next to them there and ecosystems created by man. Thus, ecology is the study of natural and
artificial ecosystems in their relationship with humans.
Ecological view of things and phenomena means analysis of the effects of human
activity on the environment, as well as the impact of the environment on humans. In this context,
"environmental" means records of such consequences in the political life of society. This eco
approach - this is the direction the functioning of the political system as a whole and its
individual components associated with the regulation of relations in the system [6, p. 402]. But
this is not any regulation, and focused on relationship building that would meet the opportunities
ambient higher adaptability. The author believes that the state ecological policy has two main
areas that contribute to environmental adaptation, and together constitute measures against
environmental degradation:
1. Combating environmental depletion (quantitative deterioration);
2. Combating environmental pollution (quality deterioration).
In the modern world of science is present, and often is a key structure in mega-, macro-and
mikropolitycal process. It concerns the interests of the world community as a whole and
determine foreign policy, cross-border pollution problems raise the question of survival based
regional political processes, in some cases, defines the essence of ecology at the local level.
Yes G.V. Kosov were isolated conditions of domination:
1) economic growth because environmental requirements receive priority authority over only the
economic well-being;
2) global, regional, local environmental crisis that could push society "green radicalism";
3) Use a neutral "green" phraseology to deal with the existing totalitarian regime [7, p. 113].
The situation of ecological politics and politicized environment raises this phenomenon as
ekopolitycal process. Ekopolitycal process, according to G.V. Kosov represents the interaction
of the subjects of environmental policy on their integration or separation based on fundamental
ecological needs and interests [8, p. 317].
Environmental movement and the state
As part of our research we consider two actors Contemporary ekopolitycal process: the
environmental movement and the state. Environmental movement, which is a part of the whole
social movement is environmental tech NGOs. Any movement has its values on the basis of
which produced guidance, strategy and tactics, as well as forming an organizational structure that
is the nature of cells and their connections. For the environmental movement socially significant
purpose is the protection of nature. Achieving goals is through the mobilization of domestic and
external resources, to their concentration and direction for the benefit of nature and society [9, p.
Typically, environmental movements used methods of direct action. Actions such
content can promote the growth of the popularity of environmental movements, but can also
have a destructive character. Indirect impact occurs when representatives of organizations hold
positions in the environmental departments, as members of Parliament. This allows them to more
effectively implement the requirements in life many ecologically minded public.
There are a number of potential reactions of state institutions to the demands of these agents to
environmental policy that reflects the concept of the political sensitivity of the developed U.
Hamsonom. He proposed to distinguish two aspects of the process of a social movement
intervention in public policy: procedural and substantial [10, p. 302]. The first indicates the
degree of formal inclusion of social movements in the process of decision-making and
institutional political structure of the state as a whole. Second - indicates the degree of public
acceptance of political institution goals of social movements. Combinations of these basic
relations give a result of the following matrix: collapse, interception, co-optation and complete
acceptance. Thus, in a transitional society relationships between agents making decisions
ekopolit mostly conflicting in nature. O. N.Yanytskyi identified three positions of public
institutions regarding environmental NGOs: complete denial, partial and full recognition as
partners [11].
Political spectrum of the green movement can be divided into radical and moderate
parts. The boundary between these two key parts of acts Greenpeace, because it combines the
features and one or the other. For example, the radicals - the principle of "direct action", and
from moderate - strong financial base and successful political lobbying. The main sources of
funds are donations and income from publications. Green radical movement in turn are divided
into right and left wing. The first course as environmental fascism, the second - the social green
movement. One of the main features of the political ecofashyzm have negative attitudes towards
foreigners, due to environmental reasons. Since the mid XX century. among European rightwing radicals develops the idea that foreigners - this environmental problem. Increasingly hostile
to foreigners justified environmental arguments.
The main thesis of political ecorasyzm is to ensure that migrants have absolutely no
interest in targeting long-term measures to protect the environment. Instead, they seek to achieve
the fastest gains, the speedy and full use of the facilities available. Hostility to foreigners nature
determined that in the places of their former residence, harmony with nature was impossible.
This is especially true of immigrants from the desert areas where nature - the enemy rather than a
Unlike political ecofashyzm social ecologists declare the harmonization of relations
between people as a major requirement regarding harmonization of society to nature. They want
to move to a new model of civilization, its main feature is the rejection of increased consumption
[12, p. 76]. Social ecologists in concept based on the local community, the creation of urban
environmentally oriented thunder civil society, able to oppose the destructive tendencies of
human nature and modern society. Much of their ideas borrowed from theorists of anarchism,
but social ecology differs from traditional revolutionary movement based on the economic
liberation of the working people through the deployment of class struggle.
Social ecologists take no effort at production sites, where people come to make a living, and in
places of life - local communities, urban neighborhoods. They put at the head of the political will
to fight, involving the participation of people in decision-making and implementation.
Accordingly, the tactics of social ecologists is mainly in the conduct of public events that involve
public involvement in the fight.
Another actor ecopolicy is the state. Society entrusts to the state to minimize the
negative consequences of their relationship with nature, which leads to the extension register
state functions. She gets an ecological function. Permeating all other functions, it then becomes
an essential element of state functions. According to the German philosopher W. Heslot if the
state fails to preserve the natural foundations of life, it loses its right to exist "even if the example
of Western democracies and be able to better an way to preserve and ensure the right to the
protection of other political rights" [13, p. 173]. World practice shows that if a country spends
less than 2% of expenditures on the environment, its nature is doomed to degradation. The result
of this process will be crisis in the economy, deteriorating health, reduced productivity, increased
cost of production, and so on.
Thus, environmental well-being and sustainable making use of resources provide
economic development. Ensuring proper functioning and development of the economy are
inextricably linked with ecological function of the state. Today, economic development will
inevitably generates degradation ambient higher. Paradoxically, but the more economic pressure
on nature, the better for the average citizen, because it helps increase production in the country.
Development and implementation in practice of new indicators of political and
economic development is, in our opinion, one of the activities of state institutions in shaping
policy in the environmental field. Another concrete manifestation of environmental policy can
serve the state's desire to slow down the process of disappearance of demand for paid work, has
negative environmental consequences. Reducing tax revenues will inevitably lead to a reduction
in funding of state environmental programs now and so is not full.
The state, however, forced to fight criminalization of society, generated by
technological progress, and assist people who have lost their livelihoods. Market reacts to the
excess supply of labor only possible way - a sharp decline in the price of labor. Every day a large
number of citizens is a dilemma - to break the law or die of hunger. Forcing them to the
observance of law is tantamount to a death sentence. State directs a huge part of the fight in favor
of criminalization of society and of social assistance that would otherwise be used for
environmental projects. The result is the inability of the state, the political system and society to
overcome the environmental crisis. Thus, the search mechanism slowing the fall in demand for
labor as a result of automation and productivity growth, appears, according to the author, the
environmental component functions of the modern state. The state should act as arbitrator in
conflicts that will deal with the relationship between ambient and manpresent a nutrient medium.
Detection and compensation costs required to restore the previous state of the
environment is another component of the ecological functions of the state, or a particular type of
state environmental policy. To avoid ecological disaster compensation of environmental costs
should be imposed or corporation, or state. Transfer costs for corporations lead to a sharp
reduction in their total income, and transfer costs to the state will increase taxes. It can be either
a tax on corporations that will result in a reduction of their profits, or taxes on citizens, which
can cause dramatic social indignation. In each of these cases it is advisable appearance of strong
political opposition that would impede the course in the field of environmental protection [14, p.
Without a certain amount of tax revenue the state addressing environmental issues is
impossible. With state fixed duty of citizens so called public goods. Such benefits have two
distinctive properties. The first is that if it is a benefit provided to one consumer, then it can not
be denied to any other. The second consists in the fact that their use or consumption by one
person does not reduce the respective capabilities of anyone.
Almost impossible to provide one member of society clean air, not giving the same its neighbors.
Besides, it does not mean that its neighbors will get smaller share this good. For these reasons in
a market economy, people will not pay for public goods and therefore offer such goods is
insufficient. Nobody will pay for them voluntarily, so that anyone can use them. Only the state
through taxation of its citizens may intervene and take over provision of public goods, including
environmental[15, p. 284].
Above were considered the main components of the political and ecological functions of the
state: the development and practical implementation of new indicators of political and economic
development, slowing the fall in demand for labor, conflict resolution that will deal with the
relationship between the environment and human detection and compensation for environmental
costs and production of environmental public benefits. Of course, these actions of environmental
activity of the state is limited. But, as the author believes, they must be given a central place in
modern ecopolitycy state, it must defend their country in competition with other agents
ecopolitycal process. All of the above specific types of state environmental policy suggest its
implementation within national boundaries and borders. Instead, to solve their environmental
problems government can and by going beyond the political boundaries that are determined by
the fact that environmental problems are limitless.
The atmosphere climate system, ocean associate some state and society, making them
dependent on each other. These elements of the global ecosystem or "draw elements" around
ment have all and can not deprive anyone the right to use them. This suggests that policy
decisions have "length" [16, p. 48].
All this leads to the fact that a number of states, faced with environ ¬ mentally problems tend to
make their problems of those States in any respect weaker. There are three main forms of this
"external" ecopolicy: access to "outsiders" of natural resources, waste removal and transfer of
environmentally hazardous industries [17, p. 222]. To preserve their natural resources or avoid
adverse environmental impacts of their development, a State may seek to "outsiders" of natural
resources. This situation will be soon one of the major trends in the world.
First, with the end of the Cold War, modern great powers are less have control of states located
in regions where probable resource conflicts. States such regions received more leeway. If
achieve their economic and political goals and objectives mere survival they fail, they directed
their efforts to the use of "foreign" resources. Secondly, the increase in economic activity in
many countries increases the demand for more resources. Thirdly, the population explosion in
developing countries increases the demand for natural resources.
Similar clashes were named resource wars. Necessary to distinguish two types of resource
wars. The first aims to capture resources and ban anyone else to get them. Second - is that the
seized resources are displayed to the world market in the right quantity. In this case, they are
made available to all who are willing to pay a set price.
Having examined the nature ecopolicy and its various manifestations, we can conclude
that the eco approach gradually the number one priority seats in the general public policy.
Society entrusts to the state to minimize the negative consequences of their relationship with
nature, which leads to the extension register functions of the state, which gets environmental
function. Permeating all other functions, it then becomes an essential element of state functions.
Solving environmental problems can not only within national borders, but by going beyond
political space.
Environmental degradation makes environmental factor one of the most important national
security, one of the environmental policy is "export" of environmental problems beyond their
national borders. There are three main forms of foreign environmental policy: access to
"outsiders" of natural resources, waste removal, transfer of environmentally hazardous
industries. Importing countries such problems trying every way to this confrontation ¬ five and
environmental policy implementation, which aims to access "foreign" natural resources, with
high probability lead to resource wars [18].
Global same environmental degradation that continues today in the world, greatly increases
the likelihood of resource wars. But global deterioration target country environment also has
another consequence. The deterioration of the natural environment higher inevitably leads to an
increase in the number of so-called environmental conflicts that may take the form of armed
conflict. A number of environmental conflicts with violence may soon catch up with a number of
similar resource conflicts.
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