1 activation frequency noun English SOURCE: E. Seeman, Pathogenesis of bone fragility in women and men, The Lancet, 2002, 359 DEFINITION: Increase in the intensity of bone remodelling, associated with oestrogen withdrawal. SOURCE: E. Seeman, Pathogenesis of bone fragility in women and men, The Lancet, 2002, 359 EQUIVALENTS: French fréquence d'activation noun S. Jamal, Nouvelles modalités thérapeutiques pour l'ostéoporose, Endocrinologie, 2007, 7 (7) Italian frequenza di attivazione noun U. Tarantino, G. Resmini, La gestione delle fratture da fragilità ossea, Springer, 2011 CONTEXT: The histomorphometric derivation of activation frequency assumes that the remodeling rate is dependent on the duration of the remodeling cycle and the amount of bone formed in individual remodeling units. SOURCE: J.E. Compston et al., Bone remodeling rate and remodeling balance are not coregulated in adulthood: implications for the use of activation frequency as an index of remodeling rate, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2007, 22 (7) 2 alendronate noun English SOURCE: S.R. Cummings, Denosumab for prevention of fractures in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, The New England Journal of Medicine, 2009, 361 (8) DEFINITION: Second-generation bisphosphonate approved for the treatment and prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis. SOURCE: D.M. Reid, Osteoporosis, Springer, 2011 EQUIVALENTS: French alendronate noun J.-P. Dommergues, M. Chalumeau, Corticothérapie chez l'enfant, Doin, 2010 Italian alendronato noun AA.VV. Linee guida per la diagnosi prevenzione e terapia dell'osteoporosi, Edimes edizioni internazionali, 2006 TERM VARIANTS: alendronic acid noun (Synonym) NOTES: Brand names: Binosto® Fosamax® CONTEXT: In studies using similar analyses, alendronate (10 mg per day) reduced the risk of new vertebral fractures by 48 percent. SOURCE: R.M. Neer et al., Effect of parathyroid hormone on fractures and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, The New England Journal of Medicine, 2001, 344 (19) 3 alkaline phosphatase noun English SOURCE: S.C. Manolagas, Birth and death of bone cells, Endocrine Reviews, 2000, 21 (2) DEFINITION: Enzyme made mostly in the liver and the bone, diagnostically used as a marker for bone metabolism. SOURCE: P.F. EQUIVALENTS: French phosphatase alcaline noun A. Essaid, La lutte anti-acridienne, John Libbey Eurotext, 1991 Italian fosfatasi alcalina noun AA.VV. Linee guida per la diagnosi prevenzione e terapia dell'osteoporosi, Edimes edizioni internazionali, 2006 TERM VARIANTS: AP noun (Acronym) ALP noun (Acronym) NOTES: The evaluation of serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, though not a specific test to diagnose osteoporosis, is an inexpensive method of checking osteablastic activity. CONTEXT: The principal markers of bone formation are total alkaline phosphatase, the bone isoenzyme alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, and the procollagen propeptides of type I collagen. SOURCE: J.A. Kanis, Diagnosis of osteoporosis and assessment of fracture risk, The Lancet, 2002, 359 4 anabolic drug noun English SOURCE: J.A. Kanis et al., European guidance for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, Osteoporosis International, 2008, 19 DEFINITION: Treatment that acts on bone metabolism contributing to the building up of the bone structure and increasing the rate of bone formation. SOURCE: P.F. EQUIVALENTS: French médicament anabolisant noun W. Berrebi, Diagnostics thérapeutique. Guide pratique du symptôme à la prescription, Estem, 2009 Italian farmaco anabolizzante noun G. Latuenti et al., Inibizione dell'asse ipofisogonadale dopo trattamento con un farmaco anabolizzante, Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 1980 TERM VARIANTS: anabolic therapy noun (Synonym) anabolic agent noun (Synonym) anabolic treatment noun (Synonym) anabolic medication noun (Synonym) NOTES: The only FDA-approved anabolic agent is a synthetic form of parathyroid hormone known as teriparatide, which costs substantially more than does antiresorptive therapy. CONTEXT: An important question is whether the combination of an anti-resorptive agent and an anabolic drug, such as PTH, would provide a therapeutic advantage by exploiting the different mechanisms of action on bone. SOURCE: J.A. Kanis et al., European guidance for the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, Osteoporosis International, 2008, 19 5 antiresorptive medication noun English SOURCE: G. Berrin et al., Post-Partum Spinal Osteoporosis, Turkish Journal of Rheumatology, 2010, 25 (1) DEFINITION: Treatment comprising five principal classes of agents (bisphosphonates, estrogens, selective estrogen selector modulators (SERMs), calcitonin and monoclonal antibodies such as denosumab) used to increase the amount of mineral in the bone. SOURCE: Office of the Surgeon General (US), Bone health and osteoporosis: A report of the Surgeon General, Rockville (MD), Office of the Surgeon General (US), 2004 EQUIVALENTS: French inhibiteur de la résorption osseuse noun P.-J. Meunier, L'ostéoporose, Masson, 2006 French antirésorptif noun P.-J. Meunier, L'ostéoporose, Masson, 2006 French traitment antirésorbeur noun E. Drapier-Faure, C. Jamin, La ménopause, Doin, 2003 Italian farmaco antiriassorbimento noun F. Zuffetti et al., Applicazione clinica di bisfosfonati in odontoiatria implantare, Rivista internazionale di parodontologia odontoiatria ricostruttiva, 2009, 29 (1) Italian terapia antiriassorbitiva noun AA.VV. Linee guida per la diagnosi, prevenzione e terapia dell'osteoporosi, Edimes edizioni internazionali, 2006 TERM VARIANTS: antiresorptive therapy noun (Synonym) anti-resorptive treatment noun (Synonym) CONTEXT: She was diagnosed as PPSO and antiresorptive medication was prescribed, in addition to calcium and vitamin D supplementation. SOURCE: G. Berrin et al., Post-Partum Spinal Osteoporosis, Turkish Journal of Rheumatology, 2010, 25 (1) 6 appendicular skeleton noun English SOURCE: B.L. Riggs et al., Differential changes in bone mineral density of the appendicular and axial skeleton with aging, Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1981, 67 DEFINITION: Part of the skeleton that makes up the extremities, comprised of 126 bones including the hip/pelvic bone and the shoulder girdle. SOURCE: P.F. EQUIVALENTS: French squelette appendiculaire noun B. Huteau et al., Diagnostic ostéopathique Rachis et squelette appendiculaire, Maloine, 2009 Italian scheletro appendicolare noun A. Barile et al., Alterazioni degenerative dello scheletro appendicolare, Radiologia geriatrica, 2006 TERM VARIANTS: limb skeleton noun (Synonym) skeleton appendiculare noun (Synonym) CONTEXT: In the appendicular skeleton, bone diminution did not occur until age 50 yr, was accelerated from ages 51 to 65 yr, and then decelerated somewhat after age 65 yr. SOURCE: B.L. Riggs et al., Differential changes in bone mineral density of the appendicular and axial skeleton with aging, Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1981, 67 7 axial skeleton noun English SOURCE: E. Seeman, Pathogenesis of bone fragility in women and men, The Lancet, 2002, 359 DEFINITION: Central area of the skeletal system comprised of 74 bones designed to both protect and support the internal organs. SOURCE: P.F. EQUIVALENTS: French squelette axial noun M. Guay, Anatomie fonctionnelle de l'appareil locomoteur, PUM, 2005 Italian scheletro assiale noun C.V. Albanese, R. Passariello, Osteoporosi e malattie metaboliche dell'osso, Springer, 2009 Italian scheletro del tronco noun N. Zöllner et al., Dal sintomo alla diagnosi, Antonio Delfino editore, 1990 Italian scheletro assile noun E. Padoa, Manuale di anatomia comparata dei vertebrati, Feltrinelli, 1991 TERM VARIANTS: skeleton axiale noun (Synonym) CONTEXT: In the axial skeleton, the vertebral bodies have a thin cortical shell and a trabecular spongiosa, or cancellous network, of plates and sheets that absorb energy during compressive loading and that return to their original height when unloaded. SOURCE: E. Seeman, Pathogenesis of bone fragility in women and men, The Lancet, 2002, 359 (…) 14 bone mineral density noun English SOURCE: E. Seeman, Pathogenesis of bone fragility in women and men, The Lancet, 2002, 359 DEFINITION: Amount of mineral per square centimetre of bone, usually assessed using a special X-ray such as DXA, and used to identify osteoporosis and help determine risk of fracture. SOURCE: National Clinical Guideline Centre (UK), Osteoporosis: Assessing the Risk of Fragility Fracture. London, Royal College of Physicians (UK), 2012 (NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 146) EQUIVALENTS: French minéralisation osseuse noun M. Odievre, Pédiatrie, Doin, 1999 French densité minérale osseuse noun M. Leporrier, Petite encyclopédie médicale Hamburger, Lavoisier, 2011 French DMO noun M. Leporrier, Petite encyclopédie médicale Hamburger, Lavoisier, 2011 Italian mineralizzazione ossea noun P. Torricelli et al., Manuale di diagnostica per immagini, Società editrice Esculapio, 2008 TERM VARIANTS: bone density noun (Abbreviation) BMD noun (Acronym) NOTES: The difference between bone mineral density and bone mineral content can be defined by the following proportion: bone mineral density g/cm2 bone segment; bone mineral content g/cm bone segment. CONTEXT: These categories are defined by the deviation of the bone mineral density, which is measured by dual X-ray absorptiometry, from the mean normal value of young adults with healthy bones. SOURCE: S. Becker, M. Ogon, Balloon kyphoplasty, Springer, 2008 15 bone modeling noun English SOURCE: B. Clarke, Normal bone anatomy and physiology, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 2008, 3 (3) DEFINITION: Process by which bones change their overall shape in response to physiologic influences or mechanical forces, leading to gradual adjustment of the skeleton to the forces that it encounters. SOURCE: B. Clarke, Normal bone anatomy and physiology, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 2008, 3 (3) EQUIVALENTS: French modelage osseux noun J.-L. Beaudeux, G. Durand, Biochimie médicale, Lavoisier, 2011 Italian modellamento osseo noun A. Lenzi et al., Endocrinologia e attività motorie, Elsevier Masson, 2008 CONTEXT: During bone modeling, bone formation and resorption are not tightly coupled. SOURCE: B. Clarke, Normal bone anatomy and physiology, Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 2008, 3 (3) 16 bone remodeling noun English SOURCE: E. Seeman, Pathogenesis of bone fragility in women and men, The Lancet, 2002, 359 DEFINITION: Process of bone renewal occurring mainly in trabecular bone, responsible for bone maintance and repair, and consisting of gradual, controlled bone destruction (by osteoclasts) and formation (by osteoblasts). SOURCE: D.M. Reid, Osteoporosis, Springer, 2011 EQUIVALENTS: French remodelage osseux noun T. Thomas, Physiologie du tissu osseux, Masson, 2008 French renouvellement osseux noun G. Mallet, Métabolisme phosphocalcique et osseux de l'enfant, Lavoisier, 2011 Italian rimodellamento osseo noun U. Tarantino, G. Resmini, La gestione delle fratture da fragilità ossea, Springer, 2011 Italian rinnovamento osseo noun Ph. Kéros, Osteoporosi. Prevenzione e cura con le medicine dolci, Macro Edizioni, 2009 Italian turnover osseo noun D. Resnick et al., Imaging dell'apparato osteoarticolare, Elsevier, 2005 TERM VARIANTS: bone remodelling noun (Orthographic variant) bone turnover noun (Synonym) CONTEXT: The most likely purpose of bone remodeling is to prevent accumulation of old bone. SOURCE: S.C. Manolagas, Birth and death of bone cells, Endocrine Reviews, 2000, 21 (2) 17 bone resorption noun English SOURCE: E. Seeman, Pathogenesis of bone fragility in women and men, The Lancet, 2002, 359 DEFINITION: Physiological process caused by the action of osteoclasts that break down bone and release the minerals, possibly degenerative when unbalanced. SOURCE: P.F. EQUIVALENTS: French résorption osseuse noun P.-J. Meunier, L'ostéoporose, Masson, 2006 French ostéolyse noun E. Piette, M. Goldberg, La dent normale et pathologique, De Boeck, 2001 Italian riassorbimento osseo noun C.V. Albanese, R. Passariello, Osteoporosi e malattie metaboliche dell'osso, Springer, 2009 Italian osteolisi noun P. Cabitza, Ortopedia, Società Editrice Esculapio, 2012 TERM VARIANTS: osteolysis noun (Scientific name) bone breakdown noun (Synonym) CONTEXT: To understand how excessive bone resorption and inadequate formation result in skeletal fragility, it is necessary to understand the process of bone remodeling, which is the major activity of bone cells in the adult skeleton. SOURCE: L. G. Raisz, Pathogenesis of osteoporosis: concepts, conflicts and prospects, Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2005, 115 (12) 18 bone turnover noun English marker SOURCE: L. G. Raisz, Pathogenesis of osteoporosis: concepts, conflicts and prospects, Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2005, 115 (12) DEFINITION: Diagnostic biochemical marker of bone formation and bone resorption capable of monitoring abnormalities in the process of bone remodelling and the rate of bone loss in metabolic bone disorders. SOURCE: P.F. EQUIVALENTS: French marqueur du remodelage osseux noun J.-C. Souberbielle et al., Enquête sur la prescription des marqueurs du remodelage osseux en milieu hospitalier, Annales de Biologie Clinique, 2002, 60 (5) Italian indicatore biochimico del turnover osseo noun C.V. Albanese, R. Passariello, Osteoporosi e malattie metaboliche dell'osso, Springer, 2009 Italian marcatore del turnover osseo noun P. Vescovi, Osteonecrosi dei mascellari e bisfosfonati, Tecniche nuove, 2008 TERM VARIANTS: BTM noun (Acronym) CONTEXT: Biochemical markers of bone turnover (bone turnover markers, BTMs) can be used to study changes in bone remodelling in osteoporosis. SOURCE: Q. Ashton Acton gen. ed., Osteoporosis: new insights for the healthcare professional, Scholarly editions, 2013