August 1, 2013 Dear Principal, The purpose of this letter is to

Los Angeles Unified School District
Superintendent of Schools
Administrative Offices: 333 South Beaudry Avenue, 17 Floor  Los Angeles, California 90017
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 513307  Los Angeles, California 90051-0298
Telephone: (213) 241-6701  Fax: (213) 241-8915
Executive Director
Coordinator, Behavior, Transition, LRE Support
August 1, 2013
Dear Principal,
The purpose of this letter is to provide you with information regarding the District Office of Transition Services
(DOTS) and the transition services that will be provided to your students and staff for the 2013-2014 school year.
The transition teacher will ensure students with disabilities ages 14 and older receive career/vocational
assessments, transition-related instruction, and connecting activities. The teacher’s primary role is to conduct the
following activities:
Support staff in the development of Individual Transition Plans (ITPs) through ongoing collaboration and
Conduct/facilitate ongoing career awareness assessments
Provide transition instruction, a minimum of two lessons per student per year, to support student
development of post-secondary interests and abilities
Identify and support students ages 16-21 with on or off campus grant-funded work experience
Identify and refer students ages 16-18 to the Department of Rehabilitation for services prior to graduation
Assist each senior with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) in developing action plans with
connections to post-secondary resources
Assist interested staff in the developing of a School Based Enterprise program for students with
moderate-severe disabilities on the alternate curriculum
Support IEP teams with transition planning, as needed
Facilitation and implementation of mentoring programs for students identified as “at-risk”
Document the delivery of mandated transition services for students ages 14 and above
My expectation is for our transition teacher to become an integral member of your school community. Transition
teachers will sign in and out on a designated timecard at the appropriate time as defined by contractual
agreements. Due to nature of their work and the collaboration that takes place within the community,
appointments and meetings involving transition teachers may take place during the school day at a site off
campus. The transition teacher is responsible for notifying the main office prior to leaving and upon their return to
campus. In addition, the transition teachers will be active participants at all required school events (i.e., Back to
School Night, Parent Conferences, Open House).
In order to ensure that every student with a disability receives transition instruction, we ask for the cooperation
and collaboration of your staff in allowing our teacher to find at least two times a year to see every student. This
will require the occasional pulling of students in the Resource Specialist Program out of their core classes.
Please explore our website should you wish to find additional information about what we do.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact me at (213) 241-8050 or Thank you for
your time and I wish you the best this school year.
Aaron Jeffery, Coordinator
“The teachers, administrators, and staff of the Los Angeles Unified School District believe in the equal
worth and dignity of all students and are committed to educate all students to their maximum potential.”